Exposing Pegasus: What is Privacy? How could you know you don't have any?
Updated W/Addendum 03/27/23 How A Winged Horse Stole Your Information.
What is privacy? It is that nonexistent state of security, of feeling like you can have your own secrets that no one can know but you. It’s a fantasy we still believe in to make ourselves feel good. Wake Up. It was a dream a long time ago that no longer applies.
Someone recently asked me about posting one of my articles on Facebook. At first, I thought it was a little odd, because every writer wants exposure. Then I started thinking about a lot of the subject matter I’m trying to bring into the public view. Some people may not be comfortable having this conversation with family and friends who have not yet started pulling back the veil of misinformation from their eyes. I always close my articles with a statement. Just in case you never read that far down. “The truth will remain secret unless we tear down the walls to the hidden chambers of history and reclaim our humanity for ourselves and future generations.” It applies here. I hope you share this article with everyone you know. Share it everywhere, including social media, so we can all take back our freedoms by at least becoming aware of the problem. Awareness is often times curative.
Should you watch the videos first or finish the article? That is up to you. I don’t want to influence your brain while watching, but I also want you to be aware of the severity of the information contained herein. Grab a cup of coffee, I’ve already had quite a few writing this article over the last couple of days. It will take you a little time to watch the videos and read these thoughts. I assure you it will be well worth the effort.
As a child, I loved the story of the winged horse Pegasus from Greek Mythology. What an image. A powerful white stallion with wings to fly above it all. What a symbol in one’s mind. Now, let’s take a diabolical product and give it those wonderful connotations. Remember, words have meanings.
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The premise for this article came to me while I was watching the recently released, and very informative, two-part Frontline PBS/Forbidden Films Documentary “Global Spyware Scandal: Exposing Pegasus”. Here are those 2 parts for your journey of satori. We can no longer entertain the mindset that “If it doesn’t affect me directly, why should I care?” See and feel the pain on these people’s faces as they realize what has happened. How would you feel in their shoes? Is your country involved and using “Pegasus” on you? That is for you to decide. Toward the end of this documentary watch the NSO group squirm under cross-examination.
Part 1:
Part 2:
While you were sleeping, all of your private conversations and thoughts have been co-opted by a billion dollar company started over 13 years ago. That company is called the NSO Group.
NSO Group Website-Cyber Intelligence for Global Security and Stability
Their Mission Statement: NSO creates technology that helps government agencies prevent and investigate terrorism and crime to save thousands of lives around the globe.
Pegasus Spyware from Israeli Cyber-Arms Company NSO Group.
Some follow-up information for you to consider:
In August of 2021 Reuters reported that all of this backlash caused the CEO of NSO Group to step down.
Also in November of 2021, The BBC reported that Apple was also suing the NSO Group.
As recently as January 27th, 2023, Axios is reporting that the NSO Group was trying to make its case to lawmakers in Washington.
These cases will be ongoing for months. We will probably never know the true extent of each country’s involvement with this software and all of the ramifications of that usage.
Could governments be frontrunning trouble with this documentary? Is “Pegasus” being offered up as a sacrificial lamb because of exposure? Is releasing this information now, lulling us all into a false sense of security that this problem has been exposed and we no longer have to worry about it? Have they done this to distract us while they have something more diabolical that they are already using against us in the background? All relevant questions in my mind. Know this, if this documentary is being released now, there are multiple reasons. Is this some kind of hit piece on Netanyahu and Israel? Is it because the U.S. and other Governments wanted this information out? I believe this information was released because many parts had already been out in the wild for some time and could no longer be ignored. We know the NSA records every phone call on the planet. Software breaks the encryption and computers go through your conversations looking for keywords and information that can be assembled into a profile of who you are and then start making associations with everyone in your address book and your web browser to get inside your mind and habits.
Many countries have their own versions of this invasive software. The Chinese Government Has a majority interest in ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok. That’s one reason why President Trump wanted it banned.
Just like what we are seeing play out with Elon Musk and Twitter, understand that someone that may be your country’s ally today could be an enemy tomorrow. If you give them access to this, or any similar technology, once that cat is out of the bag, it’s too late. Don’t think for one second that some innocent words or actions couldn’t be weaponized against you later. How many people, countries and companies wouldn’t like to buy back their private tweets from Elon Musk rather than have them exposed?
There are multiple reasons for government surveillance. The world is a dangerous place. It’s the misuse of this technology that is the problem. That has to be addressed in the halls of power of each country and their respective Governments. Unfortunately, I don’t see this ever getting better for the average citizen of Planet Earth. They will never give up this power now that they have it.
We all make assumptions that people haven’t just heard the name George Orwell but have read his works. At least read “1984” if you have not. I suggest you make the time and then apply it to your current reality and realize that your world of convenience with a cellphone, a TV, a Facebook account or any other social media or public group you are involved with, is monitored and catalogued by someone somewhere along with your respective government agencies.
Our actions have consequences. All of those monsters we send to Washington, and other Governments around the world, that are supposed to be looking out for their citizens are using our lives against us in so many ways. Understand it’s usually for money, power and control.
****In some perverse way it sort of feels good to know that Tedros, Macron and other leaders were targeted. They get a taste of their own medicine that they use on us little people. Let the paranoia begin. Maybe they will feel the demons breathing down their necks knowing their secrets have been discovered.**** What does it tell you when the FBI was actually considering using a version of this software on U.S. Citizens? Since the FBI passed on it, does that mean the CIA did too? Can you say Black Budget money? No records of how it is spent. We know, with all of the current headlines, that the FBI, CIA and other government agencies have shown they have no qualms in breaking the law and trampling all over the U.S. Constitution.
One of my main reasons for writing this article is to make you are aware that spyware such as “Pegasus” exists, and to be more mindful of your actions regarding your cellphone and your other electronic devices.
Here Are Some Privacy Terms And Security Information Links:
Do a little research on a few of these privacy terms.
There are some things you can do when the paranoia sets in. Change your phone numbers on a regular basis. Use cheap burner phones that are disposable. Keep your phone in a faraday bag when not in use.
Believe it or not, this kid has more privacy knowledge than 99.9% of everyone on the planet. He’s a genius. Tons of great privacy info. Here is his Techlore YouTube Channel
Surveillance Self-Defense from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.org
I was halfway through writing a different article when the impetus to write this one came over me. The other one will be forthcoming, along with another “Reading List” you may find interesting. Never enough hours in the day, or night, as it were.
Somewhere, George Orwell is looking down laughing and smiling because he tried to tell us all what was coming. Which brings another thought to mind. Was George Orwell allowed to release 1984 as an Information, Misinformation or Disinformation propaganda book to heighten everyone’s paranoia? Or was it just a harbinger of things to come? That is for you to decide. Some Genies should never have been let out of the bottle.
On a side note. This is not the only “Pegasus” we will be discussing. There is another article in the works about the other namesake, and I don’t mean the horse. The things you don’t know about the other one will blow your mind as well.
One final question and my closing thoughts. If a technology exists and it is up for sale, and that technology is better than any other technology of its kind, and you could get it or allow your enemy to use it on you, what would you do? We know what our governments and tech companies would do. They would use it against our so called enemies and then turn it on us.
*** Addendum***03/27/23
A new Executive Order was issued by (p)resident Biden today in regards to Spyware. It directly relates to this article. I am including this addendum and a couple of very descriptive articles that have just been released.
Thank You to JustHuman and his amazing research and Telegram channel.
The first Threadreader Article here from John Scott-Railton on this information.
The second Threadreader Article here from DawsonSField on this information.
New EO from Biden today:
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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