What If Pandora Had More Than One Box?
Money. Which Version Of The Truth Is Real? Perhaps, None Of Them. Sworn to Secrecy! (Follow The Money Series).
You know, when it comes down to it, most of the ills of this world for the last few thousand years have been caused by one thing. Money. Too much for the bad guys and too little for the good guys. It has financed every evil, controlling, manipulative psychopath hellbent on world domination. Like many things throughout history, we have no idea of the truth, regardless of what we have been taught, or believe. While I believe, there is an ultimate truth to everything, what history has taught us is as far from that ultimate truth as can be.
I’d like to start this conversation off with a couple of statements that you really should take to heart and apply to everything in your mind.
“What good is promise from a liar?” The entire Federal Reserve Banking System is built on a foundation of lies. From lying to get the laws passed that formed the FED, to the endless drivel that is spouted by their chairman whenever the situation arises. Greed can only keep evil people in check for so long.
“History is written by the winners” Not my opinion, that’s a fact. That doesn’t make it true, or real or anything else. What does that mean? Whomever the winner is, that means they won everything, not just the battle. They won the power, the money, the dialogue, the printing presses and all of the assets needed to perpetuate the myth of their conquest. They won the right to tell you their version of the truth. If you read a history book from the United States, it is strikingly different from a history book from the Middle East about events that transpired involving both parties. I’m quite certain the Native American Indian Tribes tell a vastly different story of the conquest of this country than the version in our history books. Realize that most of history was codified and written about long before we had the internet. We all know about the Gutenberg Printing Press, but their were versions long before that. It was a major task to commit something to print, or hand copy a scroll. Through the centuries those stories are rewritten and embellished, once again by the winners, with an agenda to control the future by controlling history.
Pandora, what a girl. Her, and her box have been blamed for a lot of bad things throughout time. Guess what? She never had a box. Pandora had a jar. It morphed into a box in the 16th century and that version became our reality. Say it isn’t so. You mean something you believed your entire life isn’t real. Hmmm….So if that story isn’t real……….
Pandora, (Greek: “All-Gifts”) in Greek mythology, the first woman. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, after Prometheus, a fire god and divine trickster, had stolen fire from heaven and bestowed it upon mortals, Zeus, the king of the gods, determined to counteract this blessing. He accordingly commissioned Hephaestus (a god of fire and patron of craftsmen) to fashion a woman out of earth, upon whom the gods bestowed their choicest gifts. In Hesiod’s Works and Days, Pandora had a jar containing all manner of misery and evil. Zeus sent her to Epimetheus, who forgot the warning of his brother Prometheus and made Pandora his wife. She afterward opened the jar, from which the evils flew out over the earth. Hope alone remained inside, the lid having been shut down before she could escape. In a later story the jar contained not evils but blessings, which would have been preserved for the human race had they not been lost through the opening of the jar out of curiosity. Pandora’s jar became a box in the 16th century, when the Renaissance humanist Erasmus either mistranslated the Greek or confused the vessel with the box in the story of Cupid and Psyche.
Since I’m still brainwashed into believing it was a box, we’ll run with that for the sake of this article. (It’s all just a myth anyway, right?) Speaking of myths, what about the myth of money? Now there’s a story for the ages. I could ask a hundred people “what money is” and I would get a hundred different explanations.
Context. What a wonderful thing. Without it, your interpretation of information is totally different. So, in your mind a jar is not as significant as a box. Dimensionally a box could hold almost anything, a jar, not so much.
What does all of this have to do with money? I’ll tell you. In researching my last article “JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement-Geneva 1963”, I came across some information that sent me down multiple rabbit holes and one of them ended up here. I started thinking about boxes. What could possibly be inside them? The story of the box itself is almost as important as what’s inside. So let’s take a trip and go back a few decades. As horrible as it will be, let’s climb inside the brain of one of the evil Banksters that came up with their latest plot to scam humanity. You have to give these parasites credit for creativity, if nothing else. Since Albert said it was possible, for the sake of argument, let’s climb into our time machine and go back to a time before these “Boxes” of value existed.
“Context”. Before there was a box, there was a thought. Their was a plan to talk someone, somewhere, out of value in exchange for these boxes and the promise of their future potential. It’s one of those instances where you really can’t put the cart before the horse. Speaking of that, this is the part of the story where I bring up those “Boxes” from that previous article.
Think about what went into the preparation of these boxes and their contents. Remember, this was at least a hundred years ago or more. These boxes are probably the biggest secret in financial history. I have to believe the secrecy of this project was known only to a few people at that time. They didn’t just decide to do this. It took months, even years to implement this plan. Then, who do you contact to monetize these boxes, or was that established and the deal was made before you ever started? The Boxes themselves had to be designed, including all of the embossing of the metal, that required molds or metal stamps that had to be manufactured, probably by hand. Special Bond Paper had to be manufactured and printing plates for those bonds had to be designed just like currency printing plates. That meant hiring artists and engravers or commissioning the ones already working at the FED/Treasury. Serial numbers had to be assigned and integrated into each bond for authentication. Each bond was assigned to a specific box and the entire contents inventoried. Certificates of Authenticity had to be designed with special seals and security features. We know that different Federal Reserve Branch Banks in multiple cities created these boxes, which meant a different set of molds and designs for each one. The logistics go on and on, and this all happened back in the day long before computers. All of that information had to be quadruple authenticated and stored somewhere in perpetuity until these boxes, and their value, were redeemed. Who would even know where all of that info was kept?
From that original, previously referenced article, we know that certain Chinese Dynasty Families and other wealthy entities purchased a number of these boxes. What did they purchase them with? Some documentations say gold, silver, possibly real estate and other worldwide assets. Those assets had to be physically transferred to where? The boxes themselves had to be shipped around the world, probably with a small contingent of military guards to ensure their safe arrival. All of this had to be done off the radar so no one ever suspected it was happening. The amount of documentation had to be massive. Where are those records? Where are the military orders that were issued? Where are the shipping manifests in both directions? Were all of these molds and printing plates destroyed, or are they stored in some deep dark warehouse that the Fed controls?
Watergate conspirator G. Gordon Liddy made a statement that applies. I would also like to bring to your attention, the possibility that anyone involved in this project was permanently silenced as soon as this project was completed and the funds and assets had been transferred. That is 100% conjecture on my part, but as with most of this article, it is based on probable events and information that was never to be known, and that had to take place, for these objects to even exist. We know how ruthless the evil Banksters are.
My closing questions and a few thoughts for all of you, in no particular order.
Help me out here. From the photo above. This is one Bond Box from the New York Federal Reserve worth 250 Billion dollars at the time it was minted in 1928. That’s a quarter of a trillion dollars. The box is #55555510. With those final 2 numbers, I will go out on a limb here and say that there are at least 10 of them.
That’s 10 x $250,000,000,000= 2.5 trillion in 1928 dollars.
From that article, We know there are multiple Federal Reserve Branch Banks that issued these boxes as well. Possibly even in different years and series. Let’s go with 5. That would mean that 5 x 2.5 Trillion is 12.5 trillion in 1928 money. Remember that number for later.
The U.S. budget in 1928 was only 4 billion according to this information. We didn't become the world's reserve currency until after Bretton Woods in 1944. How much money was needed to keep the banking system going? That, most assuredly was not the reason for these boxes. It was just before the “Great Depression”. Were the evil Banksters raising money to buy up the world for pennies on the dollar when they crashed the system? Until modern times it was the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the planet. It wasn’t used for the American People, that we know of.
As I’m writing this, I’m reminded of a very poignant clip from a movie I’m sure you all have seen. If not, apply this thought to my article. LOL.
Did Presidents of this country sign off on this, or just the entities involved with the Federal Reserve. I would think Presidents and Congress would have had to be involved at some level. If, for no other reason, than the logistics alone, which were enormous. Try finding those documents in the Congressional Record, The Library of Congress or any other Government storage facility other than the FED. Since the Treasury and the FED were separate entities, was there involvement and coordination between the two?
Who coordinated the depths and the planning of integrating these funds into the world’s economy, or were they just manufactured with the express mandate that they would be stored and not utilized for a certain period of time?
Did the entities that now possess these boxes use them for leverage against the Unites States over the decades as we know some countries, that own our debt, still do today?
We know these assets have been moved around the world and traded for decades. Establishing that value and authenticity would have to be a nightmare. Holding the FED accountable to settle these debts will also be a nightmare. I do believe that nightmare is almost over and the slumber of forgetfulness with be traded for the light of truth.
Here is my most important hypothetical:
Regardless of who contacted who first to start this ball rolling, the conversation had to have some or most of these elements. “For your protection and our protection, your purchase of these boxes has got to remain a secret until which time you chose to return and redeem them”. Realizing that governments and politicians change, “We will give you the provenance that can be verified at some point in the immediate or distant future”. Who established and verified the credentials of both parties? As the purchasers of these boxes watched political parties come and go over the decades, they saw the Federal Reserve continued to devalue the USD that these financial instruments were originally valued in. Are we to believe, at no point, did they become nervous about the possibility to never redeem them for any value? Since they were sworn to secrecy, they couldn’t just call up the “Compare A Serial Number Club” to see if the lying FED had issued all of the boxes with the same serial numbers so only the first one redeemed would be considered authentic, thus bilking them out of all of this wealth. There had to be a level of trust that broke down at some point for this information to ever have been made public.
Where are they now? In the hands of the dynasty families all over the world? Could Sovereigns, Governments or evil entities like George Soros, The World Bank and other globalist organizations have located, purchased or confiscated these assets? Are they being leveraged, as we speak, for some nefarious purpose. At these incredible values, each of these boxes would be a Pandora’s Box of good or evil for the world, depending on their usage upon redemption.
While there is much speculation in this article, there are also many legitimate questions that will probably never be answered. And you wonder why the FED doesn’t want to be audited. Was this stuff ever on the books or was this a side deal that slipped through the cracks? If, somehow they didn’t know, try explaining this to the President and Congress when someone shows up wanting to redeem one of these for a few trillion dollars.
Here’s a little fun for you. This is class participation time. I know what the numbers are. I blew up 2 calculators and a more than a few brain cells trying to figure this out before finding this website. Take what I have discussed here and plug what you think the numbers are into this formula. I got a really big number. Really big.
Here is the CPI inflation calculator website.
My whole reason for this one, as well as my previous article “JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement-Geneva 1963”, is to posit the theory that the Federal Reserve/Central Bank was involved in a lot of shady deals and financial manipulations going back decades. I’m not an authority on all of this behind the scenes banking world, but with everything I’ve researched over the last few days, I’m pretty sure there are a lot of skeletons in this closet. I do believe that many of those skeletons are being researched by the proper authorities as we speak. Remember, these financial instruments go back decades, even centuries. There are changes going on in front of us and also behind the scenes. Once again I am reminded of a couple of messages we received in regards to the FED. The assets are coming, the assets are coming, one of which is gold to replace all of this funny money.
I can’t verify this, but I’m pretty sure a Bankster came up with the phrase “There’s a sucker born every minute” even though P.T. Barnum is credited with that saying. After all, are we not witnessing the greatest show of all time with the Federal Reserve and the politicians in Washington D.C. right now? You know what I think. LOL.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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