(After much thought and deliberation I have added a few post script comments at the end for your consideration. Thank You)
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring this special Update:
Hello again. (I promised an article called “Puzzle Pieces” in my previous post. A thousand apologies.) “For the uninitiated, underlined texts include hyperlinks to articles, videos, websites and PDFs”. I’m just saying, a few people asked.
I would like to preface this entire post with the advisement that all of this just popped into my head when I watched this video and I tried to make it all fit. It may not. But, what if some or most of it is correct? I do not know, nor would I be able to find out, all of the legal ramifications of this speculation and how this may or may not play out in the real world.
Start with this video: (Realist News-Breaking. Supreme Court takes the critical election case!) (1st off-***Language*** and he goes off on a little rant but the good information is spread throughout the video, so it was uneditable. As ridiculous as I feel saying this, I feel the need to put a disclaimer that I do not endorse or necessarily agree with everything that is said in this video, but the overall opinion is very sound.) Thank You Realist News. He just posted a follow-up video. Tore posted my Supreme Court video about removal of congress. Hint hint??? Rather casual, but once again, he has an interesting take to consider.
Over the Thanksgiving Holiday something very important happened that I don’t believe everyone was paying attention to. The United States Supreme Court finally agreed to accept a case and render a decision involving the 2020 Presidential election. IMHO, I don’t believe they would have accepted this case, as it was presented, unless their decision was a foregone conclusion. The importance for the country and national security means that I believe the Supreme Court themselves would be committing Treason by not accepting this case if it is presented in the proper manner, and apparently it was.
A Supreme Court case regarding the 2020 election just hit the docket:
Supreme Court Case (22-4007) On Petition For Writ Of Certiorari.
PDF Document of the case. Check the document for the full list of Respondents. See anyone you know? LOL.
This case involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with members of the United States Congress. This action is against 388 federal officers in their official capacities which include President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Michael Richard Pence (“Respondents”).
Also, it is about the Congress ignoring over one hundred claimants on J6, that the election was rigged. They did not investigate the claim, as they should have, and went ahead and installed Biden. Under the Constitution this is Treasonous, as they were aiding the enemy. When the allegations of a rigged election came forward the Respondents had a duty under law to investigate it or be removed from office.
The Supreme Court Case is real, the speculation is sound and we will all have to wait and see how soon this all plays out. Hopefully sooner, rather than later. I agree that these events may have already been incorporated into “The Plan” because the minute the election was certified by Pence & Congress, the good guys were aware they broke the law and committed Treason. For some reason I don’t think “Q” and the Trump team would have missed that or maybe they had foreknowledge that it was going to happen. Maybe both. LOL.
Okay, that’s the first part that triggered this unscheduled series of thoughts in my little pea brain.
As I'm writing "Puzzle Pieces" something kept eating away at my mind. I just watched President Trump's Farewell Speech when he got on AF1 at Andrews AFB standing in front of those 17 Gold trimmed flags. And he says "We will be back in some form". What if he wasn't talking about himself and/or his administration when he said “WE”, but he was talking about "We" the country being in some different form when he did come back?
Along with the upcoming Supreme Court decision, other bizarre events took place over the Thanksgiving Holiday. Over the last few months, there have been many rumblings behind the scenes about certain states or multiple states wanting to form a new country away from the rule of the now defunct and very dysfunctional “Corporation Of The United States” in Washington D.C. There are supposedly even documents where a number of states have already signed a revised “Constitution” to that end. That part is unsubstantiated, but definitely possible.
States like Texas have their own gold depository and can adopt their own currency in a heartbeat. It is my understanding that many of these states have already drafted legislation to put this into motion. For lack of a better term, there is already a coalition of states in cooperative negotiations should current events not unfold in the correct fashion.
Look at what's happening in California. Certain parts of the population have had enough of this insanity. Thank You Gateway Pundit for this article.
The Process of the Formation of the State of New California is well under way.
When President Trump said “WE”, was he referring to himself and First Lady Melania, or maybe coming back sans Pence, or coming back as the “Exchequer”, or possible coming back as just the “Commander-In-Chief” to oversee a new, untainted election, that the military will coordinate and facilitate, (“Q” always did tell us the military is the only way”) or, as mentioned above, does “WE” refer to the country in some new form or another? I started researching other names and titles under which a sovereign country puts someone in charge. He did mention running for the Presidency and not running for President. Perhaps an “Imperial Presidency” is in the works. Very interesting article mentioning an imperial presidency. Or could he be coming back to the Presidency as the 1st administrator after the New Republic is formed form the ashes of the aforementioned corporation? I admit that I am way out on the limb of speculation here, but we all know how President Trump chooses his words very carefully.
There are laws in place, and under certain Continuity of Government protocols, and situations like the one we find ourselves in now with extenuating circumstances, a President may legally end up serving up to 10 years in office. I believe some form of one or more of these scenarios has taken place. ”The Plan” has, and is, being implemented on multiple levels, both publicly and behind the scenes. 10 years seems like such a long time as we are living through this very painful, distorted version of reality, but it is actually a blip on the radar when dealing with centuries of corruption at every level.
Instead of coming back as President to perform his duties, and for there being the checks and balances needed to keep the government running, would he just be reinstated as Commander in Chief and not President until the new election was held? For this transition he would be installed, not elected as basically a caretaker to shepherd the country through these turbulent times until a new Congress could be elected and seated. Could that transition take 2 years, thus letting him serve a second term + 2 making the 10 years under the special circumstances law? Could they just undo all of (P)resident Bidens EOs and take us back to the EOs, PEADs and other initiatives that President Trump had in place when the current administration took office? Thus, allowing President Trump to return us to the MAGA agenda immediately and start to reverse all of the damage and this precipitous slide downward the country is currently experiencing. I think a quote from #17 would be appropriate at this point.
“Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].
Over the last couple of years I have watched and listened to hundreds and hundreds of podcasts, videos, phone calls and more dealing with the geopolitical, financial, global and societal impacts of the malfeasance in Washington D.C. and those ramifications to each of us. Many of these interviews always mentioned certain legal jargon that got my research juices flowing. Now, more than ever, I believe a certain word has ascended to the top of the list of importance. That word is “Remedy”. Ultimately, what will the remedy be that the Supreme Court deems appropriate for this case?
If proven, the class action legal and civil lawsuits would be in the millions, and the financial remunerations could well be in the tens of trillions of dollars. Is Congress still working for, and on behalf of the “Corporation” or are they working for the “Republic” and “We The People”? Would the corporation and the many Respondents be responsible for all of that debt that has occurred from this Treasonous act? I.E. President Trump’s EO#13818 or one of the many other legal documents he put into place to protect the country and the citizens?
That’s my train of thought. I’m not sure if the train derailed a few paragraphs back, but hey. Check out all the question Marks. Could this be a way to take down the whole corrupt D.C establishment and start over? Pardon the language, but it applies (Don’t listen if you don’t want to feel the intensity). Law Abiding Citizen Clip (It's Gonna Be Biblical). If, in fact, this proves to be the case, we should all be this angry and want justice for ourselves, future generations and the world.
I know there’s more speculation here than who stole the most money from humanity at the latest Bilderberg meeting or G20 Summit, but I personally do believe some, or maybe even most, of this speculation is backed up by a healthy dose of circumstantial evidence. Since we suspended reality a couple of years ago and are now living under the “Laws Of Stupid”, or the “Laws Of The Matrix”, or more likely the “Laws Of War”, who even knows what is possible or impossible as we slowly roast in this “Hellfire Of Absurdity” existence? I Think I’ve said everything a blathering idiot can on this subject. Although I proudly wear that mantle which means I most assuredly forget a thing or two.
Please keep the Supreme Court Justices in your prayers as they deliberate and decide, what may well be the most important case in the history of this country. If they make the Constitutionally correct decision, it will trigger a series of events that will take us into the “Eye Of The Storm”.
Timing is everything. Don’t you think?
Now, back to working on “Puzzle Pieces”…
After completing this article I have added a few thoughts in my next article “Puzzle Pieces”. I will include them here for ongoing clarity.
There are many out there in this community who are discounting this Supreme Court Election case as another big nothing burger and won’t even entertain a dialogue until they proceed with their discussions. I understand the skepticism and reluctance to even give it much credence until it moves forward. We have all suffered so much disappointment and had to wash egg off our collective faces when something we thought was a major piece proved to be a minor one.
The Supreme Court has scheduled this case for January 6th, 2023. NO coincidence that is the anniversary of the so called “Insurrection” being investigated by the (Insert as many negative descriptions and slanderous words as you would like here) J-6 Committee. IMHO every single political prisoner that has been arrested, held illegally and subjected to the 2 year incarceration at the behest of these treasonous individuals should sue their collective asses and get every ounce of justice the law allows. It is also no coincidence that the new Congress will be seated on January 3rd, 2023, three days before this case is brought before the Supreme Court. Over the course of the next few weeks, Elon Musk, who recently tweeted “Twitter has interfered in elections” is giving the Supreme Court more weapons to defend their decision. Once that evidence is released it would give more weight in the public’s eyes when the Supreme Court renders that decision.
Under the Laws Of War, that we are most assuredly operating under, if the Supreme Court does not rule on the Constitutionality of the 10 day review process, how would they not be doing the same thing by ignoring the Constitution that Congress did in certifying the election without the 10 day review"? Could the military step in and arrest the Supreme Court if they break the laws of the Constitution knowing this case has “National Security Implications” as stated in the complaint. They know they are in the spotlight. If they choose to act in a treasonous fashion, it is my opinion that all 3 branches of government will have shown to be compromised and the military will be forced to step in and arrest all of them. By adhering to the Constitution, and rendering this decision properly, the Supreme Court will not be responsible for saying the 2020 election was fraudulent, but it will allow the election to be redone legally. It is their get out of jail free card, as it were, in the court of public opinion.
My final reasons for going ahead and believing this case will be one of the major linchpins in “The Plan” is the fact that we have been told numerous times by President Trump and “Q” about the Swamp needing to be drained. There is no faster, all encompassing way to legally drain the “Swamp” in Washington D.C. than this one action. We can never proceed with the rest of the MAGA agenda without cleaning out Congress, eliminating the current criminal class occupying those vaunted positions and elect a new breed of America Loving politicians. IMHO.
Should I be wrong in my assertions on this subject, I will surely be lambasted beyond belief and I will willingly eat my portion of crow. ( To the chef, I would like to request that with a little salt and just a touch of arsenic, please. I would also like a big glass of humility thrown in for good measure.)
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