"Swissindo WORLD TRUST International". World Kingdom Empire. A New Asset Backed Banking System? No, It's Not BRICS.
"NESARA"/"GESARA" A Better Future For All Of Humanity. It's Not What You Think It Is, It Could Be Even Better.
We know there is gold. Lots and lots of gold. We know it exists. We know it is stored in vaults all over the world. We know, because there is paperwork to that effect and I have a lot of it. I will expose you to a ton of information below. I will sound redundant on many things and that is by design. I need you to understand that this is real and it is all connected.
I know most of you don’t have the context to understand what happened in the 20th century between the wars, treaties, finance and global organizations that came into being. (I didn’t either until I delved into this research) I have to start you all off with a primer and then we will go from there. Here is an excerpt from the Swissindo website discussed below as well as a link to some more info to check out first, and then I will continue on after this intro.
Creation of The United Nations and World Organizations
The Founding Father, President Soekarno was performing in the international world, on the basis of the above five elements, philosophy, vision and mission. After World War II, the Japanese surrendered, and the state of the world was in chaos. Therefore, it was through the initiative of Soekarno that the world was reorganized together with five world leaders, at the time, who agreed to reconstruct the League of Nations, which became the United Nations (UN) with institutional organizations, such as the ILO, UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO and other permanent members.
The five countries reconstructed the UN, which were listed in the UN Charter. From the agreement that was reached in the Charter came the vision and mission for the Unification of the World. This agreement created the world assets of the United Nations. Therefore, the world that was invested in the UN included assets of the kingdoms of the world, the assets of the private people in the world (Dynasty) that were written and recorded in a document called Trusty, Prasasty, Dynasty (included in the world heritage). Prasasty is a charter or document written on a hard and durable material, among the various sources of ancient history of Indonesia, such as foreign manuscripts and stories, the inscription is considered the most important source, because it can provide chronology to an event.
Once the list of assets were collected, it appeared in the Inventory of World Assets from all countries of the world that deemed Indonesia, as the owner of the biggest asset, which includes 300 large/great kingdoms and 800 small kingdoms (panembahan), plus the Trusty, Prasasty, Dynasty Assets.
Compare them with the assets of China – 2 great kingdoms, the British – 1 great kingdom, Saudi Arabia – 1 large kingdom, India – 2 great kingdoms, Thailand – 1 great kingdom, the French – 1 great kingdom, the Dutch – 1 great kingdom and others. President Soekarno placed the vision and mission above and agreed upon by the five (5) World leaders, into the NKRI and written in the UN Charter as follows:
NKRI USA – Protectors of the World.
NKRI Russia – Creator of Weapons.
NKRI England – Monetary of the World.
NKRI China – Caretaker of Nature.
NKRI Indonesia (INA 1) – Printer of Currency (Mint).
Those five countries listed in the UN Charter, each with a task, created conflict between NKRI USA and NKRI Russia. Why is that? NKRI USA as the Protector of the World also created weapons, which gave rise to the so called Cold War between the two countries, starting in 1947 and reaching its climax with the nuclear arms race. It did not end there.
President Soekarno had a vision to open the World Bank, and those 5 countries agreed (Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia). Consequently, the bank structure was formed as follows:
Parent Bank Ratu Mas Kencana Room, centred in Indonesia as the World Financial Resources, because Indonesia is the Printer of Currency (Mint) as stated in the UN Charter.
Parent Bank for Operations is Swissindo, but failed to form because Indonesia was not ready.
Swiss Bank, or Bank of Switzerland, as a unit that was finally operational throughout the world until now, is centred in Geneva, Switzerland.
Together, the five countries (mentioned above) agreed to use the acronym of NKRI, as listed in the UN Charter, so the world assets became the United Nations’ assets, the base of formal jurisdiction that the world is NKRI, which has been formed as the material of the NKRI. President Soekarno established the three parent banks (WB, UBS, BI) in the world, with UN (world) assets to become the World Collateral in the Swiss Bank. It was presented that 85% of the world’s assets be used as the Swiss Bank’s assets, belonging to Indonesia (INA 1) and the remaining 15% belonging to several countries in the respective figures of 0.1 to 1% for each other country.
Thereby, Indonesia (INA 1) shall be entitled to the control of the Swiss Bank. Thus, President Soekarno placed/ positioned his successor to become the President of the United Nations, under the code name Mr. Bernard Nobel and another code name. In addition, at the Swiss Bank, President Soekarno positioned his future successor to be the Chairman and simultaneously as Owner of the Swiss Bank, just prior to his death in 1970.
Mr. Bernard Nobel retired from the above two world institutions (UN, ICJ). The handover of the two world institutions transpired from Mr. Bernard Nobel to his successor, M1. M1 became the Singleton, because all of those world institutions are recognized by the world countries in the 12 portals of the world (Committee of 300, International Organic Agency, United Nation Organization). Thus, the Swiss Bank has expanded itself in the world financial circulation by establishing Swiss Bank units throughout the world, with the total of 884 UBS, from the Collateral of Swiss Bank where 85% of its assets belong to Indonesia (INA 1).
Therefore, countries in the world are using Indonesia’s collateral for their countries’ loans with Swiss Bank. Consequently, the collateral loan (lease), in the amount of 2%, becomes the property of the owner of the collateral, namely Indonesia (INA 1), the richest country in today’s world. For several years, President Soekarno was receiving a fee from the collateral loan from other countries, which was planted in the Committee of 300, parent of multinational companies, and currently has tens of thousands of companies in the world that produce enormous profits.
Indonesia, in the structure of the NKRI, is INA 1. Therefore, the total for Indonesia, implicitly and explicitly, are a number of countries in the world, until there are INA 1, INA 2, INA 3… and so on. Thus, there are many countries in the NKRI of INA 1 up to INA 153 countries, and thus the world’s assets are divided into INA 1 (51%) and 49% for the other countries.
At this time, the distribution of these rights to all countries in the world will begin, with the return/ entitlement mandate of 51% to the Republic of Indonesia (People of INA 1), to be immediately brought back to Indonesia by Royal K.681 M1. However, since 2008, in the process of the return and distribution of this Right, he has experienced many obstacles in his path, yet UN Swissindo has made a lot of progress and has since expanded to the 5 continents.
That is just the set-up. There is so much information to digest, but I couldn’t include it all in this article. It is available on their website, but I need you to take this link and understand more about the United Nations and……
Why The United Nations Has No President!
Ultimately, since no major government (i.e. the Unites States, China, Russia, The U.K., France or any of the other BRICS nations) owns that gold and can establish the provenance, that gold has been held outside the system and used as collateral by the Central Banks, The Fed and the Vatican bank for decades. (The previously mentioned “Global Collateral Accounts”) Those funds were always supposed to be used for the benefit of humanity and have, thus far, been used for the exact opposite by all of the world’s power players. There have been multiple funds over the years that this wealth has been divided up into and stored. Over the last couple of decades that mainly comes down to 3 massive stashes of wealth that were to be used for similar agendas. We will discuss what I believe is the primary one below. Having said all of that, lets have a conversation about something many of you have heard of. “NESARA” & “GESARA”.
Governments and government disinformation websites like “Wikipedia” have been used to sensationalize and bastardize these concepts. So have the Globalist/New World Order crew with their UBI/Universal Basic Income concept and their CBDC slavery system. Their system is nothing like the original plans for “NESARA” and “GESARA” which are real concepts and proposals that have been around for decades.
OK, this is the point where some of you who have been exposed to the erroneous data about “NESARA”/”GESARA” stop paying attention and call B.S. there’s no way this is real. I get it. I was very skeptical myself and there is a lot of bad info online about this. Having said that, I do believe what I’m presenting here is more than credible because of the information I have shown you in past articles and what I will present in this one. I literally have thousands, not hundreds, but thousands of documents, links, websites and correlated information, and a majority of it has been corroborated. These documents are so detailed and intricate that it would be impossible to forge them all. That leaves the inevitable conclusion that they are authentic.
Many of you have heard of the terms “GESARA”/Global Economic Security and Recovery Act & “NESARA”/National Economic Security and Recovery Act. We’ve all been led to believe that this was some pie in the sky utopian dream where all debt is abolished, we never have to work again and we all live in paradise for the rest of our lives. That is not the reality of things, although “NESARA”/”GESARA” are real concepts and a version of them will become evident soon enough. The world is on the precipice of a financial collapse that will make the “Great Depression” feel like a party. That financial collapse has been orchestrated by the Deep State/Banksters to make one last push to amass as much of the world’s wealth and resources as they can steal with their fake FIAT money. What is waiting on the other side will be a new world free from Globalist/Central Bank control.
For millennia, many of the world’s religions have practiced debt forgiveness or a debt jubilee. I think that concept and “NESARA”/”GESARA” need to be understood on many levels. Here is an article that should explain this for many of you from crixeo.com entitled:
Debt and Christianity vs. Debt and Islam vs. Debt and Judaism.
Multiple times in the last 6 decades the world was supposed to be released from enslavement by the Central Banksters and the Deep State Globalists. Multiple times those plans have been thwarted. If you delved into the links on my “Operation Stillpoint” article, you would have seen all of the information regarding Obama, Clinton, both Bush’s and many in the corridors of power blocking the release of these funds at the behest of the Globalist/Central Banksters and their minions like Klaus Schwab at the WEF, who want to keep control of the world through the slave banking system
Having said that, it brings me to one of those 3 plans involving all of that hidden gold and wealth. It really isn’t just gold. I need you to understand things. This plan was originally supposed to come to fruition shorty after Donald Trump became President of the U.S. The aforementioned Clinton/Obama/Bush tag team had hidden booby-traps, along with the Globalists controlling the Central Banks, to stop these funds actually being deployed and used for humanity. Millions of tons of gold, Leo Wanta’s funds and anything that would benefit most of humanity has been withheld to keep us all enslaved. Over the last few decades there is a massive body count related to these funds stretching all the way back past JFK, much of which is discussed in my article “JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement” and all of those accompanying links. The 35th President Of The United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy tried to assist in this endeavor and was assassinated, for this and other reasons. After over a half a century, I’m hearing from multiple independent sources, the plans for the final execution of the Green Hilton Agreement are underway. Could that involve Swissindo? I believe it does, as this documentation will show.
The evil the world is currently experiencing has been entrenched in the corridors of power for many centuries. That power is waning. Multiple plans have been put in place, over the last decade specifically, to finally bring a version of this plan to fruition. Below is the information from 2016, when another attempt to make this happen was stopped by the Central Bank/Globalists once again. These plans, while delayed, will soon be implemented in an updated form and will even involve Cryptocurrency. Bear in mind, this website is current and being updated regularly, so these plans are still in the works.
For context, I would suggest reading this article, absorb the concepts of the information and the go back and look at the accompanying links. Please check out each area of the website especially the “English WIKI” section for more information than you ever knew about the U.N., and the powers that be behind the scenes, that have been controlling these assets for decades.
World Kingdom Empire - Swissindo WORLD TRUST International
While researching this article, I managed to locate a 144 page document mentioned on page 10 below concerning “The Infinite Bank Statement” involving 884 bank accounts worldwide holding all of these assets.
As promised, here is that 144 page document involving the accounts in 800+ banks worldwide.
“The Infinite Bank Statements For The ASBLP Accounts”
Along with the current Central Banking system and the new BRICS/AIIB banking system, there is another in the works that I’m quite sure the majority of you have never heard of. “The First World Central Bank” and its ties to all of this Indonesian Gold that President Kennedy knew about. These competing banking systems and their benefit or detriment to mankind, have yet to play out. Maybe they can co-exist for a while and maybe the good guys will destroy the legacy FIAT banking system with their new asset backed systems. I believe that will happen in short order. Understand that a majority of the planet has already agreed to join BRICS and their new asset backed world. That means that the mandated CBDC or Central Bank Digital Currencies will be DOA when released. Many states here in the U.S., and even certain countries, have already banned their usage. They will be there for a brief moment in time while the take down of the Deep State/Banksters continues to happen. This isn’t just some switch that can be flipped. The Globalists still have control and influence in many countries until they are proven to be irrelevant.
If this article is your first introduction to these ideas and this material, I highly recommend delving into a few of my previous articles to get you up to speed. Some I have mentioned here, but here are a few in no particular order that will help fill in the blanks.
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2”
“The JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdon Of Maharlika”
“Dragon Family Gold And The U.S. Federal Reserve”
There is evil on this planet. Evil that tries to tell us that we must live in lack. That the world cannot sustain this population. That there is not enough money and resources. All lies, propagated by the Deep State/Globalists because there are so many people on the planet that they can’t control us all. Their greatest fear is that we see through their illusion of control. “The Great Awakening” is happening now for a reason. All of the ills of the world, that we are currently experiencing, have been brought about by the 1% Globalist elite to subjugate the planet. Their management of the world for millennia has brought us to the brink of societal collapse many times. Pollution, global warming, wars, financial crises, poverty, many natural disasters have all been caused and implemented to exert control and maintain chaos so they could steal the wealth of the world and its resources. There is documentation going back thousands of years to prove it all.
There are some who will never believe any of this is possible, or will ever happen. There are many who do not believe that “Q” is real despite the almost 5,000 drops that prove otherwise. There are many who don’t believe there is all of this gold in the world. As I’ve stated in many of my articles, there is a battle going on in the corridors of power for the very survival of humanity as we know it. The Deep State has had control for some time, but that time has come to an end. You see the control structure crumbling daily if you are paying attention. This chess game is almost concluded. The checkmate of the Black King is a foregone conclusion. Only a few moves left on the board until the evil King is backed into a corner and whichever way he turns, it’s over.
They want to control all of us, and whether or not these plans come to fruition exactly as they are described here, only time will tell. I personally do believe they will happen in some form or another. Hopefully, sooner rather than later. My biggest fear is the U.N. involvement. While their power structure has been weakened, they have withheld these funds for decades. There has recently been some new control mechanisms put in place to solve this problem. We shall see.
By the way, as another aside to a phrase we have all heard from President Trump & “Q”, About “Draining The Swamp” Here is a little known fact about “NESARA” and the origins of that concept.
“Harvey Francis Barnard (1941–2005), an engineering consultant and teacher with a PhD in systems theory, created the “NESARA” proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Barnard printed 1,000 copies of his proposal, titled “Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform” (1996), and sent copies to members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its merits.”
President Trump is very well-read. I’m sure he’s aware of that proposal and the necessity for the immediate implementation. That “Draining The Swamp” phrase keeps coming up over and over again in the discussions on how to free the United States and the World from the the ever tightening grip of the Deep State.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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