What If I Told You....Captain America (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 1)
The CIA, NAZIs, Stealth Bombers, Super Soldiers. Can You Handle The Truth? Don't Think For One Second It's Not Impacting Your Life Right Now.
In deference to my friend who told me to make them shorter, I took out everything I could and still be able to weave the story. Maybe next time. I just couldn’t make it into parts. The Set-Up is needed for the Tie-Ins to Captain America and our world to make sense.
Hi guys. I was going over some old notes about a few things and it triggered some connections that I thought you might find interesting. Our world is not what we have been led to believe it is. Not even close. More and more information has been released over the decades about what really happened during and after WWII. For better or for worse, most of our modern world was invented or enhanced by the NAZIs. That’s not my opinion, it’s a fact. If you’ve figured out nothing else about me and my writings, you should know that I try and give you enough evidence to at least back-up my thought processes. You may come to a different conclusion and that is fine, but I do want you to have enough pieces to connect the dots. Let’s go down a few rabbit holes.
I want you to think of my Substack as a library. A library of historical information, adventure, intrigue, money, murder, technology and so much more that has influenced all our lives. I’m just trying to be a good Librarian and pick a book I think you will find interesting. This article will be weaving a story through history and fiction that, when blended together, paints a picture for you of the here and now. This is my 60th article in 6 months. Thank you all for coming along on this journey. Viewership and subscribers are growing exponentially. I hope you all enjoy this one. It’s loaded. I appreciate your comments and emails. To take it all in, read the linked information and watch the accompanying videos should be an afternoon project if you really want to walk away with an education. This article and the clips are a quick read. Put on the coffee or get your favorite beverage of choice and delve into the first article in my new “Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series”.
The Set-Up:
I suggest reading the article and at least watching the AA Clip about “Unknown High-Tech Craft Stun Scientists” and the 4 “Captain America” Clips as you go through the article in order. That should just take a few minutes. The “Hitler’s Stealth Fighter” and the “Nazi Plan To Bomb New York” are full documentaries that are well worth your time and you can watch them at your leisure. (If you feel the need to cheat just a little, watch the first 2 minutes and the last 2 minutes of “Hitler’s Stealth Fighter” for the visuals as you read the article and go back later and finish the whole thing. It’s fascinating.)
It is generally accepted that the Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk is the original Stealth Fighter that was actually put into production. It was designed by the “Skunk Works” division. (More on them in future articles). It is the first to use full stealth radar invisibility, much of which was already done by the Horton Brothers working for Hitler in WWII.
The Horton Brothers had a jet engine Stealth fighter designed in the early 40s and had already built a couple of prototypes by the end Of WWII. If they had been able to mass produce it, we would all be speaking German right now. Here is an excellent National Geographic documentary where the crew at the secretive Defense Contractor, Northrop Grumman, actually build a mock-up of this amazing aircraft and test it. It was reconstructed from plans found after the war and a partial body found in an abandoned hangar. We had nothing even close. The CGI and graphics in this documentary are awesome.
National Geographic-The Horton HO-229-Hitler’s Stealth Fighter
I always say that the meanings of words are important. Pay attention to this statement and differentiate between the two. Germany lost the war, The Nazis did not. The country of Germany was forced to surrender to the Allies in WWII. The NAZI hierarchy did not. They ended up scattered to the winds all over the planet and many came to the U.S. through “Operation Paperclip”. One more reason why the CIA is so evil. It’s literally in their DNA. Paperclip was kept secret from the American Public and the World for many years.
If you want a one-stop overview of Paperclip, here is an absolutely phenomenal article loaded with information and links including hundreds of pages of declassified CIA documents from the “NAZI War Crimes Disclosure Act” and files on the NAZI Godfather of the CIA, Reinhard Gehlen from the millenniumreport.com website entitled:
Operation Paperclip: When The CIA Recruited Nazis And War Criminals To Work For The U.S. Government.
Once again, don’t believe me, believe them. Here is a declassified document from the CIA.gov website written in 1982 and declassified in 2014. It seems harmless enough, so why was it ever classified in the first place unless it was too close to the truth. Or maybe even completely right on target. It basically says what has been proven elsewhere that the NAZIs ended up with major influence and control over the CIA. To this day, they are still implementing the agendas of the Third Reich.
A quote from the current CIA website about the Office Of Strategic Services:
“Today’s Central Intelligence Agency derives a significant institutional and spiritual legacy from the OSS. In some cases, this legacy descended directly: key personnel, files, funds, procedures, and contacts assembled by the OSS found their way into the CIA more or less intact. In other cases, the legacy is less tangible but no less real: the professionalization of intelligence, the organizational esprit de corps, the essential role of national intelligence in policymaking and war fighting. The CIA owes a debt of gratitude to the OSS and William J. Donovan, the charismatic leader and moving force behind it.”
Along with the 2 Horton Brothers designs for stealth aircraft, The NAZIs also created a series of disc shaped craft called the Haunebu that we would call UFOs. The Haunebus were also years ahead of anything the U.S. and the Allies had designed. Powered by electro-gravitic engines, they had totally different flight capabilities. There were multiple models and sizes that had been designed and a few prototypes had been built. Here is an excellent article on the GreyFalcon.us website entitled Haunebu-1939-1945 with many technical drawings, photos and some artwork.
Here is another amazing article with tons of photos and information from Rense.com-Astonishing WW2 German Flying Disc Technology. I think you will find an interesting document from the 4th director of the CIA, General Walter Bedell Smith U.S. Army (October 7, 1950–February 9, 1953).
Were the Haunebus the craft that Admiral Richard Byrd saw during “Operation Highjump” in 1946 right after WWII ended? Craft that could fly from “Pole To Pole” as Admiral Byrd stated. Byrd’s bona fides are not in question. He was the commander of the expedition.
The Tie-Ins To Hollywood & Captain America:
I bet you were all wondering when I was going to get around to Captain America and Hollywood. Remember that context discussion I keep having. That’s your answer. It wasn’t hard for someone living in Germany at the time to see where this was all headed. Although we got many geniuses like Wernher von Braun after the war through “Operation Paperclip”, we got the greatest living genius, at the time, because he saw where Germany was heading under Hitler and he left and came to the U.S. and assisted many other Jewish scientists who would have been persecuted to leave Germany as well. That man was Albert Einstein. While we got many technically savvy scientists through Paperclip, we may have already scored a few before that ever happened. One of their attempts to create a “Super Soldier” like Captain America was “D-IX”. Here is Cap’s origin story & history from Wikipedia. Joe Simon & Jack Kirby were inspired by something or someone to write this storyline in 1941.
The creation of D-IX
In response to the request of the Vice-Admiral Hellmuth Heye, a group of researchers and pharmacologists headed by Gerhard Orzechowski developed a drug code-named D-IX. This experimental drug was a cocktail of cocaine, amphetamine pervitin, and a morphine-related painkiller. They tested it on inmates of the concentration camps. They found that prisoners who have taken the drug were able to march in circles for 55 miles non-stop while carrying packs weighing 20 kg.
D-IX was just one of many attempts by the NAZIs to enhance human performance. It only allowed a temporary Super Soldier. This cocktail along with steroids, antibiotics and other performance enhancing drugs and stimulants were constantly being tested trying to create a “Super Soldier Serum” like was written about and used to create “Captain America” with knowledge from a German scientists who had already defected (Theoretically).
Do not think for one second that those Paperclip scientists didn’t continue their work when they got to the U.S. and were installed in every aspect of the companies that made up the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about. I actually believe he was very aware of the NAZI takeover of our entire military effort as well as the CIA.
Now, to continue on with Captain America and that storyline where Cap saved the world at the end of the war, by putting a plane carrying a bomb to destroy New York into the freezing North Atlantic.
Once again, that part of the story is based in reality and if you look at the plane in the movie it is the Horton Brothers Design for their “Horton 18-New York Bomber” that Hitler was only a couple of weeks away from putting into production when the war ended. It is also shown in the last 2 minutes of the “Hitler’s Stealth Fighter” video above. It was also known by the allies that Germany was planning on bombing New York and other U.S. cities.
History Channel-The NAZI Plan To Bomb NY.
After the war, fast forward to modern times and they find Cap under the ice where he was frozen in suspended animation for almost 70 years and the super soldier serum in his blood kept his body from decaying. Hello Nick Fury.
Now here is where the story gets interesting and this next clip is my whole reason for writing this article. The Deep State/Globalist Banksters are all tied in with the NAZI agenda to take over the world. Along with infiltrating the “Military Industrial Complex” and the CIA in the U.S., they had major roles in many international organizations like the United Nations, World Bank, WHO and others. That being said. I believe that “Captain America-The Winter Soldier” is literally the plot for what the world is experiencing right now. The behind the scenes machinations of power, wars, financial and societal chaos, murders, genocide, poisoning of the planet, and more. All of it is a pre-planned agenda that has been unfolding for decades. The last stage of which was the 16 Year plan started under Obama and what was supposed to be Killary delivering the knockout punch to humanity so the Military Industrial Complex could move in and enslave us all. (By the way, as an aside to those three letters NWO, there are some who believe that is just one more globalist trick on humanity. They believe that stands for “NAZI World Order” and they knew they could never sell that to the public so it morphed into the “New World Order”. Evil is still evil under any name.
Listen to the dialogue of what the NAZI Hydra have instigated all over the world. Their plans to take over the planet through fear and destruction. Their use of A.I. Quite a coincidence that CHAT GPT has been released on the world in the last few months isn’t it?(Timing) The weaponization of the FBI and CIA that is currently being revealed through the release of the Durham Report. The collapse of the banking system. Their New World Order Agenda. Watch this clip and tell me what is described in their plan, is not our current reality and what the world has experienced for decades. The Deep State/Globalists always telegraph their intentions. Hiding in plain sight for all to see.
To tie this all together and close out this article, I will throw out a little speculation here. I’ve shown you through documentation, videos and information how this is all connected and how I came to my conclusions. I highly suggest you watch the two movies “Captain America-The First Avenger/2011” & “Captain America-The Winter Soldier/2014”, especially the Winter Soldier, because it exposes what I believe are the reasons that President Trump had to publicly acknowledge and make official the newest branch of the U.S. military and that is Space Force. I believe that for decades we have been building up a vast array of amazing technology, vessels and propulsion systems for both inside the earth’s atmosphere and outside in space. There is so much technology already, that it could no longer be hidden in the black budgets and labs, and it will soon be acknowledged when seen by more and more of the public. Those Nazi Scientists and their mental musings have had almost 75 years of hands off, anything they wanted to manifest, design freedom working in clandestine U.S. agencies with an unlimited Black Budget. Can you imagine everything they have done behind closed doors? I don’t think any of us can.
These movies are both phenomenal and don’t think they are some silly Comic Book movies for kids. They are some of the best writing, drama, action and pathos to ever come out of Hollywood and you get a history lesson. Truth is stranger than fiction. But, in this case they are one and the same (for the most part) IMHO.
If you want to dig a little deeper for further clarification into the realities described here, I will leave you with a couple of excellent books from two of my favorite authors, who also happen to be two of the smartest guys in the room. Any room.
Jim Marrs-The Rise Of The Fourth Reich (RIP Jim)
Throw out everything you think you know about history. Close the approved textbooks, turn off the corporate mass media, and whatever you do, don't believe anything you hear from the government. The Rise of the Fourth Reich reveals the truth about American power. In this explosive exposé, the legendary Jim Marrs explores the frighteningly real possibility that today, in the United States, an insidious ideology thought to have been vanquished more than a half century ago is actually flourishing. At the end of World War II, ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protégés, used the loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, worming their way into corporate America. They brought with them miraculous weapons technology that helped win the space race. But they also brought their Nazi philosophy based on the authoritarian premise that the end justifies the means—including unprovoked wars of aggression and curtailment of individual liberties—which has since gained an iron hold in the "land of the free." Jim Marrs has gathered compelling evidence of the effort that has been under way for the past sixty years to bring a form of National Socialism to modern America, creating in essence a new empire-or "Fourth Reich"!
Physicist and Oxford educated historian Joseph P. Farrell continues his best-selling series of exposes on secret Nazi technology, Nazi survival, and post-war Nazi manipulation of various manufacturing technologies, economies and whole countries. Beginning with pre-War corporate partnerships in the USA, including the Bush family, he moves on to the surrender of Nazi Germany, and evacuation plans of the Germans. He then covers the vast, and still-little-known recreation of Nazi Germany in South America with help of Juan Peron, I.G. Farben and Martin Bormann. Farrell then covers Nazi Germany's Penetration of the Muslim World including Wilhelm Voss and Otto Skorzeny in Gamel Abdul Nasser's Egypt before moving onto the development and control of New Energy Technologies including the Bariloche Fusion Project, Dr. Philo Farnsworth's Plasmator, and the Work of Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev. Finally, Farrell discusses the Nazi desire to control space, and examines their connection with NASA, the esoteric meaning of NASA Mission Patches, plus final chapters on: Alchemy, Esotericism, The SS and the Unified Field Theory Craze; 1943-1945: Strange Events from the end of World War II and other "Postwar Shenanigans." This book is literally packed with information.
Always remember “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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BazookaBill, Thank you for your comment. I agree he misquoted that speed in his interview. That doesn't change the satellite image and the 12,000 mile contrail in a short period of time. Producing that contrail that would dissipate in the 15-30 minute time frame would still be 24,000 to 48,000 miles per hour by my calculations. I don't produce the shows, the clip was relevant for the rest of the information on Admiral Byrd and the expedition. It's kind of one of those don't throw out the baby with the bathwater scenarios. I couldn't find a more relevant clip when I wrote the article. Not my math. Thanks again. Namaste.
Typical History Chanel B.S. He says vehicle "was traveling at Mach 10... that's over seventy thousand miles per hour "!? WTF.
Sir,you need to redo your math. (760 ×10==7,600) .