Not that 13, The Real 13. "The Black Nobility." Know Your Enemy. The 13 Papal Bloodlines Of The Illuminati.
The Jesuit Khazarian Mafia. These People Control The World, Or Do They?
You know, I like to give credit where credit is due in my articles. This artwork was used in many articles and referenced in many links. I do not know the origins but it is a perfect match for my article. It was this artwork that attracted me to a few links that started me down this rabbit hole. Thank you to whomever created it. I hope I did your artwork justice with this article on our journey of Satori.
Regardless of your Religious beliefs or affiliations, do you believe there is a constant struggle on this planet between Good & Evil? If you do or you don’t, I believe you will if you take the time to educate yourself and digest the information in this article and the many accompanying links below.
What a tale, where to start. This is one of those moments where you have to ask yourself how important the “Truth” is to you and your belief system. Me personally, I want to know the truth no matter how painful or paradigm changing it might be. We have all been living a lie so long I believe the truth is cathartic on many levels. The only way for humanity to ever break free is to know the truth and start living it instead of continuing to live the Deep State/Globalist lies. Religion, Power, Money, Government, Military & more. They are all tied together. There is, and always has been, a power structure on this planet operating in the shadows behind the scenes. A Power Pyramid as it were. Many of the financial articles I have written have documentation involving groups like the Committee Of 300, Central Bankers, Presidents, The Queen and many of these players having to sign off on documents that involve global finance. Once again, this is very real and it constantly impacts all our lives.
Whether you like it or not, there are people and groups of individuals in this world that decide who lives and who dies on a daily basis. These people decide which markets will collapse and what countries will fall. They have controlled Empires for millennia. They have so much influence over the world at any given time it is absurd and very, very scary. I’m not the first person to write about this. I would be a little more nervous if I were. This information and the many articles I will reference here have been around for decades, so this knowledge is out there on the internet if you know where to look and how to research it. You have to be aware that something even exists to know what you are looking for and what questions to ask so you can find it. I’m sure many of you are also aware that the names like the Borgias, Medici, Conti and others have become big business in the Movie & TV world. Fictionalizing history is just one more way to indoctrinate people. As ruthless and horrific as those shows are, I’m betting that’s nothing compared to the reality of events that played out in history.
So, let’s start this off with a question. If you were the mafia in control of a town, and you wanted to stay in the shadows so nobody even knew you were there, wouldn’t you actually like it when someone busts the local drug dealer (who secretly works for you, but he doesn’t even know where his drugs come from) and they put his picture all over the news saying they have taken down the criminal element corrupting the town? He’s just another puppet you replace, and in a couple of weeks it’s business as usual. The limelight is not even on your list of things to accomplish. It’s all about controlling the entire planet in the background. For them, anonymity is one of their greatest talents and something they want to maintain at all costs. They’re not only content with someone else being in front of the camera and taking the credit or the blame, it’s demanded.
The so called Illuminati families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Astors, Duponts and the others are just the B-Team. They are no different than all of these so called secret societies and orders like the Freemasons, Skull & Bones, The Knights Of Malta, The Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove and all of these other little cliques of powerful people who form these alliances to gain power and influence over the rest of the world by association. They are pathetic little wannabes like Klaus Schwab, George Soros and some others who have just enough of that FIAT money, power and influence to wreak havoc and cause problems and distractions while the real power players manipulate and control the world behind the scenes.
Down through the centuries these families would change their names by a letter or two, change their heritage, obfuscate their lineage, intermarry over and over again to maintain their bloodlines and their intimate control structure within certain countries and families. Easier to maintain that control with fewer players in the global control game. They all had wealth and they were willing to work together to grow that wealth and control structure to dominate the planet. The many links I will provide below will allow you to trace back thousands of years of history, if you take the time to get that education. They will be fascinating reads to say the least. I think it’s hard for our modern mindsets to imagine how different the world was over the centuries and what maintaining communication and coordination would involve. These families were cunning, smart and very ruthless with their agendas. What is took to amass their wealth and global control was impressive. What it took to keep that control is genius. Even if you don’t agree, respect the talents of your enemy.
I take you back once again to that phenomenal video from Bonfire Guy called “The Great Awakening” and all of those amazing truths contained therein.
This is where I differ from many of the articles below. I believe that the links to the Vatican and History would put these Papal Bloodlines in the power position on that Black Nobility Pyramid. Those 13 Venetian families mentioned in this video are these families that make up the Papal Bloodline/The Black Nobility. The so called “Illuminati” I mentioned above are not the real Power Brokers on this little planet. These families I mention here are who I believe are the “Crown Council Of 13”, the Real Illuminated Ones.
In reference to these “Papal Bloodlines”. Here is an excerpt from one of the articles referenced below.
“All of the above mentioned are part of what is referred to as the Black Nobility. The “Black Nobility” are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). The “fondo” is the collective financial interest of a “family” of the landed aristocracy, or a “family” of the rentier-financier aristocracy. The fondo functions as a private bank; or a syndicate of several fondi may combine forces to create a jointly controlled private bank or insurance company.
The characteristic activities of the fondi involve generating income from speculation on gains from the manipulation of commodity prices – through monopolies – over some portion of trade in a commodity, including raw materials and their means of transportation.
Syndicates of fondi greatly increase their power over society by financing the debt of government. If they are able to establish a relative monopoly of lendable currency, bullion or credit, the syndicate can dictate key policies of governments, including the appointments of government ministries.
Thus they control policies on tariffs, taxation, public works, land concessions, special monopolies, and so on.
The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class.”
The Jesuits were officially founded in 1540 by Pope Paul III. Saint Ignatius of Loyola, was a Spanish Catholic priest and theologian, who, with six companions, founded the religious order of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits), and became its first Superior General, in Paris in 1541.
As with many things throughout history, nothing is as it seems. “Q” did mention “Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall”. Here are those 33 drops mentioning “Symbolism”.
New General of the Jesuits. I do not like being called “The Black Pope”. They joke about their stature to disarm the public. Don’t be swayed by the light-hearted conversation. These men are ruthless in banking and in life.
The Black Nobility – An Introduction – By Michael Tsarion
– “…Exposing the families of the Black Nobility – despotic, self-serving rulers of many lands and nations – entails first recognizing that they are not Jews or Christians and never have been. They merely pretend to be Protestants and Catholics. Their act is simply a means to an end, a matter of realpolitik, of galvanizing and maintaining world control”
“The Black Nobility are the founders of the secret societies of our day from which all the others that are connected to and originated from — the Committee of 300, The Club of Rome, the C.F.R. (Council On Foreign Relations), the R.I.I.A., the Bilderbergers, the Round Table… all originate from the Committee of 300 and therefore from the European Black Nobility families. Among the top families are the Montefiores, financial servants of the Genoese nobility since the 1200s; the Goldsmids and Mocattas, leading bullion merchants for the British royal family since the 1600s; the Oppenheimers, controllers of a large proportion of the diamond and gold mining in South Africa; the Sassoons, agents of the British Crown in India in the 1700s devoting themselves to opium production; the banking families of Warburg, Schiff, Meyer, Loeb, Radziwill, De Menil, Spadafora,Schroeder, von Thurn und Taxis, von Finck, Wittelsbach, Lambert, Hambro, Luzzatto, Orsini, Weill, and countless others hiding behind the curtain of interlocking banking directorates, holding companies, offshore banking empires, and free port concessions - all camouflaged out of public view.”
Do you think Presidents and other leaders around the world weren’t aware of the Jesuits and their agenda throughout the centuries?
From a centuries old German Bible. The Black Nobility double-headed Eagle with Family Crests.
“One of their principle symbols is that of the double-headed eagle. It signifies their control which stretches from one hemisphere of the world to the other, from East to West. All of humanity dutifully serves their hidden puppet-masters under the shadow of the great eagle of death and destruction which has torn out the heart and soul of the world, leaving only ashes and ruins in its wake.”
“The image of the predatory double-headed eagle is found on the crests of many European nations. Usually taken as the emblem of the Holy Roman Empire, it is not a Christian symbol. It appears on the arms and insignias of both Catholic and Protestant oligarchs. It is also the sign of the Masonic 33 degree, and can be seen worn by the Protestant Duke of Kent (cousin to the Queen) and other senior members of the Alpha Lodges of Freemasonry. It is the emblem of the Knights Hospitaller, which is in my opinion the order controlled by the wily and wealthy Clerics. It appears on coins minted for Queen Victoria, another so-called Protestant. But is it a female symbol? Note the cross and orb at the top of the crown symbolizing the Cult of Venus, and inverted triangle also representing the female. (It also represents Set, Lord of the Underworld, and the Setian Priesthood serving the “gods.”) The naked sword (like the arrows on American seals) represents the quest for vengeance of the deposed Atonists. It is also a chosen symbol of the Shriners, representing the “castrated” (highly initiated) male servants of the Sisterhood. The triple cross signifies Princess Scota, after whom the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry takes its name.”
Remember my “Operation 40:Who Killed JFK?” article where they put information about the assassination of JFK in a video game to flaunt in your face and to show everyone who they are and what they are capable of. Well, they’ve done it again on a much grander scale. Video games sensationalize and desensitize people with their great graphics and realistic story lines. (Realistic is Right). There are 2 parts of “Shadows On The Vatican” that have been released thus far with 2 more in the works. “Greed & Wrath” Go Figure.
I’ll bring this back around to President Trump and that amazing trip around the world in “The Great Awakening” video above, here are my thoughts. When he went to the Vatican, we know he got Pope Francis (The White Pope), one third of the triumvirate that runs the world, to capitulate to his wishes. I have referenced in previous articles everything I think happened, and it was a lot. Along with getting control of the Federal Reserve Banking System in the U.S. and Worldwide, I believe President Trump got all of America’s power and sovereignty back. If you noticed in that video there was an entire group of men that were involved in those meetings. Dozens and dozens of men. Who were these men? Are they some of the power players in the Bloodlines mentioned here? Were they members of the Committee Of 300? Were they Jesuits who are running the Vatican Bank? Are they the people, along with the Pope and the Clergy, who are implicated in all of those folders of documents the Pope was given to assess? All I can say is that it was quite an entourage. That part we may never know, although I do have my suspicions. Their participation is not in question, we can see them all in the video. As an aside, the Queen was the head of the Committee of 300, who is now? Charles. I doubt it. I don’t think Mom wanted him involved in anything he could screw up. I may be wrong. He’s not shown the best judgement at times. (I know, I have a penchant for understatement.) The Committee of 300, (What a collection of individuals this is. More on them in a future article.)
I believe that the reason Uncle Klaus and his WEF cohorts have tried to fast track everything in the last few years is because of the “Power Vacuum” that was created from Trump’s trip around the world. The smart players know when they have been defeated. They will take their game pieces along with whatever assets remain and slink back into the shadows to return another time. Klaus, Soros and their globalist goon squad aren’t that smart. They decided to jump on board the ship and try to take control not realizing it was the Titanic and it had already been struck by the MAGA/Trump/“Q” iceberg. LOL.
Do you really think Pope Francis was the only person, in this power structure pyramid, that capitulated during President Trump’s trip around the world? If so, I have a bridge to sell you.
There are reports that Henry Breakspear of the “House Of Breakspeare” now resides in Macau in China. Many of the Papal Bloodline heads now live in Asia and India. What does that tell you? Are they hiding out? Have they lost power? Have all of their secrets been revealed? Have the majority of their assets been seized? I don’t know for sure but evidence points to their power dwindling day by day.
Centuries, even millennia ago, wealthy, powerful individuals realized that aligning themselves with Religion gave them more power and control of the people of this planet. Rulers and governments come and go, but the organization of the Church remained constant. There is a reason we are supposed to separate the Church and State.
A final thought. What if our New World Order doesn’t involve “The New World Order” per say? Wouldn’t that be a revelation? With everything going on behind the scenes right now, there is one thing I can say for sure. The Power Pyramid that controls this planet is changing in favor of the Good Guys. Of that, I am quite certain.
There are vast treasure troves of information available online if you know where and how to look for them.
Here’s a list of reference links in no particular order. Tons of hours of reading, but well worth your time to understand this very important part of history. When I present you with reference material in my articles I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with the all of the author’s perspectives. I do however respect their opinions and their research and I only give you the cream of the crop of what I think are the most credible articles I myself have researched. Bear in mind the dates of this research and these articles. The world is changing very rapidly. “The Great Awakening” video was made after many of these articles were written and circumstances changed. They are all just pieces of an ever-changing puzzle that I am trying to piece together for myself and all of you.
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia.
KHAZARIAN MAFIA: Bankers For ‘The Papal Bloodlines’ (Earth’s Ruling Elite).
The Papal Bloodlines of the Jesuits — Wealthier & More Powerful Than the Illuminati?
Black Nobility.
This is the Mythos Mafia - The Papal Bloodlines of the Jesuits.
New World Order: Creation of The Venetian Black Nobility and Committee of 300.
I said it would be a lot if you wanted to really get an education on all of this stuff. I saved the big dog for last. You have to research the power structures of the various Religious orders to be able to get the whole picture. Just keep scrolling, it’s massive. Here is a phenomenally researched article from the website entitled:
The Bishops of Rome, the Popes;
the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Armenia, and the East; Archbishops of Canterbury and Prince Archbishops of Mainz, Trier, Cologne, and Salzburg.
Never forget, “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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