ISO 20022 Banking Laws Are Coming Soon. Are You Ready?
March 20, 2023. The Deadline is looming.
When doing research into all of the information for articles, it’s very easy to get sidetracked and have your focus shift to another subject. One thing leads to another, and on and on and on. There is a lot going on behind the scenes in the financial and political realms that most of us know nothing about. There are a few breadcrumbs that come across the news and the internet if one is paying attention, or if you have someone smarter than you prod you a little. You know who you are. Thanks for the nudge.
There are a lot of people saying nothing is happening behind the scenes in the banking world. They obviously haven’t been paying attention. There is so much going on, it’s hard to even keep up with a small portion of the changes. Countries are preparing. Banks are preparing. Global organizations like the BIS/Bank For International Settlements are preparing. That tells me we should probably be paying attention. So let us begin.
As long as the credit or debit card in your wallet or purse keeps working, most people never even give the banks and money a second thought. It’s just one more aspect of your life that has always been there and just something you need to function like food and air. Sure, it may change a little when fees and interest rates fluctuate and go up and you no longer get a toaster for opening a new account, but mostly it’s just there. I think that mindset is what has gotten humanity in these dire straits that we are currently experiencing.
I find it strange how they can delay some banking laws that have already been written and push to implement others. We all know there is a major tug-of-war currently going on behind the scenes in the banking world. The Deep State/Globalist Central Banksters are trying to tighten their grip of control and strangle anyone else from playing in their sandbox. The good news is that train has already left the station and China and Russia are leading the charge against them along with their BRICS partners.
Have you ever sent a wire, either in country or out of country, for personal or business? Have you ever wondered why it took days instead of hours? That’s because the criminal Central Bank SWIFT system decided to hold your money a few days and draw interest on it before it was sent. SWIFT is one of the major control mechanisms of the Deep State/Central Banksters. If you’ve paid any attention at all to banking over the last few decades you’ve heard all kinds of horror stories about SWIFT. Delaying payments, sometimes for weeks, causing business deals to fall through, interrupting cash flow of businesses making them vulnerable and all kinds of other nefarious stories. What we should be asking is who benefited when this happened? After doing this research and other research over the years, I believe they are all true. The Deep State/Globalist Central Banking Cabal have been very bad actors on the world stage for a long time. Lord Acton said it best:
A large majority of the countries on the planet have announced they have asset backed currency. The U.S./Federal Reserve currency is the world’s reserve currency and we have yet to make that full announcement, although I hear partial implementation was instituted in late 2022 for parts of the money supply. Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries are being heavily courted by the BRICS alliance and appear to be getting ready to join the AIIB/Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank along with the growing use of China’s CIPS/Cross-Border Interbank Payment System. All of which, as I understand it, is asset backed. If that happens, how will that affect the Federal Reserve/Petrodollar? How will it affect the confidence in the world’s reserve currency? Will the original deal to create the Petrodollar that Nixon put in place in the early 70’s still remain intact? The FED is losing control of this FIAT illusion. How much longer before it all comes crashing down? The financial chess pieces are being repositioned on the board right before our very eyes if we are paying attention.
The Game is intensifying. The Central Banks and SWIFT have abused their power over companies and countries for decades and now they are trying to play nice and salvage those relationships. It isn’t working. Countries are jumping ship and swimming to the safety of the new system that is far less controlling and more equally beneficial for all the participants. The timing of this final transition could also be influenced by the major currency fluctuations going on in the world right now. The uptick in the valuation of the Federal Reserve Currency for legacy debt settlements has greatly changed as the USD continues to strengthen. Many currencies worldwide have been going through adjustments, with many more to come. Zerohedge is reporting that IRAQ is dropping the USD for the Yuan in trade with China. There are also reports that Mexico wants to depeg the Peso from the USD as well. I remember hearing people laughing when the BRICS Nations talked about their alliance and how powerful they would become. Many of them aren’t laughing anymore, they’re crying, and my heart bleeds peanut butter for their arrogance.
This is the article from SWIFT’s website that started this thread. ISO 2022: Implementation.
After reading this article, apparently the ECB/European Central Bank was a major reason for the delay. If that's true, we know they are controlled by the Deep State/Globalists and I can see them slow walking any transition to allow their puppet masters more time to reposition themselves in the new game.
Here are a few articles I used for research, in no particular order. I tried to reference as many recent articles as I could to give you updated information. While there is a lot of redundant information, mainly rehashing the notifications for implementation from SWIFT itself, I believe each of these articles adds a couple of more pieces of information to create a clearer picture as well as a solidified timeline for implementation.
From FXC Intelligence: Everything you need to know about the ISO 20022 migration.
This Forbes article goes into a lot more detail about the ongoing issues of the banking community worldwide being compliant with these new standards. Forbes: ISO 20022 Will Change Payments But Some Banks Won’t Be Ready.
The crypto community will be involved and apparently be a big player. The more I think about it, crypto my be the reason for pushing this implementation now. Crypto is the major wild card they cannot control and assets moving out of the Central Bank System are over a trillion dollars at current market value. They would want to integrate the crypto community so they can track and trace transactions even if they can’t control them. Here are a few thoughts from Big Changes Ahead-SWIFT ISO 20022 Upgrade Could Shake Up Crypto.
In no way am I saying this transition is not a major deal. Can you imagine coordinating worldwide legacy computer systems to integrate with new digital systems from multiple countries and banking systems. Mixing CBDCs, Crypto, Asset and Non-Asset Backed currencies for quicker settlements worldwide. The task must be monumental. That being said, they have been planning and implementing this for decades. After all of this, I do believe their hand is being forced by the the Good Guys along with BRICS to free humanity instead of enslaving us even further.
Here’s a thought. Why not let the evil players in the game, who have decades of experience breaking every international financial law on the planet, put the new system in place at their time and expense? Then, once that new infrastructure is up and running, arrest them all and take over the system and use it for the planet instead of the wealthy, evil, manipulative megalomaniacs hellbent on world domination? It works for me, I guess we’ll see.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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