The Original "Bilateral Minesfield Breathrough Successor Agreement" & "The New 20 Year Bilateral-Trilateral Minesfield Successor Agreement" "Follow The Money Series"
Funding The World Into The Future
Damn, I’ve been working on an article about the original agreement because it is one of the most important documents in the history of the world. Imagine my surprise when I found out they had written another one for a 20 year extension. Finding information about the new one is harder than finding an honest politician in Washington, and we all know how hard that is. Management keeps telling me my research skills are above average. (Private Joke)
For those of you who have been reading my Substack, I have tried to show you how the Deep State/Central Banksters have been controlling the world in the shadows for millennia, but specifically how they have done things since the inception of the U.S. Federal Reserve in 1913. Since it is my most popular article to date, I’m glad many of you read that "Operation StillPoint" To Take Down The United States article. I did notice that only a few hundred of you took the accompanying link to the actual 2010 Christopher Story article of the same name, to get the actual historical context of what actually transpired during that time frame. That was a very important series of events that brought us forward in time to the post Obama era with the election of President Trump. You need to know these men for who they were. Clinton, the two Bush Presidents and Obama made it a point to keep the economy of the U.S. and the World in check and not to allow the American Citizens to prosper as much as they could have with the Wanta funds and the other benefits of the Global Currency Reset/GCR that was also stymied. If that reset had been allowed to happen, we would not be dealing with our current level of global manipulation from the evil Uncle Klaus Schwab and the WEF along with their other globalist puppets that they put into positions in many other countries. Every time they try to tell us the world has to do what they say, you can bet your life it will involve them gaining more control over the planet and us losing more freedoms. They do it through control of money and the economies.
We’ve all heard George Bush Sr. and his New World Order speech. Clinton, Obama, Bush Jr. and Biden have all parroted that statement multiple times.
The lies told by the Central Banks and these Presidents turned many leaders and countries against the United States and the Fed World Reserve currency of the U.S. Dollar. It literally got so bad at one point, that China basically stopped any negotiations with Obama and said they would wait until the next President was elected after he made a statement that he would not allow this much needed reset of currencies to happen on his watch. He made it very apparent that he did not want to see America truly prosper with his rhetoric and actions. It is one of the many reasons BRICS gained momentum and new international laws were put into place about no longer being able to pay for goods and services with FIAT backed currency. It also played heavily into actions involving the BASEL accords, especially III & IV and their current and future implementation. Having said all that, let’s get into the stuff I’m sure you don’t know.
In my research I have come across thousands of letters and documents of all sorts. Some were proposed agreements, offers for monetary assistance, financing for international treaties and so much more. Some came to fruition and some did not. Many plans have been changed and updated to sidestep the Deep State. I have mentioned in many articles about how all of that “GOLD” I keep writing about was leveraged by the International Banks and Organizations to control all of us through the Central Banking System and having the U.S. Federal Reserve note as the World’s Reserve Currency. Basically forcing the World to capitulate to their will if countries wanted to be involved in international trade on any level. The original Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944, Nixon taking us off the Gold standard in 1971 with the implementation of the Petrodollar and other financial moves have caused most of the world’s chaos for the last 80 odd years. There was an agreement from 1950 to use all of that gold to stabilize the world’s economies. That agreement was “The Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement” shown below.
Buried in those thousands and thousands of documents I’ve been reading are hints and clues that certain things have taken place and old global arrangements in finance have given way to new agreements, treaties and accords. We know about some of them like the above mentioned Basel Accords and their control over the banking sector worldwide. Much of this is just legal and financial mumbo jumbo to allow them, through hypothecation and rehypothecation of these assets, to keep the world enslaved in this fake, FIAT, illusionary economy. None of this is needed, because there are assets available to allow the world to have a new financial system free from the evil Central Bank overlords and their Globalist minions. The world can never truly be free until the Central Banking power structure has been dismantled. Untangling this centuries old web of connectivity and deceit is not as simple as turning off one switch and turning on another to cut the Banksters out of the game. By design, they literally have their fingers in every pie on the planet. The entire global economy would collapse if this transition doesn’t happen in a somewhat orderly fashion. The political struggles felt here in the U.S. and abroad, and the tug of war going on with Globalist Organizations like The WEF, NATO, The U.N., The WHO and others, can’t be solved as long as the FIAT money system is in place. They have too much power and control that has been afforded them through the use of this free FIAT money.
This brings me to some documents and a few pieces of information I have been able to glean from them and some other sources. Remember, the above mentioned Bilateral Minesfield agreement has been a major cornerstone in the financial world. It expired and many problems ensued. Minor extensions and an an unwinding period led to much of the financial chaos of the last 2 decades. Many countries were involved for decades with these assets. As I pointed out in previous articles, even the Vatican borrowed, then stole, and used many tonnes of this gold for their own evil purposes. Now let’s bring this up to current times.
Plans have been in the works, for over a decade that we know of, to take down and turn off the current FIAT Central Banking system. It is what has allowed this massive multi-quadrillion dollar derivative bubble to fester.
Back in 2017, the Queen was informed, but did not participate in this new 20 year extension. Think about that statement. I believe that happened because the owner of the gold no longer believed the Central Bank lies perpetrated by the Queen and her Bank Of England/Central Banking cartel around the world. However, that agreement was put together with one man whom they did trust, and that one man was President Donald John Trump. I will include a few pages of letters and a few excerpts from additional pages to establish the provenance for this info. Bear in mind, all of this correspondence is from the owner of the gold and I located these documents through official dissemination from him. The mandates have been put in place. The exact timeline for implementation and for them to come to fruition is TBD because of the pushback from the current Central Banking Cabal. To borrow a phrase from our 17th letter friend “Q”, “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming”. That being said, these evil power players are still causing major havoc around the world on a daily basis. Now, on to those documents.
President Trump’s infamous “Trip Around The World” along with all of those ramifications were discussed brilliantly in the phenomenal video “The Great Awakening” from Bonfire Guy that I have mentioned multiple times in my articles. Between the video evidence of what transpired and official information you can research yourself through his international travel itinerary here on Wikipedia at the “List of international presidential trips made by Donald Trump”, there was a massive shift of power in the world away from the Cabal and into the hands of the good guys. Along with that trip, correspondence starting emerging that did not please the Globalists. let’s start off with a letter to “End The Central Banks from November 23, 2017.” At this point the Deep State knew they were in the crosshairs.
Just a small portion of the quadrillions of dollars of toxic derivatives held by U.S. banks, led by our old Central Bank crony Jamie Dimon as you can see here. “U.S. Banks Ranked by Derivatives”.
Along with that letter to the Central Banks Worldwide, there was communication sent to the Queen on April 21, 2018 before her death.
Here are a couple of excerpts from that letter and other similar letters to hit home this point. The new “20 Year Bilateral-Trilateral Minesfield Breathrough Successor Agreement” is official. It was signed and established in 2017 and that document means freedom for the entire planet is on the horizon.
I find it very interesting that he purposely drove home that point multiple times to the Queen in this and other communications that President Trump would be in Control.
You need to take this all in context with the information from my previous articles and that “Trip Around The World”. The Fed has been absorbed into the U.S. Treasury, thus giving control of the Banksters Central Bank weapon back to the good guys. We are watching the controlled demolition of that world. If you remember in the “The Great Awakening” video, the segment where the Golden Jackass/Jim Willie tells you the Central Banks are being turned into the “Bad Banks” and re-absorbing bad debt. We see it everyday in the news and then more banks collapse.
For those of us who believe in “Devolution” and those COG plans that we know are in place, there would have to be a financial plan to invigorate the economy. Something that could be implemented in a split second at just the right time. Something that was already collateralized and just waiting in the wings inside a new quantum banking system outside the control of the current Central Banks. An even playing field like someone kept mentioning.
What’s on the other side of our current boondoggle. A brighter future than we can possibly imagine. We have to go through our current “Trial By Fire” to insure this evil never takes hold again. It’s painful, nobody knows that better than me, but it is a necessary evil to create a better world. There is so much evidence and documentation to show that the “Exchequer” is still in control of the global financial structure behind the scenes. Our daily MSM soap opera is just a distraction. Know it for what it is. Sit back and enjoy the show as we watch the Globalist/Deep State/Central Banking system implode and burn itself to the ground trying to usher in their FIAT based CBDC control currency.
I have uncovered so much more information. It takes time to read through and corroborate all of it. It takes time to tie this information together in a cohesive way that makes sense. With all of the treasonous actions we see being exposed everyday in the MSM, there is so much more going on behind the scenes with actions that have gone on in the financial world for decades. I’m finding so many documents involving past government leaders and power players both here and abroad. Some of these documents and letters are a very interesting read indeed. As I’ve stated, these documents and their provenance go back thousands of years to Biblical times. The King Of Maharlika, President Trump and a few others are trying to fulfill a millennia old covenant to free the planet. That covenant stretches all the way back to King Solomon. It’s real, and it’s coming.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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