Hiding In Plain Sight. Would You Even Know? Can They Be Trusted? Steganography, Triggers, Cryptography, Pareidolia, Interlacing, Hitler. Spies, Dots And All Your Forgots. Cicada 3301.
440 B.C. I Had No Idea
Hello Everyone,
This is my one year Satori Secrets anniversary article. It’s been 90 articles and a handful of bonus emails for my subscribers. Thanks for coming along. What a ride. So much research, so little sleep. Enjoy.
All those little digital 1s and 0s. Who knew they could cause so much trouble?
Hey guys. How are you? Have you been getting your daily dose of all of your vitamins and your steganography pills? Maybe you just don’t remember because you didn’t know you were taking them in the first place. Let’s see if we can trigger a memory so you’ll know for sure.
I keep up on a lot of stuff. I read and watch hours and hours of information daily. I put it all away in that mental filing cabinet for some far off distant future article and I pull them out for rainy day research and inclusion in my writings. I was dusting off a lot of files for this one.
At this stage of our reality, do we really believe that any of the participants including, Radio, News, Newspapers, Hollywood with Movies & TV Series, Magazines, Internet Blogs, YouTube, TikTok and any other form of media or social media are following any of the rules and the laws that have been put in place to stop them from manipulating both our conscious and sub-conscious mind? I don’t. I have seen things, at least I think I have, that would blow your minds.
Do you trust your eyes, your ears, your intuition? Because you do, does that make the information or situation you are interpreting real and truthful? What if a lie is buried somewhere in that truth, or the truth is buried somewhere in the lies? I had no idea how bad this was when I willingly fell down this rabbit hole.
The World Wide Web is a very dangerous place. I go lots of places I don’t want to be, and I probably shouldn’t go, doing research. I know I have found some things that haven’t been seen in decades. Financial information on back-up drives online that were left un-password protected and so much other data. It’s kind of like leaving your keys in the car and a big open sign on the door that says “Take it for a spin”. Lots of little tricks to go backwards and trace information. The internet the public uses is just one small part of the whole massive vault of information that can be accessed online. There is the “Surface Web” that most of use on a daily basis, then there is the “Dark Web” and the “Deep Web”.
There are hidden things all around us every day. Things that may or may not affect our lives directly, but how would we ever know if we are not paying attention to anything other than the evening brainwashing session on the news? For us to really understand what’s going on, we need some of that historical context I keep writing about in my articles.
Here is an amazing Slideshow presentation from Slideserve.com:
Steganography & The History Of Cryptography.
Who better to let you in on a few of these secrets than someone who has been heavily involved with this stuff for decades. The NSA/National Security Agency.
In her presentation above from the NSA, she mentions invisible ink and how it was used throughout history. That is one of the major premises in the movie “National Treasure” which also has a ton of actual historical elements mixed in with speculation and fiction. It has many more accurate, historical puzzle pieces than most people realize.
Here is a fascinating article that shows you some of the real world historical use cases for this technology, including a complete cypher from Lord Verulam. You may know him by his other name “Francis Bacon”.
What Is Steganography And How Does It Differ From Cryptography?
There has been all kinds of technology used in hiding things for millennia. We’ve used watermarks in images forever. That’s a legitimate use case for some of this technology. Watermarks were first introduced in Fabriano, Italy, in 1282.[2] At the time, watermarks were created by changing the thickness of paper during a stage in the manufacturing process when it was still wet.
Then there are “Microdots”. This really blew my mind. They have been around for over 150 years. We have no idea about how advanced things were back in the day. Fascinating stuff.
Here are a couple of excellent pieces on Microdots throughout history.
The Spy Who Smuggled US Secrets to the Nazis on Microdots.
Here is an awesome website. Go Undercover:
“The Washington D.C. Spy Museum.”
Now that we have had a little History lesson, let’s get down to the nefarious stuff. The real-life application of all this trickery and how they use it on us all the time. Have any of you ever heard of Cicada 3301? A few years ago an online puzzle surfaced. It was quite a rabbit hole. I delved into it for a nanosecond and realized I was out of my depth. For those of you who have partaken of the Dan Brown novels and movies like “The Da Vinci Code” a few references should come to mind.
While there are obvious tie-ins to the historical “Priory of Sion” mentioned by Dan Brown, there are many who still believe that this was just a ruse and the delivery mechanism for a recruitment tool by the CIA to find the most talented “Out Of The Box” recruits in a very unorthodox job interview. Whatever the actual purposes were, many CIA tools were used in the creation of “Cicada 3301”.
Now, let me give you another movie frame of reference based on a lot of historical stuff involving Adolph Hitler. Many of you may be familiar with world famous astronomer Carl Sagan and his work. Among his many accomplishments, was a book he wrote called “Contact”. This book was turned into a movie in 1997. Here is the clip below involving some real truth from history and that interlacing I mentioned.
Here is a great article with that historical perspective mentioned above:
Will Hitler Be the First Person That Aliens See?
That brings us to Pareidolia. This image came across Telegram a couple of weeks ago. I had seen it before, but it reminded me of the puzzle pieces for this article. What filters are put on images and videos so that they can trigger associations in our conscious and subconscious mind? That original photo is when George W. Bush was notified on 9/11 when the Twin Towers were destroyed.
Tell me, tell me what do you see? Something hidden in front of me.
Painters and digital artists have started hiding images within paintings as part of the overall allure of the concept of the art. Intentionally creating pareidolias.
I don’t know if you were paying attention to a recent article about some doctored video that came out on CNN regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict. I’m quite certain it was just the latest in a long line of fake information put out by the media to illicit a response from the public, as Reuters reported:
Fact Check: Fake audio added to CNN video of Israel-Hamas war coverage.
Hearkening back to some of my earlier articles, I have shown you the mental brainwashing through the “Tavistock Institute”, The "Hegelian Dialectic", MK Ultra and so much more. Here is a quote from one of my previous articles as well as some graphics about this information.
From my “Hegelian Dialectic” article.
“When you think back on your life and the many societal events that have shaped your world, have you ever thought about the direction they influenced your entire mindset to take, about society at large? How do you see people you pass walking down the street? Did some news article/propaganda piece make you distrust your fellow American, your fellow Human Being at some unconscious level? Have they molded your thoughts about money, religion, charity, finance, politics, race, age, sex, what is good and what is evil and so many other things? Have they influenced you to believe what is possible and what is not?”
Does this sound like our current reality in the Middle East? Planned over 150 years ago.
All of those hidden messages and hidden triggers in all of our media.
And lastly, never forget the actual quote from CIA director William Casey.
That’s the same CIA that is entrenched in every Hollywood movie studio as an advisor. Many of these movies are actually subsidized and funded by the CIA or one of their many “Front” companies or organizations. Please realize that our Government, Congress, Presidents and all of those in corporate power positions in this country with these Tech companies, Pharmaceutical companies, Media companies and more have colluded at the highest levels too allow this propaganda/brainwashing agenda to go on for decades, even centuries. They have passed funding for these operations like MK Ultra, Tavistock, Operation Stillpoint, Operation Mockingbird and so much more that have been used to manipulate and control the public. They have passed legislation to allow “Big Pharma” to keep most of the country in a drug induced state of confusion. “Black Budgets” are not just for Military OPS, they are for things that Congress and Presidents want to disavow the knowledge that it ever happened. “Keep Their Hands Clean” as it were.
You see a message so many times and it becomes embedded in your subconscious mind. Repetition in advertising uses psychology against you and you don’t even know it’s happening. Back before Tobacco advertising was banned on TV, you could ask anyone to complete the sentence “Winston tastes good, like ???. They would immediately say “Like A Cigarette Should”. Catch phrases and repetitive statements are triggers to make you associate emotions and feelings to certain products, objects or actions. They are constantly manufacturing the reality they want you to believe.
Under the Corporation, Congress has passed laws so that the banks no longer have to be transparent, that includes the Federal Reserve/Treasury. Under President Obama, they passed laws that bypassed the Smith-Mundt Act that forbade them from using propaganda on U.S. citizens.
Apple Pie Propaganda? The Smith–Mundt Act Before and After the Repeal of the Domestic Dissemination Ban.
From Weston R. Sager:
“For over sixty years, the Smith–Mundt Act prohibited the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) from disseminating government-produced programming within the United States over fears that these agencies would “propagandize” the American people. However, in 2013, Congress abolished the domestic dissemination ban, which has led to a heated debate about the role of the Federal Government in free public discourse. Although the 2013 repeal of the domestic dissemination ban promotes greater government transparency and may help counter anti-American sentiment at home, it also gives the Federal Government great power to covertly influence public opinion. To curb the potential harm of surreptitious government propaganda, while also preserving the benefits of repeal, this Note advocates for requiring the State Department and the BBG to clearly attribute any government-produced programming these agencies disseminate within the United States. This Note contends that attribution can be best accomplished in one of two ways: by passing new attribution legislation similar to that of the failed Truth in Broadcasting Act of 2005 or by expanding the judicially created government speech doctrine to require these agencies to properly attribute any materials they distribute to the American public.”
The point I am trying to get across is the ever present influence on all of our senses. The manipulation is endless and unless you are even aware that it could be happening, you will continue to be programmed like just another number on the Illuminati tote board. There are thousands and thousands of decodes on YouTube and the internet about the symbolism and subliminal messages in movies like the one below. I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with all of the author’s opinions, but I can follow along with his thought processes. I wrote an entire article about the last one on his list and I barely scratched the surface in my “What If I Told You/Captain America/Hidden Truth From Hollywood Series#”
Here are a few articles I also found very useful in the writing of this piece, then I will finish my thoughts after these articles.
From the va2pt.com website simply titled:
A really great 2008 article from the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law from the erau.edu website with some great historical and legal perspectives entitled:
Steganography: Forensic, Security, and Legal Issues.
The bad guys are really devious. Brilliant thoughts from the computer.org website entitled:
With Cryptography Easier to Detect, Cybercriminals Now Hide Malware in Plain Sight. Call It Steganography. Here’s How It Works.
Security, obfuscation, trickery, deceit, safety, necessity, information, misinformation, disinformation, protection and so many other legitimate use cases are there for all of this technology. From a Country and Governmental standpoint, it is understandable to use whatever legal means necessary to protect the country and her citizens. The problem comes when agencies like the CIA, FBI, rogue elements in this Country and around the World, the Deep State actors like Soros, Uncle Klaus and others embed triggers, propaganda, images, messages and other hidden data in all of the media they assault our senses with every day to brainwash and desensitize the public to their agendas. We’re all just looking for news about the world or a little entertainment every time we turn on the TV. A little escape from this miserable reality they have thrust upon us in their quest for World domination.
They hide malware in an image. A picture you download on the web can have code embedded in it to take over your computer once you click on the image and you are basically installing that code on your system. They can compromise your router, your keyboard and install key loggers and all kinds of controls over your life. They make you subconsciously buy a product with interlacing frames of video that your eyes can’t see, but your subconscious notices. They filter images to trigger thoughts and intensify your emotions and your reactions to their manipulations. They sensationalize certain events to get you to associate feelings with images and events. They are constantly trying to connect the mental dots in your subconscious mind. For centuries, even millennia, they have tried to control humanity and shift our consciousness to fit their agenda. Just becoming aware that this manipulation exists let you start to see what is actually happening when you engage with all types of media. It’s so blatantly absurd at times it’s comical.
When you make a conscious decision to watch a movie, or take a link to a website and think you will be able to share your life with family and friends, or you click on a website to read up about a car you want to buy, those are simple, basic actions that you should not have to fear. It’s just part of our journey through life. They know your guard is down. They count on your complacency. They use your innocence and humanity against you. That is what makes this so insidious and them so much more evil than you realize.
There have been laws that were passed over the decades. Supposedly, these laws were put in place to protect the citizens. I don’t know if any of us are that naive anymore.
Back in 1934 they passed a law which also created the “Big Brother” of the airwaves called the FCC. This act was called:
Communications Act of 1934
62 years later they passed:
Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Here is a list of the Governmental control of your senses. Scary Stuff:
The Public and Broadcasting.
If you are old enough to appreciate good music or at least remember a little group called “The Beatles”, then I’m sure you remember all of the controversy around the belief that subliminal messages were thought to be used in their music through a technique called “Backmasking”. The technology is real and continues too be used to this day. There are so many pieces of technology that have been used on the public for centuries, that it boggles the mind (literally). Do any of us believe the CIA and their influence in Hollywood haven’t influenced the minds of the masses? Everything from the hippies and the counter-culture revolution in the 60s to drugs, war, finance, sex, the economy, abortion, banking, atomic energy, conservatism, liberalism and a thousand other agendas have all been manipulated by organizations like the CIA, the WEF, the W.H.O., Governments and Corporations worldwide and so much fake FIAT money that they throw at all forms of media to control all those little brain cells we have in our heads, and all of those emotions we have in our hearts.
YouTube, TikTok, X and these other Social Media platforms are still very unregulated and it’s like the Wild West all over again. Technology is advancing much faster than regulation and oversight. Any teenager with a cellphone can wreak havoc on your world. You really have no idea what you are being exposed too, either consciously or subconsciously. Along with all of these hidden manipulations that are going on right in front of our senses, there are also all of the hidden machinations in the financial and political worlds going on behind the scenes.
Remember, the bad guys have had a few centuries to perfect this skill set. Everything is being weaponized against you.
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, “We are manipulated from the cradle to the grave”. Our minds are assaulted by that damn TV screen from the day we are born with cartoons and all of that “TV Programming”. They call it that for a reason. Political and societal agendas abound in every movie and TV show ever made. There is no such thing as true, accurate news that doesn’t have some spin put on the information. There are subtle shifts in your way of looking at the world and your thought processes. Your body is manipulated and abused by the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors who do their bidding. The bankers control what you can and cannot do with your finances and your dreams. It’s all connected and controlled by our evil overlords at the top of the food chain on this planet. 99.99999% of the sheeple never realize it or even care that it is going on. That needs to change. IMHO.
For those of you so predisposed, here is an article from TheSectigoStore.com with links to some software and tools that you can use to hide whatever you want online and perform your own steganalysis:
What is the Difference Between Steganography vs Cryptography?
As our lives become more and more digital, are we really living in the Matrix? Please don’t lose sight of the fact that we are in a war for the soul of humanity. It’s a new kind of war. It’s mainly psychological warfare to control your minds and actions. In the physical world, they are posturing for WWIII. Will it come to that? I don’t know. I do know that the onslaught on your psyche is unrelenting and ongoing with the purpose of keeping us all confused and distracted while they enslave us all through the financial and political stuff they are doing in the background. Pay attention.
I hope I haven’t depressed you all too much. I still watch movies, the news, social media, listen to music and appreciate the creativity of the world. It’s just so easy to see the parts that are trying to manipulate me now that I am aware of all of this stuff. That’s actually part of the enjoyment. Catching them at their manipulation games. They think they are so clever. They’re not. They’re just evil, and they are being exposed more and more everyday.
It’s been an interesting year. I’ve learned a lot. For those of you who have joined me, I hope you feel it’s been worth the trip. I look forward to seeing what other secrets we can uncover as we continue on our journey of Satori together.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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