GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization. Financial Ecosystem Of The Future. What Is The Cost Of De-dollarization? Project Guardian.
Dictionary Of Future Finance. "MAS" Setting Values For Everything In Your World.
WOW. This was a very hard article to write. I had my head around the concept, but fitting all of these pieces together in a way that didn’t make me sound like a raving lunatic was a little harder than anticipated. I guess you will each be the ultimate judge of that last statement.
I don’t think any of us can envision the complexity of the changes the world is going through to free us from the Central Banking control structure. They have had their evil tentacles intertwined into every aspect of our lives and society for millennia.
In my earlier articles I always mentioned the meanings of words and how they are represented and used. Where and how these words are used changes their meaning entirely. It’s all about context.
Terminology is changing in the worldwide financial system to incorporate more abilities and control over every aspect of the world’s resources. The legacy banking systems are giving way to new systems on many fronts. It is my understanding that eventually, all of these disparate systems will coalesce under the new QFS/Quantum Financial System. Having said that, we will be going through this financial transition for years to come. As I have constantly stated, this is not some switch that can be turned on and everything is different. There are so many pieces to integrate together that it takes time. As one new piece is ready, it gets incorporated into the new system and it’s old legacy counterpart is turned off.
Once again, many words can change form depending on that context. A word can be a noun, a verb, a preposition and more depending on the context of the words around them. This is where lawyers, bankers and politicians confuse the public with all of the doublespeak to hide their true intentions.
For us to really function in this new world they are creating, we must update that glossary of financial terms in our minds to incorporate this new terminology into our new lexicon of learning. Four of those important words are value, equity, worth and liquidity with their many definitions.
This first link I will reference below triggered the impetus for this article. The Monetary Authority Of Singapore/MAS is the dominant player in Asian finance for both innovation and regulation. Singapore is also a major player in world finance and their participation is proving quite interesting. Please notice that each of the articles below have their own links to a ton of useful information.
Singapore’s MAS To Explore “Global Layer 1” Blockchain Tokenization With BNY, DBS, JPM, MUFG.
Then I dug a little deeper:
MAS Partners Financial Industry to Expand Asset Tokenization Initiatives.
MAS has partnered with some heavy hitters like J.P. Morgan, and all the players are moving ahead at lightning speed to implement these changes.
J.P. Morgan Partners with Apollo for Project Guardian, Explores Tokenization of Investment Portfolios
For those of you who have no frame of reference, many of the things that I am discussing in this article have been major pieces of the Crypto world for years. The melding of these technologies with traditional banking and assets is quite challenging. For months I’ve been seeing info about “Project Guardian”. A little bit about “Project Guardian” and what that entails:
There is another term that many of you may not be familiar with, unless you have been involved in cryptocurrencies, and that is “DeFi” or Decentralized Finance. Unlike the current Central Banking Monopoly that will are all living under, I believe this new system will give us more control and them less control of our finances while still maintaining the safety protocols we need.
Back to Tokenization. We are in the middle of this financial transition where they are assessing and assigning values to everything so that those values can be plugged into this new system so the world can access the liquidity. Physical assets, digital assets, real estate, IP/intellectual property and other financial instruments can all be used for this liquidity.
Here are a few articles with more detailed information, then I will continue on below this reference section.
Reference Material:
Many of these articles were written in reference to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. As I stated earlier, these technologies are being adapted and integrated into the legacy and future banking systems to facilitate this massive transition to an asset based economy instead of the current deficit spending based economy. There are so many ways to look at this and see that the world has plenty of resources, it’s just that the central banks have tried to use and leverage all of the prosperity and buying power for themselves instead of letting individuals and countries reap those financial rewards. That is about to change in a big way.
From Onyx by J.P. Morgan and Apollo:
Revolutionizing Asset & Wealth Management.
Included in the link above is a 56 page PDF that is super informative about what has happened and is happening with this project along with some great graphics called:
As you can see, this has been going on for the better part of a decade already.
Global Regulators Form Asset Tokenization Policy Forum.
What is asset tokenization?
What is Tokenization? A Complete Guide.
The Tokenization Of Assets Is Underway.
If you want to dig a little deeper, here is a working paper PDF from MAS:
Interlinking Networks Technical Whitepaper.
I know this will all sound crazy and that’s OK. I’ve been called worse than crazy before, and most assuredly will be again. Once this Banking/Asset transition takes place and your entire life is tokenized, you will be able to use those assets much more for your benefit than the bank’s benefit. You will be able to collateralize those assets and make interest on them. You will be able to make payments or borrow money against your own net worth with no banks and paperwork to fill out. The interoperability of moving in and out of your own asset portfolio will be no different then hitting a pay button on your cell phone to make a payment at a store. The massive amount of digitization of these assets, sorting out the regulatory issues, cross-border payments systems and settlement issues along with massive currency fluctuations have created and even bigger mess to sort out.
Here’s something you need to think about. Currently the U.S. Dollar/Federal Reserve FIAT Note is the world’s reserve currency. The value of many of the assets the world over are denominated in USD. The USD remains fairly stable although the price fluctuations are becoming more and more erratic as the world starts to de-dollarize their treasury holdings and portfolios. All of these assets that are being tokenized have to be given a value based on some metric before being plugged into the new system. That value has to be accepted worldwide by other countries and banking institutions. As the world’s reserve currency, that would be the USD in its current form. Since most of the countries in the world have already partially or full backed their currencies, why would they want to keep accepting the established value of a FIAT currency with no asset backing? That being the case, if there is not enough gold and assets to fully back the USD for international commerce as well as domestic use, what is the solution? That is going on behind the scenes just like China has the Yuan and the Renminbi. Investopedia helps out with that distinction:
Yuan vs. Renminbi: What's the Difference?
What would the ramifications be if the world stepped up their plans to completely de-dollarize in the middle of this transition we are going through? What if that de-dollarization caused us to lose our reserve currency status? From
De-dollarization: What Happens if the Dollar Loses Reserve Status?
Inevitably, at some point, we will lose the reserve currency status. Nothing lasts forever. To be replaced by what, I don’t know. I believe the current line up of good guys and bad guys don’t want that to happen for their own reasons. Mainly uncontrollable chaos.
Think about how this information affects those 4 words I mentioned? Value, equity, worth and liquidity. Those 4 words and a million other factors are all being weighed and quantified as to their impact on every aspect of this financial transition to the asset backed world of the Quantum Financial System. I was pretty good at math in school, but I cannot even begin to imagine the mathematical formulas and equations that they are using to sort out this mess.
I think that’s enough for now. I’m sure I will be delving into more related subjects soon enough. I hope you at least have a thought or two of your own about what is really happening right now about the tokenization of our world.
I’m going to leave you with an excellent article from Be sure and download and read the 14 page PDF of “Tokenization of real-world assets: unlocking a new era of ownership, trading, and investment” for free on this website. It’s an easy to understand explanation of this information.
$10 Trillion Future: How Tokenization Is Redefining Asset Management And Industry Operations.
Trump Constantly talked about an even playing field and values of currencies. The question is “Using What Metrics” for those valuations? Changing values, establishing benchmarks, worldwide control mechanisms to stop the fraud and money laundering on a Government/State actor level. Yes, the private sector will be reigned in too, but it’s the quasi-governmental entities in league with governments like Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, JP Morgan Chase, Citi and others that need to be held accountable. This final tokenization process will make a world of difference when it is completed, even though some bad actors are involved in these plans.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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