Slush Funds/Dark Money/Black Budgets/Seized Drug Funds/Soros (Follow The Money Series)
It's Your Money. It Has To Be Somewhere, In Somebody's Pockets. Mostly Bad Guys, But What If.......
I want to start this off with my usual “ubiquitous” statement “It’s All Connected”. Speaking of connected, I’ve connected dozens and dozens of links in this article that have literally hundreds and hundreds of pages of info and articles. I think this one, more than any other, will make you agree with that statement that it’s all connected. All, or most of what I will show you, could not be possible without the current, evil, Central Bank money printing system that is in place in this government and other governments around the world. So, let’s “Follow The Money”, as far as we can. I’ll get to that current “Soros” connection in due time. I think you will hear that name much more frequently now that things are becoming more clear.
Money, Sex, Drugs, Murder, Extortion, Bribery, Robbery, Overthrowing Governments and so much more. No, it’s not the latest episode of the “Blacklist” with James Spader, it’s our very own version of “Mad Magazine” starring, you guessed it, The Washington D.C. crew. (The District Of Criminals). I believe I have a lot more respect for Raymond “Red” Reddington than I do for the politicians in D.C.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve looked through a few legal documents, amendments, congressional memos, budget documents and a multitude of other information searching for all of that stolen money. That’s right, I said stolen money, not missing money. Where the hell did all that money go? These are funds stolen from the American People by the powers that be, at whatever time in history those funds went missing, were misappropriated or just disappeared, as it were. With all of the financial shenanigans that we see coming out of the current administration and our Congress involving trillions of dollars of money being sent overseas and squandered in a black hole budget, do any of you really believe that there has been any accountability to this point? Yes, I know Marjorie Taylor Greene just said Tweeted “I’m happy to announce that my resolution to audit every single American taxpayer dollar sent to Ukraine has PASSED the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The American people deserve to know where all of their money is being sent.” God Bless her for trying. Let’s see what happens. Now, go back in history and see if Congress ever investigates anything after they pass these mysterious “Black Budgets”. I’m betting they are not going to investigate themselves and their own malfeasance. Especially when some of the “Slush Fund” money discussed here, probably ended up in their bank accounts to pay for their silence.
Should ”We The People” really be financing the payments of “Hush Money” for sexual misconduct in Congress? Do you know anything about the $18.2 million dollar slush fund for #MeToo claims?
The Military Black Budget is one thing. We can assume that at least some of those funds go to develop equipment and strategies to help with national security and the safety of Americans. Covert agencies like the CIA. FBI, NSA, as well as Congress and others, hiding and using money off the books is where the problems come in. They use these slush funds to target American citizens, both at home and abroad.
Here is an excellent 1995 article from”Exposing The Black Budget” The Cold War is over. So why, Paul McGinnis wanted to know, are major CIA, NSA, and Department of Defense programs still being kept secret from Congress and US taxpayers? That article is almost 30 years old. If that much was being uncovered back then when the printing presses weren’t in endless printing mode, imagine how much of those trillions we have printed in the last couple of years is sitting in slush funds right now waiting to be deployed?
Do you really believe our Congress reads those hundreds of thousands, even millions, of pages of documents they sign every year? I have a bridge to sell you: Pick your coast, Brooklyn or Golden Gate? Paint this picture any way you want in your mind. Big government gives more opportunity to hide more funds, or shuffle them off into some dark place, where they get lost forever.
As I mentioned in my previous article on "Illuminati:The Game Of Conspiracy", slush funds have been around, and been part of their plans, forever. Legislation full of money laundering pork.
How many employees are on the payroll of clandestine government agencies and operations funded by these “Dark Projects”. How many illegal activities are funded, with no oversight, once this money disappears into some anonymous bank account? What commercial banks are being used to obfuscate and facilitate all of these invisible activities. How many of those banks like J.P. Morgan, CitiBank, Wells Fargo and others are currently under investigation, and in litigation, for their illegal activities? Ever hear of some guy named Epstein? More to come on that one. Bribes, Pay-Offs, Political Coups at home and abroad, Money Laundering both at home and overseas, NGO payoffs and a thousand different political and financial agendas being subsidized by you and your taxes. Kind of gives you the warm and fuzzies doesn’t it? Aren’t you glad you could be so helpful?
Why do you think Edward Snowden and his activities were such a powderkeg? Who knows where the bodies are buried? Both literally and figuratively. Why was Edward Snowden mentioned in 58 “Q” Drops? There had to be a reason. Events have yet to play out, but many revelations will be forthcoming. The full extent of his information, and the part he is playing, will cause heads to explode and smiles for the good guys. Here is one of those 58 to peak your curiosity for those uninitiated. “Q” drop # 151.
For those predisposed to know more, here are those 58 “Q” drops with the accompanying Information & Graphics.
For every legally sanctioned military action in U.S. history, how many clandestine coups have the CIA and other quasi-government agencies facilitated behind the scenes? Who benefited, who profited, who financed and instigated all of these actions that have been taking place for the last couple of centuries? The frequency and the quantity is astounding. Here is a list of ones that we know about, or that have been historically documented from Wikipedia. Understand that these were not just military actions. In my previous article “Sanctions/End Of The Fed/No More Reserve Currency Status/Just A Financial Shell Game.” I mention the “Economic Hitmen” and the CIA Jackals. This is some of that slush fund money at work. You might want to put on a pot of coffee for this one, it’s a lot bigger than you can possibly imagine. It’s quite a read.
United States Involvement In Regime Change.
We know that dark budgets and slush funds have been involved in many illicit activities. But what we don’t know is to what end? Who’s agenda is being implemented? The minute a military budget is approved for war, money starts flying in all directions. No one ever keeps track as long as the objective is fulfilled. History has shown us one thing for certain, “All Wars Are Bankers Wars”. Here is an interview with the writer who made that statement, Michael Rivero.
Here is the article that interview is based on:
“Michael Rivero-All Wars Are Bankers Wars”
Understand, wars don’t just change the political playing field and what political party is installed in what country. They change the social and business dynamics affecting thousands of corporate entities. Think about our very own war machine here in the U.S. with the Military Industrial Complex.
I found a paragraph, I couldn’t source, that gave some interesting intel on this subject. Thank you to whomever wrote this observation.
“Back in 1959, President Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Khrushchev took a break from their summit and walked in the woods around Camp David. Khrushchev, in his memoirs, relates a conversation in which the President complains of how hard it is to resist the military's demands for more money. Military leaders, said Eisenhower, invariably insist the U.S. will fall behind the Soviet Union unless he gives them the money for this or that weapons system. "They keep grabbing for more, and I keep giving it to them." He asked Khrushchev if that was also the case in the USSR. "It's just the same," said Khrushchev, who went on to describe virtually the same script. "Yes," said the President, "that's what I thought." Congressional members are very much a part of the military-industrial complex, which is why someone (Tom Hayden?) long ago suggested that the more accurate term is “MAGIC”: The Military-Academic-Governmental-Industrial-Complex.
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of legitimate parts to this whole dilemma. But, I have to believe, after the research I have done and what we have seen revealed over the years, that there is a whole lot more money that is unaccounted for than money that has been tracked. Please refer to my original article in the “Follow The Money Series” about the military black budget and those missing trillions entitled The Pentagon “Follow The Money Series”. That alone was over 21 trillion.
Where is all that additional funding the CIA has had for all of these illegal, clandestine, operations we know that have happened? Much of this was never sanctioned by Congress or passed through a Congressional budget. We know the CIA and their long-term involvement with the heroin trade & the poppy fields in Afghanistan was nothing but a big money making operation to fill those slush fund coffers. For decades, this has involved CIA and military contractors working together.
Speaking of military contractors, I’m sure you all remember who “Blackwater” is with their storied history? So when the government or the military don’t want to get their hands dirty, or can’t really get official permission to take an action, what do they do? They hire a private army like Blackwater to go do their dirty work. Blackwater is a PMC/Private Military Company.
What is a Private Military Company, you may ask. Please take this link and get an education. Within this Wikipedia page their are hundreds of links to these countries, their PMCs and their engagements throughout history. (At least the ones that have been made public) Here is a brief overview taken form this Wikipedia article which is quite extensive and should be looked into more thoroughly. Please note the last line with information from the ODNI. As of 2008, when that piece was compiled, private contractors make up almost 1/3 of the entire U.S. intelligence workforce and almost half of the budget. I would bet almost anything that percentage is significantly higher today. Some of this info is over a decade old, imagine how much more could be added if it had only been declassified?
We do have some other historical contexts, of note, how these illicit slush funds are used.
We all remember CREEP and the campaign slush fund used in the Watergate scandal.
The Sandinistas in Nicaragua and the CIA involvement.
Think of all of the drug seizure money from the DEA and other agencies. Yes, local, state and federal agencies absorb some of that money to fund those ongoing activities, but do we really believe they tell us about all of it? Do all of those seized drugs really get destroyed or are they sold off by these entities to put money into these slush funds for other future transgressions? What about other seized assets? Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Crypto, Art. You hear about some of these assets being returned or sold off to pay some claims. Refer to that blue U.S. Marshals graphic below.
Let me give you a hypothetical situation. It’s one o’clock in the morning, whatever agency you work for has just received intel that bad actor “A”, your local drug dealer, will be arriving at the docks in an hour. You need $250,000 dollars to facilitate a buy from said actor. No time to go through official channels if you want to make the arrest and seize the contraband, (For whatever those reasons may be) you just hop right over to that hidden warehouse, that is in a shell company you busted for doing this very thing last year, get into one of those crates of money and make the deal. Shuffle some paperwork after the fact and get a couple of signatures to sign off on the legitimacy of the operation and “Bob’s Your Uncle”. It almost sounds like an episode of Miami Vice doesn’t it? I’m quite sure, that many times, it goes down just like that.
The more you look into this, the crazier it gets.
Why were those pallets of money sent to IRAQ/IRAN in cash instead of being deposited into a legitimate bank account? Duh.
How much money flows through these illegal accounts in the Shadow Banking world? Do you even know what that is. It’s very real.
Investopedia-Shadow Banking System
Over the course of history, how many trillions have been funneled to CIA/FBI/DOJ/NSA projects or clandestine operations?
Think of all of the money that flows into things like the Clinton Foundation from these slush funds, in illegal donations? The amount of damage this one organization has done in the last few decades is incalculable. Go ask Haiti.
Black budgets fund slush funds. Slush funds pay for bribes. Bribes, Fines & Restitution in the Billions.
Investopedia-“The Biggest Bribery Cases In Modern Business History.
With what we know about “Devolution” and the many unexplained actions being taken by the current and previous administrations, have we invested some good money to counteract the bad? Maybe. Here is an interesting Washington Examiner article that asks some pertinent questions when put into the context of other things we know.
Intelligence “Black Budget” Hits Mysterious New High Under Trump.
What if the “Good Guys” located some of that money and have been using it to turn the tables on the “Bad Actors” involved with all of these slush funds and dark money hidden in the budget? What if some of those funds are being used to take down the Globalists and the evil Bankster Cabal? While the world was distracted, someone was paying attention. Here is another little tidbit for you to digest. Trump has always said “We Have It All”. “Q” wants us to “Follow The Money”. Sound familiar. LOL
Once again, for those predisposed to know more, here are those 15 “Q” drops with the accompanying Information & Graphics.
Think this dynamic isn’t still playing out, right before our eyes? Guess who has been spending some time at someone’s house? That’s not his house (I mean the (p)resident’s house, that’s your house, (The American Citizen’s House). Maybe someone mentioned in that “Q” drop I just showed you and others. Here is a recent New York Post Article about George Soros’ Son and his ongoing interaction with the (p)resident of said house. Coincidence? I don’t think anybody is that naive anymore.
Son of George Soros scoring easy White House access, records show
Guys, I’m not talking about a few hundred thousand dollars set aside for some agenda. I’m not talking about millions, or even billions over the decades. There have been trillions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money being used for all of this manipulation and control, that ultimately plays out behind the scenes. Unless they get caught, it is never exposed. This dark money funds a complete shadow banking system and economy of chaos that is impacting the entire world and has resulted in the deaths of who knows how many innocent people, both in this country and abroad.
You don’t have to be an accountant or a financial genius to figure out if the Pentagon can’t account for 21 trillion as of 2015, and all of these other agencies have their fingers in the pie too, what else encompasses the entire national debt of the U.S. which is just under 32 trillion? Here is the National Debt Clock website. If all of this dark money wasn’t missing, we would be a debt free country. Think about how much interest we have paid to the Fed since 1913? You and I would have tens of thousands of more dollars in our pockets for our families and our futures. Less taxes would be needed. A million reasons why we should be paying attention and calling out those parasites in D.C. that supposedly work for us. When you try to follow the money, it’s hard not to get a little pissed off. Hopefully I’ve peeked your curiosity enough to research these many links and do some investigating on your own. This is a very deep, dark, rabbit hole indeed. The world we live in is an illusion. This little peek behind the curtain should prove that to you.
I’m including some official propaganda that the government uses to tell us where all of these funds go and what their purposes are. In a perfect world, these might be the legitimate scenarios of how this all goes down. This is far from a perfect world, as you all know. Here is the official government information on the government asset forfeiture programs from the website.
Here is some information from the U.S. Marshal Service. These government agencies take 1/3 for their cut.
Forfeiture Overview
Criminal forfeiture is an action brought as a part of the criminal prosecution of a defendant. It is an in personam (against the person) action and requires that the government indict (charge) the property used or derived from the crime along with the defendant. If the defendant is convicted and the property is deemed forfeitable, the court issues an order of forfeiture.
For forfeitures pursuant to the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO), as well as money laundering and obscenity statutes, there is an ancillary hearing for third parties to assert their interest in the property. Once the interests of third parties are addressed, the court issues a final forfeiture order.
Civil judicial forfeiture is an in rem (against the property) action brought in court against the property. The property is the defendant and no criminal charge against the owner is necessary.
Administrative forfeiture is an in rem action that permits the federal seizing agency to forfeit the property without judicial involvement. The authority for a seizing agency to start an administrative forfeiture action is found in the Tariff Act of 1930, 19 U.S.C. § 1607. Property that can be administratively forfeited is: merchandise the importation of which is prohibited; a conveyance used to import, transport, or store a controlled substance; a monetary instrument; or other property that does not exceed $500,000 in value.
Taken From The U.S. website
Asset Forfeiture Program Participants and Roles
The Justice Asset Forfeiture Program includes activity by Department of Justice components and components outside the Department. Each component plays an important role in the Program.
Participant/Component Abbreviations Role
Asset Forfeiture Management Staff
( Justice Management Division)
AFMS Manages the Assets Forfeiture Fund, the Consolidated Asset Tracking System (CATS), Program-wide contracts, Program’s internal controls, interpretation of the Assets Forfeiture Fund statute, and approval of Fund uses. AFMS also liaises on legislative matters affecting the Program's budget, and with lawmakers on matters of financial or Program's activities. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ATF Protects our communities from the illegal use and trafficking of firearms and ammunition; the illegal use and storage of explosives; and the illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products. ATF seizes assets involved in violation of federal laws for the activities above and serves as the primary custodian of seized and forfeited firearms and ammunition. Drug Enforcement Administration DEA Enforces the Federal controlled substance laws and regulations and seizes illegal drugs, cash, or property acquired because of illegal activity. Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Enforces a broad range of Federal laws and regulations, including white-collar, organized, drug-related and violent crimes, and terrorism that may result in seizures of illegal property, personal property, or cash.
Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section
MLARS Establishes asset forfeiture legal policy and procedures; coordinates multi-district asset seizures; litigates civil and criminal cases; oversees the Equitable Sharing Program; rules on petitions for remission or mitigation of forfeiture and restoration requests; coordinates international forfeiture; and manages the asset forfeiture-training program. Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces OCDETF Investigates and prosecutes high-level drug traffickers, money launderers, and other priority transnational criminal organizations; facilitates, manages, and coordinates multi-agency law enforcement efforts; and leverages intelligence across multiple investigative platforms. United States Attorneys’ Offices USAO Prosecutes criminal and civil cases and adjudicates judicial actions against property used or acquired during illegal activity. United States Marshals Service USMS Serves as the primary custodian of seized and forfeited property other than firearms and ammunition for the Program. USMS manages and disposes of the majority of the property seized for forfeiture. For more information go to the USMS Asset Forfeiture Division Website.
Agencies Outside the Department of Justice
Several organizations outside the Department of Justice participate in the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Program. These agencies investigate and seize assets for judicial forfeitures only.
Agency/component Abbreviations Role
Bureau of Diplomatic Security Service
DSS Investigates passport and visa fraud and targets the profits made by vendors who provide fraudulent documentation or others who utilize fraudulent visas and/or passports to further their criminal enterprises.
Defense Criminal Investigative Service
DCIS Serves as criminal investigative arm of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense. Conducts investigations and forfeitures in support of crucial National Defense priorities that include homeland security/terrorism, product substitution, contract fraud, public corruption, computer crimes, and illegal technology transfers.
Office of Criminal Investigations
(Food and Drug Administration)
FDA Enforces FDA-related law and regulations and conducts criminal investigations of illegal activities involving FDA-regulated products, including but not limited to health care fraud schemes, counterfeit pharmaceuticals, illegal distribution of adulterated foods, and product tampering.
Office of the Inspector General
(United States Department of Agriculture)
Promotes effectiveness and integrity with fraud prevention in the delivery of USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), organic products, and crop insurance programs. United States Postal Inspection Service USPIS Investigates and seizes under its authority to discourage profit-motivated crimes such as mail fraud, money laundering, and drug trafficking using the mail.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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