What If I Told You...."Contagion" Nothing Spreads Like Fear. (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 6) Is It A Movie Plot Or Premeditated Murder As Part Of A Series Of Agendas?
Politics & Business As Usual. No One Will Notice (Until It's Too Late.) Ask The U.N. More Lies Incoming.
As with my article “The Finders:Conspiracy Of Silence” about Child Trafficking, where I apologized for the sensitive nature of that article and all those who had been touched by that subject, I feel the need to start this article off with a similar apology. The ongoing ramifications of the RNA Gene Therapy/Covid-19 vaccines and the long term consequences of those lies will be felt for decades. Regardless of which side of the debate you fall on about vaccines, and/or if you have or have not taken one or more of the those vaccines, I am just trying to get you to understand the psyop that was perpetrated on humanity. It was done for a political agenda, a financial agenda and a global depopulation agenda. If you will allow me to connect those dots and maybe we can all learn from this horrific example of a humanitarian tragedy, so it never happens again. Yes, I do have personal experience with what I will be writing about and after this disclaimer is finished, I will vent my considerable anger and disgust on the participants. They are all vile, evil creatures who deserve any and all judgements that will come to them for their actions.
There is enough material to make this a book, but I will do my best to keep it as short and concise as is necessary to convey my thoughts.
The subject of this article will be the 2011 Warner Brothers movie “Contagion” From the opening credits that say “Participant Media” they rub it in your face.
Here is the official trailer:
As you watch this next clip from the movie, bear in mind this was written and filmed almost a decade before Covid-19 became a reality. The names and the faces have changed, but the plot is exactly what unfolded on the world stage. It shouldn’t be too hard to replace the fake actors with their real-life counterparts in your mind. The obvious guilty participants are there with the CDC and the W.H.O., along with their money making Big-Pharma and political allies. Below this clip I will dive into what happened then and what is continuing to unfold on a daily basis.
Here is a recent excerpt from Anthony Fauci’s testimony in front of Congress.
Here is an excerpt from another Telegram feed about a recent 9th Circuit Court decision stating the Court has decided that the so called “Covid-19 Vaccine” was not a vaccine at all. Hopefully, the courts at all levels will remove their protected status and allow them to be sued into oblivion. The courts should seize all of their money for the lawsuits, and when they try to file bankruptcy all of their useful patents should be made public for the good of humanity. That would be some small degree of justice.
Do you believe it is a coincidence that this movie was released almost 10 years to the day after the events of 9/11 and the Twin Towers? I do not. I believe it was predictive programming just like the Twin Towers incident on that fateful day was predicted in the X-Files/Lone Gunmen spin-off series before it actually happened in real life. This movie was a portent of a future tragedy that the CIA/Deep State would unleash on an unsuspecting public at just the right time to facilitate the stealing of an election and the making of billions of dollars of profit from the human misery that they would inflict on us all. “There are no conspiracies, but there are no coincidences either.”
Multiple movie posters with all of Fauci’s demands. Isolation and fear to control the sheeple. “Don’t Talk To Anyone, Don’t Touch Anyone”. Imagine seeing these everywhere in public.
Change a name or two on the participants and the drugs and Presto/Chango Anthony “the lying weasel mass murderer” Fauci, had a playbook waiting to execute on an unsuspecting public at the behest of his Globalist handlers. He would make billions for himself and his Big Pharma cronies.
NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a fact they tried to hide.
Once Covid-19 happened, the Globalist/Deep State/CIA control machine kicked into high gear. Maximum exposure, maximum casualties, maximum devastation on all fronts. Hospitals lied about, and were paid more, to list Covid-19 as the cause of death on every death certificate they could find. Hollywood and the Main Stream Media were activated and came out in force to shame and coerce people into submission.
The political machine aligned for anyone with a Globalist/Depopulation agenda. It is not hard to tell where politicians and their allegiances lie.
How do we know this movie and plot was all part of a Globalist agenda? They told us. Far be it from me to call those evil bastards liars (but they are). They provided consultants and let everyone know it was part of their agenda 2021 and 2030 sustainability goals. Pay attention to the details including the corresponding article written by their media puppet “The Atlantic” magazine where they state “This will almost certainly occur.” This link is a page on their website.
Contagion-From The United Nations website:Creative Community Outreach Initiative (CCOI).
As this ongoing Covid-19 saga and exposure continues to unfold in public, the media and in the Halls Of Congress, the world is watching. Fauci and his evil henchmen will be brought to justice. Here is an excellent recent interview from two of the Good Guys in this fight for Truth of “The Great Awakening”. Dave at X22 and Dr. Peter McCullough discuss Fauci in Congress and the next chapter in this “Contagion” story line.
Dr. McCullough - Disease X Is Already Here, The Lied About The Vaccine, There Are Cures For Viruses.
As if on queue. This movie gets recycled over and over again.
FEAR PSYOP: High mortality bird flu could already be engineered for rapid human transmission, warns former CDC head Dr. Robert Redfield.
As more and more evil participants get hauled in front of Congress, there is a concerted effort to bring justice in these matters. In the last couple of days this headlined dropped.
Kansas AG sues Pfizer for misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine.
I applaud the person that created this video to show the absolute absurdity of the lies and bullshit Fauci, the MSM, Big Pharma and all of the Politicians and Deep State lackeys used when they were scaring the public on a daily basis for months on end. Hopefully, we are all too smart to put up with this ever again.
Here is movie quote that predated that Wuhan bat in the market scenario that was sold to the public in real life.
How many millions of lives have been lost and adversely affected by these evil Pharmaceutical companies and their handlers like Fauci and Tedros with the W.H.O.? These evil players have been responsible for so many medical tragedies in the last few decades. They own patents on the actual viruses they created as well as the so called vaccine cures. It’s the Hegelian Dialectic over and over again. When will humanity wake-up and see these Globalist/Deep State agendas for what they are? Governments, Media, Big Pharma, Religion, Banks and anyone with any power over the masses all participate in this agenda. History has shown us time and time again about these collaborations.
I guess one of the points I am trying to convey is they lied about all of it to bring about this insidious outcome. Here are a couple of more recent articles in regards to these matters.
Expert: Covid Shots Are Bioweapons, Not Vaccines.
Bill Gates Funded Bioweapons Experiments to Spread Bird Flu to Humans.
With movies like “Contagion” and many others indoctrinating the public to the fear scenarios they are trying to create, they are counting on your humanity to spread that fear for them. We were all guilty of that initial shock and awe of what the unknown could manifest in our reality. The truth of the matter is that they knowingly weaponized humanity against each other to introduce a deadly bioweapon into the human genome forever as part of their depopulation agenda.
I know it’s just a movie. A movie that had the involvement of the CIA and the U.N. and W.H.O. on many levels. In public, all of these organizations act like they are a friend and a benefit for humanity. We know from history that what they do in the shadows could not be further from that public persona. Their evil ways have touched humanity on every level for decades.
Let’s check those coincidences:
The bats, destroying evidence of their crimes, masks and social distancing, genetically engineered man-made bioweapon, W.H.O./CDC front men running interference for the psyop, discredit journalists and accredited doctors trying to tell the truth once it is discovered, Big Pharma and the elite making billions form the weapon they created, politicians and their complicity, weaponization of the MSM and social media, hospitals taking kickbacks, multiple negative political and societal agendas being realized and so much more.
This was a coordinated effort from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZenica and other Big Pharma companies along with the NIH, CDC, W.H.O., hospitals, politicians and others to introduce MRNA technology, Graphene Oxide and immunity destroying Spike Proteins into the human population. Despite all of the retractions and information coming out in public and before Congress, they still have erroneous information out in the public realm. Moderna even has the audacity to call their vaccine Spikevax. Profits over Human Life. Pure Evil.
I personally know what it’s like to hold the hand of someone who has been injured from medical malfeasance. We all have family, friends and loved ones who have been affected. In no way am I trying to trivialize the pain we are all suffering from the actions of these companies. There are many good medical professionals like Dr. McCullough and others who have kept the flame of truth burning about treatments. This is not meant to be a medical article and in no way should anything I say here be construed as medical advice. Their are protocols with Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Black Seed Oil and many other non-big pharma poisons to keep you safe and healthy. We will have to see about upcoming therapies and technologies from Med-Beds and other natural treatments that may be able to reverse the damage done to all of us.
The movie “Contagion” is just another in a long line of CIA/Hollywood psyops meant to desensitize the public to the possibility of these events transpiring. Watch it as entertainment, but realize there is an agenda on certain movies like this that have massive societal ramifications. Along with the 6 titles I have already written, there are dozens more on my list with just as many tie-ins to actual events and agendas. Many have already happened and some have yet to play out, but we know they are in the works.
I’m guilty of feeding the Hollywood beast too, so I’m not throwing stones. I am also trying to educate and I need more data to see where the lies come from and where they are leading us.
Nietzsche said it best: Don’t spend too much time with the monsters or you might turn into one.
Old Willy knew a lot. All the world’s a stage. How much of our lives have been scripted by the global elite and we never knew it? Almost all of it. Nothing is by happenstance and timing that may seam random is most assuredly orchestrated on someone else’s timeline. We must all stop playing the part of the fool in this sick twisted play and see things how they really are.
I don’t consider myself a bad person because I want to see all of these evil participants hanging from a noose or writhing in agony as the life drains from their bodies. I believe as human beings we need to see justice served to get closure for the misery and loss we have all experienced from these perpetrators. It’s not revenge to want to see and know that there are consequences when bad people do bad things to others. It helps to keep our moral compass on course. This one-sided justice system and complete corruption of the law, we are all currently experiencing, is very disheartening. I personally believe that part of “The Great Awakening” that this planet is going through is the disclosure, judgement and settling of these awful injustices that have been done over the decades to all of humanity. The reign of the evil Globalists is coming to an end. Yes, there will still be pockets of bad people everywhere, but their dominance of the planet and their control structure is crumbling more and more each day.
I hate to finish this article on a sad note, but I must pass along one more piece of information that recently came across my desk from Dr. McCullough.
Here are a few articles I used in researching this one. Interesting reads and tons of information. I purposely wanted to bring you a variety of perspectives in these links. The CIA/Military Industrial Complex and the ties to their other Globalist Puppets and Countries have been willing participants in this always sordid love affair with Hollywood. Two of the dirtiest, nastiest players in the world that would both do anything for a price. Including selling out their country and humanity.
I don’t know if you have watched “Argo”, but please watch the brief 3 minute video in this article.
How the CIA infiltrated Hollywood.
From The CIA’s own website about the beginnings of this strategic collaboration with Hollywood and the OSS.
Hollywood and the Office of Strategic Services.
The Globalist, NAZI fueled, CIA parent organization, The Military Industrial Complex has the Military-entertainment complex with Hollywood. They even have a Wikipedia page. (Seeding their own “Good Guy” narrative as it were.)
Military–entertainment complex.
The History of the CIA in Hollywood Movies.
Hollywood CIA Movies: Your Favourite Films Are Secret Intelligence Operations.
How Hollywood became the unofficial propaganda arm of the U.S. military.
The Saga of the Warner Brothers, Hollywood's Studio Family.
I know this is a sensitive subject with all of you. We are all so sick of the Covid-19 intrusion into our lives. I wish you all health and happiness as we continue on this journey of Satori together.
Here are the other titles in my “Hidden Truth From Hollywood” series.
What If I Told You....Captain America (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 1)
What If I Told You....Star Trek (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 2) Lucille Ball???
What If I Told You....The Terminator (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 3) There Is A Cyberdyne. This Should Scare The Hell Out Of You. Quantum A.I. Is Here. Satellites Are In Place For Skynet.
What If I Told You....Paycheck (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 4) Time Is An Illusion. Aquarius, Looking Glass & The Chronovisor. Albert Einstein, Tesla/Smart Guys.
"Soylent Green" When A Conspiracy Becomes Truth. (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 5) Forever Is A Long Time. That Deck Was Stacked Against Us.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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