Who Are You? Your DNA, How Much Is It Worth? (Follow The Money Series)
Do They Even Need The Real You Anymore?
My opening statement is “Question Everything”. I try to picture some of your reactions to parts of this information. All I can say is “Good Luck” to you all. I hope you truly see all of the implications and multiple layers that I’m wanting to show you with this article. I would have made it shorter if I could have, but this completes my thought, with enough information to get you curious. I recommend lots of coffee so your brain can process it all. Somehow, that always works for me. Coffee is my friend.
A few thoughts to get you started. 50 Amazing DNA Facts.
The International Society Of Genetic Geneology
So what if I told you, that the day you were born, someone monetized your essence! What if I told you that just by being born you were unwittingly helping the bad guys enslave humanity? Would you believe me? Probably not. After this article, maybe you will. Very few people know or understand this concept, and once again, I must emphasize the meanings of words to my readers. Pay attention, don’t assume you know what you don’t know, and decide to educate yourself. Here is brief article entitled “Your Birth Certificate Bond” with an excellent short video clip from Jordan Maxwell about the reality of the statement I just made. Hopefully you will delve deeper into this subject through your own research. Be careful, there is a lot of false information about this too.
They sneak into your life under the guise of helping you. Being your friend. Making your life better. The have something very enticing in one hand to get your attention and the knife they are holding just out of sight behind their back is getting ready to be plunged into yours. Just as soon as you take the bait. Step back or sit down and take a deep breath. What’s already happened can’t be undone. But after you read this article, I hope you all make better choices about this topic in the future for yourselves and your family.
Who are you? What all does that question entail? Philosophically, your answer would just be “I Am Me, How Else Can I Answer That Question?” I guess a better way to make you think about my point would be “Who are you to the world, not to yourself?”
Every human being on this planet is different for a number of reasons. Your fingerprints, your body, your eyes, your vocal patterns, your DNA, your blood, your hair, your thoughts and feelings and so much more that can and can’t be categorized and quantified, are the attributes that make you unique. How much longer can you keep your uniqueness for yourself? It may already be too late. How much of “YOU” have you willingly or unknowingly given away?
Here’s the Department Of Justice (DOJ) website about Identity Theft. Identity theft is big business. Here’s a question for you. What if certain people in different areas of the government are the ones stealing your identity and using it? Look at what the FBI & CIA do on a regular basis to frame innocent people or claim funds in bank accounts. Could they wipe their criminal activity from those databases? Could they become you, long enough to do some evil deed in your name, and leave you holding the bag. Oh yes.
So, if I told you that all of your genetic data was available to the highest bidder, what would you think? What if I told you the Chinese government is a shareholder in companies that have that information? What if I told you that multiple pharmaceutical companies have access to your DNA? Does the United States government also have access? Most assuredly. What if insurance companies that can raise your premiums based on your life choices have access? What if the answer to all of these questions and more is yes? Does that scare you? It should. That also means that the W.H.O. and evil psychopaths like George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and many other organizations and companies that they sit on the board of and control, who do not have your best interest in mind, also have access. I had already planned on writing an article about this subject when a recent Telegram post from the awesome BioClandestine triggered me to work on finishing this project. We’ve known for years it was possible and probable, and here we are.
“There are now weapons under development, and developed, that are designed to target specific people…You can actually take someone’s DNA, take their medical profile, and you can target a biological weapon that will kill that person,” but it won’t harm anyone else.
Your DNA data:
I’ve heard over the years that the Mormon Church/LDS was the one who had access to all of this information and was the entity behind these companies. There are connections and shared data, but to my understanding, not direct ownership. They have their own company called Familysearch.org which started over a hundred years ago as The Genealogical Society Of Utah. What do we really know about any of them. Here’s a little info to get you started.
First off, the very thought of, and the name of, this website should scare the hell out of all of us. DataminingDNA.com Nothing like being a commodity to be traded and owned to give you that warm, fuzzy feeling to start your day.
Ancestry.com Who owns your data? Blackstone. Who is Blackstone?
It’s just one more way we pay them for our enslavement. Without paying attention, you have either given away or signed away the rights to the being that is “YOU”.
So, if we are to believe the (so called) experts, there are approximately 8 billion of us on the planet. Here is the World Population Clock. How much are we worth to the controlling elite that treat us like possessions? Let’s think about that, shall we?
Here’s a hypothetical for you that is probably more real than we care to think about. If my little mind is having these thoughts, someone further up the food chain has already had them. Some unknown company, somewhere, has access to every piece of information that I will discuss in this article. They literally have created a database of Humanity, both living and dead, to access in perpetuity. Since we know that Blackstone paid almost 5 billion a few years ago to purchase Ancestry.com, that should give you a little clue. the DNA/Genetic data on every human being on this planet is one of the most expensive commodities out there. As long as they don’t kill us all off, it’s also a renewable resource they can monetize forever.
One of my personal favorite movies of all time is the brilliant 1986 Sci-Fi/Fantasy film “Highlander” from Russell Mulcahy and starring Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery. The many moral dilemmas that would pop up for someone with a longer lifespan and how to hide that from humanity was triggered writing this article. Start watching at 01:25 into this clip.
Highlander clip Russell Nash Identity
When you think in terms of generational wealth, How many identifying factors would they need, in the absence of your physical presence, to conduct any of the legal business a citizen of any country conducts in the course of living a life and running a business online? To collect an inheritance? What would it take for you to become a long lost relative that no one has ever met or seen before?
We are a couple of centuries removed from the wonderful novel by Alexander Dumas entitled “The Count Of Monte Cristo”. Show up in a foreign country with a lot of money, a wealthy sounding name or title with an attitude to match, and no one will even question who you are. With our technology today could someone pull that off? Absolutely.
In no particular order, here are some of the parts of “YOU” that have been coopted for nefarious purposes:
The Corporation Of The United States owns your body through your Social Security number.
Your Image-On your driver’s license or ID. Is currently in multiple government databases. It’s been scanned or entered into the computers of how many private companies? Current A.I. models can reconstruct a synthetic version of you from that image.
Your Retinal Scan-Many companies now use retinal scans for entry into corporate headquarters along with other identifying information.
Your Fingerprints-Some forms of identity have your fingerprints on them. Your phone uses your fingerprints as a security feature for access.
Your Voiceprint-Once again, many companies also use voiceprint IDs for building entry along with other forms of identification. After sampling your voice, a voice synthesizer could be used to make it sound like you said things you would never dream of. Whether you want to believe it or not, the NSA and other entities have been recording every phone call on the planet for years. They have samples of voiceprints from all over the world.
Your Thoughts-By using websites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Instagram, TikTok and others, you are literally signing away the rights to your thoughts. They can build a profile of your personality.
Your Banking And Other Passwords-Here’s the real pathetic part and I’m sure that every hacker loves the convenience. Most Banks, Businesses, Government Affiliated Agencies, Social Media and other companies all use a simple series of questions to get access to forgotten passwords. The name of your first dog. The name of your favorite Uncle. What was your first car? and a few other simple basic questions that they hope you never forget. The problem with this simplicity of thought is that any hacker worth his salt could get on your Facebook, or any social media page and look at a few photos with comments and assemble this information to get access to your bank account. That along with a copy of a check or your credit card number from a gasoline purchase at a convenience store, or a credit card receipt from a restaurant and they can access your account, change the passwords and information, and steal your money. It happens millions of times a day worldwide. Identity theft is big business. That’s small potatoes when it comes to really becoming a digital version of you online and all of the implications that embodies for big business.
Companies create million of fake people to buy their products, Sales go up, money is just transferred from one account to the other to make the accountants and shareholders happy. You know, just like what “Twitter” has done for years. Did all those “Twitter Bots”, that were fake human beings, change anything? Most definitely. They damn sure increased the cost of buying Twitter. How much is a 100% controllable nonexistent human being worth? A lot. They changed an election, they changed public perceptions, they influenced financial purchases, they broke up marriages, they caused death, suicides and so much more. The supposed opinions of a mass number of people influenced the decisions of many others.
Voter roles. How many dead people supposedly voted in the last elections? How many people still receive Social Security payments because no one knows they have died? How many family members or other people still cash those checks or have access to those bank accounts directly? They want your identity to create a ghost person online, that they control, that has roots in the real world. Your SS number and D.L. can all be renewed online for years.
There are many parts to a Synthetic Reality. A lot of those parts have already been assembled by governments and companies from the pieces of ourselves we have already given away.
Please indulge me once again with this phenomenal clip from the 1992 film “Sneakers” with Robert Redford. It’s all about the information. Your information. Does this not describe our current reality, or at least our perception of reality, to a “T”?
For centuries, body doubles have been used by countries to maintain power and control after the fact. Could we be seeing synthetic reality playing out in the corridors of power in this country and around the world? There is much speculation to this point. I have said before that “Q” told us we are watching a movie play out. Are we seeing real people playing a part, or are we seeing our own version of a synthetic reality?
I’m trying to hit home a point and not sound preachy. Your choices are your choices. I just want to make sure your are paying attention. For those still even considering some of these options to trace your lineage, start with family, relatives even one or two generations ago and use that as a basis to find out your history and learn what you need to know from their data without giving up yours.
Back to my reason for this and other articles I am writing in the “Follow The Money” series. Who stands to profit from your DNA/Identity? As I’ve shown you here, almost everyone. Human beings are very unpredictable creatures. We’re hard to control with all of those messy emotions, insatiable bad habits, all those options on how to spend our pittance after all those taxes and a few other random reasons. Our unpredictability, on some levels, is part of our uniqueness. If someone had all of the information described in this article including your blood, your DNA, retinal scan, fingerprints, banking information, social security number, driver’s license number, address, all your passwords, pictures and more, except for explaining away not having physical contact with you anymore with a few friends and family, do they really even need “YOU” around anymore? After all, we are just a bunch of useless eaters on this planet. For decades, all of that information on you has been collected, collated, inventoried and brought together in the public, private and government sectors into a little file with your name on it. Is that file you? Are you even relevant anymore? Once they have all of this, you’re worth more to them dead than alive because they can control your persona where they couldn’t control you, the person. Just a thought.
You are the only person who knows for sure if……Is it live, or is it Memorex clip ?
Your blood is so precious. Have you ever had this thought? Vaccines can take something out as well as put something in. Those needles have your blood sample and DNA on them. Could this have been just one more big informational DNA grab like Ancestry and 23andMe?
A few more thoughts to consider. It’s not just who owns or has access to that data now, but who may own it or gain access to it in the future? A perfect example of this is Twitter. Bad people never thought that the information they were sharing with each would ever be weaponized against them. In different hands it will undo much of the damage and chaos they caused. I’ve referenced Elon Musk and who he is in past articles. Have you ever really read those disclaimers on all of these websites you join and access? They are there for a reason. Perpetuity outlives your physical presence on this planet.
Evil people like Dr. Fauci and his cohorts at the NIH are actively going through old DNA samples looking for information. Ancient viral DNA may help humans fight infections. Certain biolabs are actively seeking old viruses to re-weaponize and release on humanity. So much research is being done supposedly for humanity, that most assuredly will be used against humanity at some point. Scientists revive a 48,500 year-old virus.
Over the years, I’ve tried to follow the money down some very deep rabbit holes. Sometimes, I wonder if they all connect at the center of the earth?
A few final thoughts:
In the very near future two of the most expensive commodities on this planet will be untainted, unvaccinated blood that is still pure and MRNA free, and along with that, male sperm that is also untainted. Unvaccinated Blood Banks are being set up everywhere on the planet. Without sounding condescending, those pharmaceutical companies in some ways now own you if you participated in their gene therapy experiments. They altered your DNA with patented, proprietary ingredients they own, that are now inside you.
With all of the lies that have been, and continue to be, told by the W.H.O. and Tedros, all of the known, and unknown, pain and suffering caused by Bill Gates and his Foundation trying to vaccinate the planet, all of the lies told by the Fauci and the NIH, all of the lies told by hospitals to receive more funding from Covid death certificates, and so much more from supposedly trusted sources, why would you ever allow another medical professional to stick a needle in your arm and draw blood, regardless if they said it was for a good purpose? At this point, I don’t trust anyone but me with my blood and DNA. Some things in life don’t give you a do over.
To end this where we started with Morgan Freeman. With all of your information, could you be Deep Faked into existence for some heretofore unknown purpose? Can A.I. take your fingerprints, banking information, social media habits, emails, browser history profile and all of this data and synthesize a new, more controllable you? How would anyone ever know? The government is worried enough about it to address it. Government on Deep Fakes.
IMHO The most precious things you own are your thoughts and your Blood/DNA, Don’t be so quick to expose either of them to the world if you haven’t already. They are what make you unique, along with the fact that you read my Substack. I am grateful for your time, eyeballs and a few brain cells.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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