What If I Told You....Paycheck (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 4) Time Is An Illusion. Aquarius, Looking Glass & The Chronovisor. Albert Einstein, Tesla/Smart Guys.
Philip K. Dick Invented Your World. He Also Told Us How To Prevent Them From Stealing It From Us.
OK Guys, looking at the numbers in the back of the house I would have to say that you like my “Hidden Truth From Hollywood” series as they have some of the highest readership numbers. So I thought I would make January interesting with two in one month. I have to admit I enjoy writing these articles most of all. They combine my love of Science Fiction, Movies, Science Fact, Hidden Technology, History and respect for the great geniuses of writing that have influenced our lives. I honestly think of Philip K. Dick as the Nikola Tesla of the writing world. Those who know him understand his particular genius and how the “Powers That Be” never wanted the majority of the people to see what he saw.
At what point in your mind do events and circumstances go beyond the realm of possibility into the realm of probability and likelihood?
Is time a river? Does time bend around space? Have all past, present and future timelines already happened and we are just choosing to relive this particular one? Albert Einstein made a very powerful statement regarding time.
(The opening artwork is phenomenal). Excellent article from https://interestingengineering.com:
What Did Einstein Mean By Time Is An Illusion?
Bear in mind Phil has been dead for over 4 decades and he made the quote below. Sound familiar?
Let us delve into the genius of Philip K. Dick and his 1953 novelette “Paycheck” which first appeared in “Imagination:Stories Of Science And Fantasy” from the June, 1953 issue. Over 70 years ago, he wrote this long before most of this technology had ever even been thought up. Here is a copy for you to read if you wish. The 2003 movie is an updated version of this story with a slightly different, more modern take, but it is all there. This is a collection of short stories. Go to page 333 and you will find Paycheck/At Archive.Org.
In my previous article “Through The "Looking Glass". No, Not Alice's Looking Glass” I mentioned “Paycheck”. If you have not read that article, please go back and do so. I will be referencing a couple of things from that article again and go much deeper into the connections with Philip K. Dick’s phenomenal work and movie adaptation. Yes, I will shamelessly plagiarize my own words since they were so well written the first time. (LOL)
Here is that previously mentioned 11 minute video on “Project Looking Glass” if you have not yet seen it, along with the movie trailer for the 2003 film adaption of “Paycheck”. Please watch and familiarize yourself with this movie and these events if you have not. The timeline, technology and the story will make so much more sense to you after you do.
They Panicked When They Saw The Future:
Timeline: Paycheck, Chronovisor, Aquarius, Looking Glass.
Timelines are important for context so I will hit home those dates so you understand the significance of what has happened and what is continuing to unfold all around you.
I cannot establish an actual date for the following information, other than to say it was in the early 1950s. Therefore, I have no way of knowing if the Chronovisor device described by Italian Priest Father Pellegrino Ernetti predated Philip K. Dick’s novelette and possibly could have influenced it, or if somehow the Priest could have read “Paycheck” and been inspired to fabricate his own story. The most likely answer is that neither of these two men were aware of the other at the time. For the sake of argument, and this article, I will say Phil wrote “Paycheck” very early in 1953 as it was published in a June issue and was obviously submitted weeks before that to be included in a publication. So let’s get to Father Pellegrino Ernetti and his tale of a device called the Chronovisor.
There are a ton of videos on Youtube and a lot of articles online about the “Chronovisor”. If you really wish to go deeper, I personally would recommend the excellent book by Peter Krassa entitled: Father Ernetti's Chronovisor : The Creation and Disappearance of the World's First Time Machine.
To give you a little more context, here is a video from the Secret Origins channel on Youtube and an article with some of the details from http://www.allthatsinteresting.com entitled:
The Story Of The Chronovisor, The Rumored Vatican Invention That Allows You To See The Past.
I promise I will show you more tie-ins to the work of Philip K. Dick, but for now let’s get into more info on the previously mentioned “Project Looking Glass”. There is a little redundancy with info about the Chronovisor but it’s all connected. Here is an excellent video from the HelioWave Youtube channel. Keep in mind the context of time as you watch this video. Realize all that has happened in the 3 years since this video was produced. More Deep State Exposure, More Trump & “Q” winning battle after battle for the public consciousness. More control taken back from our decades of programming.
For those of you who are not familiar with Bob Lazar, he was disavowed by the government after becoming a whistleblower. In my mind, he has been more than vindicated as real and truthful. My main reason for that statement is this. Bob Lazar mentioned an exotic element he was exposed to in his government work at S4 called Ununpentium. Back in 1989 he said it was the basis for the exotic fuels used in powering the flying saucers he researched. The government vehemently denied his employment and the existence of such an element. Lo and behold over 20 years after that denial guess what element was supposedly discovered? Element 115 (Ununpentium) with the exact characteristics that Bob Lazar had described.
Here is the full interview with Art Bell and Andrew Basagio from Art’s radio show “Midnight In The Desert” on August 14th, 2015/Time Travel & Teleportation:
If you haven’t been paying attention up until now, it would be a good time to perk up. I will bring into play Stargates, “Project Aquarius” Los Alamos Laboratory, S4, Area 51 and so much more that will eventually tie into “Paycheck” in a much deeper way. Here are a few excepts from an article I will link below.
Now, pay attention to this clip from the movie: You don’t get a whole lot of the room, but the room where the machine is and the way the machine functions is very similar. I wish I could have found a longer clip for you. Einstein Stamps. LOL.
Would it be worth the price of seeing the future? Would you give up years of your life, the memories and all that you were during that time frame for a “Paycheck” and a better future?
Now, here’s where it gets really crazy. There are many very smart people who believe that we are living in a “Matrix” like reality and we are just simulations inside a virtual world. These very smart people point to glitches that happen all the time in reality like “The Mandela Effect”. They believe that the only way the Mandela effect could be real is we are either remembering an alternate reality that has bled over into this one or we are living in a simulated reality like a computer program that we know can lock up and have glitches. Two of these very smart people are astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and some guy named Elon Musk. Arguably two of the smartest guys in the room, any room. these interviews are both in the last few years.
New study seeks to explain the ‘Mandela Effect’ – the bizarre phenomenon of shared false memories.
So, we know that Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla predated Philip K. Dick by decades although they were all alive during a certain time period. I’m also quite sure that Phil was very aware of all of their scientific works and other achievements that had been made public. For the device in “Paycheck” to be able to literally see through the “Timestorm” and pull out specific events, once again those events would have already happened or were part of an endless loop of time where past, present & future all co-exist simultaneously and can be accessed. Einstein & Tesla both were the geniuses about time, space, energy and gravity. They both understood the Aether & the concept of Zero Point Energy.
Here is the above mentioned Nikola Tesla/Theory Of Gravity website.
Inventions & Experiments Of Nikola Tesla:Dynamic Theory Of Gravity.
Remember in my previous article I mentioned that “Project Looking Glass” is time lensing technology used to look into the past and the future. There was government interest back in the 1950s that we know of with “Project Aquarius” from the supposed MJ-12 documents. Is it possible that through some type of “Remote Viewing” technology the CIA/Government/Military and Philip K. Dick were accessing shared information through the Aether and those same gravity distortion fields used in the machine in “Paycheck? Is the “Chronovisor” technology the same type of technology that was used in “Project Looking Glass”? Could one be more specific and more powerful than the other? Did Phil’s work predate and inspire “Project Looking Glass”, remote viewing The “Chronovisor”? When the evil cabal as well as the military saw the converging timelines did they decide to unleash hell on earth as one last ditch effort to change the outcome? Is that why we had Covid, the current banking chaos, the weaponization of the justice system all to keep Trump and that inevitable take down of the Deep State that “Q” has told us about and we saw in “The Great Awakening” ? Are certain religious and historical texts on predictions and prophecy pointing us down a path we blindly follow to our own destruction? Are we living in that simulated reality and just mincing words about what is real and what we think is real? Are all of these disparate possibilities just like the visions that made Philip K. Dick such a phenomenal writer and futurist?
I did manage to locate a video for you online that is free to watch. It is from the excellent 2011 TV series entitled: “Prophets Of Science Fiction”. It is narrated by none other than the famous Writer/Director Ridley Scott who was responsible for taking Philip K. Dick’s amazing story “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep” and turning it into arguably the greatest Science Fiction movie all time “Blade Runner”. Take the link below to watch it for free on DailyMotion.com. Imagine what has happened in the 13 years since this series aired?
(I just realized I left this graphic out of the article. I’m adding it on 01/23/24 at 6PM) A photo of Philip K Dick & Ridley Scott on the set of Blade Runner right before he died.
Prophets Of Science Fiction. Episode#2 Philip K. Dick.
The Vatican Has Secrets, The Governments Have Secrets, The CIA Has Secrets, Philip K. Dick Had Secrets. Most of Phil’s secrets have now been made public. The other 3 have more skeletons in their collective closets than 10,000 cemeteries. Once again I have to ask! Are We Living In The Reality Of An Illusion Or The Illusion Of A Reality? If You saw the future, would you change it? Could you change it? Should you change it? Have we already seen the future and are we trying to change it now? You Get To Decide. I highly recommend “Paycheck” if you have not watched it. Remember, if you have a problem believing any of this, and something just doesn’t seem right “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”. LOL……………
Here are some sources I used and some more reference material should you care to go deeper into these subjects and the over 160 works of the master Philip Kindred Dick.
Project Aquarius and the Looking Glass Project at Facility S4 at Area-51.
Was Philip K. Dick a Madman or a Mystic?
Through The Looking Glass: With Phase Conjugation.
Philip K Dick: The Writer Who Witnessed The Future.
Fascinating Place: Los Alamos National Laboratory.
A Brief Discography Of Most Of Philip K. Dick’s Works. (Brief/LOL).
Lastly, irregardless of your religious beliefs about all of this crazy Science Fiction stuff, and how it might play into the end times and your particular philosophy on our creator, there are religious and philosophical overtones and ramifications inside the many works of Philip K. Dick. Here is a very interesting 3 part series from 2012 about one of those viewpoints from Simon Critchley of the New York Times.
Philip K. Dick, Sci-Fi Philosopher, Part 1.
Philip K. Dick, Sci-Fi Philosopher, Part 2.
Philip K. Dick, Sci-Fi Philosopher, Part 3.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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