Food Additives "The Depopulation Agenda" Pt. #3 Nanotechnology & That Other Stuff.
It's The Little Things, No, The Really Little Things That Matter.
Hello Everyone. A brief “Thank You” before we get started to all my readers and subscribers. It’s been four months since I dropped my first Substack article. This makes 42 articles in that time frame. Thank you all again for the coffee and your continued support. The numbers have exceeded all of my expectations. There are many new projects in the works. I hope these little glimpses into my brain have been informative, prescient and not to sarcastic. I really have to hold back on that last one with all of the buffoonery we are all experiencing right now. Every day is like a trip to the circus. What will the performers show us next? Over the coming weeks I will be launching the “Satori Secrets” website. Along with these articles there will be a lot of other interesting things to come. Best wishes to all as our journey of satori continues.
Food. We gotta have it. I don’t know about you, I just want the base model. You know, the one that grows in nature. I don’t think I need all of those additional features. After all of the secondary ingredients, when is food no longer food? That is when it becomes a delivery vehicle for another agenda. The Things We Don’t Know.
Yummy. Don’t words like “Acidulants”, “Emulsifiers”, “Humectants” and more just make your mouth water with anticipation of that first bite? What if I told you there are more than 10,000 possible food additives in the U.S. that are legally allowed into the foods we consume, not counting the ones that are frequently added to the packaging itself. That means they have come up with 10,000 more ways to slowly kill you. Would you believe me? I think you will after we go down this rabbit hole.
At first glance, you would think an additive would be something to enhance the positive benefits of the product for you, the consumer. That could not be further from the truth. An additive is there strictly to advance a number of agendas that have nothing to do with what is best for you. Most additives in food are there to make the products have a longer shelf-life, look more colorful, to have that perfect gooey texture, taste sweeter and be more addictive, (sugar is one of the most addictive substances on the planet as well as one of the most deadly. Why do you think there is added sugar in everything?) to actually decrease the quality of your health, and thus feed your addictions and so much more.
I need for you to get your head around this statement. “Think of all of these companies that make all of this “Frankenfood”, and lace it with sugar, as your local drug dealer. (except it’s legal)” They work in conjunction with your local, state and federal governments through taxation, to get you addicted and provide the vehicle for your perpetual enslavement. You gotta love those regulatory agencies that allow all of this to fly under the radar and not break the law.
You can’t, in your wildest dreams (or should I say nightmares), have any idea the depths that the globalists will go to destroy humanity and depopulate this planet. It has been a concerted effort for many decades to introduce poisons into the food supply and the environment that, over time, accumulate inside our bodies and causes illness and premature death. It truly is insidious how they will lie to your face about how healthy an item is, knowing they have laced it with poisons that will kill you slowly. They will actually charge you a premium for certain items labeled as healthy, knowing it is as far from a healthier alternative as an item can be. Let’s get into this.
I try to keep up with as much information as my little brain cells will hold. I could probably do better if I didn’t have so many nanoparticles taking up storage room in my head. I multi-task constantly listening to audio and watching video while I’m doing a myriad of other things, like writing articles. I never watch the lying Main Stream Media anymore so I look elsewhere to find truth and relevance in this insane world we live in.
As I was engaged in that previously mentioned multitasking exercise a couple of days ago, a video from Roman at the Epoch Times caught my eyes and ears. It had some other information related to a number of articles I have started, so I listened intently. Since it was a major influence on this article, I felt you should hear it as well. You should probably put down that donut or bag of chips after watching this. It’s only a few minutes long. I think you will be interested. The FDA is just one more bloated government agency whose job has nothing to do with the name of the agency, and it has nothing to do with protecting the quality of the food and drugs that get introduced to the public. It’s all about hiding the poisons and the side-effects of those drug ingredients and food additives. More of that Orwellian doublethink or doublespeak.
Facts Matter With Roman Balmakov Of The Epoch Times: Nanotechnology Used in Over 2,000 Food Items Goes Unlabeled Due to Weird FDA Loophole.
GRAS. No, not that grass, or that grass, the other GRAS. (Generally Recognized As Safe). What the hell does that even mean? You get three shills from the FDA in a room, and as two of them are putting the bribes in their pockets they make a comment “It Looks Safe To Me” and that becomes the rule. Wow. Until they catch us, it’s not a lie.
It is truly amazing what they actually get away with calling “Food” in this country. More ingredients that end with “ate”, “in”, “ide’ or some other suffix to make it sound important and necessary as an ingredient. The United States is the petri dish of experimentation for the globalists and their depopulation agenda. Our politicians are the best in the world at only one thing. Being bought off for the right price. Please refer to my previous article “Lobbying” in the (Follow The Money Series).
Now, how about that yummy Hostess donut, or donettes as it were? mmm… Love that last line, “Genetic Engineering”.
Since a lot of this comes down to the manufacturers themselves being charged with self-policing their own businesses, they have a vested interest in being very lax with quality control on the health and efficacy of their products and their effects on humanity.
It’s unbelievable what our politicians have allowed to be passed into law. Here’s something that should blow your mind. A little tidbit about one of the most hated and evil companies on the planet called “Monsanto”. Just one more outrageous scheme they pulled off in recent years was to ensure the passing of the “Monsanto Protection Act” that essentially prevented courts from prosecuting Monsanto over GMO-related health issues, and it was allegedly partly written by the company itself. Though the Act was only in effect for six months, similar bills have been signed into law that protect companies over consumers. I keep saying we have the best politicians money can buy. Congress, the FDA and any of those government regulatory agencies that are supposed to be looking out for the public have all been duplicitous for decades.
You would think something as innocuous as food coloring would be safe. Bad assumption. They have actually put nanoparticles in the food coloring.
Artificial colors are synthetic colors that are not found in nature. Most are a derivative of coal tar and can contain lead and/or arsenic (up to 10 PPM) and still be considered safe by the FDA. These are known to cause allergic reactions, headaches, ADD in children, and are linked to nerve damage. These are just a few of the common colors used:
Blue #1 and #2 – Found in candy, drinks, pet food, or baked goods. These have been shown to cause damage to chromosomes, cause uncontrolled cell mutation (which is a precursor to cancer), are strongly linked to brain tumors, and serious problems such as refractory hypotension, and even death.
Citrus Red #1 and #2 – These are sometimes sprayed on oranges to make them look more ripe. Red #1 has been linked to in so many studies that it fractures the chromosomes and can lead to cancer that the even the lax FDA is seriously considering a ban on red #1. Citrus red #2 has been linked to cancer as well.
Green #3 – Not as common as red and blue, but green #3 has been linked to tumors in the bladder.
Red #3 and #40 – Red #3 is often found in red fruit processed foods such as cherry pies or maraschino cherries. It has been linked to thyroid cancer and nerve damage. Red #40 is very common and can be found in candy, soda, pet food, and sausage, to name a few. This dye is a suspected carcinogen.
Yellow #5 and #6 – Yellow #5 is perhaps the most popular dye. It can be found in gelatin, soda, pastry and pet food. It’s a suspected carcinogen and has been known to cause serious allergic reactions. #6 is found in many of the same foods as #5 and it has been strongly linked to tumors in the kidneys and adrenal glands.
Guys, here’s another great little video from “The Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know” channel on-MIT, Cereal, And Human Experimentation. A wholesome company like Quaker Oats would never do anything bad for you, would they? They wouldn’t put an additive into your healthy breakfast food. This is one of the most vile and disgusting experiments ever perpetrated on children. These people do not have your health or best interest in mind. Governments and big business collude all of the time to the detriment of the citizens. Thank You Scott Allen for originally breaking this story back when journalism still had integrity.
Just pick up a few items the next time you go shopping. If it has more than a few ingredients, I bet most of them have names you can’t even pronounce or begin to understand the harmful effects that they have on your health. The problem I had, when researching this article, is that there is so much information out there it is overwhelming that the public is even participating in this genocide any longer. Get curious and see what you find. I think it will disturb you on so many levels.
There is so much consolidation going on in the food and beverage industry on a daily basis. I’m quite certain that some of these graphics and articles have outdated information. My point of inclusion was to show you how long ago, and how recent that consolidation has taken place. There is a concerted effort by these corporations to control all of the food that humans consume. If they control the food sources and the additives they put into your diet, they control your lifespan. Many of the mega-corporations that own the media, also own big-pharma and these food companies. They are all globalists that are acquiring anything that can control the human population on this planet. They give you that illusion of choice, but it’s just a different poison delivery system.
As with the information in my previous video “Chemtrails” Pt. #1 Death From Above where I bring up Mexico is finally banning chemtrails, where is our Congress on protecting the U.S. citizens from using nano-tech in our food. Other countries have banned it because it’s poisonous.
Many of these nanoparticles in food are made from heavy metals. Even at the nano size, these metals can all be assimilated inside the human body when activated by 5G along with all of the stuff in the vaccines they assault our bodies with. You can be targeted by these microscopic particles that can be reprogrammed to go straight to your heart and give you a heart attack. This article mainly focuses on food. Titanium dioxide is also an ingredient in chemtrails and vaccines, which are also a major parts of the depopulation agenda. Information on those, and more, are revelations for future articles.
Don’t think I’m casting stones at the masses here. I have been willingly ignorant of most of this my entire life. The items in my cupboard have gotten so much healthier in recent months. As the clock ticks down, the choices matter so much more as we try to maintain some semblance of health against the ravages of time. There are healthy detoxification protocols for most of this poison. We all have to wake up to the reality that we keep giving them consent and permission to slowly destroy our lives with our continued participation in the purchasing and consumption of these products.
Between these food additives, GMO or Bio-Engineered ingredients, toxins in the packaging they arrive in and other factors, it will be harder and harder for us to stay healthy in this country with our current shopping and eating habits. Find a local Farmer’s Market, talk to the person growing your food and buy healthy alternatives. Make your own snacks from nuts and dried fruit. Stop patronizing these mega-companies that want your money and your health.
You know it’s sad and ironic that most of my family and friends think I’m way out there in wuwu land when I try to do something good for them and educate them on the information that I write about in these articles. I’m the crazy conspiracy theorist guy and the minute I start to have a conversation about this, they “tune me out”. That used to bother me, because I desperately wanted to try and help them. Not anymore. If I bring truth, and someone doesn’t want to hear it, that’s on them. I did the right thing, and I have one very famous quote from Wayne Dyer for all of you, who are experiencing that same thing, talking to people you are trying to wake up on these matters.
Reference Articles:
I found some great info on this website for this article and some others. The Non-GMO project website Frightful 15: Food Additives That Are Killing You. List Of Monsanto Owned “Food” Producers
Another match made in hell. When Bayer (Another NAZI tie-in) purchased Monsanto, they gave 2 of the world’s most evil companies the power to poison seeds and most of the food on the planet before and after it is planted and harvested. There are very few places to get legacy, Non-GMO seeds anymore. To Buy Monsanto Creating World’s largest Seed & Pesticide Company.
Unbelievably detailed article about “Nanoparticles” in all their forms and applications. Properties, Applications and Toxicities.
If you haven’t already taken the time, I highly recommend an earlier article I wrote that plays heavily into this information. My article on the unbelievably evil “Codex Alimentarius” will help you understand this agenda of 100% total control over everything that humans consume as food, supplements, drugs and the things necessary for survival. I can only lead you to the doorway of satori. It is up to you to enter.
After all of this talk about food, it’s time to get a snack. Where’s my bag of, oh no, it’s got………..
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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