Over the coming weeks, I will introduce you to a series of articles, like this one, where I will go into the monetary aspects of some issues that are affecting every U.S. citizen in more ways than most realize. These are all links in a chain, or pieces in a puzzle, that connect the power players behind the scenes to their power. The more I thought about what I wanted to cover in this article, it turned into a monster that was just too big for one batch of information, so I will call these articles the “Follow The Money Series” and I will do my best to link them all together consciously, on this Substack and monetarily. Many of the questions I propose here will most assuredly never be made public. Hopefully, sometime in the very near future, I do believe there will be some level of accountability. To drain the D.C. Swamp, does not just mean take out the corrupt politicians and power players, but to drain their bank accounts as well. One of my favorite quotes from President Trump and “Q” is “We Have It All”. I think that refers to not just to the corruption, but the information on where the money went and how to retrieve it under all of the Executive Orders, PEADs and laws that were written.
I also want to acknowledge, but not apologize for, some language I may use in these articles. I would probably throw in an expletive or two if I were actually sitting across the table from you having this conversation, instead of through my keyboard. I will assume something here, (I know assumption is the mother of all screw-ups) that I believe I am speaking to adults who live in the real world and are looking for real answers not some dumbed down, politically correct, diatribe for mass consumption. I would take it very personally if I were to ever be compared to the MSM and that drivel that they pump out over the airwaves. All of that being said, let us proceed.
What is the definition of a Black Hole? One of those definitions says “a deep, immeasurable space into which people or things vanish; an abyss:” I believe that definition should be updated to include the word “Pentagon”.
I understand compartmentalization of information and the need for secrecy on some levels about certain aspects of the government’s military operations. But boy, does that open up a whole can of worms about “Government Slush Funds”, “Black Budget Projects”, “Bribing Foreign Officials”, “Buying Hookers For Pillow Talk”, “Paying Defense Contractors Triple The Price For Kickbacks” and so many other things that go on under the aegis of Military Operations or National Security.
Those damn conspiracy theories. It’s funny how more and more of those crazy conspiracies are turning out to be true. So are the crazy conspiracy theorists, or are they just ahead of the curve on figuring stuff out? That’s the kind of crazy I want to be. With so much going on, will we ever find out the truth? Maybe. It’s not like there aren’t a few hundred conspiracy theories to choose from.
I cannot tell you the rancor I felt when I watched that snake, Donald Rumsfeld, sit before Congress and casually tell them that the Pentagon couldn’t account for 2.3 trillion dollars like it was a mere insignificant part of his day. What period of time was he referring too when he mentioned this money? A week, a month, a year, a decade or yesterday? The reason I ask is that from all appearences the entire U.S. budget was only around 2 trillion that year. Here we are years later and still no answers or accountability.
How often do they lose money at the Pentagon? Helluva question. Apparently quite often. If this is how much they lost, where is it in the current and past U.S. Budgets? Was the FED turning on the printing presses after dark and letting the Humvees back up to the dock and load up? Remember when Catherine Austin Fitts brought to light that Professor Mark Skidmore and his students found that 21 Trillion Dollars that was missing. Much of it in the military budgets.
What about the almost 85 billion dollars of equipment left in Afghanistan? We had that number within hours or a few days and yet the Pentagon can’t pass an audit to save their lives. It appears, when they want to be forthcoming with information, it flows like a river, but when they don’t want you to know, somehow the beavers show up and dam up that river of information. My next question would be “Who are the beavers and who paid them to make the dam?”
Part of “The Great Awakening” that we are going through, is for all of us to start using critical thinking instead of blind obedience to the “Government Dialogues” they are bombarding us with on a daily basis.
Who is getting the money? What is it being used for? When did it go missing? Where was the money sent? How were these funds transferred? Cash or Digital? Why would the higher-ups in the Pentagon allow this to happen? The one overarching answer to all of these questions is Corruption at the highest levels of the Pentagon.
Since that audit was in 2015, how much more has the Pentagon lost since then? Is all of this missing money even equated into the supposed national debt? With as much money that has been spent on Ukraine and other Congressional pet projects in the last year, how would your average citizen have a clue where to look for this information? The current national debt clock shows about 31.5 Trillion. How much of that was, and is, attributed to the Pentagon? Does it show that much incompetence in the Military hierarchy or can we discern who is involved in the cover-up? Either way, it needs to be fixed.
I don’t know about you, but this isn’t like any math I ever learned in school. Something just doesn’t add up. Somebody (or a whole lot of somebodies) benefits while we, the citizens, pick up The tab. Maybe we just need to increase the budget for the GAO (Government Accountability Office) and give them more teeth to hold agencies and the Pentagon accountable? Remember, the Mob was taken down over taxes, over the math not adding up. My calculator doesn’t have buttons for bribes, kickbacks, CIA Black Ops and so many other things.
A few closing thoughts: Where does the military end and the CIA begin with all of this international spending? Banks, Wire Authorizations, Audits, Black Budgets. There is a paper trail, be it digital or printed. The absurdity of it all is that somebody is willingly asleep at the wheel for this much graft and corruption to be taking place in all levels of the Pentagon.
Back to my previous statement, The more I delve into the money, my bullshit detector gets pegged into the red, and so should yours. We have to come together and hold our Government officials to task over all of this money being printed in our name.
I really wish Sherlock Holmes was around. Nobody could solve a riddle like that man. Oh well, I got my big magnifying glass out of storage and my keyboard is warmed up. I’m still looking. Wanna help?
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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