"The Shield Project." Murder Incorporated. Weapons of Global Destruction And Control. Weather Modification & Chemtrails. All Those ISOs. Agenda 2030. (Follow The Money Series)
Chemtrails Pt. #2 Of A Multi-Part Series On These Subjects.
Have you ever had something you’ve noticed that makes you curious, and it just hangs around in your mind, right there on the edge of everything? You see it almost everyday and you know something isn’t right about it, but you just don’t know why it won’t go away. As a kid, I was a cloud junkie. Always looking for shapes. Laying in the yard looking up at all of those shapes and wondering what caused them to be that way. As I got older, I started noticing the lines instead of the big fluffy clouds. You could see the planes making the lines and it always struck me as odd. And here we are.
Time for another trip down the rabbit hole. Going through a file of information I had saved for future research, I found a screen capture that I snagged a few months ago knowing it would lead to this article or one like it. The hard part for me researching all of the subjects I delve into is the cross-pollination of information about other things. I can track and trace money and funding to almost anything, but many of these other pieces are also connected to everything else. So let’s jump into this mess and I will see if I can have it make any kind of sense to you guys. (Be sure and check out that interactive map in the reference section below and the amazing Peter Kirby information.)
At this stage of the game, I doubt very seriously if there are any of us that haven’t looked up at the sky at some point and seen those criss-cross lines they call clouds. Whether or not you believe they are nefarious or not is up to you, but I think we can all acknowledge they exist. I don’t mean the water vapor contrails off the wings of an aircraft that disappear in a minute or so, I mean the chemtrails that hang in the sky for hours and turn those beautiful blue skies to milk and then crazy weather starts happening for a couple of days. If you have not taken the time to read it yet, please go back and read my first article that is tied in with this one from over a year ago entitled: "Chemtrails" Pt.#1 Death From Above (Follow The Money Series). I will try and build on that information for this article.
Here is that screen capture I saved all those months ago. A thousand things jumped out at me after reading this information. Just so you know, the website where I saw this no longer exists. I’ll break down what I see and give my thoughts and we’ll see if you agree or disagree with my conclusions. Pay particular attention to the section highlighted in blue, as that is what I am focusing on for this article. “The Shield Project” and all that project entails.
When I see something like this that I have never heard of before it peaks my curiosity. In 2000, the only U.N. meeting I could find is the Millennium Summit.
U.N. General Assembly 18 September, 2000.
Before we go any further, I want to clarify something. These are the notes from the General Assembly Of The United Nations and what they wanted made public. I will give you a couple of pieces of this document that you might overlook. As always, the Devil is in the details. In this instance, please note this has no reference to the “Main Committee” and their agenda.
The second part is the section on “Protecting Our Common Environment”.
Yes, that section does mention the ECOSOC plans that I have written about extensively, but the mention of the evil Agenda 21 and the upcoming Agenda 2030 plans are both blueprints and recipes for the global enslavement of humanity on so many levels. The Agenda 2030/U.N. Sustainable Development Goals are the loss of freedom for every human being on the planet.
Any weather modification on a planetary scale would have to be financed and approved by these globalist organizations like the U.N. Bear in mind, all of these “Goals” involve making every Globalist Organization, every company in The Military Industrial Complex, The Pharmaceutical Industry, The Media, The Fortune 500 and so many more, very wealthy if they partner with the U.N. and force this agenda on all of us little people. Once again, we’re paying an unelected group pf individuals to enslave us. Also keep in mind that their growing list of ISOs or International Standards are the minute details they are using to whittle away at your rights as a human being and control every single aspect of your life from the cradle to the grave. I have previously written about ISO20022 and other ISOs and how they will affect the financial side of things. There are thousands of ISOs already in place and more being implemented everyday. They are using these international ISO agreements to implement their agendas and usher in that Social Credit System and many other evil plans. ***Who are the below mentioned “Stakeholders” and are we to assume their interests come before the benefit to humanity? Gotta crank up those profits for “Murder Incorporated”.***
I have shown you all of this to lay the foundation for all of the chemicals and depopulation materials that are being introduced into the environment as part of their “Global Depopulation Agenda”.
For those skeptics who say that spraying a few chemicals in the air can’t make that big a difference and surely it must be good for us or they wouldn’t be doing it, I don’t think you understand the scope of the evil agenda that we have been dealing with for over a century. I found a variation of this list referenced multiple places, but the Graphic was always credited to Angel Martin. Thank you Angel. Angel knows. Look at the symbol in the upper left hand corner.
This brings me to my “Murder Incorporated” statement in the title of this article. If you knowingly introduce chemicals and properties into the atmosphere that ultimately end up killing people in one way or another, that is committing murder with forethought. The desired effect is global depopulation. Case in point. Here are some recent events that have caused people to die based on their actions. Cloud-Seeding & Weather Modification.
"Cloud Seeding Science" is just another term for Geo-Engineering, and weather modification. First they "seed' the clouds with heavy metal particles, and then they use HAARP to induct the rain via the electro-magnetic frequencies. They have basically confirmed everything that we have already known years ago, that weather modification is real, however It's just conspiracy theory when we call them out on it.
Being as these Globalists and their puppets are so intelligent, they can control all of the aspects of this insanity so no one gets hurt, right? Scenes of current Dubai weather due to cloud seeding. A year's worth of rain fell in one day in many parts of Dubai. Approximate reaction, not 100% controllable. When you seed clouds or spray chemtrails that alter the weather or cause flooding and dozens and dozens of people die, did you just commit murder? The business of murder is very profitable for all of the companies involved.
Record floods hit Dubai after up to 10 inches of rain; 18 dead in Oman.
Here is a recent article from DailyMail in the U.K.
Cloud seeding is used around the WORLD - not just in Dubai: How countries including the US, China, Switzerland and Australia have implemented the weather modification technique - and why it's controversial.
As part of “The Great Awakening” process, individuals and States here in the U.S. are passing their own laws against “Geoengineering”. Tennessee just passed Bill SB2691. A Bill to prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.
Tennessee General Assembly-SB2691.
It’s not like you need any more proof that the Rockefellers have enriched themselves with the control and destruction of the United States economy over the last century plus. I could write a dozen articles on that subject and not even scratch the surface. Recently, I did read something interesting in regards to this subject, so I am including it here. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to do anything the Rockefeller way. (Click the link or the photo below to read the report.)
The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert “Climate Change” Plan.
That above list of patents are the actual delivery devices and plans to introduce these toxins into the world. Here is an afterthought on what happens once these various patents put this poison in the atmosphere and into our bodies. There is a whole other set of plans that they have for our ultimate control and demise. Here is another document from recently in 2020. Yes, this Patent is from “The Rockefeller University”. I know you guys can put two and two together. One more front company for global control. Pay attention. They can remotely target and activate specific cell types with 5G. If they can target specific cells, they can target your DNA, your blood type and even the different cells in specific organs like your heart. All the more reason to never give up your personal information.
If you are going to commit these evil atrocities on an unsuspecting public, you would surely want to get the most qualified people in their field, right? Just one more thing we can thank the NAZIs for in sending us another genocidal puppet. Read the Wikipedia Page. By the way, pay attention to the details. Project 63 was just one of many things implemented after “Operation Paperclip” that continued importing monsters that the U.S. weaponized against our own citizens and the world.
Kurt Blome-Project 63/Paperclip NAZI
All chemicals in cloud seeding and weather modification are harmful to the human body. They get into the water supply, the air we breathe and the ground our children play on, and by default the food chain. Is “The Shield Project” one document that’s a get of jail free card for the Globalists that have implemented these directives based on faulty studies they commissioned to give them the outcome needed to take this next step? Sanctioned just like FIAT money printing whenever they are needed by the United Nations?
As an aside to what I just showed you and who some of the power players are behind the scenes, I wasn’t really joking about that “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” and who it was based upon. (Click The image)
The Military Industrial Complex, the giant Chemical & Pharmaceutical companies, the W.H.O., the CDC and all of these other Deep State companies and organizations are the holders of the majority of these patents and work together to make maximum use of their IP.
This goes back to my “Follow The Money” series and what that means. I still don’t believe the Royal Family Clan knew the evil they were unleashing on the world when the agreed to let the United Nations be formed and funded by all of this historical wealth. All of these disparate agencies that grew out of that funding have been the creators of the dystopian reality we are experiencing. None of this is possible without the funding from the United Nations Charter and all of this gold. I also believe it is one more reason that the “Federal Reserve” was brought back under the Treasury to control all of this fake FIAT money going to these inhumane projects, and I think it is why the QFS system is being put in place to negate all of this money laundering and asset shuffling to facilitate this evil. I have multiple communications from “The King” in regard to the misuse and malfeasance surrounding these funds by the U.N. and these global banking organizations. I showed you this in my previous article “GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA.”
These agencies and organizations were supposedly started with benevolent intentions that have been hijacked for malevolent purposes.
Even though States like Tennessee are passing laws against this criminal activity, how do we catch and hold accountable the perpetrators? Do they have some kind of special permission from the FAA to be flying these planes. We do have telescopes that could possibly see a tail number on the plane miles up, but who gets access to these clandestine flight plans? I’m into a whole area of speculation here that I have very little information about.
As with many things througout history, the amount of human arrogance in thinking we can control nature and many other things on this planet has proven disastrous time and time again. These "NWO/One World Government” ideologies mean nothing but genocide for humanity. As you are reading this, bear in mind that we’re almost halfway through that 50 year plan that was started in 2000 and look at how screwed up and poisoned the atmosphere and the soil are already. How many toxins have we all ingested over the last few decades since they have been manipulating the weather? The levels of heavy metals inside each of is unbelievable.
Are these people committing crimes against humanity since this is sanctioned by the U.N.? It is incomprehensible what is being done to nature and the people on this planet under the guise of saving us. These globalist organizations have to go. Yes, we need global cooperation on some issues, but not all of these agendas. This is madness.
Someone has to be footing the bill every time we see a plane fly overhead and spray this poison. Is Project Shield part of the “Black Budget”? Is it just another line item that’s signed off on every year by our bought and paid for Congressmen? Is it financed from United Nations funding and just implemented by the U.S. Deep State on a worldwide basis? Is this part of the covert C.I.A. OPS we know that are being executed worldwide? Is this a continuation of the Deep State/Globalist/NWO-Nazi World Order agenda? The answer to all of these questions is quite probably “Yes”. Think of all of those Military Industrial Complex company stocks that all the members of our government own. They have to keep those profits up.
Don’t you all think it’s odd that Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, all those Hollywood Celebrities and so many other influential people out there on the climate change bandwagon keep shoving global warming and the need for us to control the weather so they can save us from the rising oceans because the ice is melting down our throats, but they keep buying that ocean front property? They don’t seem very worried to me. Pay attention to what they do, not what they say.
I believe the people of this planet need a “Shield Project” to protect us from the Deep State trying to kill and control us.
I promise I won’t wait a year before the next installment in this series. I’ve already started it as I was trying to segment out this information. When I tell you guys about “The Little Things” most of you don’t know about, you will be amazed. I personally believe that all “Geoengineering” needs to be outlawed and terminated immediately worldwide until, and only if, it is deemed beneficial to the health of humanity and the planet and not the coffers of the uber-wealthy elite. As I always say, I’ll keep following the money, because it’s connected in ways we can’t even imagine.
Reference Material:
Here is a link to a 1965 article from U.S. National Science Foundation paper #66-3 entitled: Almost 60 years ago they were already deep into their depopulation agenda. It’s lengthy, but it’s a great read.
Weather & Climate Modification.
*****If you want to get really pissed off, take a look at this interactive 3-D map of where most of the weather modification has taken place in the world from 1952-1999 before the 2000 Shield Project was put into place. We’re guinea pigs for all of this evil. Thank you Congress for allowing them to kill us. Something else to note as you spin that globe and look around, is that most of the activity has been in the Northern Hemisphere. Coincidence? I don’t think so. From the Climate viewer.org website:*****
50 years of U.N. tracking Weather Modification Projects (1952-1999).
*****Of everything I have compiled for you here, the most amazing piece of research I found was this article from the Activistpost.com website. I have written articles about so much information that is discussed here. Please, Please, Please take the time to read this article and see all of the tie-ins to the NAZIs, the Deep State and our evil recent nemesis, former C.I.A. director John Brennan. This article and the book connects so many dots it’s scary. This information is an excellent deep dive from his book. *****
From Peter Kirby-Chemtrails exposed: the Deep State and the new Manhattan Project.
At 125 pages, it’s a quick read. It is packed with information. I managed to locate a copy of the first edition (Different Cover) for you to read on the Archive.org website. (Click the book cover below.)
An interview with Peter Kirby on the Corbett Report.
Another great article from the bibliotecapleyades.net website:
Points to Ponder: The Shield Project.
Here is an excerpt from ACTA Scientific with references to “The Shield Project”: Weather Engineering and its Undesirable Side Effects on the Environment, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Human Health. (Click this link or the photo below for the full article.)
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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