2023 WEF at Davos-A Blight On Humanity
Cyber Polygon-Their Push For Full Spectrum Dominance Of The Planet
I’ve been trying to write this article for a couple of days. I felt the urgency since this conglomeration of puppets are meeting in the coming week for their annual “Let’s depopulate the planet, steal all the wealth from the useless eaters” meeting in Davos. So much is connected and yet so much is deception to hide their multiple agendas. Here are a few thoughts to kickstart your brains. Mine is now very tired. I’m running low on coffee.
I keep telling you words have meanings that so many of us have forgotten. These parasites truly are a “Blight” on humanity. They, not us, are the disease that needs to be eradicated from this planet.
I know it’s hard for us normal people to think like those power hungry psychopaths. I feel like I need to take a bath in carbolic acid after going down a few of these rabbit holes in my research. Sometimes we have to stand back and look at the big picture to see just how evil these people are and just how many ways they are trying to control humanity. I have lots of underlined links to give you further details on these massive attacks on humanity. We all must wake up or perish.
Why must they meet in secret? There is only one reason. They are plotting evil against humanity. John F. Kennedy Speech-Secrecy Is Repugnant.
Every few months they come out with a new, updated plan to save humanity. (They really mean enslave humanity. What the hell, at least some of the letters are the same.) They get all excited and start the big propaganda machines running and telling us that these globalist parasites can fix all of the ills of the world if we just give them the power and money to make it all happen. It’s always a new “Agenda”, “Exercise”, “Forum”, “Reset”, “Meeting” and any other power words they use over the uninitiated masses. “We are important and you are not”, so you must let us control every aspect of your existence. They spout out remedies like the old carnival snake oil pitchmen. By the way, they are still selling that “cure all” bullshit with their vaccine depopulation agenda. It’s been working on us for hundreds of years, why change it? How long until humanity wakes up? We’re running out of time.
I remember listening to interviews with the incredibly knowledgeable Mel K (She is the go to source on NGOs, Cyber Polygon, Color Revolutions and more with her excellent reasearch) and others months ago about the Cyber Polygon Tabletop Exercises that have been going on for a couple of years and the World Economic Forum aka the WEF. I spent hours going back through her interviews but without that reference in the title, I couldn’t find those particular interviews for you. Here’s a little history for you. It’s changed and morphed into an even bigger monster since its inception.
The Current Website: What is Cyberpolygon.com
In Spring of 2022 the WEF removed the links and information about Cyber Polygon from their website. Too many people were paying attention. Not just the globalist puppets they were training to initiate Cyper Polygon, the citizens of the world were watching and learning their plans. They gave us a peak behind the curtain. Just like with the United Nations 1992 plans for U.N. Agenda 2021 and the 2015 plans for U.N. Agenda 2030, they plan their control mechanisms years and even decades in advance. Here is an article with some information about the removal. Why Did The WEF Forum Just Remove Cyber Polygon From Their Website?
All of these plans of theirs are the previously mentioned “Hegelian Dialectic” playing out. That is their master plan that they use over and over on us sheeple.
Fast Forward to today and the current 2023 World Economic Forum Davos Summit. It’s just the latest iteration in a long line of evil plans that they have concocted. See anybody you know on that list? Why are they really there?
Jordan Schachtel on his Substack the “The Dossier” has acquired a list that includes the full Biden Administration and congressional delegation that the U.S. is bringing to Davos this year for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Switzerland. Excellent “Redacted” interview with Jordan All The Puppets Will Be In Attendance.
Why would you need 5000 Swiss military troops to protect you from happy citizens wanting to heap praise on you for saving the planet? Oh wait, maybe you need those troops to protect you from the people you are planning on murdering with your globalist agenda. I did hear from multiple sources that old Klaus had been threatened the last time he tried to get the old gang together for a theft session.
They appear to be worried that the “unwashed masses” are marshaling a resistance army to stand against their diabolical plans. They don’t want us spreading disinfortruthmation. WEF Rolls Out Plan to ‘Tackle Harmful Online Content’ and ‘Misinformation’.
It’s all part of the plans for Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset”, in his own words. At this point, or actually at any point in this article, your B.S. detector should have pegged into the red. (I meant that for what they’re saying, not what I’m saying.)
Klaus Schwab is an unelected, self appointed globalist manipulator, with delusions of grandeur, who is empowered by Central Bank money and connections, and he is trying to consolidate as much control as possible before the rest of the world wakes up. Too late Uncle Klaus, that cat is already out of the bag and it’s turned into hungry pride of lions that are on the hunt for deepstate/globalist snacks!!!
Klaus and his minions are selling that propaganda on every TV on the planet. At first glance an article like this seems benign. WEF/Critical Infrastructure. Look deeper and it speaks of funding and cooperation. That means we pay to show them how to disable the infrastructure in the future and use it against us. It’s all predictive programming. They plant a seed in our mind that something bad might happen to the power grid, and when they instigate and make it happen, they’re looking out for us because they tried to tell us and show the need for their protection.
They are attempting to orchestrate the destruction of humanity behind closed doors. They have to be stopped on every level. If any of your family or friends ever needed a wake up call. This should be it.
Understand that their plans include their version of Full Spectrum Dominance Of The Planet. The Globalists and The Military Industrial Complex have shared interests and multiple overlapping puppets in the game. Here is brief excerpt from an excellent book by F. William Engdahl entitled “Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy In The New World Order”.
If you read Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy and the New World Order, here are many of the important things that you will learn:
+ The actual Pentagon strategy, called Full Spectrum Dominance, to insure Washington has supreme military power over any and all potential rivals.
+ How the US State Department and CIA use Color Revolutions and charges of human rights abuse to target uncooperative regimes around the world.
+ The real background to the Washington missile defense deployment in Poland and beyond after 2007 and how that risks bringing the world to possible nuclear war.
+ How Washington-financed NGOs weaponize human rights to destroy their rivals around the world from Ukraine in 2014 to Syria.
+ The true agenda of billionaire George Soros and his philanthropic foundations around the world.
+ How the US military industrial complex functions to create permanent wars.
+For the faction that controls the Pentagon, the military industry and the oil industry, the Cold War never ended. It went on 'below the radar' creating a global network of bases and conflicts to advance their long-term goal of Full Spectrum Dominance, the total control of the planet: land, sea, air, space, outer space and cyberspace.
+Their methods included control of propaganda, use of NGOs for regime change, Color Revolutions to advance NATO east, and a vast array of psychological and economic warfare techniques, a Revolution in Military Affairs as they termed it.
***I did want to reference one comment above with a bit of information from me. This part of the above mentioned review is one of the most important parts of the book and this article. Klaus isn’t the only evil bastard in this game. The true agenda of billionaire George Soros and his philanthropic foundations around the world. I don’t believe anyone could have done a better job researching the diabolical George Soros than Sam Jacobs did in this phenomenal article on the Ammo.com website entitled “Godfather Of Color Revolutions: Is George Soros The Most Dangerous Man Alive”. ***
It is well worth your time and effort to delve into the amount of control Soros has installed in the many layers of the U.S. government.
As I’ve previously stated many times, “The Great Awakening” video from Bonfire Guy is the solution to taking back control of planet earth from these evil psychopaths. More and more is playing out on a daily basis and we all need to pay attention. Get involved. Write you Representatives and Senators here in the U.S. Let them know we don’t want our country involved with these power players. People around the world should continue protesting corrupt governments and let their voices be heard about these evil overlords at the World Economic Forum and other globalist organizations. This war is far from over. The new Basel Accords and other finance laws will further strangle the Deep State’s ability to deploy unlimited capital against humanity. In some ways Klaus is begging for money and promising control at these international gatherings. The internet is the most powerful tool on the planet. They are quickly losing more and more of the control they are trying to take away from humanity. Defund the World Economic Forum and these other international agencies that want to consolidate power in the hands of the few and let’s have new international think tanks that give power and freedom back to individual countries and citizens through mutually beneficial relationships. I have to stop there. I’m starting to sound like a politician running for office.
Please reference some of my previous articles as they all tie together and give you pieces of the Globalist Control Puzzle. I’m trying to give the readers a foundation for understanding as well as information to point you in the direction for your own research.
A Short Reading List You May Find Interesting Part #1
“Illuminati:The Game Of Conspiracy”
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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