The World Economic Forum: "15-Minute Cities"
Please come to our concentration camp. We'll make you as comfortable as necessary.
“Agenda 2020”, “Agenda 2030”, “The Great Reset”, “15-Minute Cities”. How many ways can you repackage this crap and try to sell it to humanity? The word redundant comes to mind. What’s that old saying, something about “lipstick on a pig?” Do we really need them to lay out the blueprint for our future? I really tried to limit my sarcasm writing this article. I hope you appreciate my restraint. All brought to you by your favorite Uncle, Professor Klaus. This man has a B.S. in B.S. He’s always looking out for us. (Cough, Cough, I even choked writing it, wow.) I watched as many videos and read as much of this crap from the WEF in the last few days as I could stomach until I felt I was aggravated enough to attack my keyboard, er.. uh.. I mean have this therapy session with all of you.
Now that crazy old Klaus and his band of psychopaths have concluded their yearly “Let’s Destroy Humanity” meeting at the WEF 2023 conference, let’s see what the future looks like. Funny, I’ve got my binoculars but I can’t see more than 15 minutes away. Hmmm.
Understand that none of this wealth and control would be possible without the current FIAT/Central Banking System that has allowed certain players to acquire most of the wealth and resources of the planet out of thin air. They realize that control is waning, and they are trying everything in their arsenal to enslave humanity one last time. All they had to do was check their conscience and their soul at the door, then come on in and join the Bankster’s Elite Evil Psychopath Club. Just pay them your dues and they will help you with your plans to control the planet. Hell, they even have a playbook if you haven’t thought that far ahead.
Having said all that, it brings me to today’s topic: “15-Minute Cities.”
In their own words. “A new model for developing mixed-use, walkable communities, known as the 15-minute city, is gathering momentum in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. How does this model work for businesses, workers, communities and our planet?”
At this point I just had my obligatory music flashback. “Welcome to the Hotel California. Relax Said The Nightman, we are programmed to receive, You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.” Those thought provoking lyrics from The Eagles come to mind.
I’m sure they will have great names like Utopia California, Wonderville USA , Paradise Peninsula and many other propaganda, mind-control euphemisms to lull the citizens, aka prisoners, into believing their lives will be so euphoric they would never want to leave. Hopefully you will understand so much more after I bring up all of these nightmare scenarios. Don’t shoot the messenger. Think of me as an optometrist just trying to help you guys see things clearly.
Here’s how this works: They will provide you with 200 channels of TV programming free for living in the 15-Minute City. You Can watch sports, movies, TV, news aka propaganda channels and so much more. You can watch dozens of shopping channels. (they can’t let you keep your money very long, besides the owners of the city you live in have controlling stock in Amazon, Bed, Bath & Beyond, The Home Shopping Network and all of the other venues for you to spend your money) You can have high speed internet (so you can watch Youtube, TikTok, and other worthless videos and porn all day. Anything that degrades the human condition) On your internet, there will be so many filters on words, information and truth it will be insane. You can come play in Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Metaverse and stay as long as you like and get your digital indoctrination. You can also shop at all our Bill Gates/Monsanto GMO Food Stores for your daily poison menu, but you have to show your vaccine passport at every store you enter. Our food is tainted enough already, but in our current world at least we can go get natural and healthy alternatives. If they were in total control of that food supply, what other options would you not have? Be sure and smile for the cameras on every corner and every building and you must get your travel pass with your vaccine passport to leave the city and visit your sick relatives or go on vacation. Now remember, you can only do that if you keep your social credit score high enough this month. They gladly provide delivery services for all of your depression meds and your monthly innoculations. You have to have lights out by a certain time so you don’t use too much energy to hurt your Carbon credit Master Card. They would also like to encourage you to tattle on all your neighbors and friends who do anything wrong or suspicious. You can’t have weapons but we have the CPB/The Citizens Protection Bureau to take care of any problems that might arise. Pets are allowed and encouraged because they also own all of the pet food distributors. (They can’t let you keep a dime. Plus, if you don’t take care of your pet and make it behave in public, they can lower your credit score.) They will control all routes for ingress and egress along with all foods, supplies, medicines and anything a human being might want or need. Other than that, it’s all good. By the way, you won’t have any further need for that really sweet convertible you drive on Sunday afternoons. Sell it while you can.
Who will the government be? You will get the illusion of voting for the person you think is best qualified from their forged history of public service and they will promise the election integrity will be just as great as it was in 2020. “Wink,Wink”.
I forgot to tell you, there’s a sliding scale on that social credit system/Master Card. More bad social credit points and the price of food goes up. Compliance will not be an option. What if they create a CBDC that only works in your city and you can never leave because your money is no good anywhere else?
Here is an article, written in March, 2022, published on Common Edge. If the WEF thought enough of this article to link it to their website, you can be guaranteed it’s a propaganda piece. It will at least let you see what they are trying to sell you. With a title like this, I can’t tell you how many negative connotatioons come to mind. Here is The Surprising Stickiness of “The 15-Minute City” for your disdain. All I can think of is look at all of these deep state/globalist controlled cities and people living on the streets in squalor, and all of that stickiness they have now. LOL.
A few more thoughts. If your girlfriend, boyfriend, significant other or whatever other human sub-category you call yourself this week, has a bad social credit score (why would you ever hang out with someone like that?) and you had a perfect credit score, when you get married does theirs affect yours? Do we average that number to set the price on your food and privileges? There are so many ways this can go South it’s ridiculous.
The globalists have had these thoughts for decades and decades. How to depopulate the planet and control the remaining chattle. How to make us 100% dependant on our wealthy, maniacal overlords.
The Following is an excerpt from the Awakened Species Telegram Channel. I think it says things quite nicely.
The biggest part of the great reset that you all are missing is the Carbon Credit
What is the Carbon Credit?
This is where they're telling you that they want to monitor, track and trace every so called kilogram of CO2 that you emit. They say that global average needs to be 2 tons per person, per year, while you are using 16 tons per year which means that your activity needs to go down by 800%
So how do they plan to do that?
Well first of all they have created these new black master cards that are going to have carbon allowance for every single purchase that you buy, and to make sure that everything has a so called "Carbon Credit" when you buy food or anything else, it's now going to show you this nice little chart of how many kilograms of CO2 has been used in the making of that product.
Now for those that eat meat, it's going to be off the charts, so meat is a big no-no, but bugs are fine and completely safe until you consume them.
So now when you buy stuff even at your local restaurant, it's going to be a requirement to show the amount of CO2 that was used in the production. So literally every single thing that you buy is going to be a tracked and traced.
They want to put limits on how much you can spend monthly, so we need to go from 16 tons a year, per person, to 2 tons per year.
You can check this on Google flights, if you wanted to fly from Florida to Paris, that flight is using 431 kg CO2. That's almost 25% percent of your YEARLY allowance, but don't worry if you happen to go over your limit, they will charge you $170 for every excess kilogram of carbon credit that you have used over the limit.
Now imagine all that in a world without cash where government gets to control every single transaction. This is why they are constructing 15 minute cities, aka prison camps. They want you to be in perpetual lockdown pretty much for the rest of your life.
Imagine the Covid lockdowns, just without the Covid.
They literally want you to spend your life from the cradle to the grave in one spot and never go anywhere. The previous 5,000 years of history, architecture, amazing man-made marvels, natural beauty, wide open scenery and our beautiful world will be reserved for Uncle Klaus and the uber-wealthy.
I flashed back to a video I watched a few years ago that mentioned that “Cradle To The Grave” concept. Here is that video about the Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid designed in 2004. Interesting concept. It sounds like a 15 minute city to me. Sorry for the poor quality of this video, but I could not find any other source. Extreme Engineering-City In A Pyramid.
Oh, I almost forgot. You can’t buy any real estate in the 15 minute city because it’s all owned by the people who own you. They really like that perpetual rent forever model. That way you can never be free. But you’ll own nothing and be happy. Uncle Klaus promised, and he always keeps his promises. What he promises.
What we really get.
Think of every dystopian book or movie that has ever been made from 1984, to Dark Angel, to Blade Runner, to Demolition Man and more. We have no control over any aspect of our lives and we have everything dictated to us by them. The very fact that they think this world would appeal to any rational human being is beyond belief. They sell you the sizzle with all of the conveniences and amenities, make it sound like it’s an amzing life and never once hint that it will cost you your freedom and your humanity. I always talk about the meanings of words. Here’s one for you. “Discernment”.
Don’t Worry, Be Happy. We’ll take care of everything for you. Welcome, Come right in.
Whether you agree or disagree with my take on this subject know this for certain. As more and more control and freedoms are given up for convenience, you will never get them back.
Here are a few more articles on “The 15-Minute City” that I read in my research. They have their opinions and bosses to make happy when they write. I only have you, my readers, to stimulate and get your curiosity engaged.
Dazed Digital-The 15-minute city: dystopian conspiracy, or climate-friendly paradise?
Bloomberg-Where The “15-Minute” City Falls Short.
The WEF-The 15-minute city meets human needs but leaves desires wanting. Here’s why.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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