NESARA-The Real N.E.S.A.R.A. Planned For Submission To Congress. Not All That Other Fake Stuff. "The Chicago Plan".
Why Would They Allow Any Of This To Happen? They Being "Them", The Bad Guys.
I’ve been meaning to tackle this subject for some time. As with everything we are living through right now, it is hard to tell the truth from the lies. As I have mentioned many times in my articles, we are living in a literal “Dichotomy Reality” right now between the defunct “Corporation” and the “Resurrected Republic”. That unwinding of finance, legalities, international ramifications, treaties, corporate and sovereign debts and responsibilities and so much more will take some time to bring to fruition. When the Deep State instituted the “Corporation Of The United States” to hijack the “Republic”, they knew it would take a miracle to ever straighten this mess back out. They never thought anyone would ever try. They were wrong. To ever truly get the country back from the Deep State/Banking Cabal it all has to be dismantled and reassembled piece by piece. Much of that is going on in the background as we speak while this “D.C. Clown Show” continues on the idiot box for everyone’s entertainment and enlightenment.
As with all of my writings, I try to give some historical context to show you all how we got here and why we are having to fix these issues. Many financial analysts and others worked on a lot of ideas after “The Great Depression”, which we all know was caused by the Central Banks and their henchmen from the “Creature From Jekyll Island” club (which G. Edward Griffin so eloquently wrote about it in his phenomenal book) by draining the liquidity out of the system and calling in all of their financial markers to crash the markets and the economy. They then swooped in and purchased the major assets at a reduced price. They had no intention of ever fixing the problem, because they were the problem, and it was all a part of their “Grand Scheme”.
There was a proposal put together in 1936 by Irving Fisher which became known as “The Chicago Plan” to address the issues that caused that catastrophe. In 2012, the criminals at the IMF put out a working paper where they discussed the Chicago Plan. 100% reserve backing for deposits. LOL. How dare someone come up with a plan to get rid of the fraud they worked so hard to perpetrate on all of us little people. Let’s take a look at that and then I will show you the entire 88 Page NESARA document below that was proposed for submission to Congress. But first, let’s look at this 70 page document:
The 2012 IMF Working Paper/The Chicago Plan Revisited:
There is a ton of bad information about NESARA/GESARA all over the internet. Free money forever, all debt forgiven, no one ever has to work for anything and so much more B.S. If nobody has to work, where do we all get all of the things we want, or who flies the plane for that vacation to Tahiti, or builds that new Ferrari we all want to drive? We may all see a form of debt relief and many other perks, but the world still has to function. Raising the standard of living for the entire planet would be a good start.
Remember how I always harp on the meanings of words. Acronyms and their meanings are very important. NESARA is the abbreviation of the National Economic Security & Reformation Act and has a global counter part known as GESARA/There is also a different Acronym for the 2nd version of NESARA and that abbreviation is the National Economic Stabilization & Recovery Act. Similar, but there is quite a difference in actual meanings.
“NESARA is a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard (based off of JFK principles). Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy.”
Below is the link to the full 88 page PDF document that was written for submission to the 108th Congress. Here is all that happened during that session and you can see it was never even talked about. Why"? The banks could never allow this to formally be discussed and become a matter of the Public Record Of Congress. Wikipedia/108th United States Congress. I suggest you all download and save a copy of this NESARA document for posterity. It’s harder to find than an arrest of anyone on Epstein’s client list. As you can see from the link it was never tabled and brought to the floor for a vote.
Written For Submission to the 108th Congress: 2nd Session NESARA/The National Economic Stabilization And Recovery Act.
Many things were supposed to happen in 2012 to free the world from the evil Cabal. Obama, The Queen, Timothy Geithner of the FED and Treasury, The Committee Of 300, The IMF, The World Bank and a few other power players sidelined all of these plans and quashed any hope of freeing humanity. The currencies of the world were supposed to equalize and “Reset” back then. Think back to my other financial articles where the “Global Collateral Accounts” were audited in 2012 to know how much gold there was and where it need to to be positioned around the world for stability. That was to be the final audit before the implementation of certain financial changes for the world with NESARA/GESARA.
“The Infinite Bank Statements For The ASBLP Accounts”
The Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols were supposed to finally be implemented on October 31st, 2012
I will bring this up again here for the millionth time. During Trump’s trip around the world, I believe he got clearances and signatures for the eventual implementation of both NESARA & GESARA. Remember who is the one person who signed that 20 year extension of the "The New 20 Year Bilateral-Trilateral Minesfield Successor Agreement"? His initials are “DJT” in case you missed that. There are some individuals that have coined this as “Trumpsara” due to the fact that Trump is actually getting getting many of the pieces of it implemented in the background.
As I mentioned above, Bernard proposed NESARA based off of JFK principles. What were those principles? Many of those principles were coming to fruition when JFK signed the “Green Hilton Agreement” before he was assassinated. I do suggest reading that article if you have not.
I am quite certain the world is getting ready to see a massive amount of financial chaos over the next few weeks and months along with many changes that will take everyone by surprise. I do not believe this 88 page NESARA document will be implemented in its entirety. Having said that, adjustments have been made over the last couple of decades that have brought the circumstances and realities of our current paradigm into a new, updated version of this plan. One that is being overseen and shepherded in the background by the above mentioned individual with the power to make it a reality. I wish I had a crystal ball and I could see the exact timeline for all this to unfold, but I am just a humble researcher and writer trying to fit the puzzle pieces together in this crazy world of ours.
There are good people who want to see us prosper and have the life we have all dreamed of having and there are bad people who want to keep us enslaved. The Battle continues, but did you see….
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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