Hemp Batteries (Follow The Money Series)
"The Hemp Conspiracy:The Real Reason Why Hemp Is Illegal"
This is the second time I have mentioned that my keyboard called to me before I even got to drink my first cup of coffee. Didn’t I just write something Yesterday? I don’t know how to stop my fingers on these keys. 3 trips to the microwave to warm the first cup is beyond reprehensible. I will have to discuss this with myself later. You were warned this would happen.
So, let me get this straight. Along with all of the other benefits of hemp, like paper, clothing, concrete, medicines, food and a variety of other uses, hemp can be used to make batteries that are much better on almost every level to the extremely toxic and expensive lithium ion batteries used today in most electronic vehicles. How is that even possible? Why on earth would we not be using this solution everywhere? That’s a good question. Shall we pontificate on this matter?
Remember in school when we heard about the phenomenal American scientist, environmentalist and inventor George Washington Carver and the many hundreds of uses he discovered for the lowly peanut? A visionary who wanted to help humanity and not harm the environment in the process. Why, you ask, would I bring this up now. To make a point. Peanuts, like hemp, are literally two miracle plants on this little rock we live on that could transform the world in wondrous ways, and yet both have been neglected and vilified, to a different degree all because of greed. They are both cheap and sustainable, but mainly they were out in the wild and could not be patented, regulated or controlled by some big corporation. So, they made one illegal and relegated one to the snack aisle st the local convenience store. Let’s delve into the illegal one. I know I’m redundant on certain things like history and the meanings of words, but from a writer’s perspective, I never know if this article is the first, or the only one that someone has read. Therefore…
I remember a few years ago reading an article about hemp, and I couldn’t believe all of the uses that had already been discovered for this miracle plant and how it literally, was a major part of history. That article dissolved into the ether of my mind and I couldn’t remember what it was called. When I recently read an article about hemp batteries it triggered the memory of that article so I searched and luckily it was still online. Instead of the crap they are teaching in our schools nowadays, this should be required reading. Here is “The Hemp Conspiracy: The Real Reason Why Hemp Is Illegal” for your perusal, should you so desire. Well worth your time and effort. This history and background will make the rest of this article make more sense. After that little library session, let’s get to the point?
Don’t you love the fact that it was once illegal not to grow hemp? The irony of it all. Back when a tad bit more sanity resided in the Halls Of Congress. That’s a whole other rabbit hole for another day.
Governments and industry are masters at telling us what to think and believe. This won’t work or that won’t work, it’s to expensive the way you want to do it but we can solve your problem if you listen to us or buy our product. It’s always the “BBD” the Bigger Better Deal. Like everything else in history, if someone controls access to a technology, or an industry, or a cure, they can monetize it and monopolize the profits. It’s all about marketing and propaganda to convince the masses it has to be this way. Then bribe a few government officials to make laws regimenting and controlling that new industry and start stacking the money in the bank. Create some new regulatory agency for your industry and make them the authority to where they only publish results that support your claims. As with most everything in society today, there is a tried and true formula for brainwashing the public into believing anything you want them to believe. Oh, I almost forgot, then blast it all over your MSM hypnobox and indoctrinate the masses to your new ideology.
If these batteries are hundreds, even thousands of times cheaper to produce and are sustainable, why is this technology not being rushed to the forefront and mass produced to save the planet, and not create all of the this expensive toxicity that is happening now? There is only one answer. Follow The Money.
Maybe this is why Elon Musk has moved his Tesla company to Texas? To be closer to this new battery technology and leave all of those toxic California regulations behind. Why Tesla Is Moving To Texas.
Could it be so he will be closer to companies on the forefront of switching over to the new hemp based battery tech like Bemp Research Corporation? Will Hemp Make EV Batteries Better?
I find it very interesting that there are so many solutions available to humanity that will not destroy the planet, and yet every evil, maniacal, greedy, self-serving corporation on the planet always takes the least environmentally friendly, most costly solution and forces it on us through regulation and control.
There is so much information available on Hemp Batteries that it’s almost comical that this hasn’t been lauded by the world and rushed to the forefront to save and expand the EV industry, as well as many power hungry corporations looking for cheaper solutions to energy storage and usage. But they can’t do that because of Big Oil. It’s been going on for decades.
What stores sell hemp batteries?
Since the government is trying to tax us to death, wouldn’t it be great if we could still pay our taxes with hemp? Write your Congressmen. Tell them to get off their collective asses and change the laws back to when hemp wasn’t a criminal operation. I don’t know if that will work because most of them have already spent the kickbacks they received from the Big Oil Lobbyists, but hey, what the hell, give it a try.
To wrap this up, would it not be sweet revenge if the lowly hemp plant that has been so vilified, bastardized, denigrated and made illegal by the oil companies is turned into the power source that makes oil irrelevant? No antiquated internal combustion engine, just banks of environmentally sustainable hemp batteries. Maybe you could even power your house? I think that would be poetic justice. It won’t happen overnight, but it is beginning to appear on the horizon. So is the sun, as I’m realizing in my sleep deprived mind.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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