"The Inner Sanctum"/Nazi Follow Up To "Captain America". "Echelon", "Five Eyes" And Their Control Of The U.S. And The World.
"Q", The Queen & Her Evil Empire/SERCO/Spies, Lies & Disguise, "The Internet Of Things". It's All Still Going On Today.
“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”
This is one of those articles that should quite literally “Piss Off” every single American, and subsequently every citizen of the World, knowing how we all continue to be manipulated by the so called “Elite”.
There is enough Nazi tie-in information to write 50 articles. I was going to start a series on them but I will just tag things and let you get your head around stuff that way. That little 4 letter word “Nazi” will be in all of them.
Do any of us really have a clue how much of our privacy has been eroded away in the name of freedom since WWII? We take a lot of things for granted that would make us very upset if we were actually paying attention.
In my previous article “What If I Told You....Captain America (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 1)”, I brought together the Nazis and how they have controlled our world since the end of WWII and their infiltration of the Military Industrial Complex, the CIA and their continued influence in Hollywood. As evil as Hitler was, he was just another puppet of the Globalist/New World Order/Deep State Banking Cabal. Just one in a long line of puppets used to spread chaos so that the Banksters could continue on with their rape and pillage plans for the planet, while we peasants were distracted. You know, let the world destroy itself while they profit. Remember, banks have financed both sides of wars for centuries, They don’t care who wins as long as they make and control the money. Insidiously evil.
The “Paperclip” Nazis were all just a small piece of the overall plan that was implemented, or allowed to unfold, as it were. My article focused on the U.S. side of “Paperclip” but there were other aspects of the plan that involved our partners overseas in England and elsewhere. I think most Americans are being a little naive to believe we ever truly had our freedom and independence from England. Maybe as far as public perceptions go, but not in reality, at least not until President Trump took that trip around the world. I believe that meeting with the “Queen” was more than symbolic and a lot of details were finalized. Many of you do not know that until recently, we were still paying off debt for the “Revolutionary War” against England, the creation of the “Federal Reserve” and other historical financial obligations. Many of those debts were from the now bankrupt “Corporation Of The United States” since it’s inception. (I know many people who still don’t believe we ever were shackled, with our identity and sovereignty being taken over, in the name of a “Corporation” in this country, but I have seen the documents and they are real and have been verified). For the Republic Of The United States Of America to ever truly be a free and sovereign nation once again, we have to cut ties with the Globalist Banksters headquartered in The Bank Of England inside the “City Of London”. Those three “City States” and their power, have to be neutralized, and that entire “Swamp” drained for the world to ever truly be free.
I think any of us would be foolish to think that even though we paid off that debt to the Bank Of England, they would just walk away and take their slimey paws off of the U.S. Up until her death, the evil “Queen” was still laughing all the way to the bank. In all of those financial articles like “For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents” that I’ve written, information is tied together and there is a presence throughout the last half of the twentieth century all the way through the 1st part of the twenty-first century that has been manipulating and profiting from the suffering of the world, and that was the “Queen”. I have seen her signature on hundreds and hundreds of legal documents all the way from the “Marshall Plan” that was started after WWII, to Nazi Gold, the BIS, World Bank, United Nations and many other financial control mechanisms that have been put in place to steal and obfuscate the wealth of the world. While in control of all of that gold and those other financial assets for decades, she was leveraging all of that wealth, that has been held back from the public, to amass and even greater fortune for herself and the other elites of the world. As powerful as she was, she too was a puppet for the Windsor bloodline and her ties to Germany through the Black Nobility. (More on that in a future article).
Here is some information that allowed me to complete the tie-ins with all of that Nazi stuff and bring to light a few more evil puppets like Larry Summers and others, and to show you more of that info you probably don’t know is all connected. Below this section, I will give you some of that information from a link in that article. I like that phrase “The Rogue CIA” aka The Nazis that are still controlling many aspects of the CIA and FBI. What would someone in a position of power do with all of this information? Along with controlling the money, the “Queen” had her hands in manipulating the entire infrastructure of the United States behind the scenes. Kind of looks like she was involved in that “16 Year Plan” with Obama and Killary to take down the United States that I mentioned in my previous “Captain America” article, and install that NWO/Nazi World Order. Should you wish to look into them, here is the Serco Group Website Serco.com. I don’t know about you, but I think $5.5 Trillion is a lot of money. Here is an excellent article and a few graphics from the adarapress.com website entitled:
U.S. Paying ‘BRITISH’ ROYALS $5.5 TRILLION via SERCO (Queen’s ‘Golden Share’ cutout)
Remember, if they can’t control us they want to kill us. That article lead me in the direction of so much more information that ties into the Nazi infestation of government agencies all over the world, and ultimately the creation of the “Five Eyes” and their “Inner Sanctum” of intelligence secrecy. There is a great audio interview included that you should listen to called:
The article below from the Americans4Innovation.Blogspot is loaded with links and information I think you will find fascinating, I know I did. It is a literal “Treasure Trove” of historical documents.
Great article from the Gaia.com website and one of the many reasons why the Deep State/CIA Spying agencies hate Edward Snowden and his reveal of their toys, including “Echelon”.
“One of the Oldest Conspiracies Proven True: Project Echelon”
They have figured out a way to spy on the world and bypass any government oversight. Here is a little quote from the article below. “The Five Eyes intelligence-sharing arrangements are shrouded in secrecy, allowing for arbitrary or unlawful intrusions on the right to privacy which circumvent domestic legal restrictions on state surveillance. There is no domestic legislation governing intelligence-sharing, meaning that many of these arrangements lack legal basis and therefore democratic legitimacy. The “third party rule”, often included in intelligence-sharing agreements, forbids the disclosure of inter-agency information to third parties, ousting the possibility of oversight.”
These Are Literally The “Ghosts In Your Machines”. I have a question for you. Do you even know anything about the “Five Eyes”?
Who Are The Five Eyes? Look Here And See.
Here is the original Documentation from March 5th, 1946 that was the start of one of the greatest losses of freedom in the history of the world, and was also the precursor to the Patriot Act, that took away as many of your civil liberties and rights as they could cram into one document. Bear in mind, “Operation Paperclip” had already started and we were swimming in Nazis advising governments and militaries on both sides of the pond. It took almost 60 years before this document became declassified in 2014 by the NSA.
Here is the Top Secret British/U.S. Communication Intelligence Agreement
Another revealing documentary: Echelon: The Secret Power.
Most people don’t realize how many companies you wouldn’t think are evil, that have been like the banks and played both sides throughout history. Ford, IBM, Chase-Manhattan Bank, Coca-Cola, Kodak and many other companies should have been convicted of treason because of laws like the “Trading With The Enemies Act” of 1917. Just one more example of money over morals throughout history.
Don’t think that the “Queen’s” investment in all of that U.S. infrastructure was strictly for financial profit. Accessing information is almost worth more than the money. Tie together all of that data, with the information collected from “Echelon”, “The Five Eyes”, “The Nazi CIA”, “The United Nations”, “The WHO” and other elements of the banking and financial world, and you can control or manipulate ever single person on this planet in one way or another. At least they could until “Q” came along. I believe “Q” is literally talking about the power behind the monarchy, the central bank of central banks, “The United Kingdom’s Bank Of England”. The “Plan” is so all encompassing, it’s hard for us little people to get our heads around the enormity of it all. My interpretation of the drop below applies to this article. From rogue elements, to removing the “Queen” from the equation (which is what Trump did on that trip around the world) and setting the stage for public opinion that we see happening right now with the reveal of all of the manipulation and corruption in media and the government. Like his mother before him, King Charles is just another puppet. He has already mentioned that he is in agreement with Klaus Schwab and his globalist agenda. King Charles is literally a place holder that was neutered before he ever took office. His bank, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve, is broke and will drag down the entire worldwide Central Banking Network when they completely implode. I think we would all be surprised to know exactly how the tables were turned on the “Queen” when Trump met with her. Many of the leaders of the United States have also been treasonous vermin behind the scenes as well, thinking their treachery would never be revealed. They were wrong. I also believe that this “Q” drop has a double meaning, that is both actual and metaphoric, when it is referencing not just “The King” but the “Kingdom Of The British Empire” and their centuries of control and domination of this planet.
Not meaning to disparage our relatives across the pond, I continue to pray for the people of the U.K. in their struggle to free themselves from centuries of tyranny. We, in this country, are certainly not in any position to cast stones with the shitshow we currently have in the Washington D.C. “The District Of Confusion”. Look at what we have to deal with. Do you really think all of those illegal FISA/Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants used on President Trump didn’t have something to due with all of this satellite spying and intelligence information? He keeps trying to us all that if they can do this to the President, are any of us safe.
I do however believe it is almost time for the sun to finally set on the British Empire. I hope the “Phoenix” that arises from those ashes treats you all better.
Remember the timeline convergence from my “Through The "Looking Glass". No, Not Alice's Looking Glass, The Other One. "Q"uestions?” article. That convergence is coming at us like a freight train now, gaining speed as it nears its destination.
Remember, the CIA connection to Hollywood. Once the cat was out of the bag, let’s desensitize the public while hiding In plain sight.
I also believe that this surveillance information was one of the major inspirations for one of the best television series ever created IMHO. The 2011 CBS TV Series “Person Of Interest” starring Jim Caviezel. What governments do with this information is one thing. What would a truly altruistic person do with it? That is an entirely different question.
This graphic was from 2003, almost 20 years ago, imagine how bad it is now? That’s a high-def image you can zoom in on.
So, I will leave you with one more little piece of information that ties together “Echelon”, “The Five Eyes” and end this where I started it, referencing my Previous article on “Captain America”. For those of you who still haven’t given yourself the pleasure of watching the “Winter Soldier”, Arnim Zola, was the Nazi Scientist who said he wrote an algorithm that basically deciphered humanity and learned how to predict the future by knowing people’s habits and information. To quote Sitwell “The 21st Century is a digital book, Zola taught Hydra how to read it”. Doesn’t that sound a lot like what is described in this article and what “Echelon” is currently doing? Pay attention.
So, when you are out there cruising around on the internet having a good time, remember this, if the hairs on the back of your neck start to stand up and you feel like someone is in the room with you watching, listening, you’re probably right. There is someone, or some thing. It is an evil creature that’s over 75 years old with more eyes than you care to count. That creature may have a Nazi Swastika as part of it’s DNA. Now, doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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