Puzzles. Funny shaped pieces that lock together with pictures. Big ones, little ones, round ones, square ones, 3D ones, political ones, secret ones, overt ones, covert ones, physical ones, mental ones and so many other descriptions or designations. It’s easy when you buy the box and can see what the whole thing looks like before you start. You know, the big picture overview.
For those of us who have followed “Q”, for any amount of time, (I don’t know about you, but I never received a box and a picture with my “Q” puzzle pieces) we feel like we have a much better grasp of the “Big Picture” than most. I willingly admit that I am but a humble decode amateur amongst the sea of professionals diving into the deep end of the pool. I’m still on the shallow end with my floaty.
It is impossible to give some kind of hierarchy to these thoughts. Some order so they make more sense. Alas, I’m sure I have failed at this, but I hope by the end you are less confused rather than more confused.
After following the 17th letter for some time, and having my little mind blown with many of the “Q” proofs, I started trying to figure out the big picture so I could maybe see where the puzzle pieces fit. Referencing my previous post “What We Know & What We Don’t Know” I discussed “The Plan”. You know, that big picture overview where everything makes sense and we finally see the conclusion and how it will all fall into place. Kind of like road signs on our journey to make sure we get to the end.
When President Trump was elected to office, this was not going to be another 4 year political stint accomplishing a few things and setting up that autobiography for those residuals. “Q” told us in many posts that this was not just another 4 year election. There was an urgency to accomplish all of the parts of “The Plan” in a timely fashion. So many puzzle pieces had to be manoeuvred into place before different aspects of “The Plan” could even begin. We have “Exposure”, “Implementation”, “Realization”, “Reconciliation”, “Justice”, “Rebuilding” and so many others to consider as pieces of this puzzle.
What’s in a name, or an office? The power is in the people and the alliances that President Trump has formed. Were the BRICS nations part of the plan from the beginning? We know certain countries were in negotiations for more than a decade before BRICS was formed. Were they asked to, or assisted in forming the BRICS/AIIB bank to weaken the Deep State/Banking Cabal of power? Could just the knowledge that this was in the works have been incorporated into “The Plan”, thinking the inevitability was only a matter of time? Did President Trump, “Q” and the Military realize that if the Deep State/Banking Cabal had to also fight this war on another front coming from the BRICS alliance that it would weaken them even further? I believe the answer to all of those questions on some level is, certainly.
Don’t confuse the people of China with the CCP. Just like in the United States, there are different political and ideological factions in China vying for power. Throw in the “Chinese Elders”, who are the many wealthy Chinese families who have been acquiring wealth and influence not for decades, not centuries, but millennia. Through them you have a tug of war for control of a large portion of the population, wealth and influence of the entire planet.
Along with the BRICS nations there is Saudi Arabia and Bin Salman, who owes President Trump his life and who recently told “P”resident Biden to basically “Kiss Off” when asked to increase oil production to keep prices low before the 2022 elections. His much larger part, by announcing an oil/gold backed international currency will further weaken the USD hegemony.
I think what we think of as “The Plan” is a battle, just our battle in this country. “The Plan” is worldwide, and the offensives are on many fronts, and this plan encompasses the totality of the war we are currently fighting for the control of the planet.
Once we clean up the elections in the U.S., Brazil and other places, they will no longer have “Dominion” over us. (There’s another double entendre for you) That name should have given it away to everyone. Anyone who thinks that name wasn't chosen by the company making those voting machines for a reason needs to revisit the “Q” drops about symbolism will be their downfall. It's like signing up for the “Dr. Evil” guide on how to steal an election. The reason symbolism will be their downfall is that they absolve themselves of any guilt or responsibility if they tell us what they will do to humanity before they do it. It can be a hidden meaning or as obvious as the nose on your face. Once they do that, they check their conscience at the door. (Doubtful if they even have one) In the background it’s a collective “screw you” to we, the little people.
For “The Plan”, and its ongoing implementation, I think everyone will admit that there has to be some guiding hand behind the scenes. There is some level of coordination between countries, businesses, agencies, people, finances, communications and other facets of the overall plan. It is an event driven plan, not a timeline driven plan as many of us wish it were. However, I do believe there is an overall timeline framework that is very fluid.
Putin and President Trump had a meeting for almost an hour alone before letting everyone else in. Does anybody really believe Putin & Trump weren’t playing mind games with that soccer ball? President Trump had that visit to the Forbidden City with Xi. The Handwritten letters to Kim Jong-Un that nobody gets to see. Bolsonaro visiting President Trump at the White House. I’m pretty sure parts of “The Plan” were discussed in detail at these meetings.
It's how all of these pieces fit into the “The Plan” puzzle. We think military and we think brute force and conflict. We are in the Psyop realm of 5th generation warfare as has been discussed by everyone from General Flynn to Patel Patriot and many others. Here again is the amazing Psywar video for those uninitiated few who may not have put this puzzle piece in place.
What if, when "Q" said the military is the only way, the U.S. military and the "Q" operation had already coordinated with certain other military leaders around the world, in strategic locations, to insure the “Alliance” stayed intact and could complete their individual parts of “The Plan”? Military cooperation behind the scenes, or at least an open dialogue would have to be in place. Authorizations would have to be instituted for that dialogue to happen. Is that Quantum computer sharing intel? Not the B.S. intel where we do our wargames exercises and you come on my ship and I go on yours. Real intel sharing regarding our common enemy, the Deep State. Could those authorizations have been given in the many PEADs and other documents that we cannot access. Who has secure communications coms? President Trump can't be on the Batphone (although he did admit he was Batman. LOL.) coordinating all of these events because he's monitored 24/7 by the bad guys. I personally think his alter ego is called the “Exchequer” and the world will ask him to save the planet but hey, I could be wrong.
Then there’s golf. It’s a well worn joke, and a very true statement in the business world, that more actual business is transacted on the golf course than in the boardroom. Who spends a lot of his time on the golf course playing golf with ex and current cabinet members as well as members of his “Devolution” team? What better way to have daily meetings about the ongoing issues being dealt with behind the scenes ? I believe they are like little carrier pigeons sent on their communications missions for deception and to keep the enemy off their guard.
Many international finance laws and treaties have been written and put in place but not instituted yet. The Basel Laws, are the laws using asset backed currency for international trade, laws for no longer purchasing stocks and securities with a debt instrument like the FIAT Federal Reserve Notes in our pockets that are also the World’s Reserve currency. Why do you think Russia has already announced the Gold backed Ruble? The minute Putin did this, he put the Deep State/Central Banking Cabal on notice as well as establishing a Gold/Ruble valuation on an international level. Many countries started to divest their U.S. petrodollars as they were no longer needed. Why did China announce the Gold backed Yuan? Why have most of the countries announced their asset back currencies already but the United States has not? Do we not have the gold, the silver or other assets to back our new Treasury Notes? Will that announcement that we have a new asset backed United States Treasury Note immediately take away the status the Federal Reserve Notes have as the World’s Reserve Currency, thus putting an end to the financial control of the Central Banks around the world? As stated in my previous article “What We Know And What We Don’t Know”, is Donald John Trump, the man, as the “Exchequer” controlling those funds, the one person in charge of this asset backed currency announcement? Could he be waiting on that Supreme Court election decision or other events to take place? Along with The Basel Laws mentioned above, other new financial laws will also take effect in January of 2023 as well. These are many of the things we don’t know as we try to fit these puzzle pieces into our view of events as they transpire around us. These events may also be affecting the timing and the triggering of other related events. LIBOR settings will end as originally planned after publication on 30 December 2022. At that time, SOFR settings utilizing a collateral based lending system will become prominent. What this means is the following: Our transition from a debt based financial system to a commodity based financial system will have new settings to govern our new economy. You can expect a reset (A GCR or Global Currency Reset) in the way we do business starting January 1, 2023. I believe the financial pieces of this puzzle are some of the most important pieces.
Are we, As “Q” has told us many times, watching a movie? Who is the director? When President Trump “Devolved” the government, did he allow the Assistant Director to now be in charge? Who would that be? Are we only in act 5 of a 9 act play? Do we really even know what we think we know? We have information that is a specific type and style of puzzle piece concerning a certain timeline, person or event. Unfortunately that piece could fit in multiple areas of the puzzle. It could be in the “Information” section of the puzzle, or it could be in the “Misinformation” section of the puzzle or it could be in the “Disinformation” section of the puzzle. It is also quite possible it could be in all three parts of the puzzle. What is used as disinformation today to draw out the enemy, could become true tomorrow.
Here are a few puzzle pieces that we know are in play, but which of these 3 designations do they fall into? Julian Assange, Hillary’s 33,000 emails, John McAfee and that damn killswitch, John Durham, All of the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Sealed Indictments and many more things in the “Q” drops that have yet come to pass, or have some of them already happened behind the scenes and have yet to be made public? Timing is everything. It does seem as if momentum is building. And now we get to what I believe may be one of the biggest puzzle pieces out there. Elon Musk.
Elon Musk has set the world on fire in the last few weeks with his acquisition and freeing of Twitter. Taking the Deep State’s mouthpiece away and turning on those thousands of truther accounts is a major puzzle piece in “The Plan”. And now one of Elon’s latest communications. “My Bedside Table” has opened up the dialogue for much speculation, so here is mine.
Whether he is just sentimental about history and those weapons or he is a staunch advocate for gun ownership, who knows? Yes, we know that the photo is Washington crossing the Delaware in a Durham Boat and its symbolism in an early “Q” drop which was the first photo “Q” ever posted. There are those two historic weapons, but what interests me the most is what is on the bottom left of that photo? It looks like a Vajra Weapon from Ancient Indian Mythology. Why is that significant? Of everything on that table, it is definitely the odd piece. Everything else is basically Americana all the way down to the diet Coke cans. Is Elon hinting at something here? I believe he is, for multiple reasons. One: Why would he even be tweeting this photo in the first place? There clearly was intent. Two: Other than the drink containers there are 5 objects in that photo not counting the mirror, the wall and the table. There is what appears to be maybe a book (possibly a journal), the base of a lamp, A vintage flintlock weapon in a case with the above mentioned photo, Another traditional firearm and the Vajra. “Could it be that the mysterious and terrible Vajra - a powerful thunderbolt throwing light - was one of such unbelievable weapons?” Now here is what I am postulating for you to think about. Elon Musk is the biggest contractor for the D.O.D. (Department Of Defense). Don’t believe me, believe Kash Patel, the acting Secretary Of Defense Under President Trump, whom I believe is part of the team that #45 “Devolved” the government into. Does anyone believe, for one second, that some or all of those Starlink satellites that the D.O.D. paid to launch, and that Elon Musk continues to put in orbit today, do not have either offensive or defensive weapons capabilities? I personally do not. D.E.W. or Directed Energy Weapons are the new “Tip Of The Spear” as it were for the D.O.D.s newest branch of the military aka “Space Force”. Here’s a short recap for those not paying attention. President Trump launches Space Force, Space Force, along with the NSA, captures all communications and proof of election fraud. A quote from #45 “We Have It All”. President Trump authorizes funding for the D.O.D.’s biggest contractor Elon Musk, who with the help of the D.O.D launches multiple “Communications” satellites into orbit around the entire planet. Elon is one of the smartest and wealthiest individuals on the planet. He is very well read and quite a businessman. I’m betting he has read, and is a fan of “The Art Of War” as well as many other historical writings. I am reminded of the quote from J. Robert Oppenheimer, who is the father of the atomic bomb, where he also referenced to the ancient Indian text the “Bhagavad-Gita” and said “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds” as he was clearly shaken after witnessing the awesome destruction he had just released on this world. To think that is simply an odd trinket, laying on the table, with things that are obviously important to Mr. Musk, is ludicrous IMHO. Elon Musk most assuredly has a quite high military security clearance as their largest contractor. Could one or more of those previously mentioned “Pearls” from that satellite string, maybe be missing the “Starlink” sticker and have a “Space Force Logo” instead? If that information were available, where would one go to find that out? Now, IMHO that’s a very large, very important puzzle piece boys and girls. “All War Is Deception”
Here are my closing thoughts on what I believe, along with my comments on Elon Musk, are the most important “Puzzle Pieces” I have discussed today.
There are many out there in this community who are discounting this Supreme Court Election case as another big nothing burger and won’t even entertain a dialogue until the SC proceeds with their discussions. I understand the skepticism and reluctance to even give it much credence until it moves forward. We have all suffered so much disappointment and had to wash egg off our collective faces when something we thought was a major piece proved to be a minor one. In my previous article, Supreme Court 2020 Election Decision I laid out my opinion on this subject. I would like to add a few thoughts here and I will also include these thoughts there in a Post Script comment. In no particular order.
The Supreme Court has scheduled this case for January 6th, 2023. No coincidence that is the anniversary of the so called “Insurrection” being investigated by the (Insert as many negative descriptions and slanderous words as you would like here) J-6 Committee. IMHO every single political prisoner that has been arrested, held illegally and subjected to the 2 year incarceration at the behest of these treasonous individuals should sue their collective asses and get every ounce of justice the law allows. It is also no coincidence that the new Congress will be seated on January 3rd, 2023, three days before this case is brought before the Supreme Court. Over the course of the next few weeks, Elon Musk, who recently tweeted “Twitter has interfered in elections” is giving the Supreme Court more weapons to defend their decision. Once that evidence is released it would give even more weight in the public’s eyes when the Supreme Court renders that decision.
Under the Laws Of War, that we are most assuredly operating under, if the Supreme Court does not rule on the Constitutionality of the 10 day review process, how would they not be doing the same thing by ignoring the Constitution that Congress did in certifying the election without the 10 day review? Could the military step in and arrest the Supreme Court if they break the laws of the Constitution knowing this case has “National Security Implications” as stated in the complaint? They know they are in the spotlight. If they choose to act in a treasonous fashion, it is my opinion that all 3 branches of government will have shown to be compromised and the military will be forced to step in and arrest all of them. By adhering to the Constitution, and rendering this decision properly, the Supreme Court will not be responsible for saying the 2020 election was fraudulent, but it will allow the election to be redone legally. It is their get out of jail free card, as it were, in the court of public opinion.
My final reasons for going ahead and believing this case will be one of the major linchpins in “The Plan” is the fact that we have been told numerous times by President Trump and “Q” about the “Swamp” needing to be drained. There is no faster, all encompassing way, to legally drain the part of the “Swamp” that is in Washington D.C., than this one action. We can never proceed with the rest of the MAGA agenda without cleaning out Congress, eliminating the current criminal class occupying those vaunted positions and elect a new breed of America Loving politicians. IMHO.
Should I be wrong in my assertions on this subject, I will surely be lambasted beyond belief and I will willingly eat my portion of crow. ( To the chef, I would like to request that with a little salt and just a pinch of arsenic, please) I would also like a big glass of humility thrown in for good measure.
We think as more puzzle pieces are revealed, we can discern the big picture, and in some cases we do, but I believe what we think of as the big picture, may in fact just be one aspect of the overall plan. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we think we have enough pieces of our 500 piece puzzle to finally see what it looks like and then we realize it’s a 1,000 piece puzzle and we have deceived ourselves. In this case, we’re approaching at least a 5,000 piece puzzle with the “Q” drops and other events that are happening around the world. We need to disable the “Zoom” on our eyes and mind and re-focus on the big picture.
I never realized how hard it would be to write an article and relay information but still leave something waiting in the wings for the next one. Everything is related or as I’ve stated here, they are all just puzzle pieces for us to try and place into the big picture.
As with everything they do and everything I say don’t believe me, believe them. Filter everything through “The Art Of War”. That also includes irregular warfare. Never forget we are at war.
Are these thoughts I have outlined here puzzle pieces in your mind? They are in mine.
As an afterthought. Many of us knew the possibilities of the Military satellites being discussed here. A few days after I published this article, events were made public that verify some of my speculations.
SpaceX unveils “Starshield”, a military variation of Starlink satellites.
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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