"Operation Chaos" Against American Citizens By Guess Who? The CIA. "The Family Jewels". "The Rockefeller Commission". Lessons From "Church". Are We Now Living In A "Police State"?
They Follow The Law When It's Convenient. The Rest Of The Time "Anything Goes".
You’re sitting there watching the evening news, having dinner with the family, happy with your nice, safe life knowing the United States Government is looking out for you with all of the weapons and agencies at their disposal. You know, like the FBI, DOJ, DOD, CIA and others. Things couldn’t be better. And then….(SLAP) you wake up from the exhaustion induced body shut down called a nap and see your grim reality and all of the accompanying chaos. I would want to go back to blissful, sleepy ignorance too, but here we are. Please, enjoy the countless underlined links.
For any of you who have been around my Substack for very long, you should know by now that I have proven irrefutably that we are being manipulated on a daily basis. I’m barely scratching the surface in my brief writings. Along with the current DOD: Department Of Defense, there was another DOD: Domestic Operations Division. In 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson allowed CIA Director John McCone to create a new branch of the CIA called the Domestic Operations Division (DOD). (Funny, how as soon as JFK was assassinated the rogue agency that did it got more powers against the American People. Coincidence? I think not.)
Please, before you get deeper into my article, take this first link from Grunge.com below on “Operation Chaos” and start your education with the best overview I found, and then I will get deeper into this below in my article. There are multiple links to a ton of great historical background info on this subject. As you read my article, keep this in mind and reflect on how many times it happens. The reason they keep running the same playbook on us is because it works. I told you about it in one of my first articles on The “Hegelian Dialectic”.
Operation CHAOS: The CIA Program That Spied On Americans:
And another excellent piece from History.com:
Nixon and Johnson Pushed the CIA to Spy on U.S. Citizens, Declassified Documents Show.
At this point in our current “Twilight Zone” existence, you would really have to be blind or a fool not to see the “weaponized justice system” that has been, and is being, deployed against all of us. Look no further than Special Counsel Jack Smith’s targeting of anyone who has re-posted anything President Trump has originated about the 2020 election and other information. From the Washington Examiner Article:
Did Jack Smith's Search Warrant Sweep Twitter Data From Millions Of People?
This is not about Donald Trump. This is about freedom from tyranny. President Trump just happens to be the “High Profile Victim” of this latest assault. Consider him the wake-up call. He has always known what was happening and along with “Q” has tried to prepare us for this grim reality we are being forced to live through at the moment. Most of us didn’t realize that America was a runaway train when Trump took office in his first term. The Deep State/Globalists had almost taken over the whole country. Now that more of us are awake it’s very easy to see where the Deep State and their latest puppet in office are wanting to take this country. That previously mentioned “Runaway Train” is just about to derail again.
Now for a little historical context. This is not the first time, and I’m quite sure it won’t be the last time, the DOJ, the CIA and the politicians in the DC/District Of Criminals have targeted the American People. It’s happened many times before. I’m sure many of you are unaware of the 1975 “Rockefeller Commission Report”.
I managed to find a working copy of the official document with some interesting notes and then below that is the official 300 page report. I would have liked to be a fly on the wall at that meeting when all of this was formally being exposed. LOL.
Remember when I wrote about “Allen Dulles/The Devil’s Chessboard” in an earlier article? That idiom about the “fox guarding the henhouse” applies here as well. Look who the recipients of this report were. From “The Gerald R. Ford Online Library Of Documents”. I need for you to get your head around at least 3 of the individuals involved in politics at the time and their trail of evil deeds, chaos and dead bodies. Dick Cheney:Former Secretary Of Defense, Director of Halliburton, Operation “Desert Storm” and Vice-President (Whose evil daughter Liz has been causing chaos and wreaking havoc in D.C. and elsewhere for years), Donald Rumsfeld: (Yes, that Donald Rumsfeld, the one involved in 9/11 and the Iraq War, that sat before Congress and lied about the missing trillions of dollars) and our old buddy, now thankfully recently deceased, Henry Kissinger aka “Evil Personified”.
Rockefeller Report/Working Copy (Dick File) Richard(Dick) B. Cheney.
Here is the entire 300 page report from 1975 from the BlackVault.com website for you to download and read at your leisure, should you be so thorough. Chapter 11 is about 20 pages on “Operation Chaos”.
June 1975: Report to the President by the “COMMISSION ON CIA ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE UNITED STATES”:
That brings me to some Hollywood participation in all of this madness and chaos that has been going on for decades. Brilliant authors, writers, actors and the creative teams in fantasy land have left us many clues to the evil plans of the globalists and the CIA. When you watch these movies, it’s like looking into a mirror of our current world. What I found very interesting is that one of the greatest character actors of all time, the incredible John Hurt, was in all three of these movies playing the oppressor, the oppressed and the vigilante. Brilliant performances in all three.
Here’s a free copy for you to read if you haven’t. Read “1984” by George Orwell and you will see where we are headed. “Big Brother” is not only watching you, he is manipulating you and you don’t even know it. The movie trailer “1984”:
“V For Vendetta”: There is a line in this movie that is apropos for this conversation: “People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people”. I think you would do well to watch this movie if you have not and revisit it if you have. Parts of the plot may ring true in your mind about our current circumstances. A biological weapon, A stolen election, a deep state agenda, multiple false flag events, media manipulation through fear and panic, the pharmaceutical industry and evil politicians getting wealthy from these nefarious circumstances that they themselves created to gain power and control. Sound familiar? By the way, as I told you with my “Captain America” article, this is another excellent comic book adaptation with so much more truth than you realize.
Robert Ludlam’s “The Osterman Weekend”: A masterpiece from the brilliant writer and director Sam Peckinpah. Now we have Jack Smith and his flunkies trying to get Americans to turn on each other. Sounds like we really are living in a very dystopian future already. What would you do?
Now, I know it’s not Sunday (At least it wasn’t when I published this article), but I do believe it’s time we all go back to Church. Almost 50 years ago now, a committee was convened to look into a lot of illegal activity against American Citizens. Here are a couple of excerpts from a Brookings.edu article written by Thomas Young in 2015 entitled “40 Years Ago: Church Committee investigated Americans Spying On Americans”.
The Church Committee’s investigations also led to passage of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act/FISA in 1978. We all know how much those illegal FISA warrants have played into recent events and spying on American Citizens.
Here are a couple of related articles and the transcripts from the Church Committee. This includes the 14 Reports published in 1975 & 1976. Fascinating reading.
The Church Committee Reports:
Looking Back At The Church Committee.
Here is a link to the Wikipedia page about all of this information. It would appear that along with the assassinations of many prominent figures including President Kennedy, the CIA also had plans to take out President Sukarno of Indonesia. You remember, the other participant in The Green Hilton Agreement along with President Kennedy to free the world from the evil Deep State/Banking Cabal. Now, I wonder who could have bankrolled and orchestrated that along with the CIA? Hmmm……..
United States President's Commission on CIA Activities within the United States
Once again, here is another example of the CIA and the gaming industry using video games to desensitize the public about disclosure of this real information just like what I mentioned in my “Operation 40" Who Killed JFK?” article. Here is some information about Call Of Duty: Black Ops: Cold War & Operation Chaos.
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War:
This brings me to another very important piece of this puzzle. The recent phenomenal documentary from Dinesh D’Souza entitled “Police State”. For those of you who have not yet dived into this chaos, it’s a must watch for you to get the urgency of our current political dilemma and get you pissed off enough to join the fight. Here is the teaser trailer. It is well worth your time and it has a great endorsement from some guy named Donald.
Teaser Trailer:
Here is the link to purchase and watch this Documentary Dinesh D’Souza “Police State”, Are You Next?
As I’ve shown you in many of my articles, the CIA has been a rogue agency that has been weaponized against the American People since it’s inception. From the NAZI infiltration immediately after it was formed, to the constant stream of domestic psyops that have occurred and been documented, your government has no compulsion about spying on you and using that intelligence against your best interests. As an American Citizen, think of all of the evil that has been perpetrated on each of us and the world at large in our names? They are supposed to help protect us and that couldn’t be further from the truth of the situation. The constant CIA mental manipulations, keeping us in a state of fear and terror about this domestic or world event is sickening. If the world was at peace, there would be no need for their intervention. During the “Cold War” is was Russia playing the evil adversary. They need a bogeyman to justify their existence, even if it’s one they themselves create. That, has happened more than once, I’m quite certain.
A few things to think about in the context of this article:
“Operation Chaos” was supposedly shut down in 1974.
“Operation Mockingbird” was also supposedly shut down and the impact on the Smith-Mundt act was discussed in my previous article of that name.
In 2007 over 700 pages of documents were declassified about all of this and more in a release of information known as “The Family Jewels”. This 700 page document on all of the skeletons in the closet involved CIA spying, human experimentation with MK-Ultra and more and it’s like reading a dozen spy novels all at once. Here is the official link from the CIA.gov website “Famlly Jewels” PDF.
Then there’s “COINTELPRO” with more wrongful surveillance mainly done by the FBI this time, although there is a lot of info suggesting a ton of CIA involvement as well.
Once any of these operation are exposed and the situation can no longer be contained, the CIA says “my bad”, hands over the paperwork to date on what they have done, shuts up the offices, fires everyone working on the project to show compliance and then they do what they always do. Move to another wing of Langley, or buy another office building somewhere else, get newer, better equipment and set up shop and keep going with their illegal activities. Their payroll and expense accounts are moved from some Congressional Oversight Budget and transferred into the Government Black Budget as just another line item to be rubber stamped by the cretins in Congress. They publicly shut these programs down once they are exposed and then they go dark. Are any of us so naive to believe these bad actors would willingly give up their toys just because of a little bad publicity? They continue to assassinate and intimidate world leaders, overthrow governments, crash markets, sell drugs along with all of their other nefarious activities. They maintain compartmentalization so that they have deniability.
I don’t make this statement cavalierly, but if there was ever anything I would bet my life on it’s the fact that for every one of these alleged, declassified CIA “Operations” and “Projects” that we know about, there are many more that until they are exposed and forced to be made public, we will never know of their existence. I’m pretty sure I’ll wake up tomorrow not having to settle that bet.
Lots of information in this article to digest. If you take all of the links and go through everything it is a couple of thousand pages. I keep saying it’s all connected and it is, including the banking and financial stuff I keep writing about. What banks have assisted with these illegal activities? How many slush funds have been set up to pay for bribes, equipment, employees, munitions, and all of the associated parts of this illegal activity? I personally believe that what the CIA/FBI/DOD/DOJ do in the Black Budget that Congress rubber stamps every year is one of the main reasons we need to switch over to the new QFS/Quantum Financial System. Along with all of the graft by the Politicians in Washington and these other governmental agencies, there needs to be legal and financial accountability.
I believe the NAZI infiltrated CIA is an instrument of chaos for the globalists. It needs to be shut down and a new organization built in it’s place that doesn’t have the globalist agenda like the current incarnation has. A new agency that adheres to the Constitution and it’s mandate. Start fresh without the NAZI DNA in the bloodstream.
So where are we? I believe that the CIA is a major part of that “SWAMP” that “Q” and President Trump told us needed to be drained. Snowden has yet to play his final part in all of this lying and spying. As I previously mentioned, “The Five Eyes” are watching your every move, listening to your every conversation and tracking everywhere you go online. The CIA, FBI and other government agencies are doing everything they can to bypass and ignore the Constitution and strip you of your civil liberties. Somehow we have survived three years of this fraudulent administration and the many attempts to sabotage this country. May it all be over with soon. I don’t know about you, but I am tired of living in the chaos of this dystopian, “1984” “Police State” instead of having our freedoms as human beings and citizens of this country. I’m ready for this man-made chaos to give way to a better tomorrow for all of us. I think it’s time we all learn to discern the truth from the lies as we continue on our journey of satori together.
As I’m finishing up this article, one more example of this illegal activity crossed my Telegram feed. Just more contempt shown by Obama and the current (P)resident for the American Citizens. From Slay News:
“Biden’s White House Funded Secret Surveillance Program to Conduct Warrantless Searches of Americans’ Phone Records”
Once again, I am trying to remind us all that we need to learn the lessons of history: The real lessons, not the lies we have all been told.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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