(A disclaimer up front. This article may be way too long for everything to be included in your email. If so, you will receive an abbreviated version. Please take the link to this website for the full article. As of the date of this article, 12/18/22, all underlined article and video links are active. Thank You and enjoy.)
The Control Of Information In America and around the World is changing. I think you will find the information in this article is quite relevant to President Trump’s recent speech on a “Digital Bill Of Rights”. When President Trump said “The Media Is The Enemy Of The People”, he was right again.
I purposely did not include “Operation Mockingbird” in my previous post “Operations” because I felt it deserved its own article. If there ever was a rabbit hole that had no bottom, it’s this one. I believe “Q”. We are watching a movie. Television, what a gift to the CIA. 1948 was a very important year. It’s literally the year that America lost its collective mind, or at least control over it, to the CIA. Here is “Operation Mockingbird” and its beginnings.
I know I keep harping on the meanings of words in my posts. These letters were assembled in a certain order to give meanings. We use language everyday to communicate, but in many cases we have no clue where those words came from or their true meanings.
There’s a nifty little YouTube channel called “Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know”. (I’m sure I’m dating myself and I will catch hell for using the word nifty, but it fits.) Over the last 10 years or so they have made hundreds of little videos I refer to as “Mini-Docs” because they are literally mini-documentaries about a variety of subjects to introduce us to things we don’t know. There are a series of videos that play into this article about Edward Bernays, who is commonly knows as the “Father Of Propaganda” and is also Sigmund Freud’s Nephew. You can read or download his book “Propaganda” here. Understand how your mind has been, and is being, manipulated on a daily basis.
Edward Bernays #1: Torches Of Freedom
Edward Bernays #2: Selling War
So, ask yourself the question that is postulated in this video. Is the U.S. using propaganda on it’s own citizens? I agree with the commentator. Absolutely! And to prove it to you, here is an article about a law passed by President Barack Obama in 2017 called “The Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” which directly goes against the aforementioned Smith-Mundt act about using propaganda on U.S. Citizens. Reference both below:
The U.S. Information And Educational Exchange Act Of 1948, also known as the Smith-Mundt Act.
The National Defense Authorization Act Of Fiscal Year 2017
In the 1981 film “Looker” from Michael Crichton, who brought us “Jurassic Park”, “Westworld”, “The Andromeda Strain” and many others, he delves into how our minds are manipulated through commercials. IMHO, Crichton never got all of the accolades he should have for his futuristic visions, although he had a ton of commercial success. I don’t know if this clip is based on accurate information he obtained at the time, or is completely made up, but it made me think about how much time we actually do spend getting brainwashed and influenced by commercials on a daily basis. I would also like to say that I would have no idea where to find that information, but I bet it’s available to those aforementioned PR Firms. Bear in mind that this video was made over 40 years ago. Look at what Hollywood can put in front of your eyeballs today? We can no longer distinguish reality from illusion. Now, understand that the CIA propaganda machine has access to that technology and has had it for decades.
Do you think it is a coincidence that former CIA Director William Casey made his statement the exact year “Looker” was released? Probably, but it also could have been that he knew about the convergence of information and technology that would allow it to come true. Just a thought.
The media in the U.S. is a cesspool of political bias, money laundering, influence peddling and many other bad connotations. The media consolidation into the hands of a few companies has increased over the last 2 decades and now 6 companies control over 95% of the media we consume in America. This graphic is a few years old and I’m sure it’s even more consolidated now.
All of this information coalesces into this giant information and manipulation sandwich they shove down our throats every time we turn the idiot box on or log into any MSM website. When everywhere you turn there is another talking head telling you the same information there is no choice, only the illusion of choice.
Never forget this:
We are in a new era and to quote “Q” again “We Are Now The Media”. The New Media, Writers, Bloggers, Telegramers, YouTubers, Rumblers and the Anons that are disseminating truth, have taken over the spreading of information to the masses. Real information, not propaganda. Pass it along.
I would like to leave you with these 2 clips from the amazing 1976 movie “Network”. Sorry for the language but it is so appropriate for this conversation.
I’m Mad As Hell, And I’m Not Gonna Take This Anymore!
The Tube Lies
After Current events involving Elon Musk’s family being followed, pray for their safety and hopefully the next Twitter revelation will be as insightful as the first few, as he releases the truth for all to see.
I currently need three things to survive. Coffee, Food & Sleep. The first two were used in the creation of this article. I am off to find the elusive third one. Peace.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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