It's Not About The Money, It's About The Assets.
Babylon Is Falling. Monopoly Men. Let's Go On A Treasure Hunt (Follow The Money Series)
Babylon is falling. Unless you are living with your head in the sand or are in complete denial, you have to see what is going on in the banking world. Just because you don’t want to believe or acknowledge it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. What many of us, myself included, don’t have is the proper historical context to put these pieces in the correct place in this giant financial puzzle. That is what I am trying to provide for you with this, and my other financially related articles.
Money, Currency, Assets, Value, Inflation, Accounting, Systems and Integration, Credit Default Swaps, Cross-Collateralization and more. The financial world has a lot of confusing terminology that most of us don’t understand. Hopefully we can change that.
Time to sink or swim/learn & grow or perish. I can hear it now “But, Anthony I don’t have time to watch anything more than a couple of minute long video clip”. Well, if the people I reference in this article and my information and their information isn’t worth your time, why are you here? I try to bring prescient information for you and so do they. This will be more financial information than most people learn in a lifetime, It’s free, and all you have to do is invest a little of your time and a few leftover brain cells you weren’t taking maximum advantage of anyway. It’s time to dive in to the really deep end of the pool. Sorry, there is a lot of homework on this one guys. Look at it this way, after this you can trade in your high school diploma and get your master’s degree in finance.
Another week, another 4 bazillion lies told about the financial system to keep it propped up a little bit longer. The contagion is already happening everywhere. If you are following the current financial narrative, with all of the turmoil going on worldwide, you almost have to stand back and take a breath because it’s not only intense, but there are so many layers to this debacle it’s hard to keep up. As I’m writing, the headlines and info just keep coming in like crazy. They change the flavor of what words you type, but hopefully the end result is informative.
If you are paying attention, you have to admit that the Central Banks all over the world are being totally drained of liquidity before this worldwide transition to the new banking systems. Yes, that is plural (banking systems), because there are a few of them, and far too many pieces to all these new banking systems, that have to be integrated so they can interact with the legacy Deep State/Banksters current FIAT/SWIFT system.
Question?-What happened in the Great Depression during the banking collapse? Answer-Wealth Transfer. Thousands of small, medium and large businesses, and even banks, were made insolvent when the power players like JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Rothschild and the Jekyll Island crew, that originally started the Federal Reserve, pulled all of the liquidity out of the system. They forced bank runs to happen and margin calls that they knew everyone else couldn’t cover. I believe the wealth transfer of the Great Depression was chump change compared to what is happening today right before our very eyes.
What part of this financial story that we are living through right now do you believe isn’t orchestrated? Tell me that “Great Depression” narrative isn’t being replayed right now. Draining of liquidity, bank runs, financing wars and more. For those uninitiated and anyone wanting to refresh their memory on a few events, here is a documentary from the late 90s that I flashed back to when I was writing this article. Something I had seen years ago. Just another little conspiracy theory show that exposed everyone to so much truth. What do Orson Wells, Jerome Powell and The Rockefeller Foundation all have in common? Here is “The Phenomenon Archives/Monopoly Men”
OK everyone, it’s time to read between the lines. The MSM and the Fed are telling us everything is fine, nothing to worry about, just like they have every single time in history there has been a banking crisis. As bank runs are happening worldwide, the people are waking up to their narrative of lies. If everything is fine, why did they call an emergency Fed Meeting Friday? (There’s something about that word “emergency” that adds a little spice to the conversation) We won’t know until possibly Monday. Will they prop it up for another week to get to the end of the quarter? What appears to be a temporary solution will ultimately be just fuel for the fire to torch the whole system sooner.
Our old buddy Bix Weir goes over the highlights in the first 7 minutes or so of the video he released Friday. For those who do not know, Bix tracked down a ton of silver the government tried to hide and he’s got a great take on the financial stuff as well as crypto. His info about all of the wealth transfer that is happening will bring a lot into focus. Money is moving from the smaller banks to the larger banks.
As Yellen And Powell do what they do, they are affecting assets and where they ultimately will end up. Their actions will force consolidation in the banking industry as weaker banks fail, as they determine who will and who will not be bailed out by the Fed’s endless money printing. They will influence this same consolidation in many other countries as well.
As their FIAT/Central Bank system crumbles, pay attention to where the assets are flowing. Look at what’s happening to Blackrock. Along with massive layoffs, they lost $1.5 trillion dollars in 2022. For those of you not familiar with who Blackrock is, Here is an awesome video to explain the size of what we are talking about here. Don’t think for one second that Blackrock is not a major piece of the liquidity crunch that is happening. When major players pull their liquidity from the system, it can be felt everywhere. Stock Markets, international trade, commodities, bonds, and all asset classes are greatly influenced by the amount of liquidity in the markets.
Bix mentioned a Zerehodge article in his video. While researching that article, I found a couple of other articles that are playing into the current financial crisis and the destruction of the Petrodollar.
Zero Hedge Article-U.S. Tensions With Iran Reignite As Dollar’s Petro-Currency Status Under Threat.
Bonds, ETFs, Stocks, IRAs, Real Estate, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Mortgage Backed Securities, Derivatives and more. Most people have never heard of many of these names or know just what these assets are. Remember when President Trump made his world tour in “The Great Awakening” video from Bonfire Guy? In that trip around the world, Trump got control of multiple layers of assets, not just money. Gold and other precious metals, stolen art, jewelry, collectibles from centuries ago, historical Bearer Bonds that have no expiration date and so much more were turned over from Countries, Businesses, The Vatican and Banks worldwide. Stolen fortunes the NAZIs used to pay the ratlines to smuggle them out of Germany and give them safe passage around the world. These are assets, not just useless FIAT Central Bank currencies. Over the last couple of centuries, many of these Historical Bonds, Real Estate Contracts, Treaties based on financial assistance and more have been suspended due to wars, liquidity issues and changes of power in governments. It is my understanding, from multiple sources, that a lot of what we see going on in the financial turmoil all around the world, are the payments coming due on many of these historical assets that have lain dormant for decades. Kind of like those WANTA FUNDS in one of my previous articles.
About half way through this article, a video showed up in my inbox that has a lot of great info. Economist/Investor Gregory Mannarino put out a video Friday that was very telling. Check out his Substack and this video. Are you aware of what the Plunge Protection Team is? When the markets start to collapse too fast for them to control, the electronic breakers kick in on the stock exchanges and the PPT shows up and keeps everything afloat a little while longer. It’s almost happening on a daily basis over the last couple of weeks.
A few months back when I wrote my first “Follow The Money Series” article on the Pentagon, I probably should have given you all the historical context to know a lot of what is discussed in these articles. There is an amazing series of 10 videos from Mike Maloney of entitled “The Hidden Secrets Of Money” that are an invaluable tool for anyone wanting to understand the nuances of the financial world and become a smarter investor. Mike is one of the smartest guys in the room and has been for decades. This foundation will help you better understand all of these financial machinations playing out around the world right now.
Here is the first video in that series “The Hidden Secrets Of Money-Money vs. Currency” and I am also including a link to the entire series that you can watch at your leisure.
Here is the link to the entire 10 Part series. “The Hidden Secrets Of Money”.
What many of you may not know is that ISO20022 was implemented on March 20th. The compliance of financial institutions worldwide is a good thing but it has also exacerbated the liquidity problem. They have put off enforcing this financial transition for years. It is my understanding that some of the strategically large banks are now required to have the one trillion in assets to be compliant, and many of them have already fallen below their requirements only a short time after these laws were supposedly implemented. The liquidity crisis is only growing and will be one of the major problems that will eventually crash the entire system.
Think of all of the hundreds of billions, even trillions, of dollars that the Fed has printed and shipped worldwide in the last few months. Those funds aren’t just sitting their to provide liquidity. They are being moved into long term assets that will retain value as the FIAT monetary system collapses. Pension funds, stocks, bonds and most asset classes are being devalued as the dollar collapses. Foreign currencies all over the world, as well as oil, precious metals and other commodities are depegging from the dollar as it is being inflated away as all of this printing of trillions and trillions of Federal Reserve notes goes into overdrive. It is not the panacea that everyone thinks it will be. Multiple sources tell us that the way money is utilized, transferred and stored is definitely changing on all fronts as these new financial laws and alliances are being implemented.
Literally, the power and wealth is being sucked out of the Western Financial System and flowing toward and into the Eastern BRICS System. As more and more countries jump ship and join BRICS they will no longer need the failing Petrodollar, nor do they want to play in the far too controlling Western Banking System any more. Asset backed Currencies vs. FIAT currency? There really is no choice. The worldwide Federal Reserve Banking System is a dinosaur. It’s antiquated, outdated, decrepit, and more toxic than any of us could ever imagine. I say “Die Already” and let the world transition into a much better QFS asset backed system that works for the people instead of the elite. It won’t be long until all of those useless Federal Reserve/Petrodollars come back home to roost. Nobody wants to hold a losing hand in this game. Hopefully we all survive the crash that is coming. Maybe, just maybe, you will have a few more weapons in your arsenal after digesting all of the info I have presented for you in this article. That is my wish.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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