***(Changes have been made from the original article that was posted to correct an inaccuracy. See Below. I also added a post script comment for reference.)***
Those of us who are paying attention know it’s coming. You can feel the momentum growing every day. More and more of the so called elite/criminal class, and their crimes against humanity, are being exposed almost by the hour. The Deep State desperation is growing exponentially on a daily basis. They are scrambling to reposition themselves by the end of the year for the inevitable changes that are coming.
Another BRIC in the wall. Sorry Pink Floyd.
Look at all of the election corruption being exposed in the U.S., Brazil and around the world. Look at the out and out theft proposed by the United States Congress in this bloated 4000+ page Omnibus Bill.
On December 19th, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin made a statement about “Changes Taking Place Worldwide”, that is integral in the timing and the execution of “The Plan”. He and other Alliance members are all playing their part and inserting their pieces into the puzzle as timing and circumstance dictate.
And now we have Crown Prince and Prime Minister Of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman addressing a conference of Middle Eastern countries with this statement. Again, another Alliance member playing their part and letting the world and the Deep State/Banksters know that a new reality is coming.
Along with, breaking News from Brazil: President Bolsonaro has signed an order which elevates the Superior Military Court over the corrupt left wing Supreme Court. Could this be a move signaling incoming military intervention in Brazil? Eyes on. 👀
Even if you do not like President Trump’s personality, as many people have stated, you cannot deny the fact that he constantly and consistently delivered on his many promises, despite the incessant opposition from Congress, the Deep State/Globalist/Banksters and the left. One of the many statements he made to the American people and to the world was at this press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, where he discussed currency valuations, devaluations and leveling the playing field for all nations after his conversations with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Basically a middle finger to the globalists and their one world government plan.
The BRICS nations have basically told the globalists to kiss off. They are signaling to the world that their visions for their respective countries mirror President Trump’s vision for The United States and they are not going to be a part of Klaus Schwab’s “Covid-19:The Great Reset” plan that he salivates over in his evil dreams every night. Along with his “ Fourth Industrial Revolution” book, he’s been wanting it so long he wrote a book wanting to fulfill Hitler’s Dreams of ruling the world with the WEF and him at the center of that control.
***As I previously stated, I will try to make my Substack articles as factually accurate as I can on the day they are written. Some information has been brought to my attention about this post. This section of this article has been corrected from the original that was posted. There was a meme attributed to Klaus Schwab and the WEF. That meme has been removed and this text edited to show these corrections along with the corrected origins of that information. Having said all of this, Klaus Schwab is not given a free pass and the rest of the references to his character stand.***
Anyone remembering the original post who would like to research this information and my changes can reference these 2 books. Here are links to copies you may read or download for free online.
Dr. John Coleman-The Conspirator’s Heirarchy:The Committee Of 300.
Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret-Covid 19:The Great Reset.
Along with the WEF, the Bilderbergs, the United Nations, The BIS and many other global organizations that came out of wishful dreams of the globalists, The Committee Of 300 are just one more collection of narcissistic controlling psychopaths who have a GOD complex that grew out of the British control structure of the East India Trading Company centuries ago. All of these multinational organizations are connected and exist for global dominance of this planet
The Bilderbergs, Tavistock Institute, The Rand Institute, The Trilateral Commission and many others will be subjects of future articles. Once again, it all ties together in an intricate web of total control of every aspect of this little rock we live on called Earth.
We cannot and will not let “Uncle Klaus” and the WEF have his evil dreams where he owns and controls everything and we own nothing.
I say he gets coal in his stocking for Christmas, and with all of these events taking place around the world right now, I believe that coal will be on fire as the Globalist control structure burns to the ground.
A word of caution. With all of the financial laws set to trigger on January 1, 2023, I do believe we will be moving much closer to the “Global Currency Reset” that President Trump and the BRICS nations are discussing and not in the direction of “The Great Reset” that Klaus Schwab envisions. Many aspects of both of these plans will include CBDCs, the Quantum Financial System, The AIIB Bank, turning off SWIFT, NESARA, GESARA and many other pieces to “Level The Playing Field” for all countries worldwide. The financial pieces to make all of this happen are being amassed and positioned around the world as we speak. If you are paying attention, you will see an urgency to bring all of this to a conclusion. Both sides think they are winning, but you can see that the evil Deep State/Bankster/Globalist FIAT money control of the Central Banks, Klaus Schwab and the WEF is waning and the new asset backed systems are being implemented. The financial part of “The Plan” is very fluid because of the changing dynamics of international finance and consolidation. A tug of war for the planet is taking place, winner take all.
Having said all of this, much of it will play out behind the scenes, as it always has. We usually find out after the fact how they have screwed us over financially. More and more of us are paying attention and collectively, the people of this planet, have some major choices coming up on the financial front. Please refer to my previous articles where I also discuss some of this information.
This may or may not be my last article before the upcoming Christmas Holiday. I wish you all good tidings, and hopefully we will see the conclusion of some of these plans shortly after the first of the year.
***Wait, I hear the phone ringing…is that a wake-up call?***
As always,
I hate doing this because I try to complete a thought before posting. A relevant article was just posted on Christmas day that plays into this article clarifying Klaus Schwab’s ongoing influence on the finances of the world. Since the WEF and their decisions affect everyone on the planet, for now, I thought I would pass this information along.
Thank You Slay News. How Klaus Schwab’s WEF is Weaponizing Banking.
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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