"We The People" Corporate Constitution Or Republic Constitution?
Does One Need To Be Suspended To Reinstate The Other?
Sometimes the chaos can only be arranged in our minds for a brief moment. Here are a few more thoughts, in no particular order. Hopefully, by the end, there will be a better understanding of events that will tie these disparate mental meanderings into a cohesive picture for you to see. Some “Rabbit Holes” have hidden chambers that some of us may not wish to enter. But if one more truth can be exposed and brought to light, should we not press on? No one, and I mean none of us on this journey, have all of the answers. The “Wrongs” teach us lessons the “Rights” do not. Hopefully, together, we can solve this puzzle.
Often misquoted, but ever so important.
There is a common thread running through these dialogues. In my previous articles I bring up what, in my opinion, are some very important distinctions in regards to events playing out right now. Please refer back to them as needed. The third line in “The Beginning” is probably the most powerful thought of all and applies to all language that we take for granted everyday, thinking we know the meanings of words and their true power.
As you read this, try and differentiate the “Two Constitutions” being discussed here. We know President Trump follows “The Rule Of Law”. So however “The Plan” will ultimately play out, the final remedy will have to be 100% legal and ironclad, as well as being able to withstand the attacks of the enemy from the day it is concluded, in perpetuity. This ongoing battle between Good & Evil is a fluid situation. Having said that, here is where it all gets murky in my mind, but I do believe this is all relevant. At least in my sleep deprived, coffee soaked brain, it seems to make sense. I apologize once again for all of these damn quotation marks, compound sentences but blah, blah blah as I said before.
This section is an amalgamation of articles, videos and other sources of information from various research.
To unravel what has taken place since 1871, under the “District Of Columbia Organic Act of 1871” , please watch this short 8 minute video excerpt from “The Ring Of Power” called “The Corporation Of The United States Of America” and the mention of the very important Thirteenth Amendment that was ratified in 1810 and has mysteriously disappeared from the “Constitution” and other pertinent information contained in this video clip. I did manage to locate the entire 5 hour video that clip was taken from. (See Below). Lots of coffee and notes for research.
The above mentioned “Lex Fori”
There are, and were, many proposed, and supposedly ratified versions and provisions to the Thirteenth amendment to the Constitution. They started in 1810.
#1. Proposed Thirteenth Amendment
#3. Current Thirteenth Amendment
A brief section from Storm’n Norm’n:
Where did the original Thirteenth Amendment go?
The original 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America was called the "Titles of Nobility Amendment." It read: “If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”
This amendment is not in our current constitution, so where did it go? In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn, were searching for evidence of government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on the coast of Maine. By chance, they discovered the library's oldest authentic copy of the Constitution of the United States (printed in 1825). Both men were stunned to see this document included a 13th Amendment that no longer appears on current copies of the Constitution. Moreover, after studying the Amendment's language and historical context, they realized the principle intent of this "missing" 13th Amendment was to prohibit lawyers from serving in government.
So began a seven year, nationwide search for the truth surrounding the most bizarre Constitutional puzzle in American history – the unlawful removal of a ratified Amendment from the Constitution of the United States. Since 1983, Dodge and Dunn have uncovered additional copies of the Constitution with the "missing" 13th Amendment printed in at least eighteen separate publications by ten different states and territories over 4 decades from 1822 to 1860. In 1812, the votes of 13 states were needed to ratify an amendment. The federal government admits the Titles of Nobility Amendment was ratified by 12:
1. Maryland (December 25, 1810)
2. Kentucky (January 31, 1811)
3. Ohio (January 31, 1811)
4. Delaware (February 2, 1811)
5. Pennsylvania (February 6, 1811)
6. New Jersey (February 13, 1811)
7. Vermont (October 24, 1811)
8. Tennessee (November 21, 1811)
9. Georgia (November 22, 1811)
10. North Carolina (December 23, 1811)
11. Massachusetts (February 27, 1812)
12. New Hampshire (December 9, 1812)
But the amendment was also ratified by Virginia (state # 13): Virginia ratified the amendment on February 7, 1812. The state's official records were burned when the British set fire to Washington and Richmond during the War of 1812, but numerous other records prove the amendment was ratified. Nevertheless, the federal government insists the amendment never became law.
Below is a scan from a copy of "Military Laws of the United States," by Trueman Cross. Published in 1825 by Edward de Krafft of Washington. Many books and official government documents printed between about 1820 to 1860 contain the original 13th amendment. It was never repealed, so where did it go?
On December 6, 1865, the present 13th amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution. That amendment deals with slavery. But it should have been the 14th amendment. Instead, history was re-written, and the original 13th amendment was removed from the public record. The original 13th amendment put teeth in a provision already in the constitution--the prohibition against American citizens holding titles and honors. The constitution prohibits it, but the thirteenth amendment designated a penalty. Loss of citizenship. This amendment was stricken from the record by lawyers in America.
Did you know that when American lawyers become members of the BAR Association they are being recognized by the British Accredited Registry? That's what "BAR" stands for. So, they join a foreign organization and are awarded the title "Esquire." This is illegal under the constitution, and if the original 13th amendment were in effect, all members of the BAR would lose their citizenship. All the evidence is in place to prove that the 13th amendment was illegally removed from the U.S. constitution, but the federal court system and lawyers are not going to address this issue.
I do believe that the importance of this Thirteenth Amendment eventually morphed into “The Foreign Emoluments Clause” that will probably be the downfall of most or all of the political swamp in D.C..
Please refer again to President Trump’s trip around the world in “The Great Awakening” video when, I believe, he went to England and secured the release of the “Republic Of The United States Of America” and its citizens from any further obligation, financial indebtedness or subservient control under the English Monarchy, The Bank Of England as well as the Vatican during his trip to Rome. When President Trump absorbed the Federal Reserve into the Treasury, did he in fact buy the “Corporation of The United States” and all its liabilities and assets, which include all of us as citizens? Which means he literally and legally could have purchased the country of The United States Of America just like we bought the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803. I believe he did. Does that mean that Donald John Trump, the man, took his place as the new monarch of the United States and is now the King ?(Or any designation of his choosing). The Thirteenth Amendment would not apply as he was not given or granted that title. As the new owner of the “United States” he can make whatever claim he wishes or was legally needed to institute the necessary changes.
We hear in the background from many sources that the “Corporation” is bankrupt and its charter has been dissolved. Does that automatically reinstate the “Republic”? How are we, as a country, still functioning under a defunct corporation? How are we “Keeping The Lights On” in this country through this transition? Did President Trump have to “BUY” the Federal Reserve to keep the world economy from crashing since we are the World’s Reserve Currency? Would certain “Government Essential Functions” have to be maintained through a Continuity Of Government plan such as “Devolution”? Not for the political aspect of the transition as most believe, but for the financial transition that is occurring behind the scenes? The country has to continue to operate so as to stop mass hysteria and chaos from occurring in the minds of the citizens. People need their ATM cards, Their Bank Accounts, Social Security, Medical Insurance and many other aspects of their daily lives to function seamlessly through this transition. Was this charter extended under certain circumstances, until we finish this transition?
This coming January when the new Congress takes office will they still be swearing allegiance and taking that oath to the “Constitution Of The United States Corporation” or the “Constitution Of The Republic Of The United States Of America”? Are the elected officials we are installing in Congress no more than members of the Board Of Trustees of the Corporation"? A “Board Of Directors” as it were. Are those board members committing crimes against the “Corporation” or the “Republic” with their money laundering activities and their many covert business dealings. Under certain auspices, can they be tried in “Military Court” or “Civilian Court”? Will that Foreign Emoluments Clause come back to haunt them all?
Whether we like it or not, we are living through an “Illusion Of Reality” or perhaps the “Reality Of An Illusion”. Which reality, possibly some combination of both, is my speculation here? However this mess was created, we have to be living and functioning in two realms simultaneously. The Corporate Realm & the Realm of the Republic.
Is the legal paperwork allowing all of this to happen somewhere in those Executive Orders, PPDs, PSDs, NSPMs, The PEADs, or other documents we may never see, but they gave him the authority to make these changes. “The Plan” had to be devised with all of the “Constitutional” powers at their disposal.
Trump chooses his words very carefully in his recent “Truth”. Please pay attention to what is said and read the information in this article with this context in mind. It’s almost like he is signalling to the Supreme Court and the Military that it is time for this charade to end. For the first time in almost 2 years, the Supreme court has accepted multiple cases on their docket about the 2020 election.
I believe in the first part, including the parts underlined in red, President Trump is referring to the “Constitution Of The Corporation Of The United States”. I believe the last sentence is referring to the original “Constitution Of The Republic Of The United States Of America” and any further “False And Fraudulent Elections” under the now defunct “Corporation”. If, in fact, the corporation is insolvent, the current “P”resident literally has no power over anything, other than the assumed power the media and the current political establishment in Washington D.C. have allowed him to wield. Would it not make sense for our transition back to a “Constitutional Republic”, that the laws and control of the “Corporate Constitution” at some point would have to be suspended and the “Constitution Of The Republic” restored? If so, what about all of the thousands and thousands of laws that have been written, ratified and installed on the local, state and federal level that we use to keep our modern world functioning? Many of which we know were instituted fraudulently because of the illegally elected officials who voted on them. How much of the clock can be turned back? What do we keep and what do we throw away? It is a very complicated process that will take some time to correct. How many cases have the Supreme Court rendered a decision on that were decided under the laws of the Corporation and would no longer apply under the laws of the Republic? There has to be a constitutionally legal remedy to all of this. I believe this new election of The President and Congress will be under the Laws Of The Restored Republic.
Back to President Trump’s Farewell Speech with the phrase “We Will Be Back In Some Form” , will the events that will play out under the “Corporation” or the “Republic” dictate his designation when he returns? Since we are no longer under the dictates of the Crown Of England, will the aforementioned Thirteenth amendment allow the individual in charge of this country a new designation? There is much speculation that President Trump will return with the new #19 instead of #47, returning us to the numbers used by the original Republic. Will he come back as A Viceroy under the sovereignty of the Republic? Maybe a Chancellor, a Regent, Prime Minister or possibly even a King? My vote is for the “Exchequer King”. I, for one, don’t care as long as he holds the power to correct the centuries old nightmare we are currently experiencing. Whatever the designation of the office, he should receive the respect of every man, woman and child on this planet for his sacrifices to accomplish this monumental task.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, whether it plays out in public or behind the scenes, there has to be a line in the sand, a demarcation, a time frame where we no longer operate as a country under the rules of the Corporation and resume operating under the Laws of the Republic. How to sort out all of the legal, business, financial, societal, religious, political and any other affected designations, will take decades to unravel. But there has to be a starting point in taking back this country and I believe President Trump has signaled it is time. I also believe he, through his “Devolution” Continuity Of Government Plan, has already put the legal framework for that transition in place. That, and his “Trip Around The World” to put the financial pieces in place will allow us to transition back into the “Constitutional Republic” our Founding Fathers intended.
A final thought: I do not have a legal background, as I’m sure many of you do not as well. That being said, for the events we are witnessing, that are playing out right before our eyes on the world stage, there are many legal aspects to “The Plan” that must be adhered too. I believe President Trump and the other “Alliance” members have agreed to free the world from all of the hidden control mechanisms that have been in place behind the scenes over the millennia. I believe he is using their obfuscations and legal trickery against them as no one in history has ever done before. That is why he will succeed where others have not. This brings me to the historical context and information in the “Ring of Power” video mentioned below.
(Once again I feel the need to put a disclaimer that I do not endorse or necessarily agree with everything that is said in this video, but the overall opinion, and the historical context, is very sound on most fronts and I have done my own research, as should you, into a lot of this material.) I realize the religious parts will be the most abrasive to many, regardless of your religious beliefs, but it was impossible to divorce the other historical context that the author brings to this information, much of which has been irrefutably proven. I also do not agree with her sentiment to “Stop Voting”, as we are seeing play out today, it is where our power lies. Hers is but one opinion, but after watching this video ask yourself if you ever would have learned the corrupt history of the politics and banking world without the over 5 years of research put forth in making this documentary? While many parts of this video are painful for some of us who lived through them to recall, it is a necessary reminder of how these events are irrevocably linked with our current reality. Whether you agree or disagree with all of the content, don’t discount the intent of the research or the many provable aspects contained in the video. It may or may not conflict with your current paradigm.
Again, I want to emphasize, before watching this video please understand that historically, it is impossible to untangle Power, Religion, Politics and Banking, as they are all intertwined and have been for millennia. I feel very confident saying that unless you have actually watched this video before, you will receive an education that will leave you in shock and awe. Her anger and disdain should be felt by all of us. Here is the almost 5 hour “Ring Of Power Video” from this amazing researcher in the best quality I could locate on the internet. See video timestamps below. Also remember this video was made more than a decade before “The Great Awakening” video which facilitates the events described here that have allowed President Trump to save the country and quite possibly the entire world. She makes some future predictions that did not come to pass in her timeline, but those were her speculations on future events and not the provable historical information she puts forth. Put on the Coffee and proceed.
Ring of Power Ep 1 - 0:01 Hidden Empire Ep 2 - 34:56 Trail of the Pharaohs Ep 3 - 54:05 Gods & the Queen Ep 4 - 1:21:46 All the Queen's Men Ep 5 - 1:53:48 The Godfathers Ep 6 - 2:16:19 Cheating at Monopoly Ep 7 - 2:45:10 Asses of Evil Ep 8 - 3:34:21 King of Hearts Ep 9 - 4:01:41 Real Solutions Ep 10 - 4:22:51
Reference Material:
You may read or even download a PDF copy here of some of these fascinating books referenced in the video above.
Dr. John Colemen-The Conspirators Hierarchy:The Committee Of 300
Nick Begich-Angels Don’t Play This HAARP
William Guy Carr/Pawns In The Game
Arthur Koestler/The Thirteenth Tribe
I would like to leave you with this very famous quote from Wayne Dyer as you wrestle with reconciling information contained herein, with the lies we have all been believing in many aspects of our daily lives since birth.
As with my previous articles, we know there is “The Plan” that “Q” has repeatedly mentioned and some form of plan had to be codified and followed to get us to this point and beyond. Are these thoughts contained in this article more “Puzzle Pieces” to add to the picture? I believe they are, but only time will tell, or maybe we will never know for sure, but we will see the end result.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
If you feel my ramblings have merit, please support my work by subscribing, sharing and/or commenting below. The truth will remain secret unless we tear down the walls to the hidden chambers of history and reclaim our humanity for ourselves and future generations. Peace.
After reading this, depending on your opinions of my blatherings, those wishing to contribute to my ongoing coffee addiction or the “Delusional Therapy Bills” fund for my medical treatments, please feel free to do so below.