As you wake to find this in your inbox, I would like to thank all of you who have signed up for the free and the paid subscriptions, as well as those of you who have bought me a coffee. It is much appreciated and already growing at a pace beyond my original expectations. Those little counters are clicking away. If there ever was an article that you should share with friends, family or just anyone you care about, it is this one, as it has a very important meaning to all of us. Thank you for your continued support. I have more links in this article than you can imagine. Investigate them all. Now, on to the words.
Here I go again. I can’t help myself. If you get nothing else from my writings I want you all to come to grips with the power of words. Another double entendre for you to “Digest” in the manner of your choosing.
For anyone reading this, if you could see my idea/projects board for upcoming articles, this one was one of the first I thought about writing, and it has been one of the hardest thoughts for me to complete and bring to a conclusion. The scope of this information continues to affect every man, woman and child on this planet. That is not an insignificant or flippant statement.
We all know that evil exists. It is being manifested more and more each day right in front of our eyes. The many atrocities happening worldwide saddens the heart on so many levels. Where to find some good information to feed your spirit to continue to “Fight The Good Fight” so that we my Triumph over evil? (I told you there would be more musical references. Listen and read the lyrics) My writings, may not always be something that fills you with hope, but hopefully it will be that morsel to sustain you until you can feast on truth and wisdom and fortify yourself for the next battle. (There you have it. As many “Food” references as I could fit into this paragraph and add some spice, but, hopefully, not be too cheesy.) A little levity before the overwhelming weight and reality of this article assaults your psyche. I did mention in “The Beginning” that the self deprecation will be endless as well as the respect for the readers of this substack.
I originally heard about this over 10 years ago and I’ve wandered down this rabbit hole a few times. I’ve touched bases with it a few more times over the years through conversations and the occasional mentions in other research. What is it? Once again, kudos to this great little Youtube channel I stumbled upon over a decade ago called “Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know” and this video on the “Codex Alimentarius”. It really got me thinking about a lot of the information in this article. This is very deep rabbit hole. More like a Grand Canyon sized chasm to fall down and navigate through, if you dare.
What is the Codex Alimentarius? At least for me, the first two words that come to mind are “Pure Evil”. Here is the “Official” website for WHO/Codex Alimentarius where they spout their mission statement about how you need them and humanity can’t survive unless they intervene. There is a timeline and other information you can access but this is mostly a sanitized PR version for public consumption. This website lets you read all of the updated texts and volumes.
We must go back a little further in history, to the mostly benign beginnings, of a global effort to combat catastrophic disease on the planet. Where those diseases came from and who created them is a whole other conversation, but let’s say for the sake of argument there was at least some good intent in the beginning. In their own words, the beginnings of the World Health Organization.
Every single organization associated with the United Nations, regardless of their mission statement, is about controlling every human being on this planet and decreasing the population so they can enslave us. The U.N. works with the FAO, Klaus Schwab at the WEF, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at the WHO, The World Bank, Christine Lagarde at the ECB, The BIS and many other (Global and Globalist) organizations and private entrepreneurs, like the equally maniacal Bill Gates and other billionaires, to destroy humanity in the name of progress and to establish their superiority over us little people. This is one of the reasons Bill Gates is now the largest owner of farmland in the United States. Almost a quarter of a million acres. To control and manipulate the Food Supply along with his evil Vaccine Agenda.
During and after WWII most, or all, of these globalist organizations were coopted, or infiltrated and eventually controlled by the NAZI ideology about a superior bloodline or a “Master Race” or their race to master humanity and create a ruling class. Is that not everything the global elite have been doing to humanity for millennia?
Written in the early 1960’s and codified in 1963, the “Codex Alimentarius” is their blueprint to control every ounce of food, every nutritional supplement, every liquid or any kind of physical nourishment needed to sustain life on this planet and only let you have enough to keep you alive as their slave, but never let you be healthy enough to have the strength to rebel against them and take back your freedom. It will be used to force you to eat their poisonous GMO food or starve. Don’t think for a minute that the United States isn’t a willing participant as can be seen on the official USDA/Codex Alimentarius website.
In league with major corporations like the evil international depopulation machine Monsanto/An excellent history for reference “The Complete History Of Monsanto, The World’s Most Evil Corporation” and their GMO/Genetically Modified Organism Frankenfood (Please see my previous article “Illuminati:The Game Of Conspiracy), they have spent decades manipulating countries, laws, leaders, banks and anything necessary to poison, sicken, control and eliminate life on this planet. Just like with the NAZIs adding flouride to the water supply to keep the prisoners passive and toxic, it is still being used today in many countries including the United States not only in the water supply but in many oral care products like toothpaste. There are multiple types of flouride, some naturally occurring and others that are synthetic and far more harmful to the human body, as they are neurotoxins. Once again, they confuse us with words and obfuscate their true meanings.
Monsanto and other companies have bought many natural seed companies and destroyed the legacy seeds for many types of fruits and vegetables and inserted their GMO foods into the world’s food supply chain. Unbeknownst to the mainstream population who consume this toxicity on a daily basis totally unaware of the long term effects to their physical and mental health.
Many believe, as do I, that these powerful Globalist organizations and their puppet corporations have been responsible for dozens and dozens, if not hundreds of deaths of Holistic Doctors and natural health advocates for over a decade. Excellent Article from Erin at Health Nut News. Here is her “Unintended Holistic Doctor Death Series: Over 100 Dead”.
Don’t think for one minute that this evil plot hasn’t been exposed for decades and then covered up by whatever means necessary. More history for you to digest, If you haven’t already choked to death, on all of this information in this compelling article “Codex Alimentarius Rises From The Auschwitz Death Camp”. Don’t forget to “Follow The Money”.
Many people have delved into this topic. One such person is Ian Crane in his presentation from 2007 entitled Codex Alimentarius: The U.N. Plan To Eradicate Organic Farming & To Destroy The Natural Health Industry. I managed to find a full copy for you to watch for free online. Click Here. He delves into many of the NAZI connections I mention here and assimilates this data in a very easy to understand fashion.
As with most of my articles, they are links in a chain, wrapped around the planet, squeezing the life out of humanity. I am only trying to arm you with information to break these chains and take back control of our lives from the evil forces hellbent on domination of the Earth. Hopefully this article will do for you, what that little video did for me, and stimulate you to do your own research. I do believe after reading all of this information, watching the accompanying videos, and delving into the many website articles and links, that you will give more gravitas to what is “On The Menu” for you and your family the next time you share a meal together. Is it real food, or “Frankenfood”? That is for you to research.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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