"The Digital Slave System Part #2: Hiding In Plain Sight" Veto That Bill
Incoming "CBDC" Nightmare. No More Freedom "EVER" If This Bill Passes. Banking Laws Are Changing. Pay Attention.
Hopefully you survived the confusion of part one and you are ready for the second part of this insanity. I’m going to jump right in to my loathing of the political class. Sorry Bastards. Those damn politicians in Washington should be taken out and tarred and feathered. As usual, they are hiding pork and a ton of bad stuff in a “Bill” that sounds like it is a good thing. Not since the original “Trojan Horse”, has there been this big of a financial deception pulled on the public. OK, there was that “Great Depression” thingy, And that 2008 Stock Market crash. They have got to be held accountable, lose their jobs and be tried for crimes against humanity.
I will start this article with a request for you to take the link below and read this, very short, excellent piece from the Conservative Treehouse. Be sure and watch the short video from Tucker Carlson W/South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem at the bottom. Her description of the downsides of this “Bill” are spot on. She does mention those “Damn Lobbyists” again.
In case you missed it, as a U.S. citizen, they are trying to make every crypto investment you have worthless. Daniel Horowitz wrote in his article for TheBlaze.Com “South Dakota And Other Red States Are About To Ban Bitcoin As Legal Money And Grease The Skids For CBDC”. Here is the most important comment from his article.
“The revisions to Article I are very clear now that Bitcoin will not be money, because even though the definition provides for electronic money … it says that an asset that is adopted by a government as its medium of exchange will not qualify as money … if the electronic asset, such as Bitcoin, existed before it was adopted by the government. So Bitcoin, of course, exists today; it existed before El Salvador adopted it as its currency … so it will never be money for UCC purposes. The same for other kinds of crypto currencies.” So there you have it. Officials clearly mean to pave the way for CBDC while explicitly barring all competition.
The bill stems from the generally innocuous Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
They will be able to connect every aspect of your digital life to your CBDC account. They will track and trace everything you do or say online. If they don’t like the fact that you own a weapon, they can freeze your account. If they don’t like a comment you made on your Twitter account, they can freeze your account. Tow the party line or be cut off. This will be used to institute a U.S. version of the Chinese Social Credit System. Members of the United States Congress have been trying for the last few years to make this a reality for all of us.
It’s March. ISO 20022 is set to be implemented on Monday/March 20th. The FedNow Service is set for implementation in July. The Globalists are pushing to get this “Slave System” in place ASAP.
They have had this scheduled to enslave us for many years. Consolidation has been taking place worldwide and the Central Bank/FIAT systems are being exhausted of all funds to insure they maximize their theft before any accountability can take place.
Do you think for one minute that our Congress and Lawmakers won’t look for every loophole they can find to freeze, confiscate and distribute to their fellow political thieves, all of your assets? Control is what it’s all about. This is the Deep State-Central Banksters-Globalist Agenda that Klaus Schwab/Soros and all of the members of the global financial cabal are pushing countries to use for the enslavement of humanity. They’re coming for your money.
Do you honestly believe that all of these financial calamities we are witnessing worldwide right now are not being orchestrated, on every level, to get us to their endgame of one Globalized/Central Bank currency? They will let every country call their version whatever they want, but it will all be run through their “One World Bank” clearing house and their CBDC system of control. The financial turmoil this year has been unbelievable. This chaos will continue between the Deep State and the White Hats until one side wins.
I think we all should start paying more attention and following through with contacting our lawmakers and letting them know how we feel about this digital prison they are building for us.
A brilliant comment from “William” on one of the articles has a form letter that was sent to the WA. state representatives. Feel free to edit and use it for your purposes.
I have composed and sent the following to my WA state Senate and House representatives. Feel free to adopt, edit and send to your state representatives if they are on that list of states that have, or will, consider this Bill.
This proposed legislation SB5077 has recently come to my attention.
(The following is excerpted from the link
https://trackbill.com/bill/washington-senate-bill-5077-concerning-the-uniform-commercial-code/2291475/ )
“On February 22, 2023 in the Senate: Third reading, passed; yeas, 49; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. (View Roll Calls)”
I am not well versed in WA state Senate procedures, but since all 49 WA state Senators voted “yea”, I am assuming this Senate bill was approved and sent to the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee for consideration.
What concerns me is the text from page 5 of SB5077:
” “Money” means a medium of exchange that is currently
authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government. The term
includes a monetary unit of account established by an
intergovernmental organization or by agreement between two or more
countries. The term does not include an electronic record that is a
medium of exchange recorded and transferable in a system that existed
and operated for the medium of exchange before the medium of exchange
was authorized or adopted by the government. ”
The newly added sentence, “The term does not include an electronic record that is a medium of exchange recorded and transferable in a system that existed and operated for the medium of exchange before the medium of exchange was authorized or adopted by the government” is sly legalese which would exclude Bitcoin from their definition of money.
The first block in the Bitcoin blockchain was created on Jan 3, 2009, a date which plainly precedes any pending governmental electronic medium of exchange, such as the widely touted “Central Bank Digital Currency” (CBDC), currently being studied by the US Federal Reserve.
CBDCs are a horrific tool which could/would be used to enforce economic and social engineering widely, across the entire country. Adoption of any CBDC in this country would be disastrous for freedom.
Therefore, if this legislation passes in its current form, Bitcoin would (effectively) be legislatively banned as a money in WA State, as it preceded any CBDC.
I don’t know who wrote this legislation, but their intent was/is to block Bitcoin’s adoption, in a round-about, surreptitious way, in my opinion.
Unlike a CBDC, Bitcoin is an open protocol, not controlled by any state or entity, global in reach, having no address or headquarters or CEO, which anyone, anywhere can freely participate in and representing a neutral reserve asset suitable for worldwide adoption as money.
Bitcoin is a radical departure from our conventional notions of what “money” is, but by earnestly studying it, one realizes that it is one of the great innovations in history, capable of removing the control of money from corrupt governments worldwide and re-establishing sound money, while being free from political machinations and debasement.
This being so, I strongly oppose the attack that SB5077 brings against Bitcoin, this legislation evidently birthed by Bitcoin’s political enemies, enemies who understand the threat that widespread adoption of Bitcoin poses to their hammerlock on the manipulated and corrupt fiat currency that we are forced to use as dictated by legal tender laws.
SB5077 should therefore be rejected, as based on these arguments.
Thank you. Regards,
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
Here is some additional reference material I used in writing this article.
An article from Fortune.com FedNow Is Set To Launch In July
An article from BeInCrypto.com Federal Reserve To Launch FedNow Instant Payments
From A Banking Perspective:FedNow Service-7 Things You Need To Know
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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