The End Is Near. Bye-Bye Central Banks.
They Are Building A New World With A Few More BRICS In The Wall. New Alliances Are Making The G-7 More & More Irrelevant.
As the cookie continues to crumble, the lies grow in size.
No matter what you are being told by Powell, Yellen and the media, the end of the Petrodollar, those Federal Reserve notes in your wallet, is not only imminent, it has already started and the ongoing demise will be like an avalanche that is gaining momentum as it careens downhill. A recent article from the Silk Road Briefing website goes into detail about the switch in the Global GDP numbers. That is a very important aspect of world politics and finance. I am including that entire article at the bottom of this Substack. Be sure and look at that map of the proposed BRICS expansion.
This is one of those Rubicon events. Now that we have crossed it, there will be no going back. This is the momentum that many other countries need to see for them to walk away from the U.S. Dollar and the control of the Central Banksters. In my previoius articles “When Will We Cross The Rubicon” , “It’s Not About The Money, It’s About The Assets” & “Illuminati: The Game Of Conspiracy” along with some other info that I have mentioned about Mexico And Saudi Arabia planning to join BRICS, there is a narrative seeding that is happening. It’s OK to come play in our sandbox and never go back and play with the Globalists in their sandbox. The BRICS coalition has most, if not all, of the advantages of The Western Banking System and none of the legacy controls and stipulations. It is a much more equalateral relationship instead of the bullying control of the many Central Banks around the world. The rules are laid out upfront and the level playing field is a total dichotomy to the alternative option of the West. The world is tired of having the USD/World’s Reserve Currency held over their heads like the Sword of Damocles. I don’t know if you realize it, but this also means walking away from all of the other Globalist/Central Bank affiliate organizations like The BIS, The World Bank, The IMF/International Monetary Fund and other controlling Globalist International Financial Institutions. They are all just different loan sharks controlled by the Deep State/Banking Cabal. It’s just more of the Illusion Of Choice options they confront you with. The point is, you lose and they win no matter what you decide. That’s why they included an “Illusion Of Choice” card in the game.
BRICS Is Set to expand As Countries Abandon The Western Banking System
South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said worldwide interest in the BRICS group was “huge.” In early March, she told television interviewers that she had 12 letters from interested countries on her desk.
“Saudi Arabia is one,” she said. “United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, and Argentina,” as well as Mexico and Nigeria. “Once we’ve shaped the criteria [for lending], we will then make the decision,” she said, noting that the topic would be placed on the agenda for the upcoming August summit in South Africa. The BRICS nations have multiple organizations in the works to replace the Western control structure.
Once again, this article was inspired in part by the latest “Devolution Power Hour #133” from Badlands Media with Jon, Just Human & Burning Bright. I had started writing an intro about BRICS that I was struggling to coalesce in mind and then during this DPH, it all came together. Support the guys over there. They are the real news now. There are so many “Devolution Proofs” happening everyday.
Here are a couple of other articles that hit home the premise I’m trying to bring to the table here. There is so much going on in the financial world it’s getting harder every day to keep up. As we come to the end of the first quarter, get ready for the fireworks to intensify. Those beautiful colors of fireworks in the night sky remind me of that Rainbow Currency I wrote about yesterday.
From the DW website-”A New World Order? BRICS nations Offer Alternative To West.”
Here is that aforementioned Silk Road Briefing article for your perusal. Thank you Chris Devonshire-Ellis.
The BRICS Has Overtaken The G7 In Global GDP
Mar 27, 2023 Posted by Silk Road Briefing
By Chris Devonshire-Ellis
The India-based Megh Updates platform, one of the world’s largest online informational platforms in terms of views, has stated that BRICS countries have officially overtaken G7 in share of world PPP GDP, and that this trend can be expected to continue.
The BRICS currently include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, while the G7 includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as the European Union.
The BRICS is also expanding – Bangladesh, Egypt and the UAE have all just joined the BRICS New Development Bank, with numerous other countries poised to do the same.
A real shake up is also to be expected these coming days with Mexico, long part of the North American free trade bloc NAFTA (now superseded by the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) agreement) poised to join BRICS. That will be seen as a direct affront to Mexico’s US relations and a sign that global economies, even on America’s border, are having serious doubts about the US ability to trade on fair and equal terms.
The current BRICS five now contribute 31.5% of global GDP, while the G7 share has fallen to 30%. The BRICS is expected to contribute over 50% of global GDP by 2030, with the proposed enlargement almost certainly bringing that forward. China’s GDP actually overtook that of the United States in 2015 when comparing economies in purchasing parity terms.
This will usher in significant global changes – exactly the sentiment that Chinese President Xi Jinping stated in his parting words to Russian President Vladimir Putin as he departed Moscow back to Beijing following their summit last week. The main issue is that the BRICS grouping – including proposed new members – are very much in China and Russia’s orbit, with the G7, including the EU and United States losing tractional influence among them.
That has been down to numerous issues, including an overall mistrust of the United States foreign policy, a desire to ring-fence against sanctions by creating an alternative trade bloc to the G7, what is seen as EU greed in global markets, and long-held animosity against various European legacies from colonial times.
It can also be expected to usher in the much-discussed change from a unilateral global base, led by the United States, to a multipolar one, led by the major BRICS economies. With China’s Xi Jinping having just visited Russia, and Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva due in Beijing this week, the BRICS is going through changes in terms of importance and global reach.
This will, commencing from now, lead to greater insistence from the BRICS on reforms within multiple global institutions, where they feel they are under-represented. These include the structure of the United Nations, shareholdings in the World Bank and IMF, and membership and renewal in terms of strengthening global bodies such as the WTO and WHO. This can be expected to be slow to begin with but develop into increasing pressure upon the G7 to relinquish control. The geopolitical battlefield for the rest of this decade is going to become increasingly partisan, with the danger of global divisions occurring unless the West can find ways to accommodate both China, Russia and the now Western ambivalent new global order that is currently coalescing.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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