Ambassador Leo Wanta (Follow The Money Series, If You Can) Mayhem, Mystery & More.
32 Trillion. Uncle Leo, We Miss You, Where The Hell Is The Money?
Guys, I did my best to find a copy of this book for you to read online for free. Alas, my efforts on this front were fruitless. It was hard enough finding the audio and video interviews for you to enjoy. As you partake of all those links, think of me drinking coffee all night for a couple of days all blurry eyed and caffeinated. It was quite a lengthy investigation. I hope you find it as enthralling as I did. As of the writing of this article all links are active. You have no idea how many dead ones I had to follow into nothingness.
I’ve been crawling around down here in the filth of “Stolen Money Land” for a couple of days. I couldn’t take it anymore so I came up for air to write this article. There is a lot of deception and more than a few evil snakes on this journey. I’m pretty sure it all leads back to those evil globalists that we all know and hate along with our favorite corrupt politicians from that little D.C. town, but they are all damn good at hiding their tracks. Well, most of them. I wouldn’t really call them tracks. Maybe a few breadcrumbs. Stale breadcrumbs. Okay, nasty, decaying, stale breadcrumbs, like most of them.
Steve Austin-The Six Million Dollar Man-fantasy TV show about enhanced humans that everyone knows about. Leo Wanta-The 32 trillion dollar man (At last count)-Real life secret agent drama involving banks, money and countries at the highest level that hardly anyone knows anything about. That’s because they want you watching one and not paying attention to the other one. Who are they? Good question. Let’s look into that, shall we…..
We all know about that evil, psychopathic globalist George Soros and how he almost completely broke the bank of England. For that financial debacle and his other financial and societal manipulations, he has been banned from multiple countries. (This is for later after you read and watch the stuff on Wanta. Here’s a 2019 SGT Report-George Soros Banned From 6 Countries.) He made a billion dollars in one day almost destroying The Bank Of England. But he is a rank amateur at this stuff when compared to one Lee Emil Wanta, or Leo as he’s known. What Wanta did to Russia and the Ruble was unprecedented, and to this day stands as probably the greatest financial coup in history. And by the way George’s billions can’t even come close to Leo’s trillions. I always thought George was a second class thug anyway. IMHO.
Fake charges, real arrests, trouble at every turn. I want you to know that finding current information on Leo and what’s really going on is harder than finding an honest politician in Washington D.C. Damn near impossible. Gee Alice, this rabbit hole goes on forever…….
What if I told you that the Bush Family, The Clintons, Ronald Reagan, China, Wall Street, Wells Fargo, Big Media, The Federal Reserve, Obama/Soetoro, Larry Fink, Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Alan Greenspan, The IMF, The World Bank, Interpol, Henry Paulson, Russia and the Bank of the CIA (I didn’t stutter, the CIA became a bank just like the Vatican did to control money) and others all have a deep dark secret that is costing you and your family, along with every other citizen in America, the prosperity we have all worked for all these decades? You would probably think me delusional, as many already do. That is fine. After this article and the accompanying videos, please, at least remove the “Delusional” moniker.
As of the publishing of his book Lee Wanta-”Wanta-Black Swan, White Hat” in 2015 this amount has increased to 31.2 trillion. I also quote 32 trillion from another piece of information. Leo mentions over 400 trillion (love that compound interest). I tried running the numbers and my calculator burst into flames. With interest, what would it be now?
A little clip from Richard Syrett interviewing Leo Wanta on Donald Trump:
Leo was later on Coast To Coast AM May 3rd, 2014 W/Guest Host Richard Syrett. I do remember listening to that interview back then. Fortunately, the Eagle One To Wanta website still has active links. Here are those segments on Coast To Coast AM for you to listen and enjoy.
Coast To Coast AM May 3rd, 2014 W/Guest Host Richard Syrett and Leo Wanta & Lon Gibby
Here is the bio info from the C2CAM website on that interview
Guest host Richard Syrett welcomed biographer Marilyn Barnewall, who detailed how Reagan-era intelligence agent Leo Emil Wanta attempted to cause the financial collapse of the Soviet Union. Wanta, himself, joined the conversation during the latter half of the program to discuss his battles with the US government over the fortune he amassed. Barnewell noted that Wanta's involvement with the intelligence community began when he was in his teenage years and, while working for the John Birch Society, he would surreptitiously deliver the organization's trash to FBI agents interested in tracking their activity. His role in the intelligence community culminated when Ronald Reagan became president and Wanta was enlisted to be a part of a secret task force aimed at disrupting the Soviet economy.
According to Barnewell, the task force determined that, using $150 billion dollars, they could successfully pull off this mission and Wanta was put in charge of the plot. From there, she said, Wanta journeyed to Vienna and created a company which traded various currencies, in exchange for rubles, with allies of the Soviet Union as well as forces within that nation. Barnewell explained that the ruble had become overvalued by the Soviet Union and, thus, people were eager to trade it for a more stable currency. This allowed Wanta to accumulate a vast amount of rubles for a fraction of what the Soviet Union had valued them. In turn, Wanta would sell the rubles, at a profit, to nations that were indebted to the Soviet Union, allowing them to repay their debt at a far cheaper rate, which decimated the Soviet economy.
Ultimately, Barnewell claimed that Wanta's wealth, as a result of his financial machinations, totaled a stunning $27.5 trillion dollars. After paying the United States back its $150 billion that originally funded the enterprise, he retained possession of the massive fortune. Wanta, who joined the conversation in the latter half of the program, contended that his agreement with Reagan, regarding this profit from the enterprise, was that the money should be used to benefit the American people. However, he declared that Congress could not be trusted with the funds and that the Federal Reserve is an illegal enterprise and, thus, had no right to the money. As such, Wanta said that, until assurances can be made that the money will be truly spent on the American people, he will never turn over the funds to the United States government, despite attempts made over the years to coerce him into doing so.
If the Federal Reserve/U.S. Treasury has had control over these funds for decades, where are they now. Who collects the interest on them and where does it go? Is it just another government slush fund for the Fed/Treasury to use against the U.S. citizens to manipulate markets and other currencies? Try to file a FOIA/Freedom Of Information Request to try and follow this money trail. Good luck.
There are multiple links at the bottom of this page. Please take them and review that info as well. There is a link to the actual video at the bottom of this section. It’s the best education you can get in an hour. Unbelievable. The last chapter of this book is available on their website and it is very informative.
Eagle One to Wanta-Excerpt from Gibby Media Group.
Gibby Media Group , Inc is producing a feature documentary film entitled “Eagle One to Wanta”. It is the compelling story about President Reagan, and how he brought about the fall of the Soviet Union and ended the Cold War without firing a shot. President Reagan and his secret agent, Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta, masterminded a creative way to financially take down the economy of the Soviet Union( Evil Empire) and put together and negotiated an agreement with Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev. As a result the Russian Federation was born and future generations throughout the entire world have enjoyed more safety from a nuclear holocaust because of this effort. Working directly under President Reagan as a private citizen, there is a man named Ambassador Lee Wanta. Lee was mandated by President Reagan under the Totten Doctrine [92 U.S. 105, 107 (1875), National Security Decision – Directive Number 166, dated March 27, 1985, inter alia] as a secret agent to be in charge of this effort. In this process Lee Wanta did amass trillions of dollars that were designated to go back to the American people by President Reagan. In his effort to carry out his mandate, Lee Wanta was imprisoned and the monetary funds that were his to distribute as planned were stolen or converted illegally by an organization known as the Federal Reserve System and used by them to this day.
Later in 2006 a US District Court Judge mandated and ordered that these converted funds be returned back to Lee with interest accruals. It’s hard to understand why, after eight years since this order was given by a US Judge, that these funds are still retained. When Lee Wanta receives his funds back it will be in the amount of 32.8 trillion dollars. He promised under an oath to President Reagan that after he pays his repatriation taxes on this money he earned as director general in his Austrian based company, Lee has pledged to eliminate overnight our national debt (approximately 18 trillion), and our 1.8 trillion International trade deficit at once. He also will pay certain sovereign nations what they were promised in the Reagan-Mitterrand protocols (What A Read). This includes the French, Chinese, English and Russian Governments, where billions were promised. With the remaining funds left over he plans to develop and create a high speed rail system for our country and develop new innovative businesses that could employ over 2 million people in the USA alone.
I did manage to locate a copy of this amazing documentary “Eagle One To Wanta” on Rumble for you to watch. Grab a notepad and take copious notes for later. There may be a few names you know and a few you don’t. This is a major puzzle piece of everything that is going on in the United States and the world right now. Take this link to watch.
After reading and watching this video ask yourself who the players are in the background that have derailed this process and coopted these funds for decades. Banksters at the Fed, puppets, all the way up to Presidents of the U.S. government. Why would they not want the U.S. out of debt and free to prosper? Why would they not want these other countries to also reap the payments? It’s all about the Deep State Banksters and their control over the planet. They don’t want any countries free of debt and not beholden to their money manipulation debt system. They control banks, countries, politicians and yes, even some Presidents/World Leaders in this and other countries. Pure and simple, if the bad guys can’t control the money, they don’t want anybody else to have it. Their days are numbered.
This entire operation was covert and happened in the background without anyone knowing until it was too late. Here’s a question for you, how many other “Secret Agents” are out there in the world working on behalf of many governments worldwide. They have been armed with tons of free Central Bank money to go on whatever nefarious or clandestine mission they have. Can they take down stock markets, currency markets, commodities markets, corporations, small countries, large countries or the entire financial system? Who knows. What I do know is this, I would almost bet my life that there are a lot of these financial assassins waiting to be triggered for whatever agenda their handlers want to make happen. I don’t think your best interest is anywhere on that agenda. Pay attention and be careful in your investing. The financial world is more treacherous than it has ever been. Multiple banking systems, currencies, cryptos, governments and power players are all positioning themselves to rule the planet through finance and control.
As with many things brought up in these interviews and articles, I personally can’t verify them. It is way above my paygrade. I do know that historically, many parts have been proven, even if we don’t have all of the details discussed here. You’re hearing the story straight from Leo Wanta himself, and he lived it, so who are we to question his integrity? That being said, shortly after President Trump was elected, There were rumors out there that the Wanta funds were to finally be released to help pay off the trillions in U.S. debt. Tom Heneghan, the other main voice on “Eagle One To Wanta” made the statement below. After what has happened to Leo Wanta, can you blame the man for not trusting any President since Reagan? I know you all hear Leo talking about Presidents, even Trump, with contempt. I honestly can’t blame the man, but apparently after this video was made there was some good communication with President Trump, and if that payment was authorized and followed through with, where did the trillions in taxes that were supposed to be collected go? What happened to the rest of the funds that were supposed to go to this country and it’s citizens for projects like infrastructure and other things? I can’ remember any time in the last few years watching that debt clock go backwards or even be reduced by one penny. Something is still fishy with the Wanta Funds.
Here is the current U.S. debt. We’re just shy of 32 Trillion.
I don’t know, I may be wrong, and it won’t be the first or the last time, but I think that Leo Wanta and his money have a big part to play in the transformation that is about to happen in America as part of “The Great Awakening”. I don’t know about you, but I wanta know where Leo and his money are? Don’t You?
Along with the information included herein, there are a few more pieces of reference material, should you chose to proceed a little further down this rabbit hole. They are well worth your time. article-The Story Of Leo Wanta:The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man.
Excellent article from Riel Politik-The $27 Trillion Dollar Man – Who is Leo Wanta?
Another article from Riel Politik stated the following. The accompanying video link is no longer active.
Leo goes into detail on a few things:From October of 2014
– Leo Wanta expands on the mission assigned to him by president Reagan, and the theft of 27 Trillion dollars of Wanta’s proceeds by the Bush cabal, and the Obama regime.
– Wanta reveals the ‘national debt’, and IRS as total criminal fraud on both counts.
– The true value of the stock market is overinflated based on derivative fraud.
– Ed Snowden was never a NSA employee.
– A very good discussion between Gordon Duff, Leo Wanta and Mike Harris, on the correct solution to the ongoing criminality holding America hostage.
– Gordon reveals that Turkey is now providing military support to ISIL (ISIS) in Syria, with the Turkish operations being directed by US Pentagon Generals and Booze Allen Hamilton.
– We also discover that sitting members of US Corporate Congress, by laws of their own making, cannot be held accountable for any crimes they commit during their term of office, as long as they remain in office
This is one of the last real interviews that I found with the amazing Robert David Steele before his death. Two of the bravest men who ever lived.
Robert David Steele: Lee Wanta-A Good Man Lost?
Saving the best for last. Other than the “Eagle One To Wanta” video above, this article is a another phenomenal must read article from the Riel Politik website. Unfortunately, the Youtube video link in no longer active, but what a deep dive on information and putting puzzle pieces together. Way too much info to post here but please take this link and enjoy the read. Many things have happened to this money over the decades. It’s impossible to know exactly what has happened, and what is happening.
The Wanta Plan & The Global Security Fund:
After all my sarcasm in this article, I would like to personally thank Leo Wanta, wherever he is, for his service to this country, his personal sacrifices, the hardships he has gone through to be a Patriot and do what his President asked him to do for the American People. If there ever was a person who deserved the highest civilian honor that can be bestowed on a U.S. Citizen, Leo deserves “The Presidential Medal Of Freedom” for his lifetime of service. Stay safe Leo. I hope your well deserved peace on this issue is forthcoming and your conclusion is all our solution. All the Best.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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