Deuterium-Heavy Water/Helium 3. Money, The Moon, Energy, Control Of Humanity. The Funding Is There, The Technology Is There, So Why Haven't We.......(Follow The Money Series)
Big Pharma. They Got Us Addicted To Petroleum Because They Control It.
Hey guys, over the last couple of weeks I have been reading hundreds and hundreds of pages of documents, photos, letters, postings and all kinds of global correspondence that has been taking place between Banks, Countries, Global Leaders, Corporations, The Vatican, The Queen, Presidents and many other entities. I’ve been reading so many documents I’m getting cross-eyed. I have found a ton of new Gold/Currency/Money/Banking info that I have started articles about, but I also found a couple of snippets in letters about another very important piece of of our human existence. That is energy.
Here is a portion of a letter from the King of Maharlika to the President of the Philippines in 2018. The King is wanting to donate massive amounts of this wealth to assist the people in the Philippines and improve the quality of life for all of the citizens.
One word jumped out at me after reading this letter. That word was “Deuterium” or “Heavy Water”. My first exposure to the term “Heavy Water” was 27 years ago in the 1997 film “The Saint”. That info peaked my curiosity even back then. I looked into a few things over the years and now that curiosity brought me to that statement about “Deuterium/Clean Energy”.
Protium vs Deuterium vs Tritium. (Not Radioactive)
We’ve all know for decades that Rockefeller established Standard Oil and monopolized the oil in industry in this country and around the world. He then hijacked health with his petrochemical pseudo medicine. Just more pieces of the Globalist control structure that the uber-wealthy have established over this little planet. He got the world addicted to oil on every level from fuel to plastics to medicine. That lie was sold to every human being on the planet as a necessity. When I say “LIE” it was a whopper. That “LIE” is still being perpetuated to this day. Oil is not the long term solution to our energy problems or our medical issues for that matter. They have known that for decades. It is however, something they could control and even base currencies on to keep that control. The Petrodollar was just one of those control mechanisms. Thankfully, the world is waking up. This family never had your family’s best interest at heart.
How Rockefeller Monopolized Medicine and Created BIG PHARMA
Along with that portion of a document from the “King” above, there is multiple references in hundreds of letters I have read and different communications where the funding is there to facilitate the world’s transition away from an oil based economy to something that is better for humanity on many levels. These technologies are also far less centralized and controlling than the Oil Industry.
Between gas for your car, energy to power your house, drugs to keep you sick and semi-functional, how much of your life energy, your time and effort, is spent in their world of energy control and manipulation?
I will bring together the technology that the “King” mentioned as well as one more to show where I think things are headed in a very rapid transition that is on the immediate horizon. Here are a few thoughts and some short video clips to lay down this premise. Guess what the Philippines has more of than all of that gold? You guessed it, Deuterium.
Here is a 5 part series about this amazing element and the Philippines. Each part has a little redundancy of information, but the first part is loaded with a lot of info you want to know. Just one more reason, along with all of that gold, why the “Deep State/Powers That Be” want control of the Philippines and those resources.
Deuterium Gas Philippines Part 2
Deuterium Gas Philippines Part 3
Deuterium Gas Philippines Part 4
Deuterium Gas Philippines Part 5
A few years ago I was watching a show on the History channel that mentioned that the surface of the moon was loaded with Helium 3. That show stated that one Space Shuttle full of Helium 3 could power the entire planet for a year. Helium 3 was discovered officially in 1939.
Let’s get into Deuterium and Helium 3. Believe it or not, these 2 elements can be combined to have an amazing effect that could free humanity in ways you’ve never dreamed of.
From the website:
DOE Explains...Deuterium-Tritium Fusion Reactor Fuel.
Companies all over the world have been working on this technology for decades. Like many things that have been controlled by the Deep State, this technology has been stifled and the research slowed to keep control of the Companies and Countries involved in the Oil Industry.
First Light teams up with CNL on Tritium production.
There many countries in Africa and around the world who have some of the components and rare earth minerals needed to facilitate this technology. Financial manipulations have been used against these countries to keep control of these resources. The political puppets worldwide will destabilize any country who has resources that the Deep State/Globalists want for control. Cases in point Zimbabwe and Haiti as we “Follow The Money”.
As this article will show you, Iridium is a very rare mineral that is used in many important industries including the use with Hydrogen/Deuterium.
Haiti has the World’s Second Largest Iridium Deposits.
Zimbabwe Discovers Mineral Deposits Second Biggest After China.
Second-Helium 3:
To really free humanity and usher in the supposed world of NESARA/GESARA, mankind has got to be free from spending a significant portion of our working life paying outrageous prices for the energy we need to live. Just imagine how the quality of your life would improve instantly if energy costs were reduced by 90%? What else could we allocate that capital for? Energy is one of the main reasons that the Globalists have kept the third world countries without resources for so long because it would empower them to stand up against their oppressors if they had power to run their homes and protect their families. Here is some information about Helium 3 and what this amazing element can do for humanity. Here are a few short video clips to get you up to speed. Pay particular attention to what is said in the last 5 minutes of this first video.
The “King” has been forward looking with the technology and innovations to help the people of the Philippines and the World. It’s getting the Deep State/Globalists to cooperate. I have read letters and documents he has written about contact with Jacques Fresco/The Venus Project and the many innovation that could be brought to bear on issues in the Philippines. Energy is one of this solution we all need. By the way, I have mentioned it in articles before, but if you haven’t watched the excellent documentary “Future By Design” about the life and works of Jacques Fresco, please do. I don’t necessarily agree with some of his political leanings, but the man was a brilliant futurist. A genius in systems and his solutions could solve a lot of the world’s problems. (Plus his stuff looks really cool).
The gold is there and the “King” is willing to commit tons of it to improve the quality of life for his countrymen in the Philippines. He has also sent hundreds of letters to countries and industries worldwide to fund these projects that would usher in a different world of NESARA/GESARA for all of us. So, why hasn’t it happened yet? The evil Globalists who have had control of all of these funds have not allowed it to happen for multiple reasons. One of the first steps in taking back that control will be the new asset backed financial system that is being put in place and about to be fully activated with the completed implementation of the QFS. Pay attention, it’s getting really interesting in the financial world behind the scenes. The other thing is getting control of energy distribution and allowing everyone on the planet access. Back to that abundance of resources I have shown you all that exists with all of the gold and now Deuterium, the Deep State’s BS stories about the lack of resources on this planet just don’t hold water (I couldn’t help myself) when the light of truth shines so brightly.
I will be getting back into the hard financial info on the next couple of articles for sure. I’m reading and writing as fast as I can. Having read about 40%-50% of all of these documents I located, I keep finding bigger numbers and more gold and wealth than anyone ever thought possible. Remember that Receipt from the 1966 Asian Summit with 500 and 42 zeroes with over 1 million tons of gold? Believe it or not, I found lots more. Lots more with many more zeroes and so much more gold and other assets. I also have a theory and hopefully you guys will like my math. LOL.
I recently wrote an article about another energy alternative that has been overlooked called TMSR/Thorium Mollten Salt Reactor that I believe will be another part of this energy transition. Please, take the time to read that article if you have not.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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