The Other Side Of The Mirror. PNAC/Project For The New American Century. Iraq. What Else Can You See Through The "Looking Glass?" Players, Psyops And Think Tanks. NeoCons. Pre-Planning 9/11.
The Military Industrial Complex (Follow The Money Series).
Out of reverence for the 9/11 anniversary a couple of days ago, I didn’t post this article until now. The anniversary of such a tragic event should be for reflection. There are enough reasons to be angry, hurt and disgusted at our government and their complicity in one of the saddest days in American History. As with a few of the more sensitive subjects I cover, I will beg your indulgence on the closeness of the things I will discuss here. We were all touched by those events on a patriotic and a personal level, some more so than others. There is a ton of speculation and conspiracy theories out there about those tragic events. What I’m trying to present here are a few of the pertinent pieces that I bet most of you were unaware of all these years. Many of my articles converge as I travel down the various rabbit holes in my research. Unfortunately, the deeper you get into these rabbit holes, the further you go into the darkness of these events. It’s scary down there.
These connections surprised even me. That’s hard to do.
A year ago in 2023, on the anniversary of 9/11, I started an article that eventually morphed into this one. All of the old info kept popping up on Telegram and other places again this year. You start reading all of the memes and mountains of speculation and information and a couple of interesting things grabbed my attention again, so I decided to pull out the old article and research so I could finish these thoughts.
That filing cabinet in the back of my mind has a lot drawers. All those many little tidbits of information I told myself were important, when I swore I’d never forget them all, get garbled over time and things get harder and harder to recall. I have to say I am the living embodiment of “too much information” that’s in the little gray cells. The digital files and folders on all types of information and media literally are in the hundreds of thousands, that I have saved and stored. That’s not just hyperbole, there are multiple terabytes of information that I have to scour over to assemble these articles.
If you’ve read very many of my articles, you know I present tons of evidence and links to where I got the information that I am basing my conclusions and articles around. So much information disappears all the time on the internet. I constantly save graphics and web links to go back and finish researching things and provide the trail of breadcrumbs that brought me here. I can speculate all day as to why this information is taken down and websites deleted, but many are just websites that no one maintains and pays the fees to host anymore. The information is deleted and it’s gone. There are many websites that contain classified information from whistleblowers and government leakers that get removed for other nefarious reasons. The Deep State and many governments and militaries don’t want their secrets exposed, or any light shone on their activities at all. I say that to say this:
Back when I started this article months ago, I saved a few graphics and pages from a document for future research. I remember when I found this information back then and I thought it was credible knowing the other information that had been uncovered about “Project Looking Glass.” Everything has disappeared except what few breadcrumbs I saved. I can’t find a trace of any of it anywhere. All the links are dead and gone and I can’t find any further references to where this information originated from. I’m telling you this as my disclaimer. ****I Can’t corroborate where I got these pages from. But I can verify most of the information contained in these documents. Therefore, by inference, I will base my writings on the belief that this information is credible.**** Since “Project Looking Glass” is a Black Budget/CIA-Military clandestine project to begin with, there is no way to go back and verify anything that has not been officially declassified, and that information has been so sanitized it probably isn’t accurate to begin with. Coincidentally, I had started a separate article on “Government/Private Partnership” Think Tanks that ties in with the original information. I hope I will combine these 2 articles in a way that gets my point across and stimulates you to follow through on your reading assignments.
Before we go any further, if you have not read my original article “Through The "Looking Glass". No, Not Alice's Looking Glass, The Other One. "Q"uestions?”, please start there and come back to this one. I also reference other information about “Project Looking Glass” in this Philip K. Dick article entitled: “What If I Told You....Paycheck (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 4) Time Is An Illusion. Aquarius, Looking Glass & The Chronovisor. Albert Einstein, Tesla/Smart Guys.” Both of those articles can give you more context about the “Project Looking Glass” information in this article.
I am going to give you three excerpts from different sections of a document I believe was called “Confessions Of A Government Manifestor”. Below each excerpt, I will point out some very relevant points pertaining to this article and the information I am wanting you all to see in regards to the actual events and “Project Looking Glass”. After I show you these 3 pages I will include the link to the “Project For The New American Century” Wikipedia page. I hope you all take the time to at least peruse that page and all of those links to see the depths the Deep State NeoCons, and all of those Think-Tank agendas, have working against your best interests. Those Think-Tanks and their agendas all coincide with the other Globalist agendas from Klaus Schwab and the WEF, Soros, Gates, Tedros and the Agenda 2020 and Agenda 2030 “Great Reset” Surveillance State of control they are fighting to enslave us all with.
The extremely evil members of the Bush administration were some of the main participants in “Project Looking Glass” at that time. Knowing what events transpired, how they were portrayed to the public, the civil liberties that were unconstitutionally destroyed with the “Patriot Act” after 9/11 and the many other financial and political powers given to the Military Industrial Complex and all of their political puppets in D.C., how does it make you all feel to know that “Project Looking Glass” was also weaponized against the American Public by your elected leaders and their cronies? Always remember to “Follow The Money”. Notice this statement was included: “It also argued that the US should be willing to preemptively strike against potential threats, even if they were not immediate or imminent.” It kind of sounds like “Pre-Crime” except it’s “Pre-War” and they destroyed the world and many innocent lives with impunity for money, power and control.
Here is the link for that document mentioned above from the PNAC.
“Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces & Resources For A New Century.”
It is appalling to think of the “War Game” scenarios they had thought up to enslave the American People. Using this advanced technology against the very people you were sworn to protect is treasonous. I’m sure many of you knew of the simultaneous War Game Scenario of Vigilant Guardian. That has been brought up and discussed many time before. The fact that it was run through “Project Looking Glass” to see the actual effects it would have on the public, so they could maximize the physical and psychological devastation, is unconscionable.
Fermilab is America's particle physics and accelerator laboratory.
“They were instructed to visualize a sweeping surveillance apparatus targeted at the American people themselves to protect them from future attacks. They envisioned a world where people did not question the attacks, a world with a complacent populace.” This is the very definition of the Hegelian Dialectic.
As promised, here is the link below to the “PNAC/Project For The New American Century” page on Wikipedia. Please take the time to understand everything that is presented on this page. On the right side is a list of some of the many other “Think-Tanks” that have been put in place to control every aspect of your world, because they live to make you miserable. Also pay special attention to the section entitled “Calls For Regime Change In Iraq” and the three “Ps”: Perceived, Portraying and Potential. There was already a plan in place to make trillions in profits if they could follow through on this devious operation for Iraq. Don’t be confused by all the lies we’ve been told for the last couple of decades. This page even exposes some of the real reasons that tragedy was allowed to happen and why it continues to this day. Once again, there are many things that are still happening in the Middle East and especially in Iraq. The Military Industrial Complex needs the world constantly at war somewhere to justify their existence and keep those profits up for all of the people in Congress and the White House that own their stocks. Just like it has always been, “nothing in Washington is as it seems. Follow The Money".”
Wikipedia/Project for the New American Century.
As with governments, corporations, militaries and any other hierarchies of control, there is always compartmentalization on many levels. We know of the CIA and Military involvement with all kinds of “Black Budget” projects and operations. With all of the inconsistencies in the official story of the events surrounding 9/11, is it really that hard to believe that these many government officials were all involved at various levels? In my mind, it is not. Are they all that evil? Absolutely. They have shows us time and time again that they would do anything to abuse their positions of power against all of us. Never forget how casual Donald Rumsfeld was when he brought up the missing 2.3 trillion dollars, apparently knowing that the next day it would be forgotten as tragedy struck.
How much of that 2.3 trillion was used in facilitating “Project Looking Glass” and these other clandestine operations? There has never been any accountability for the Military Industrial Complex once these budgets are approved. They give the government some new military toy every few years and say “that’s what we’ve been working on, keep the checks coming.” The government wants oversight on where you spend every dime of your income and they act like you’re the criminal if you don’t want to tell them. Even “The Illusion Of Freedom” doesn’t feel free anymore, does it?
I’m going to close this article out with some thoughts and questions for you guys to consider.
The fact that these “Think-Tanks” and their agendas are “Wargamed” out before implementation is not in question. The fact that many government officials, at all levels, are asked to participate or are installed to facilitate these agendas, is also not debatable.
How many projects and “Think-Tanks” grew out of the knowledge they gleaned from information they obtained in operations like “Project Looking Glass”? We pay taxes to finance the technology used to enslave us.
What do you think about the fact that many of these high ranking government and military officials, before, during and after their government service, have many ties to the Globalist Warmongers of the Deep State Military Industrial Complex that look at war, and all of the human collateral damage, as just another exercise in profit? The pathetic nature of these Globalist sycophants is also not in question. “Parasite”.
In most cases, physical trauma heals over a short period of time. Psychological trauma, especially unresolved psychological trauma, can last a lifetime. The not knowing is debilitating.
That Wikipedia Page on the PNAC shows dozens and dozens of other Think-Tanks. There have been hundreds and hundreds of these organizations, coming up with multiple scenarios over the decades, to control ever minute of your life and drain every ounce of energy and capital from you as a human being. Many of them have been partially funded by grants and donations from the government and the wealthy power players involved in politics and the Military Industrial Complex. The height of their ambition is to live off of the blood, sweat & tears of humanity. They all think they are better than us, and that they should be part of the elite controlling this planet.
I’m not wanting to sound preachy here. We all have to wake up and get involved, or these parasites will suck the life out of our lives, and the lives of future generations, until they are dealt with. You better get on planning your future or someone else will do it for you.
Something else I think we should all think about when we hear the phrase “Non-Profit Organization”. These organizations, or “Think-Tanks”, may not actually make a profit, as all they do is write off equipment, salaries, rent and expenses to hold their little “Destroy Humanity Agenda Meetings”. The consequences of the actions of those meetings make them all a lot of money, and give them a lot of control because of the stocks they own, the markets they control and the government and corporate policies they influence. They are not some altruistic organizations there to help humanity.
There are a ton of reference links about these subjects online. There are tons of videos on Youtube and elsewhere as well. I’m not going to include any here, if you’re interested, you can do your own research and find the ones you like. Many of those also have an agenda for or against the PNAC and what they set in motion on this country.
I will be writing other articles on some specific “Thank Tanks” in the future. The PNAC is not the only one that has had massive consequences for the world.
If you’re someone who is reading this article, I don’t need to tell you about many of these players and how they continue to hold influence in the background and halls of power in Washington D.C. As their agendas get exposed, they shut down one project and start another one. They always have some positive meaning name to distract the public from their real agenda. It always ends up being about money, power and control to feed the “God Complex” they all have.
Once again, am I right or wrong with the information I have brought to you in this article? Were there legitimate ties to “Project Looking Glass” and the many events that transpired because of the agenda of “The Project For The New American Century?” We know that certain individuals had access and were in a position to be involved with all of it. The hidden hand of the Deep State/Military Industrial Complex is always up to no good in the dark corners of our reality. They are assisted by certain power players and organizations to facilitate chaos and perpetuate the all too painful “State Of War” we always seem to find ourselves involved with.
Keep this one last thought in mind. It was the power of “Looking Glass” that eventually scared the hell out of them as the timelines converged into the “Great Awakening” where they all saw the end of the Deep State as inevitable. That information helped bring about “Q” and the events that are still unfolding to this day. Those converging timelines are also accelerating toward a conclusion of events, and as hard as they try, there is still one thing that is not up for debate. NCSWIC. Nothing.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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