F/X. Illusion Leads To Confusion. How Much Of History Was Faked? A Lot That We Know Of, And So Much More That We Know Nothing About. Has Anyone Seen My Straitjacket? LOL.
So, What If I Told You..No, There's No Way That's Real, Is There? "Q"uestions?
Guys, I need the occasional break from the insanity. That doesn’t necessarily mean a psychotic break, but I did mention early on that there would be no end to the self-deprecation in my writings. Sometimes the mind goes where it wants to go. I actually started writing another article and started this one and one more before the original was even halfway finished.
I want to start this off with my own personal disclaimer. I write about very serious issues and events in my articles and I think I do a damn good job of showing you proof and the trail of breadcrumbs I follow to my conclusions. There are some that say it’s all a bunch of conspiracy theory stuff anyway and that’s OK. I know what I believe to be true, and the truth is not for everyone. That is more apparent everyday in Washington D.C. I do not in any way want the speculation in this article to take away from my previous work. This article is more about me having a conversation in my own mind about these possibilities. I’m just committing it to writing and sharing it with you.
What I am about to share with you is 100% speculation on my part. It combines about a dozen real conspiracy theories into the plot for the greatest movie of all time rolled into one big crazy bout of insanity. When you have a thousand puzzle pieces in your mind, your subconscious is always working trying to fit them together. As a new name or puzzle piece comes forward it tries to re-assemble the pieces. At least that’s how my mind works. I get enough pieces that fit and I write. So sue me. LOL.
I have to ask each of you reading this article a simple question. Is there nothing about what we see everyday going on in Washington D.C. that is not a little bit crazy to you? Apparently, very different looking individuals from month to month show up for pictures. Re-signing executive orders that will get them all arrested. Making trillions of dollars appear out of their collective hats. Have we actually seen Congress do anything in months except pass Bills to spend money overseas. (Or launder it, sending it back to themselves to fund their evil empires). We know we are watching a bunch of stuff that can’t be real everyday because it is so far past absurd, it’s not funny. I may have actually assumed the identity of the fictional “Mad Hatter” on this trip down the rabbit hole, not the one mentioned in the drops. I’ll let you decide that answer or maybe tell me I should launch my “Fiction” writing career instead of all of this grim reality I’ve been writing about. Hmmm, this would would make a great story idea. “Q” did tell us we are watching a movie. Unfortunately “Q” didn’t tell us if it’s a horror movie, a drama, science fiction or just a really poorly acted “B” movie with terrible dialogue. Some of the information contained herein will not be new to those of you who have followed the drops. I have many people who are just now waking up to “Q” since I include some information in my articles. When they originally heard about “Q” they just dismissed it as another conspiracy theory instead of at least looking into the information, and making a conscious decision on their own.
This is for one of my H&M girls. She knows who she is.
Okay, maybe this is for both of my H&M girls. Is this my VFOGI kicking in?
I want to make four statements before going any further.
#1 As I’ve mentioned before, Trump and the Military minds behind “The Plan” are all students of “The Art Of War”. Having said that, we must remember:
#2 There is information, misinformation & disinformation. (Filter this through #1)
#3 Why would “Q” take the time to address a question from an Anon unless he thought it useful?
#4 There are no coincidences. (What may appear to be a coincidence today will make sense as a part of the equation when the entire plan is revealed.)
I will be referencing and utilizing a few “Q” drops for this article. For those of you who are not familiar with these or have yet to avail yourself of the information, you can find all 4,966 drops here in a searchable database at:
Once again, as you read this, remember I am basically having a conversation in my mind about a few things and letting you in on my thought processes. I know that is scary at times because of the subjects I write about. I promise you guys do not want to see everything I have seen. Here we go.
I will begin this with a frame of reference for all of you. There has been much speculation since the “Q” drops started that the entire “Q” team was less than a dozen people who actually know and implement “The Plan”. I’ve read different speculations from credible sources, but supposedly it is 3 civilians and the rest are Military. Keeping that in mind, who are the 3 civilians? Technically, President Trump is Commander In Chief of the Military, so he would be considered part of the Military. After all, this is just speculation anyway. Early on, many people believed for various reasons, that the next 2 people I will be discussing have been a part of these plans ever since they have disappeared from public view, both being killed in sensational accidents that no one could miss because of the worldwide media coverage. Those 2 people are JFK Jr. & Princess Diana. This is the part of the article where you stop laughing uncontrollably, pick your jaw up off the floor and relax and let me connect a few dots that you may or may not have known about, and associate them with those “Q” drops as well as a couple of decades worth of events.
Last night I was watching one of my favorite movies again and something jumped out at me that I had never thought of before. First here is the trailer for that 1986 film F/X:
After watching the first one, I had to make sure I saw what I saw, so I watched the 1991 sequel F/X 2: The Deadly Art Of Illusion:
More on those 2 movie tie-ins to come.
During the summer of 1995, John F. Kennedy Jr. secretly met Princess Diana in New York, and ever since, there has been much speculation over exactly what happened in her suite at the Carlyle Hotel that day.
According to RoseMarie Terenzio, JFK Jr.’s executive assistant who accompanied him to the hotel that day, the hour and half-long meeting in Diana’s suite was way more innocent than those rumors would have you believe, People reports.
There is other speculation out there that the reason for that meeting had a far more sinister aspect to it. It is believed by some, that Diana was already in fear for her life and she wanted and needed advice from another high profile person as to what to do about it. Princess Diana was mentioned in only one “Q” Drop that I could find. That alone is interesting when it is taken in the overall context of the “Q” plan. Here is “Q” drop #100. The key phrase for me is “Who did she entrust to help her flee?”
For those of you who do not know or remember, Diana was in the car with Dodi Fayed, who she was romantically involved with. Dodi was the son of billionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed. As you watched that second movie trailer for F/X 2, when the credits began to roll at the end of the clip, did anything jump out at you? Dodi was also involved in Hollywood and was the producer of those 2 F/X films I mentioned above ( I guess we could say that might just be a coincidence. Cough, cough). He had vast knowledge of how special effects could be made to look very real. Who better to pull off one of the greatest disappearing acts in history than someone who had access to unlimited resources and the knowledge to make it happen? A little more context here for you. As I have written about in many of my financial articles, The Queen was one of the most powerful and ruthless individuals on the planet who would do anything to keep that power. What questions were asked in that “Q” drop above? Why the Hollywood references? There are always connections. What did Diana know that made here fear for her life? Could those secrets be some of the leverage used by President Trump in that trip around the world to get the Queen to capitulate? If you have enough money and enough technology, can you disappear?
Let’s say for the sake of argument I was wanting to change the world for the better, but I had to take my time and do it right. I would have to go up against some very evil people and it would be very dangerous. I would also need help from a few trusted individuals with resources. When Killary decided to run for the NY senate seat against JFK Jr., I’m quite sure there was some level of her evilness involved in a plot to do him harm. The Clintons leave a trail of bodies in their political wake that even a blind man could stumble across. From what we have been told about the events of his death, there is much to suggest he was warned about her intentions and it was staged. (Never forget, they left the dog behind) Besides, there is no end to the information that will be exposed about that evil witch. Just today, while I’m finishing writing, this info just came across my Telegram feed.
Leaked Audio: Hillary Clinton Wanted to Rig Palestine Election in 2006.
I will once again make a statement here to filter what I am about to say through those 4 questions I asked you earlier involving “The Art Of War”. An Anon asked “Q” a very specific question in drop #2611, the answer depressed a lot of people and blew people’s minds.
Filter that response through numbers one and two above and throw this into the mix as well. While his name is JFK Jr., since his Father is dead, there is no Sr. or Jr. left in the mix only JFK. Secondly, if he chose to disappear for safety reasons to save his own life and that of his Wife and Sister-In-Law he would no longer be JFK Jr. and he would have assumed another identity. So technically JFK Jr. is no longer alive. As a military commander, would you ever let the world know about any “Secret Weapons” you had at your disposal until, and unless, they were needed? The whole series of events we are seeing unfold in “The Plan” have been scripted and are playing out along a dedicated timeline to reach the assigned goals of each stage of this plan that has been put in place. When JFK Jr. was running “George” magazine, Trump made the cover. Something about politics back in March of 2000. We know from countless interviews and articles throughout his career that he had been questioned on his political aspirations many times.
What some of us found more interesting was a photo taken in the offices of “George” Magazine from the February, 1997 “Survival Guide To The Future” issue. Lots of speculation about the future in that article.
That “Platform 2020: A Survival Guide To The Future” article sure does bring a lot of questions into the conversation. (Or this Mad Hatter dream sequence I’m letting you see here). “Future Proves Past”. Did JFK Jr. telegraph his own political ambitions other than the ones we know about with Killary? What secrets did the Kennedy family have on the country and Hillary. Was there already a plan involving JFK Jr. and Donald Trump in the works? That “Q” drop # 1083 above, mentioned “The Start” of something. Now what could that something have been?
Body doubles, fake and real assassinations and everything else have gone on in this crazy world for millennia. International Intrigue, Murder, Empires, Wealthy Families, Secrets, Politics and more. It really would make an excellent movie. Don’t you think? If there were ever two people who wanted to see the Deep State and all of the evil puppets destroyed, it would be JFK Jr. & Princess Diana. By all accounts, two people who were the most beloved humans on the planet at the times of their deaths. Both with knowledge and access to information from the inner circles of power on this planet. What great allies to have for the battle.
I think a lot of people forget that this is a team effort. The men and women of the Military, and those in his inner circle, are all parts of this elaborate plan to dismantle the evil that President Trump is trying to free us from. In those 16 drops when “Q” mentions “We Have It All”, I think those of us who are not a part of “The Plan” just assume who “WE” are. I’m at least open to the possibility that we/us don’t really know who they/we are. You would do well to remember this. “We Are Everywhere”.
We have to ask ourselves what pieces of “The Plan” were assembled over the decades prior to the arrival of Donald John Trump on the political scene. We know he had contact and interaction with Princess Diana on some level and we know he had a friendship with JFK Jr. We also know that those in Trump’s circle trusted and respected him for many reasons including his loyalty.
As an aside to the other information in this article. Dodi Fayed is the cousin of murdered award winning journalist Jamal Khashoggi. A name you should all remember from 2018 and those horrific events. What secrets would a journalist have had access too that perhaps he should not have had? Were the cousins close? I could not find a definitive answer to that question in my mind.
I almost forgot, for those of you who are so skeptical you won’t even entertain the possibility, let me bestow on you a little information for at least 19,000 people and their families who have officially disappeared in the last 50 years with the help of the U.S. Marshalls and WITSEC/Witness Security. It’s not like we’re breaking new ground here. There have been a lot of wealthy people over the centuries who have disappeared, reinvented themselves and then moved elsewhere to start a new life with a new identity.
Perhaps it is the optimist in me that still hopes this could be true. I realize it is a long shot that either of them survived those events and could be behind the scenes assisting President Trump with freeing the planet. Nonetheless, my friend will appreciate that I at least put these thoughts down in writing.
You get to decide if I have completely lost my mind or have we been witnessing “The Deadly Art Of Illusion”. That’s it for my trip down this rabbit hole. I am so glad I didn’t actually run into the “Evil Alice” I wrote about in the last line of my article (Through The “Looking Glass”). I bet most of you never even noticed that her name was underlined, did you? Maybe you should go back and take that link and see what little hidden bonuses I left for you. You might see the initials mentioned of a couple of people I brought up in this article, so that you may fit some more pieces together in your mind. Those are very important pieces. Some things are coming up in the timeline that should prove very interesting.
I’ll leave you with a final “Q” drop from JFK. #2573
When the “Candle Of Truth” burns bright, it will illuminate all those dark corners where evil hides. I don’t know about you, but I could use a little sane in this insane world.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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