Thoughts of 1984 by George Orwell go trampling through my coffee soaked synapses.
As we await how this bizarre tragic comedy/sci-fi/horror/political thriller movie in Washington D.C. plays out as well as similar events around the world, I have heard comments from people about the fact that there is no way the bad guys will ever go down for their crimes. As President Trump has alluded to many times, “We Have It All”. I don’t think most people understand how that is possible. Here are a few thoughts you may not have put into the big picture puzzle.
My how communications have changed over the years.
If, as many of us believe, there is an Alliance of World Leaders like Putin, Xi, Bolsonaro and others that are coordinating with President Trump to take down the Globalist/Bankster/Deep State Puppets, then one of the most effective tools to facilitate this would be their communications. We know about “Hunter Biden’s Laptop”, We know Elon Musk recently bought Twitter and is making every bad person’s head explode who ever used Twitter for nefarious activities, we believe Space Force and the NSA captured all of the election fraud and on and on and on. Once again, we have to digress in our thought processes and go back in time to when “The Plan” was being formulated. For years before Donald Trump announced he would run for President, all of these Communiqués and conversations were being intercepted, analyzed and ran through a threat assessment matrix by the military. I’m quite certain after a designated number of these threats began to coalesce into an evil plan to take over the planet and destroy The United States and Humanity, “The Plan” started to have an urgency it previously may not have had.
As many aspects of these illicit activities are being brought to light by the aforementioned Elon Musk and others (Please, Mr. Musk may we have another?), there are a few scenarios that you may not have entertained, that I believe have already happened or may or may not play out in the immediate future.
Referring to the title of this article, there is an originator and a recipient, or recipients, of any communication. Whether it is just a message, an order, a transaction, a warning, an invitation or many other designations, it is a way for multiple parties to communicate. So let’s say for the sake of argument that you were the leader of one of the Alliance countries and you had your own version of “Devolution” in play and you had also been tracking these various forms of communication through your own covert agencies. You also know of the many plans and illicit activities involving your own citizens, companies, politicians and those Globalist/Bankster/Deep State Puppets. Would it not behoove you to share and coordinate the Patriotic Activities you are doing to secure your respective countries with the other Alliance members when it was complimentary to the overall “Plan”? I believe it would.
Would it not then also make sense, that if say President Trump needed those hidden communications to facilitate his part of “The Plan”, that you would be forthcoming in supplying those communications? Knowing that, would he not be able to formulate that illegal activity into his “Solution” in overcoming the corruption in The United States?
So, hypothetically speaking, if U.S. news agencies and information sources refused to cover certain aspects of the fraud and illegal activities that have happened on an international level by suppressing information on this end, could the other World Leaders who are part of the Alliance not publish those communications as needed to back up President Trump’s allegations when they involved the international community? “Trust The Plan”. This has already been assimilated into the many “Game Theory” simulations that are being implemented.
I can’t help it. My mind flashes back to that 2016 X-Files episode “My Struggle” where Tad O’Malley mentions “Dirt Boxes” and all I can think of is Dirt Boxes for Dirt Bags. And then the rest of the information in that episode was almost like a blueprint for evil to use against us. Was it a warning, a harbinger of things to come? It may not be alien DNA that they put into us, but the CRISPR technology mentioned is real and what was used to modify the RNA vaccine used on the planet. Does it sound like your current reality?
These World Leaders can blame the individuals who committed these crimes without implicating their country’s involvement. They can also show their commitment to assisting the real President in getting his “House In Order” as it were. Their endorsement of the information could hardly be ignored by the world press and or even certain legal entities like the Supreme Court in this country. If a World Leader produces evidence that they will corroborate what is being said by certain individuals like President Trump, would that not hold up in court after it had been vetted? I think the Deep State and all of their minions never anticipated the weight of all of the Alliance participants information being pooled together and used against them in one salvo after another in “The Court Of Public” opinion as well as the legal system. Just a few thoughts on a rainy afternoon in the “Twilight Zone” that is our current reality. I keep wondering if that damn soccer ball really had a thumb drive with those 33,000 emails from Hillary’s laptop, as many speculate? LOL.
Someone, maybe “Big Brother”, is always on the other end of every conversation, be it written, spoken, thumbed or otherwise.
WWG1WGA is not just for America, it is for the World.
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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