"The Black Eagle Trust": Hitler, The CIA, 9/11, Nazis, The Bretton Woods Agreement: (Historical Financial Perspective Series #2)
Global Financial & Political Manipulation. It's All Connected. Believe Me Now?
Hello everyone, I have decided, for multiple reasons, to post two articles simultaneously. They should be consumed at one sitting, if at all possible.
This article, Part #2 "The Black Eagle Trust": Hitler, The CIA, 9/11, Nazis, The Bretton Woods Agreement: (Historical Financial Perspective Series #2)
And the next article, Part #3 “The Bush Family's "Project Hammer" (Historical Financial Perspective Series #3)
In reality, for that historical financial perspective mentioned in the title, you should start with my article “JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement-Geneva 1963” and then go to the first title in this series “Dragon Family Gold & The U.S. Federal Reserve System: Parts 1, 2, & 3 (Historical Financial Perspective Series #1)” because it’s all connected and one thing led to another.
I will include this same notice at the front of the other article as well. The cross-pollination of information and events is remarkable. It also goes to show that there are no lengths that the evil Banking Cabal and their masters and minions will not go to, in their control and destruction of humanity. Pure unadulterated evil. These are the people that run the world and they have to be stopped. It will probably be years, or decades, before we know what evil they have going on behind the scenes as we speak. I would also like to say that I believe this is the reason that “Devolution” had to be implemented for their ultimate demise. I bet your History teacher never taught you this in school. Now, on to the good stuff.
As I mentioned in the previous articles Dragon Family Gold & The U.S. Federal Reserve System: Parts 1, 2, & 3 (Historical Financial Perspective Series #1), and my JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement-Geneva 1963, we are talking about a lot of money. Incalculable wealth that has been stolen and hidden away from the world to keep control of humanity. The Globalist Banksters have murdered, disappeared, silenced, bought off and made irrelevant, just about anyone who has ever stood in the way of their one world government agenda. The fact that most of this information ever came out is a miracle. They print the money that buys the power of control. That means for centuries that have had unlimited power to control and manipulate public perception and information through media, politics and banking. Behind the scenes they have stolen, bought up, confiscated, controlled and consolidated every global asset of note on the planet. They invent our reality to fit their paradigm. It has to end, and I believe we are in the exposure phase of the plan to make that a reality.
Delving deeper into all of this research, There is a ton of documentation to support many different theories and pieces of this massive global wealth puzzle. In my previous article Slush Funds/Dark Money/Black Budgets/Seized Drug Funds/Soros (Follow The Money Series), I started scratching the surface about things in this country that most of us know about on a limited basis. I had just started researching the JFK article and the evidence was pilling up that involved a vast global conspiracy of gold, finance, war, murder and manipulation on a scale beyond comprehension. There have been many lawsuits relating to this wealth, some of which are still ongoing. With that set-up, let’s get into the “The Black Eagle Trust”.
What if I told you that I can connect Adolf Hitler, the CIA, 9/11, the Bretton Woods Agreement, Black Gold (Not the liquid kind), the take-down of multiple government all over the world, multiple assassinations and so much more. I read over 20 very good articles (quite a few bad ones), and even a couple of chapters in books, to get my head around enough of this to try and convey the information in this article. Hopefully, you will follow-up. I will be providing links to the cream of the crop on that research. These researchers and writers had months, and even sometimes years, to dig into this information. In one of my short articles I can’t do the subject matter justice, or provide the concise details that they have assembled. As the title of this series proclaims, I am trying to give you the historical perspective to put the puzzle pieces together on this journey that brings us to the current global financial crisis we are all facing. This is a story that involves multiple Presidents and World Leaders, government agencies both here and abroad, and a web of deceit so intricate that it’s almost unbelievable. Truth really is stranger than fiction. You will hear the following names and you will have to play the name association game in your mind as this story unfolds. “Golden Lily”, “Gold Warriors”, “Yamashita’s Gold”, some individual named “The Pope” and many others.
“In a night in early June 1945, with Japan’s war against the Americans about to be lost, General Yamashita hurriedly oversaw the last burials of gold and treasure.
Prince Takeda, of the Japanese Royal family, had helped devise and build the tunnels to hide the treasure. They called the operation ‘Golden Lily’ after a poem written by Emperor Hirohito.
Each site was carefully constructed using a host of specialist engineers along with enslaved Filipinos and allied POWS forced into backbreaking labor in the searing heat.
That night, Takeda took all 175 of his staff into a bunker in tunnel 8 to celebrate their latest achievement. After several hours of drink and song, Takeda and Yamashita quietly slipped away.
The tunnel’s entrance was then blasted with dynamite and sealed. The men inside, if they did not commit suicide, were left to suffocate to death taunted by the vast riches surrounding them.”
Here is an excerpt from one of these articles below to get your attention.
Never forget, The Deep State has been around for centuries, corrupting and controlling things behind the scenes. Don’t think for one second that your best interests have ever been on their mind. If the gold and treasures that have been looted from humanity were returned right now and divided up equally amongst the entire population of the planet, every man, woman and child would be a millionaire, with plenty of money left over to fund the governments. But, the greedy want it all and they want us dead. They plot, they plan, they scheme behind closed doors in the dark corridors of power.
In no particular order of agreement with the information, or their subsequent conclusions, here are what I found to be the best articles on the subject of the “The Black Eagle Trust”, the history and it's effect on the world we live in. These events have changed politics, finance, business, corporate stocks, bonds and many aspects that influence the cost and quality of our lives. These articles are filled with many graphics and links, and you would be doing yourself a major disservice to not check them all out. Hours and hours of research and knowledge. Please patronize and support these great writers in any way you can.
Here is an amazing article from the WantToKnow.info website. I know it is still a very painful subject, but for those of you wanting to know more that you can possibly imagine about the details of 9/11 there is a link to a 58 page essay that is phenomenal. The tie-ins to all of this finance stuff will blow you away. Please check out the “Footnotes” section. I saved a copy for future reference. Here is that article entitled:
Black Eagle Trust Fund:
The 9/11 Attacks and the Black Eagle Trust Fund
This is more a collection of video links that are all still active with some great information. Please note the additional related posts link at the bottom of the article for more info. Here is another recent piece from the Rielpolitik.com website entitled:
Hidden History: “Black Eagle Trust”. Yamashita’s Gold & the CIA
Here is a very interesting article I almost didn’t find. Many of the links were down but I used some detecting skills on the code in the search engines. I believe this is some early research from Glen Yeadon in the early 2000s that lead to his excellent book “The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century”. Here is what I found on the Gold.GreyFalcon.us website entitled:
Glen Yeadon “The Black Eagle Trust”
A Recent 2022 article (with many accompanying links) from fellow Substack writer Josh Mitteldorf entitled:
A Grand Unified Theory of Corruption and Treachery
Book review: Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave
A very interesting Canadian take on this whole debacle with a ton of documentation and links. To this day it continues to have global implications. This article ties together the next article in this series “The Bush Family’s "Project Hammer". From the TheBCSecuritiesCommissionasham.blogspot.com
Does The BC Securities Commission and other Canadian Regulators Oversee Companies Tied To 9/11 Financing And Attempted Coup of Russia?
What a movie it would be. A very interesting 2004 piece from Denis Boneau that ties in the “Golden Lilly Operation” and the “Black Eagle Trust” from the voltairenet.org/ website
The Treasure Of Japanese Criminals: “Golden Lilly Operation.”
I have a link to a free copy of “Gold Warriors” for you to read in my 3rd Reading list article.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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