"The FED, Bitcoin, "Devolution", CovFeFe, Pepe."
The Hidden Agenda Hiding In Plain Sight. The Plan-From Start To Finish.
The problem with trying to find new information and constantly doing research is that you can’t turn your brain off. Sleep is a necessity that gets relegated to the last line on the priority list. I have to stop doing that. There’s only one solution at this time of night. I just put on a fresh pot of wake me up.
I know I am redundant on a lot of things. That’s to keep hitting home a few points. It’s all tied together. The FED, Banking, “Devolution”, Politics, “Q”, Bitcoin, “The Plan” and so many other things.
For every one little thing I know, and I try to educate my readers on, I am but a foot soldier in the army of truth trying to help win the battle. These guys are the Officers in this war, while the Commander In Chief/DJT and his Military Advisors and Generals are the ones who formulated this “Q”uantum plan decades ago. The layers, that continue to be pealed back, expose more and more of the depth and intricacy of that planning.
If I could give a recommendation please. I would suggest reading this article first, Then watch the “Devolution Power Hour” then read GMoney’s article “The CovFeFe Dig” and Joe Lange’s “Master & Commander”. You will be the wiser for it, I promise.
I debated on jumping in here and writing another article inspired by the Badlands Media guys. They are so spot on with their researching and it cross-pollinates with articles I’ve started along with other research I’m doing. One of my security articles I was working on mentions steganography, another delves into CovFeFe, and a few other points that were all brought up in this new DPH. I cannot emphasize enough, how important this new Power Hour is to your understanding of our current paradigm. I don’t make that statement lightly.
This new “Devolution Power Hour #134/DPH” from Saturday Night, should be taught to every man, woman and child on planet earth as a primer to escaping the tyranny that we have all been living under for millennia. Bitcoin is not just a digital cryptocurrency, it is freedom on many levels.
Here is the GMoney article “The COVFEFE DIG-Death Of The Petrodollar” that this Devolution Power Hour is based upon.
Here is the Joe Lange article “Master And Commander-The Collapse Of The Central Banking System Has Begun” that is also heavily referenced herein.
For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure, this is my friend Pepe. He plays a major role in this DPH as well as all our lives. He is so famous, he can’t go anywhere anymore without somebody recognizing him in all his disguises. As more time passes, Pepe will be known as one of the most famous frogs in history. KEK.
One of the parts of this exceptional DPH is steganography. Anyone who has a little security background will at least be familiar with this concept, even if you are not fully versed in its history. Steganography (a rough Greek translation of the term Steganography is secret writing) has been used in various forms for 2500 years. Variously, it has found use in military, diplomatic, personal and intellectual property applications.
Here is a TechTarget Article-What is Steganography?
If you remember in my previous article “Banking Collapse, Black Swan Event, Gold, Silver, Bitcoin. As The Dominoes Fall.”, also inspired by those wild and crazy guys over at Badlands Media, they mentioned the Eurodollar. The Eurodollar was a financial phrase I was unaware of and it turns out to be very important to our current financial situation. In this new DPH, they bring up something equally as interesting, that President John F. Kennedy knew all too well called the Eurobond-(From Investopedia) that was started back in 1963. Don’t think for one second, that his decision to print those “Silver Certificates” and attack the Central Banksters was not a major reason for his assassination. If you are reading this article before watching the video, please pay attention to one major section of GMoney’s article as described in the video “Did you pay attention to what Trump did during COVID?”. That one section alone is worth the price of admission to the entire article and this episode of the DPH. In my previous article “It's Not About The Money, It's About The Assets.”, I mention “BlackRock & Larry Fink”. GMoney’s mention of BlackRock in his article is very significant to events as they continue to unfold. The depths of Fink’s involvement since that day, have yet to be fully exposed. I do believe he is playing a major role in the unwinding of the FED’s/Balance Sheet and how that evolves moving forward.
I have mentioned before, in multiple articles, how important “The Great Awakening” video from Bonfire Guy is in the grand scheme of things. That trip, then President Trump took around the world, was the transfer of the financial, historic and political power needed to effect the takedown of the global Central Bank Network. Take that fact, and then add to it the importance of merging the Fed/Treasury together, thus making Trump the de facto Fed Chairman for all intents and purposes, and the current events we see playing out around the world, make more sense with these massive infusions of capital from the FED are meant to band-aid us from the old system to the new one, as well as forcing the Central Banks to assist in this transition. Nothing the Fed is doing right now makes any sense whatsoever. They are not acting in their best interest or following their mandate in any way. Probably under duress, but they are executing their part of the plan at the behest of DJT and the good guys.
I would also like to make an observation about one subject brought up by Jon, Patrick & GMoney. The mention of Jim Marrs and his theories on what happened to JFK. I mentioned Jim in my “A Short Reading List You May Find Interesting Pt. #1.” I also mentioned I would bring him up again in future articles. They mention the New York Times bestseller, “Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy”, the basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK and their not agreeing with Jim’s suppositions on some information he presented. I have read that information, and while myself, Jim, nor any of these 3 can definitively say what happened, I believe Jim Marrs is one of the most credible and authentic authors in the last century and his research led him to the conclusions he put into print. Jim was the first person that introduced me to the Truth of the Bush’s and their connection to writing the checks that financed Hitler in WWII. I am including here a couple of Conference Videos from Jim on various subjects. RIP Mr. Marrs.
Jim Marrs-The Rise Of The Fourth Reich
Jim Marrs-Terror Conspiracy & 9/11
I am also not going very deep into the Bitcoin connection mentioned here, because these guys do a wonderful job in this interview. GMONEY is spot on, in my opinion, about CovFeFe, Pepe, Hillary’s Meltdown, Mike, Satoshi, SHA-256, TOR and the Navy connection, the number 17, TCPIP, Blockchain, Musk, Starlink and so much more. There are a couple of very significant pieces relating to that thought. Trump and his Pepe Trump Meme on October 13th, 2015 before he was even elected (Who Knew What, When?). Bitcoin May very well be one of the original parts of the “Q” Plan. Here is a link to the original Bitcoin White Paper.-Bitcoin A Peer-To-Peer Electonic Cash System. Here is also the precursor, to what many believe, is the initial organization that Bitcoin came from. The Cypherpunks, and lastly the original Cypherpunk Manifesto from Eric Hughes in 1993.
My point to this article, and my other writings that I mention here as well as these “Devolution Power Hours”, is to connect a few dots that you may or may not have put into this financial equation. Those Executive Orders, going all the way back to Kennedy, those Executive Orders & PEADs from Trump, the merging of the Fed/Treasury and the constant money printing are all the financial part of “The Plan” “Q” always talks about and we see unfolding layer by layer every day. The “Q” Drops and timing are uncanny. Sure, there is a political component to “The Plan” and we need DJT back in office to complete many things that were started. None of it would matter if the destruction of the worldwide Central Banking System was not the major priority in this whole series of events. That is the control mechanism that has enslaved humanity for millennia. Listen to GMoney, check into Bitcoin if you haven’t already.
President Kennedy started it, and I do believe President Trump will finish it. “It” being the complete and utter destruction of the centuries old Central Banking System. Somewhere between Kennedy & Trump, at least a decade or two ago, a plan began to coalesce in the minds of some military geniuses that were patriots. The politics, the finances, the global coordination, and other aspects mean freedom is closer every day, but we must remain vigilant as the battle continues to rage all around us. If you have not already, I would encourage you all to embrace The “Q” drops and do your own research. I would also implore you to research Jon/Patel Patriot’s phenomenal Research on “Devolution”.
134 Devolution Power Hours, 20+ Devolution Articles, Almost 5,000 “Q” Drops, Bitcoin-A decentralized currency that is the most valuable currency in the world, Washington D.C. in meltdown, Central Banks in distress around the world, The Deep State in Panic Mode, Corruption at all levels of governments worldwide being exposed, and so many more scenarios we never thought we would see in our lifetime. At what point, in your mind, do these events go beyond coincidence into the realm of reality? Are they part of some great coordinated effort or “Plan”? As events continue to unfold, and you start to ask yourself the many questions brought up here, there is only one inevitable conclusion. Our destination is known, our journey has begun, our participation is mandatory, and IMHO….
Damn, shopping list for tomorrow. Popcorn & Coffee. Enjoy The Show. It’s not the 4th of July yet, but I do expect Fireworks Tuesday. As this new week gets under way, a final thought….
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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