What If I Told You....The Terminator (Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series # 3) There Is A Cyberdyne. This Should Scare The Hell Out Of You. Quantum A.I. Is Here. Satellites Are In Place For Skynet.
UN First Committee Approves New Resolution on Lethal Autonomous Weapons, as Speaker Warns ‘An Algorithm Must Not Be in Full Control of Decisions Involving Killing’.
The chicken or the egg? The Grandfather paradox. We’ll discuss that later.
I thought we should start the New Year with a bang. I’ve had the idea for this article roaming around my desktop for a couple of months now. I pull it out and add a little, set it aside until I get another itch, and I pull it back out when another tidbit comes across the news or I get my head around another piece of what I want to convey. I’ve been typing and rewriting for a few days now. I hope you get the message along with the wake-up call and you pay attention.
This is quite lengthy. Once again, I couldn’t break this up into pieces. It will take you some time if you watch all of the accompanying clips and interviews, but I do believe you will find the end of the journey enlightening. The clips are throughout the entire article and I have kept the lengthy, full documentaries until the end. Now, let’s delve into my newest chapter in “The Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series” about our current reality and the parallels in the world of “The Terminator”.
This one involves some homework on your part if you have not been keeping up with my Substack, and possibly a little refresher if you have. I’m sure many, if not most of you, are familiar with “The Terminator” movie franchise featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger. My thoughts will revolve around the first 2 movies as they give you the background information about this dystopian future they have created. Here are both of those trailers for those of you who are not acquainted with the films. Please watch these and pay attention to the technology predicted in 1984 for the first “Terminator” movie and the technology you see on the screen in the 1991 sequel “Terminator 2: Judgement Day”. I need for you to get your head around the concepts and the dates.
There is a ton of info here to show you and there is no way to put this in a specific order, but I will try to keep the chaos and confusion to a minimum. Remember I told you how Hollywood and the CIA always telegraph their agenda and intentions in movies and video games? The Deep State, who literally controls the CIA by proxy, also telegraph their intentions for humanity. Case in point “Agenda 2020 & Agenda 2030”. (The links for the UN Agendas are live) They lay out a blueprint for their culling and control of humanity. If they get their way, the word dystopia will be like a party for all of the evil they have planned for us. It will be much worse.
So, for those of you who are not familiar with these films, here are the plots and the set ups: I will intersperse my thoughts with the real information for you to see the reality of our current and future paradigm. Turn back now if you don’t want the nightmares to start. (I’m not kidding. This is scary stuff.) Pay attention. Here are a few clips and some information to kick this off.
“In the future, Skynet, a computer system fights a losing war against the humans who built it and who it nearly exterminated. Just before being destroyed, Skynet sends a Terminator back in time to kill Sarah Connor, a young woman whose unborn son John Connor is the key to humanity's future salvation. The Terminator can pass for human, is nearly indestructible, and has only one mission. A human soldier is sent from 2029 to 1984 to protect her from the killing machine. He must find Sarah before the Terminator can carry out it's mission. The first Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a machine/human hybrid cybernetic organism with a metal endoskeleton covered by synthetic skin. The second Terminator (Robert Patrick) is a mimetic/polyalloy that can change shape and mimic any material like a chameleon. Both have super intelligence and futuristic A.I. machine learning skills, combat and military training and battlefield adaptability. Cyberdyne Systems creates Skynet as a computer defense system for SAC-NORAD. Skynet was originally intended to coordinate unmanned military hardware for the U.S. government and was given power over the military and its weapons.”
Here comes the scary part, the real life stuff, in somewhat of an order:
There is an actual Japanese company named “Cyberdyne” and guess what they do? Robotics and exoskeletons. The name is the same as a fictional company from the Terminator film series, which also produces robots. The name, however, is not necessarily a reference, but from the new academic fields of "Cybernetics", and the suffix "-dyne", referring to power.
More real life stuff. As you watch this, think about all of the metals in vaccines and chemtrails, that are already inside our bodies, that can be activated and controlled by 5G and all of those networks they are installing everywhere.
Understand some things. Question: Who is the Military’s biggest Contractor? Who owns and controls (SpaceX) and the largest satellite network (Starlink) in the world and has been, and is, currently deploying military satellites with massive information and defense capabilities? Who has the satellites that the new QFS will be used for? Who is ass deep in A.I. and robotics and is the mind behind “Optimus”? Who already has autonomous vehicles, robots and A.I intelligence at his disposal? Answer: Elon Musk. This video came out this week. Skynet & Starlink are not that different in name, meaning and application. They both involve a system of planetary communication and control. Oh yeah, don’t forget about the military arm of “Starlink” called (Starshield), it is the very definition of “Skynet”.
Elon has literally just jumped into the robotics field a couple of years back. There is a company called “Boston Dynamics” that has been at this for over 3 decades. How ‘bout that “Atlas”?
Now, to give you all the warm and fuzzy feeling that only outright fear for your life can give you, here is a headline from the United Nations on November 1st, 2023. Understand what this is saying. Autonomous, self governing! If they are having that discussion, it’s only a matter of time. It’s coming.
U.N./First Committee Approves New Resolution on Lethal Autonomous Weapons, as Speaker Warns ‘An Algorithm Must Not Be in Full Control of Decisions Involving Killing’.
Let’s delve a little deeper on the these robots and their capabilities. To make the robots look real and function like a human being, they need blood & skin over that skeletal structure. They’ve been working on that stuff for quite a while too.
14 years ago artificial blood was being researched through stem cell manipulation.
1 year ago artificial blood being administered to a human being.
Don’t think of a robot as just an independent operating entity. It could literally just be an avatar, a representation of someone in the physical world that looks like you or I and is being 100% controlled through it’s eyes, ears and senses by a real human being. Like a puppet that you can’t distinguish from reality, doing exactly what it is told to do in real time. It can carry on a conversation, it can observe the world and interact at the behest of whoever is on the other end of that A.I. interface. And here’s where it gets even weirder, it can have artificial blood with your DNA sequence mixed in with it and look just like you. It can be your evil twin. It’s one thing to make a video call with a fake person. It would be almost impossible to detect with voice synthesizers and synthetic reality. But what if your evil twin can have your fingerprints and maybe even your retinal scan? It’s just one more reason we all need to think twice about giving up our individual genetic information like our retinal scan, fingerprints, blood and skin samples with our DNA. Meet Ameca:
Think of a robot like Ameca with the capabilities of Optimus with a facial structure and muscles underneath a lifelike mask being operated by another human being creating not just a video image of synthetic reality, but the actual real world appearance of reality, sitting across the table from you.
We now have artificial skin that could be on the outside of one of these robots. Skin that is pressure and heat sensitive and can send signals to the robot brain about the actual environment outside the robot’s body. Done properly with skin on a face, it could mimic all of a person’s expressions in real time.
While in the original “Terminator” movie we see a piece of a microchip that was reverse engineered to create “Skynet”, we have technology now that is far more advanced than that and we are getting ready to take even that technology to a new level. All of this would take a very powerful, very tiny computer system that could be integrated into the robotic organism, like a “Quantum” device of some kind that functions at the atomic level.
Dr. Michio Kaku, Quantum Computing Is The Next Revolution.
As you watch these clips and listen to the descriptions of things, bear in mind the context of time. It’s been 40 years since the original “Terminator” movie was released. It took a couple of years before that for the writing, planning and production to begin. So basically we are looking at the early 1980s. Think about the advances in all the forms of science since that time that have now made these ideas a reality. There are a number of words and phrases from back then that we need to incorporate in our current lexicon of knowledge, learning and our human existence that will greatly influence your life. Sentient A.I., Self-Awareness, Deep Fake, Synthetic Reality, Chat GPT. A.I. Interface, Artificial Neural Network and many others.
That brings me to another piece of this robotic puzzle that needs to be discussed. Over 80 years ago, in 1942, the brilliant futurist and science fiction writer Isaac Asimov wrote “I, Robot” and introduced us to the three “Laws of Robotics”. Those three laws have become the basis for the supposed beginnings of A.I. The “Terminator” movies bring into question the many disparate pieces of the plot for those movies that already exist separately. If the robot intelligence is corrupted, those three laws bypassed and only used for war, like in the “Terminator” movies, or if some evil entity were to get total control over those pieces of this puzzle, they could unleash something much worse than hell on earth. Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) is the soldier sent back from the future to protect Sarah Connor. He is also John Connor’s father. This is where they introduce the Grandfather paradox and those accompanying time ripples. Not to confuse these movies in any way, but there is so much overlap with the robotics conversation and A.I. One thing I am quite certain of, there is no end to human arrogance and our ability to delude ourselves into thinking we have total control over a situation.
As I’ve mentioned before, throughout history, body doubles, impersonators, fake people have been used to keep control of countries, corporations and situations that those behind the scenes did not want to give up control of. With all of this technology that is available today, could someone be replaced and controlled by a look-alike? Are we watching a movie? I had to ask. Do you 100% believe the reality you are being presented with, in say Washington D.C. for example? LOL. I still have that bridge to sell you.
Do you know what would make Klaus Schwab and his Globalist handlers happy? All of us dead, except just enough of us to be the slave force that takes care of them. Alive we are too big a problem. It’s all connected. They want to control all of the banks to control if and how you get to spend your money. They want you in “15 Minute Cities” so they can control, isolate and annihilate as many of us as possible at one time by either tainting the food or water supply, infecting a small populated area with a disease and not letting you leave or causing an accident or an explosion killing tens of thousands that are in close proximity. The devastation caused in the future in the “Terminator” movies is really right up their alley. I can actually see them sitting somewhere in a protected part of the planet or maybe even above the planet in their gilded world unleashing this kind of madness, just like they did with Covid.
Here is some more information and some great videos about this subject that I found helpful and fascinating in compiling this article. Enjoy.
Robot police dogs are on patrol, but who’s holding the leash?
On December 29th, 2023 SpaceForce & Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched a new military mission. I understand the need for military secrecy and covert operations. Do any of us believe we have a single clue about what they are really doing up there? Those “Black Budgets” I wrote about spring to mind.
US military's secretive spaceplane launched on possible higher-orbit mission.
Here is the full interview from CBS with Geoffrey Hinton, who is considered the godfather of artificial intelligence, having championed machine learning decades before it became mainstream.
Are we at a tipping point? From Curiosity Stream:
I don’t pretend to know the thought processes and the inner minds of the writers of “The Terminator”. I do know that James Cameron & Gale Anne Hurd have heavily influenced our world and the future through films and TV series like “The Terminator”, “Abyss”, “Avatar”, “Titanic”, “True Lies”, “Dark Angel” and many others. In their own way, they are futurists with their forward thinking vision into the worlds of science fiction and turning those worlds into science fact.
Thoughts: Chicken & Egg. Did the movie inspire reality or did reality inspire the movie? How about a third possibility. Some combination of the two. Remember my “Project Looking Glass” article? The interview talks about the Deep State as well as the Military & The Good Guys having access to the future timeline information about the “Great Awakening” that was happening on this planet. What if the bad guys tried everything they could to change that inevitable outcome? Kind of sounds like the plot for these movies doesn’t it? We don’t have to send an HK/Hunter Killer terminator robot back in time to complete the mission. We have the technology here already, we just have to feed it certain information so that it hates humanity enough to exterminate us all.
I don’t want to be one of those harbingers of doom, but do we need to ask ourselves “Is the Terminator already living next door and we just don’t know it yet”? Is the satellite system I get my internet and TV from ready to turn on me and become a weapon at any moment? Is that really my high school buddy that went to work for DARPA on the other end of that video call where he just wished me a Happy New Year? Is Chat GPT on the other end of all of my conversations on the internet and I just don’t know it? Will the new QFS turn on me and lock me out of my finances at the behest of some evil A.I.? How many government and military systems are this close to being sentient and autonomous? Will A.I. come to the realization that the Earth doesn’t need humanity? Do you know we have factories already where robots are building robots? One wrong step with A.I. and humanity is through. We may already be past the point of no return. Is this all just a bad dream after binge watching the first two “Terminator” movies back to back last night? Maybe. But just like “Q” and all of those drops, I believe there is a whole lot of truth that many people don’t want to face about the realities of the “Terminator” agenda that is unfolding before our very eyes. Some genies cannot be put back in the bottle. Sleep tight. Happy New Year. May it be better than the last one.
It’s probably all just coincidence or just another one of those delusions of reality I keep writing about. I wonder if I should have told them about……..
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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