"The 1001 Club" (Follow The Money Series)
(Updated) The JFK Assassination/The Permindex/The CIA/Selling The Sizzle/The WWF/Stealing the world.
Please see my addendum at the bottom It is well worth your time and the 2 videos are amazing. Thank You.
Well, it’s 2 A.M. I’ve been at this for hours, and I think I’m finished writing. Now to proofread this monster a couple of times before I publish it to Substack and my readers. I hope you like it.
What if I told you……Would you even believe me?
My original intent with my (Follow The Money Series) was to show how the Central Banks have been used to control humanity through their fake FIAT money. While that is still true, there is always a thread that flows through history about money. Who has it. Who uses it to control the situations and people. How is it all connected to the wealthy power players and money brokers then and now. I’m betting the World Economic Forum, The BIS, The World Bank and these other globalist organizations will cease to exist when the world goes to asset backed currency sometime in the near future. It won’t be overnight, but countries will stop paying dues to be controlled. It’s inevitable.
Wow. I never thought I would end up at the JFK Assassination and the Permindex Assassination Cabal when I looked into “The 1001 Club”. I’ve said it in many of my articles and I’ll keep saying it because it’s true. It’s all connected. Through the money, power and evil players that dominate the world stage, both now and in the past. There are so many connections you can’t separate this information out into it’s disparate parts without writing a small book. As with all of my writings, I want to give you just enough information to stimulate your mind to go deeper and learn things that make you even more curious. Will we ever learn the truth about the JFK assassination? I don’t know. Add this information to all of the recently declassified documents to get an even clearer picture. I do know, writing this article, I found out things I never knew before, and I am somewhat well read on that subject. The information referenced at the bottom is amazing, on so may levels. I had briefly heard of Permindex but I did not associate it to all of this information. The things we don’t know. I’ll finish this intro with this statement: My article is just the appetizer to a multi-course meal of information. It is just the first link in a chain that culminates at the end of #6. Don’t think they are not all relevant, because they are. #1 & #2 are the set-ups for the rest. There’s always a paper trail, usually with money involved. Put on the coffee and enjoy.
How many people blindly support organizations because of a commercial or a celebrity endorser that made it sound great? Far too many. Once that money is sent, you have absolutely no idea where it goes. How much of our own enslavement is hidden in plain sight if we will only open our eyes and see? Be curious, question everything. Nothing is as it seems. I actually remember sending money to the WWF/World Wildlife Fund back in my 20s after reading an article in a magazine. What a fool I was. If I had only known then what I know now.
What do the World Economic Forum, The World Health Organization, The Bank For International Settlements, The World Bank, The United Nations, The Red Cross, The Bilderberg Group, The 1001 Club and so many other international organizations all have in common? I mean other than the historical NAZI connection, the depopulation agenda, the Central Bank financing, the New World Order agenda and all of that other stuff. It’s who the members, supporters, founders and financiers are, and have always been. Once they all figured out how to use all of that free Central Bank stolen money to enslave humanity, it’s just a matter of prepackaging the method of control and selling it to the masses as a good thing. They will let no one or nothing get in their way. You can connect the dots from the beginnings of this information all the way to the many power players today.
What is one of the best ways to obfuscate your wealth and move money all over the world? Charities. Benign global organizations with affiliations to other wealthy individuals worldwide. Load up that Learjet with people, items you don’t want confiscated, money, information and a plethora of other things, and call your wealthy friend who has connections in whatever government or country you need to travel to, ask a favor, grease a few palms to bypass customs and in you go, no questions asked. Take care of your business and out you go, once again, no questions asked. You’ve heard the phrase “Guilty By Association”, well the rich use the opposite to their advantage. They use “Innocent By Association” to bypass laws, customs and regulations on a daily basis. They exist under a different set of rules. You know “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, “It’s On A Need To Know Basis, And You Don’t Need To Know” and all of those other movie one liners we’ve heard for decades.
How many wealthy clubs and organizations are there? We will never know because we don’t have that much money. I have to reference that great little YouTube channel again for inspiring this article. These guys looked into a lot of interesting stuff for their channel over the years. Here is “The Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know-The 1001 Club”.
Here is the sanitized version of what and who they are.
The 1001: A Nature Trust Wikipedia Page
When the wealthy get together and say they are going to do something for humanity, we should all beware. I find it interesting that a large portion of the members of all of the these “Clubs”, “Organizations”, “Forums”, “Groups” and other designations overlap en masse. They cross-pollinate their agendas and share ways to destroy humanity with their fellow globalists.
This is just one more thing, besides organizing and founding the insidiously evil Bilderberg Group, that humanity can loathe Prince Berhard of The Netherlands for starting. Here is his Wikipedia page. Please read it. I actually can’t believe they go into such detail about his Nazi past and all of his traitorous activities to his country and humanity. Now that’s a bio no self respecting globalist wouldn’t want by their name. He’s had his entire life whitewashed for consumption by the public. The man was pure evil. As so many of them are.
Most of the information I located doing this research has been referenced here, including what could be found from the aforementioned Private Eye magazine from 1980 about “The 1001 Club”.
I don’t want you thinking I didn’t delve deep when I decided to share this information and write this article. I researched for hours and hours with very little information left available out there in cyberspace. I found a lot of dead links and information that has been removed. I finally located most of the information that is still available on this very secretive organization. I think one of the reasons they have gone dark is because the internet has allowed the public to share information, and humanity is waking up to the wealthy trying to own and control food and nature with all of the prime farmland they are buying, like Bill Gates and others are doing. What better way to know what natural resources are above and below ground, than to act like a friend to the natural world and send your minions to investigate everywhere under the guise of saving nature. Your wealth, connections and mission open doors to rape and pillage entire coutries and continents of their natural resources.
#1 below is the amazing article written for the ISGP by Joel van der Reijden. Most, or nearly all, of the relevant information that is still available on the internet is contained in this article and the other articles I will reference here. Rather than me plagiarize bits and pieces and put in my words, I will let you see what I saw when I wrote this article and make your own conclusions from the research done by these authors. I applaud them all for their diligence and research. Pay particular interest to those membership lists. Power players for the last few decades are all there for you to see. I honestly think your opinions of many of the people on these lists will change from modest admiration to complete disgust and loathing if you truly knew of all of their nefarious activities. These articles will literally blow your mind about things you never knew.
#2 EIR/Permindex Ties Revealed To JFK Murder & The 1001 Club
#3 Patriots For Truth “The Elite 1001 Club”
#4 Bloomfield, Permindex & The CIA
More Permindex Info.
#5 What is The Permindex? (Permanent Industrial Expositions)
Knowing what we know and are currently living through with the FBI, CIA, MSM and the weaponization of our justice system against a former President, as well as the public, is it really that hard to believe it hasn’t happened before? Kennedy wanted to disband the CIA decades ago for all of their evil shenanigans. I think we all know he was right.
This is what happens when you have so much money that it doesn’t matter anymore and the only thing left that you want is power and control over the world. Another amazing thought from Hegel of Hegelian Dialectic fame and a previous article.
02/10/23 10:45 AM addendum to this article. I woke up this morning to a link from a previous video I missed from Dark Journalist W/Oxford scholar and genius writer Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. Two of the smartest guys in the room. Somehow I missed this back in the day a couple of years back. It’s all about the subject of this articles and the tie-ins to JFK and Permindex. I just finished watching it and I think it will help your brain coalesce this information as Dr. Farrel explains. He is so well read. Bear in mind the comments made then about President Trump and information being released in the public now are playing into our current paradigm. I will send this out to all my subscribers so they don’t miss this info in case you have already read this article. Dr Farrell also has written a book relating to this information.
I really am an idiot. I didn’t listen to the last 5 minutes to realize there was a part 2. I beg your forgiveness for my lack of sleep and stupidity.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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