For Those Who Don't Believe Pt. #2. I Have The Proof They've Been Lying All Along About The Gold. I Followed The Money, Now You Can Too.
Don't Believe Me, Believe Them. My Calculator Works Fine, Theirs Is Broken. (Follow The Money Series)
Class, for today’s exercise you need a calculator and half a brain. OK, maybe a quarter of a brain because none of this stuff adds up. Governments and the Globalists have shuffled the truth and gold around for centuries. Let’s see if we can find any of it.
I want to start off with a statement “The United States Government, and all of its accompanying agencies, are the biggest propaganda machine on the planet". Period, end of story. For every one half-truth they tell the public, there are 10 lies that prove otherwise. The question for all of us is at what point do we wake from our slumber and at least know we are being lied to so we start looking for the truth? That happens on a different time frame for all of us. Mine happened a long time ago.
Isn’t it funny how language has turned black and white into so many shades of gray. There is truth and there is everything else. Yes, the truth may change as circumstances change, but there is still the ultimate truth. We have a fib, (defined as a minor falsehood. Who gets to decide what minor means?) we have a little white lie, (defined as a a minor, polite, or harmless lie) we have an untruth, (defined as a divergence from truth) we have falsehood (defined as something false; an untrue idea, belief, etc.) and so many more words to say that someone is a liar. Pure and simple. If someone chooses to hide the facts from you, if someone decides to tell you a partial truth, if someone decides to withhold pertinent information, regardless of their reasons, they are liars with an agenda.
OK guys, I have access to stats in the back of the house at Substack that lets me see how many of you click my links and read the accompanying material and I cannot emphasize enough how important that is. Many times, my articles are like the appetizer and the rest of that information is the main course. This is one of those articles. I don’t want you to take my word for anything, that is why I always provide additional info for you to make your own conclusions. Please be sure and take the ****Gold Visualization**** link below. It ties it all together in your mind’s eye with some amazing graphics.
Getting a straight answer out of any government official in Washington D.C. is almost an impossibility. #1 I’m not sure they even know what the truth is and #2 I’m certain they wouldn’t tell us, even if they did know the true answer.
Getting an answer from someone in the banking world is even harder, be it the Federal Reserve or the U.S. Treasury, because I believe it’s part of their actual job to be as vague as possible about how much actual currency, money, physical assets, digital assets and wealth that they have under their control. Besides, Congress passed laws so that they don’t have tell us anything. We’re just supposed to believe whatever bullshit they are peddling today. I’m going to show you how big the lies are with this article.
There are people who say and believe that the FED and Fort Knox have never actually been audited. That’s not true, but it has been a very long time and then there are those discrepancies (cough, cough).
Below I have links to various articles and historical material. I purposely did not put these in dated order as their is so much overlapping and conflicting data that it won’t matter to the end conclusion. I just want you to see and understand the depths of their lies.
Don’t confuse financial reports with an actual audit.
“Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Annual Report 1992”
You know how the government always needs more money but they can never tell you where they spend it? They lose a lot of paperwork too. They never want you to ask where the paperwork is either. Does it really surprise anyone that they lost at least 7 Fort Knox gold audits? There is accidentally lost or misplaced and there is intentionally lost or misplaced. (Wink, Wink)
US Government Lost 7 Fort Knox Gold Audit Reports.
Powell, Yellen, Bernanke, Greenspan & Volker have all been a part of this financial obfuscation for decades. They should all be convicted of treason for knowingly deceiving the American Public and the World who have continued to purchase our debt. They’ve even lied about their own documentation.
GATA/The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee have been trying to hold the FED accountable for decades.
I do know and understand that there is much terminology that is confusing in referencing weights and measures of precious metals. Regardless which of these terms you use, and even accounting for any mistakes in addition, the numbers are incorrect by orders of magnitude at least 10-20 times what they should be.
There are 32,150.7 troy ounces of gold in a ton of gold bullion.
The British ton (i.e., tonne with British spelling) is the metric ton of gold we use in the precious metals industry. A metric tonne is 2,240 pounds in total.
Be careful not to make the mistake of using the U.S. ton as the short ton is only 2,000 pounds total.
In my previous article “The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”, it talked about the Kingdom owning over 720,000 metric tonnes of gold almost a century ago. We know the Vatican, many decades ago, borrowed 640,000 tonnes of gold from this stash. For those of you who have not read that article, that information has been verified. I have documentation that references so much gold that exists in vaults worldwide it makes these numbers pale in comparison. An excerpt from that article.
“Throughout the Spanish occupation of the Maharlika, members of the Tagean / Tallano clan have been visiting Europe since some of their relatives were English and Austrian. From 1866 to 1898, Prince Julian Macleod Tallano had also been frequenting the Vatican. In 1934, under Pope Pius XII, the Vatican negotiated with a member of the Filipino Royal Family, the Christian Tallano clan in Maharlika. An agreement was reached that 640,000 metric tons of the Tallano gold would be lent to the Pope. This was part of that gold accumulated by the Southeast Asian Srivijayan/Madjapahit Empire during its glorious reign of 900 years. In 1939, two members of the Tallano family and a Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz, brought the gold from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, to the Vatican. After doing this, Fr. Diaz went back to the Maharlika and resided in Cabanatuan City. After World War II, he facilitated the safe return of the 640,000 metric tons of gold from the Vatican to the Maharlika. Manuel Acuna Roxas ( a relative of the Acuna / Tagean / Tallano clan), then a congressman and Bishop Enrique Sobrepena, Sr. In the presence of Atty. Lorenzo Tanada, received the gold in Manila.”
The 640,000 metric tons of gold mentioned above has nothing to do with 337 tonnes of NAZI gold from WWII.
Having read the previous paragraphs, which have been verified, here is a current screenshot from the official USGS/United States Geological Survey Website discussing all of the gold that has ever been mined in the entire world. What’s wrong with this picture?
Here’s one you’re going to love from the Dailymail/UK in 2012: Please check out all of the photos in this one.
Queen gives Bank chiefs a ticking orf over the crash as she visits vaults.
From The Visual Capitalist-Chart: How Much Gold is in the World?
Excerpt from the over 500 page Official Gold Commission Report/Annex D.
Here is a great 2021 article from Melissa Sartore/Fort Knox Is So Mysterious And Heavily Guarded, Only One US President Has Ever Been Inside.
The Fed/Treasury/Congress/Presidents have stolen, hidden or done other nefarious things, with all of this wealth for centuries that was supposed to benefit the American People and the World at large. How many, in the corridors of power in Washington D.C. have been complicit in this travesty?
Overall, it is acknowledged by Central Banks and Governments that there are less than 40,000 metric tonnes of gold held worldwide by countries and their treasuries. Here’s where the lies multiply. How much gold is held (off the books) by large international banks on behalf of countries and used for other purposes? Also, in case you didn’t notice, the Vatican Bank is not included in this list. How much gold is held in collectible coinage, jewelry and other items? The Total, including what is held by the Central Banks is supposed to be around 160,000 metric tonnes.
HSBC’s London Gold Vault: Is this Gold’s Secret Hiding Place?
JPMorgan Joins HSBC as Vault Custodian for Top Gold ETF.
OK, I know this will be painful for many of you. I apologize for that. For the context of this article and the research I have done, these events described in this short video should further solidify what I’m wanting you all to see and understand. They lied about everything. 9/11-WTC The biggest gold heist in history 300 Billion in Gold Bars.
Please check out this gold visualization website for greater understanding. This page is from 2017 We know that China, Russia and some of the other BRICS nations have increased their gold holdings by a few hundred tonnes. The price mentioned is close to our current $2,000/oz.
****Gold Visualization from****
Here is a recent Gold Reserve Chart as of March of 2023.
More reference data:
U.S. Mint/Inspection Of Gold At Fort Knox September 24th, 1974.
Central Bank Holdings From Gold.ORG
Audit Of United States Gold Reserves Held By Federal Reserve Banks as of September 30th, 2012.
Most of the data in this article and these links come from various government websites around the world. No one wants to tell the rest of the nations of the world how much, or how little, gold they have along with other assets. That would mean they would have to tell their friends, as well as their enemies, how solid or weak their economies really are. Every country in the world today has felt the “Iron Hand Of Intimidation” of the Deep State/Central Banksters.
A final recap: almost 90 years ago, before Bretton Woods, the Vatican and the major governments of the world knew of the Maharlikan Gold. They borrowed it, stole some of it, used it to amass more wealth, used it to enslave humanity and so much more. And today, every financial number out there, when it comes to the supposed amount of gold that has ever been mined on this planet, is only a small portion of the gold we knew that is documented and existed just in the Philippines over 100 years ago. That 720,000 tonnes is not even half of the 1.6 million tonnes I also have documentation for, and there may be even more that I’m still trying to verify. (But that is another article, for another day.) Gold is still mined everyday, and how much more has been added to the tally in the last 100 years?
I’ll leave you with this thought. The entire global financial system is a lie based on bad data from a Central Bank Monopoly, that from their very inception in 1913, has never, ever told the truth about anything. They have lied about everything to bring about their New World Order/Globalist Agenda. So, the next time you hear somebody speaking badly about the BRICS nations wanting to start their own banking system, you will now understand that the BRICS nations and all the countries joining them aren’t the bad guys. They are just finally figuring out a way to get out from under the evil thumb of the Deep State/Central Banking System. I’m betting when the cards are dealt and shown to the world, the BRICS countries will have a lot more Gold on hand than was ever stated to the legacy Central Bank accountants.
A final question for you to ponder. Do any of you know how the new asset backed BRICS banking system will be able to verify and hold accountable all of those countries and their asset backed currencies? I do, and soon we will all know the truth.
I almost forgot. This is just the information for the lies about the gold. There is so much more hidden wealth besides gold. Other precious metals like platinum & silver, millions of stolen diamonds, art, jewelry with precious gems in sizes you can’t even imagine. The lies about all of that stuff will tell a future chapter in the (Follow The Money Series).
So, after reading this little article and blowing up your calculators, do you think they’re lying? I know they are. They’ve done it so long, and they are so damn good at it, they thought the world would just keep taking the lies on faith. Not any more.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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