America. They Don't Want Us To Be Us Anymore. Sort Of. Agendas And More Agendas.
Maps. Which Version Of The United States Is Real? Maybe None Of Them. If You're Bankrupt, Do You Cease To Exist? Who Now Has Control Of The Assets?
Love him or hate him, Reagan was right about many things.
I’ve been trying to take my own advice and “Follow The Money” as many of my articles suggest. I never knew that detecting exercise would take me to all of the seedy rabbit holes I have been traveling down recently. Although, I may be closer to finding Leo’s money.
Think of this article as an episode of the “Twilight Zone” meets “The Man In The High Castle”. (Thank You Rod And Philip) There is the United States Of America that we currently live in, (which is one of the 4 versions that we have been under over the centuries), and then there are many alternative realities that have been planned and that are trying to be implemented by various forces at work behind the scenes. I will divide this article into sections with a few of my thoughts on each one. I would recommend that you go through the many links on these websites to see just how much thought and detail has gone into the reshaping of our current reality. These are not just a couple of pages of graphics and a paragraph or two. These are actual plans someone wants implemented.
I don’t necessarily agree with the information and the sources of the information that I’m about to present to you here. I am trying to convey the message that there is money and power, along with forces behind the scenes, that want America destroyed and rebuilt the way they want us to be. These plans have been in the works for decades, even hundreds of years. I’ll present these in no particular order, but with as much ancillary information as I can to peak your curiosity. There are political, societal, religious, financial and global plans at work here with many ultimate objectives aimed at reshaping the power structure of the United States and the World by the so called “Elite” and others.
I am going to start you off with a couple of paragraphs and a statement from Anna Von Reitz from her article: “More Dumb Cluck Stuff -- Which "United States" Was That?” Many people do not believe we have ever been a “Corporation” and anything other than what was described in the Declaration Of Independence. You couldn’t be more wrong. There really are multiple realities that have happened and many that were planned to happen.
From Anna:
From the United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993: Vol. 33, page H-1303:
"It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments."
Scary stuff, right? It looks like our government went down the tubes many years ago. It looks like we are beggars. It looks like the creditors --banks for the most part-- own everything in sight. So it appears.
It appears that way because you don't know two very important things: (1) Which "United States" are they talking about? and (2) What kinds of entities are eligible for bankruptcy protection?
There are four (4) principle versions of "United States".
There is The United States, which is the name of the Union of States controlling our national soil jurisdiction. This is the actual nation-states we are talking about, gathered together in a Union to be able to act together in concert for their mutual benefit. Each member state is a sovereign entity, while the Union doing business as The United States is an unincorporated mutually affiliated business structure -- a Union.
There is also the for-now defunct Federal Republic, which was intended to be our primary Federal Subcontractor, but which has been out of service since 1860 pending reconstruction--- and which did business as "the" United States from 1787 to 1860. The members of the Federal Republic were unincorporated American businesses operating as States-of-States, like The State of Florida and The State of North Carolina, which have been moth-balled as State Trusts since the 1860's
There is the Territorial "United States", the British Territorial version that operates as an incorporated entity doing business under various names, such as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, and has 57 "States" that include incorporated Territorial States-of-States and United States Possessions and Insular States like Guam. These "States" exist primarily on paper and are the precursors of actual States of the Union as required by the Northwest Ordinance.
Finally, there is the Municipal "United States" --- the Papist formerly Holy Roman Empire version, which operates as an incorporated entity doing business under various names, and which also claims to have 57 "states" that include Municipal STATES-OF-STATES, US POSSESSIONS, and INSULAR STATES like GUAM. These STATES also exist on paper as incorporated entities, including US CORPORATIONS.
So, which "United States" went bankrupt in 1933?
To read more, take the link above and finish her article and find out about more Dumb Cluck Stuff.
Those are the versions of the U.S. that we know have existed. Now let’s get into some stuff that others have planned for us. There is a tug of war going on behind the scenes as we speak, that may turn the United States into something it was never meant to be. Read on.
“The United States Of North America” the USNAGOV Website: Family Of Nations.
When I originally stumbled on this website I thought it was just a placeholder website with a political statement or something. I looked at that address at 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 400. Right there by the White House. Lots of original documentation going back to before we were hijacked by “The Corporation”. It got more bizarre the deeper I went. What really jumped out at me were the maps that were referenced. Especially the infamous “Post-War New World Map” from Maurice Gomberg. That Wikipedia link is very informative. Gomberg was a Jewish immigrant from Poland and he created that map in the early forties. The question is why, and for whom? Why would it be tied to this website? Here is a copy that has enough definition for you to zoom in and read the text. Especially read the text and the plans along the bottom of the map.
I’m giving you this information as a frame of reference because it is the link that eventually led me to this website. The historical tie-ins are there. Link to the NWO plans of the Jewish Khazarian Mafia. Tons of Info. (Yes, this website referenced here has an agenda, as do all of these websites). I’m including it mainly for the context of this article.
As I mentioned, it gets more bizarre, the deeper I go. There are references to the “White Males”, “Native American Indian” tribes, “White Negroes”, “Black/African American Moorish” and many other racial designations and their history and even their designations and relations with the “Islamic/Crescent & The Star”. There is also the supposed American Flag with 48 stars. It is truly a hodgepodge of information and historical context.
I would also like to reference a very important phrase that I have recently come to understand in a much better light with the current shenanigans we have going on in D.C. town. “Quo Warranto”, and its reference in the “Declaration” on this website.
When searching through this website, click the “Republic Content”, then scroll to the bottom and click each of the 13 photos shaped like diamonds. There is a ton of historically accurate documentation tied in with other documentation. The “Declaration” was written in 2015 and the Website date is 2020. Was something supposed to happen during that time frame?
I will leave it up to you to decide the accuracy, context and importance of this information. Someone spent a lot of time and effort to assemble all of this history and knowledge.
On to the next:
The “North American Union/NAU” Wikipedia Website.
The Atlanta Fed put out a very interesting article back in 2000 trying to set up the prospect of the NAU entitled:
Perspectives On A Potential North American Monetary Union.
Don’t forget this ties into an earlier article I wrote back in January entitled: “Wake Up Call (Declaration Of North America)”.
The North American Union has been a dream of the Globalists for some time. Anything to do away with our Constitution and take away our guns. Maps from 40-50 years ago were already prognosticating it even before the European Union/EU came into being.
This was the NWO agenda all the way. Countries replaced by corporate entities controlling entire sections of the world. Also, don’t lose sight of the time frames. We have documentation from over 2 decades ago and then Biden put out that “Declaration Of North America” recently. They still want these plans to come to fruition. There are still subversive tactics going on in the background by the Deep State on multiple levels. Here is a very interesting 8 page document that goes into detail about how far along these plans were to being implemented back in the 2007-2010 time range from the website entitled:
“North American Union:Fact Sheet”
As I previously mentioned they had multiple designs for test paper and coin currencies called the Amero.
Websites were even put in place to fight the integration. Here is the John Birch Society section on “Stop The North American Union”. with resources and other information.
There are many groups wanting to remake the United States and the world into their vision of the future. From the NWO/Globalists like the evil “Club Of Rome” and their depopulation/divide and conquer the world agenda, to different Religions wanting to fulfill their versions of “Prophecy”. Going back in time, maps have always changed over the centuries. Over Politics, War, Money, Religion and a thousand other reasons. With our current political turmoil in this country, the divide is greater than it has ever been. Will the U.S. survive in it’s current incarnation? Only time will tell. I will play optimist and pessimist at the same time and say I hope so, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it. What do you think? Here is that 1973 “Club Of Rome” Report mentioned in William Cooper’s amazing book “Behold A Pale Horse” entitled: “Regionalized And Adaptive Model Of The Global World System”.
We know that multiple states have already requested to join the BRICS alliance as their own entity and not part of the current United States. We know that multiple states have already drafted legislature so that their states will not allow, or capitulate to, the Deep State/Central Bank CBDC agenda of control, tracking and tracing. We know that multiple states have signed on to many things that point to a realignment of original Constitutional values vs. the illegal set of legal standards going on in D.C. right now with many 3 letter governmental agencies. Things are changing. Whether we move forward as the country we were, is still to be determined. The ideological differences are becoming more pronounced every day. Is that “Born In The USA/American DNA” enough to keep us together? Hopefully, we won’t be needing an international passport to visit relatives 3 miles away across an imaginary border.
As we continue to watch our daily Washington D.C. Soap Opera “As The Stomach Turns” or “Days Of Our Lies”, I’m going to leave you with the header of another document I found that appears to have tie-ins to the “Family Of Nations/United States Of North America” website mentioned above. I found this document on an entirely different website while doing research on all of these historical funds I have been tracing through the centuries. I will be using the full document in a future article. What is really going on behind the scenes in that crazy circus town we call Washington D.C.? I don’t think any of us know for sure. Oh well, it will all be exposed soon enough. One way or another.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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