This is another one of those monster thoughts that has no end in sight. The wealthy, evil, class of people that have ruled over this planet for millennia don’t want very many of us around. Just enough to be their slaves and take care of their every desire. This will be an ongoing series of articles on “The Depopulation Agenda” with more and more links in the chain and pieces that should all connect in your mind at some point. I have pages and pages of stuff to tie together and I will try to set the stage with this article and lead you down a path with subsequent articles. Some things kill us slowly and others more quickly. The passage of time is inevitable. That they should want to steal it from us is not OK.
A lot of this information will be hard for some of you to get your head around, but I need you to try. I don’t make statements in these articles just to hear myself think. I’m trying to get you all to engage with my writings and do your own research. It truly is insidious how their every thought has to do with the killing of humanity.
Let me start with a recommendation. Please reference my previous article on The Codex Alimentarius to have an insight into the depopulation agenda referenced here. Owning, controlling and distributing food and nutrition is a major part of this agenda. Especially when you decrease the quality of food through GMO & bio-engineering and make that the only food available.
The word of the day is “Threshold”. I will try to make you understand the many ways this applies to your life. People all over the world are different. Different races, different sexes, different heights, different weights, different blood types, different lifestyles, different environments, different everything. No two human beings are exactly alike. There are averages in all these categories based on demographics and other societal influences and locations around the planet. We all need food, water, sleep, nutrition, sunlight, air and many other factors as human beings to stay alive. Here’s my question to you. Why do some people have lifespans that are almost double the human average? Good genes, healthy lifestyle, exercise, better quality of life, less stress and a variety of other factors or something else? Many countries don’t allow these toxic products in any form. They don’t allow these additives to be put into their food supply.
I hate referencing Wikipedia for anything, but for the purposes of this article we’ll use that data set. List Of The Verified Oldest People.
Back to that word “Threshold”. Many of us have varying degrees of pain we can stand, or our “pain threshold”. When a business starts to lose more money than it makes, it is on the “threshold of bankruptcy”. When listening to the news on main stream media and the lies are so egregious, we reach our “B.S./bullshit threshold” and change the channel. In a relationship, when one person is unhappy and wants to move on and find someone else they feel comfortable with, they have reached their “intimacy threshold”. A threshold is just a boundary, a line in the sand or a demarcation. Now think of all of humanity and what it means for us, as a species, to cross a threshold.
The “Depopulation Agenda” that the evil Deep-State Globalists Like George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci and many others along with their corporate counterparts like Monsanto, The Pharmaceutical industry, Dow Chemical, Bayer and others, have imposed on humanity is all encompassing. They all want you to think they are doing things in your best interest with their vaccines, their GMO seeds, their chemically treated products and more. They have great public relations firms evangelizing their virtues and motives. It’s all a bunch of lies, Not some of it, all of it. They are willingly and knowingly involved in a mass depopulation agenda for their evil overlords. It’s not even really just about profit. They must make profit, along with speeding up the depopulation of the planet as part of their agenda. As evil and maniacal as that sounds, it’s true.
Adolf Hitler, Bill Gates Sr., Bill Gates Jr., George Soros, Anthony Fauci and many others are eugenicists. They want only certain people to be on this planet and 99.99999999% of us are not those people. See anyone you know?
What if I told you Bill Gates is a major source of funding for the U.N., The W.H.O, The N.I.H. and the CDC. Let’s see, now who pushes that vaccine agenda for Mr. Gates? You guessed it, all of the above. Who owns major shares of pharmaceutical stocks? You guessed it, most of our Congress and these globalists. Here is a little historical context for you. Watch this short 7 minute video.
Shocking! Historian Exposes Bill Gates’ Ties To NAZIs and More.
There is a reason behind everything. At first there is a thought. Stuff just doesn’t happen. There was a boardroom meeting at these corporations with an agenda. An agenda that they knew would harm humanity and ultimately shorten people’s lifespans and kill them. They chose money over the sanctity of life. Period. End of story. Every Corporation, every board member of those corporations, every scientist who knowingly added a harmful ingredient to medicines or food, all of them should be tried for crimes against humanity for pushing poison and the depopulation agenda. They knew, and know, exactly what they are doing.
In no particular order, but keep this thought in mind. Over the course of decades and decades, they slowly introduce toxins and poisons into the food chain in every product, at every level, knowing that humans will start accumulating these toxins in all organs and parts of the body, and it will lead to the inevitable intensifying and speeding up of the mortality rate of everyone on the planet, along with the need for pharmaceuticals to prolong a much reduced quality of life. So here’s how this works:
You own Big Pharma. You influence governments to mandate vaccines and make certain medical treatments that pay you in perpetuity by making people sick and shortening their lifespan. Dead within a few years of receiving Social Security because of your mandated so called health care. Charge multiple times the price because you control politicians to allow it. Ask yourself why prescriptions cost so much in this country and so little, in say Canada & Mexico? Because Big Pharma hired a lobbyist, (Reference my previous article “Lobbying”) who bought off a Congressman or Senator, to pass a bill and make it a law allowing them to charge insane amounts of money to us, U.S. citizens. Making it almost illegal to go outside their system of control. They then work with hospitals and insurance companies to fix prices at the highest possible levels so they will receive government subsidies paid for by the citizens with our taxes. It’s an endless cycle of corruption, and basically money laundering to steal the wealth of the public and force us to pay the hitmen to kill us.
What if I told you every time you grab that receipt at your local gas station or grocery store, you are aiding in the depopulation agenda. That thermal paper receipt is part of their depopulation agenda. Here is a Newsweek Article from 2014 entitled “You're Absorbing BPA From Your Receipts, Study Shows”. It’s there for a reason, and that reason is to slowly poison you. Higher estrogen levels can cause depression and lower sperm count in men. Which, over the course of time, would also affect depopulation.
Here’s another example: For decades they have been touting Stevia as a “Natural” sweetener that has no calories unlike sugar. (which, by the way, is made from sugar beets and bleached white, unlike natural sugar made from sugar cane. Also, almost 95% of all sugar beets in the U.S. are GMO) It must have slipped their minds, as well as having been left out of all of their advertising, that native South American cultures have used Stevia as birth control for centuries. Prolonged use will cause infertility and sterility. Which, over the course of time, would also affect depopulation.
Here is an excellent article from about artificial sweeteners that I think you should read entitled “A Brief And Bizarre History Of Artificial Sweeteners”.
They all have that Deep State mindset. “After we tell the public our products cause cancer and can shorten their lifespan and kill them, if they still line up to buy them after we got them addicted, we feel no remorse.”
It’s not only what they have forced us to consume with their toxic food substitute products. It’s what they have made illegal that helps us stay healthy and live longer. As previously mentioned, it once was illegal not to grow hemp in this country. If you had a farm, it was a required crop for all the benefits. Here is “A List Of The Different Cannabinoids Found In Hemp”. Doesn’t it stand to reason, that their depopulation agenda would want to remove one of the greatest substances for health on the planet? Something that could also help you flush all of their toxicity out of your system.
That should be enough information to get your mind active. It’s all connected. All those ingredients whose names you can’t pronounce aren’t food in any form. Most serve no purpose other than to introduce toxins into the human body. Their depopulation delivery system is our food. Not counting all of the chemicals already in our food from chemtrails and other environmental toxins. For decades, even centuries, they have been slowly poisoning each of us. Making us sicker and weaker and less able to function mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and more.
A little poison here, a little poison there. A little more sugar to cover up the bitterness of the poison. They have taken the human body past the threshold of health and into disease. 100% man-made toxic diseases like cancer, diabetes, AIDS and more. We are killing ourselves with our teeth. One little bite at a time, kind of like death by a thousand cuts. Each one might only hurt a little, but eventually they will kill you.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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