"Chemtrails" Pt.#1 Death From Above (Follow The Money Series)
Operation Indigo Skyfold "The Depopulation Agenda" Pt. # 2
I looked for some art for this article. I thought about making a meme and I did find a some good stuff, but nothing got my attention like this one. I’ll start this article with a plug for these guys. Please patronize their account and purchase some items if you like their designs. Their words are so true and appropriate.
Chemtrails:Death From Above Shirts & Products.
Another shout-out to one of the bravest and most dedicated groups of people on this planet. They have been tracking this chemtrail issue for years. Their tireless efforts to expose this insidious agenda and educate the public has been amazing. They are IMHO the greatest resource on the internet for anyone wanting to get serious about researching this problem. Their website is geoengineeringwatch.org. Please check it out and support them if you can. I have been a big fan for years once I stumbled upon their website. 43 million visitors should tell you something.
Hey Guys, every writer wants eyeballs when he puts forth his works. We all believe our labors have relevance that will interest people. I really hope you share this article and this “Chemtrails” series with everyone you know. It is affecting all of us in more ways than you realize.
This will be an introductory article to get you thinking about this issue. We’ve all heard about it, but what do we really know? I actually had a conversation with someone the other day and pointed to a chemtrail/criss-cross pattern in the sky and in all seriousness he said “those are clouds”. I’m not kidding. I immediately walked away for fear whatever was wrong with him was contagious. Recently, I walked outside and looked up. I counted 16 lines at 1:30 in the afternoon and then the sky turned to milk about 30 minutes later and the sun went away. I’m sure you have all experienced similar events in recent years.
When I keep saying it is all connected I really mean it. Entire industries exist to steal our taxes and use the money to create depopulation instruments to kill us. It’s all been approved by Congress and continually funded for decades I am listing this article in both my (Follow The Money) & “The Depopulation Agenda” Series, because it really is all connected. Now, on to those words:
I like clouds. Big fluffy balls of cotton floating across the sky and changing shapes. I remember laying in the yard as a kid, looking up at the sky with friends trying to imagine the shapes of those clouds, and seeing dogs, trees, birds and all kinds of natural stuff. You see the occasional plane fly over and leave a vapor trail, or contrail, that disappears in a minute or so. That’s not what we are talking about here. That’s a contrail/condensation trail vs a chemtrail. See the contrail dissipate behind the plane? What part of either the exterior or the interior of these planes look normal to you? I never remembered seeing clouds like that when I was a kid.
Most of these articles in the (Follow The Money Series) are about money that disappears into the black budgets of the Military, Congressional Pet Projects, Big Tech, Big Pharma and other entities. I’ll give you a different take on that process in this series. Once it’s designated “Black Budget” it disappears. Unless we have some researcher who can see the money being approved one day and a military contractor getting a 100 billion dollar deal on their books for a line item with no description, this stuff will remain secret.
I know this will be a sensitive issue for many of you. I am not trying to trivialize any part of this conversation. I am not trying to dredge up memories of family and friends who have been, and are still being, affected by these events. One of the worst human tragedies of all time are the events associated with what the U.S. government did to our own soldiers and the people of Vietnam and the surrounding countries using Agent Orange and the other “Rainbow Herbicides” of the Vietnam War era that were used in “Operation Ranch Hand” and others. Make no mistake, these were chemtrails that were weaponized with dioxin and other poisons. Just like all of the modern chemtrails we are all experiencing right now. The human legacy of pain and suffering was horrific then, just as are our modern medical issues that are manifesting from these poisons are today.
I’m betting most of you have never heard of “Operation Indigo Skyfold”. Until recently, I had never heard of it either. It is just one of many parts of this unbelievable story of planetary control. Back in 2015 The Millennium Report Website posted an amazing article where A Courageous Chemtrail Pilot Exposes the Global Geoengineering Program. This article is a must read and here it is “OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Operation In World History”
Now, watch this little video “Mexico Bans Chemtrails And Geoengineering” from adinnaanne’s TikTok feed. Here is the Newspunch article that triggered her video. Mexico Bans Chemtrails and Geoengineering After Rogue Startup Attempts To Dim The Sun. Countries around the world are waking up to these Deep State/Globalist agendas. The United States is one of the most heavily sprayed countries in the world. I guess our politicians don’t care about us like Mexico’s politicians care about their citizens. Funny, we get a ton of our Non-GMO food from Mexico as well. Healthy food, clean air, it’s just one more reason I think it’s time to retire on a beach in Mexico.
All it takes for this charade to end is for the world to stop funding the likes of Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates and their globalist buddies and all of these transnational criminal organizations like the United Nations, The World Health Organization, The World Bank, The Trilateral Commission, The Council On Foreign Relations and more. They are all a bunch of elitist, unelected, globalist psychopaths that think us little people are as dumb as rocks and we need their all powerful wisdom to survive. Back in 2010 the aforementioned Council On Foreign Relations or CFR got together and had a little meeting. Imagine how much damage they have done in the last 13 years. In this meeting they laid out their plans to poison the planet and why it’s in our best interest. Here is the video conference as well as the transcription of that meeting of evil.
“The CFR: Developing An International Framework For Geoengineering”
It is truly amazing all of the doublespeak that always has been, and is continually being used on the public on many of these issues. Orwell called it “Doublethink”.
A few years ago, a very interesting video came out that opened up my mind about a lot of this information. “What In The World Are They Spraying” is a great wake-up call to the average person. Listen to the doublespeak throughout this documentary. If you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend it and pay attention to their arrogance in the interviews and official statements. It always comes across that they are mocking humanity.
That is your primer. It should be enough information to at least get you engaged in this discussion. In the subsequent parts we will go deeper into all aspects of chemtrails and I am quite certain you will learn things you did not know. I’ll connect the dots for you to HAARP, 5G, Vaccines, Food, Mind Control, Depopulation, Water, Spirituality, Corporations, The Military, Government Agencies and more. We’ll discuss the people who are actively involved or are complicit in this agenda. Chemtrails are quite literally affecting every aspect of your life. I intentionally didn’t go into the monetary aspects of chemtrails in this article. It is there, and I’m sure you can get a glimpse of where I will going in future articles. The money is very important as we follow it everywhere. Believe me, there’s money involved. Lots and lots of money.
I’ll leave you with this thought. I believe somebody, somewhere, in some plain vanilla office, in a very unassuming building in Washington D.C. is signing off on a budget to allow all of this to happen to every man, woman and child in this country as well as around the planet. We’ll see if you agree with me after you read the next part in this series.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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