He Said It. Was That A Signal To All The White Hats In The Background?
Untangling The Web Of Control. Agenda 47 Sure Beats The Hell Out Of Agenda 2030.
Three articles in 8 hours. That will probably never happen again.
FCO, who’d have thunk it. Take something out and put it back later. One of the biggest commodities on the planet. How do they do that?
You know, I always harp on the meanings of words in my articles. There is perhaps no one greater in history, than DJT at taking a big stick and poking the Deep State to evoke a reaction, and then turning their stupidity against them. It’s all about exposing their centuries of criminal activity and control of the planet and especially this country.
I remember that Inauguration Speech and every single word that was said. He put them all on notice that day. Regardless of what you see and believe, there are events taking place in the background that give meaning to every single word of that speech. “Is the puppet you see before you more important than the puppet master pulling the strings"?’ Optics vs. control. Are the things you see and hear what’s really happening, or is the puppet master making you experience what they want you to see and hear?
I believe he put them on notice again when he made that “Calm Before The Storm” statement. Who he was with, what was said, and the context of those few words have been a nightmare promise to the Deep State/Shadow government in this country.
Does anybody out there believe for one second that President Donald John Trump and his speech writers don’t chose those words very carefully? I personally do not. I can’t believe he said it. It was the one word you never thought you would hear in a speech like this. We’ve been waiting for that one little word for so long. Such a powerful meaning. Here is his Agenda 47 video he posted in the last 24 hours. ( I watched this video on 4 different browsers but on some it won’t load the embedded video so here is a link on Rumble to his speech on Agenda 47/Stopping World War III)
For anyone who has been paying attention and understands things that I’ve written about in previous articles like “What We Know And What We Don’t Know”, there is no denying the facts of “The Corporation” & “The Republic”. Two entirely separate entities sort of running in parallel for over a century and a half. With that thought in mind, consider the following. It’s often misquoted in many forms but I believe this is the original quote and while that was about England, it also applies to our situation here and the Deep State/Banksters control of our country since 1913.
This is purely speculation on my part, but it is speculation backed up with a whole lot of circumstantial evidence. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, at some point we have to formally declare that the “Corporation Of The United States” is a bankrupt, defunct entity. That involves The Federal Reserve and the Treasury at a level we cannot even imagine. It involves the entire world since we are the reserve currency. How that plays out and all of the financial, legal, judicial, societal and other ramifications is yet to be seen. Once that has happened, “The Republic Of The United States Of America” has to be brought back to its original status and “turned back on” as it were. The legal and financial structure of that “Republic” would have to become what it once was for the country to continue to function. Can you imagine the legal quagmire and what all of this would entail? I can. It’s a monumental task that has taken years to map out and formulate a plan for the fulfillment of that promise that President Trump made in his inauguration speech. Giving the country back to “We The People”. To make right everything that has been stolen from this country, it has all got to be restored. Taking back our sovereignty, our money, our freedoms, our land, our sanity and more that has been stolen by the crooks in power.
To do all of this, the People, the States, the Congress, the Supreme Court and everyone at every level, except the Deep State/Bad Actors, would have to commit formally and legally to an event to make this happen. Back to my reason for this post and that one word and all of the ramifications that encompass those 12 little letters. A play on words for sure that involves the “Constitution” being brought back to life and adhered too in a way that is not currently happening. Just a thought.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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