GCR/Global Currency Reset. Preparations For QFS/NESARA/GESARA. Plans Are Waiting In The Wings For Implementation. ECOSOC.
As More And More Gets Revealed, What Will We Learn?
Let’s start this one off with a couple of statements to set the board for a better understanding of this reality. I would first recommend that you go and read my previous article “What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012 With World Finance And Banks? Nobody Trusted The Fed. From Alpha to Omega to Wanta. Benghazi. "Follow The Money Series" if you have not yet read it for some context about what I will be discussing here. There have been delays for some time. I don’t necessarily write these articles in a specific order, because there is no order. I am describing a series of historical events and things that can be substantiated to inform the next piece of the worldwide historical financial puzzle that I am trying to convey. Once I have disseminated information in a previous article, (and I always reference them in a list at the bottom) I have to assume you have that background to understand the context of what I am trying to say in this current article. As a writer and a reader we have to have this synergy of shared experience or the message may be lost.
I’m going to focus on events over the last 15 years or so that are playing into what is happening right before our eyes. I will use a few terms here that have been so abused and misinterpreted that they are now outcasts and bastard children in any reasonable conversation. These terms are so maligned because they have been associated with every financial conspiracy theory for decades. Since they have not happened, as of yet, there are many smart people who have egg on their faces because of distorted timelines and lack of implementation. Here’s some of that context I keep talking about. There is still an ongoing Push/Pull behind the scenes in the financial world. The Deep State/Globalist Banking Cabal is trying desperately to keep a grip on their crumbling “Empire Of Evil” and the “The Alliance” is slowly getting control of the important parts of that “Empire”. Those above mentioned terms are GCR/Global Currency Reset, NESARA/GESARA, ECOSOC and the meanings around those terms. Every time the Globalist/Deep State players like the “Queen”, the “Council Of 13”, the “Committee Of 300”, World Bank, BIS, The U.N., The Federal Reserve and others have signed off on the release of the Global Accounts for their intended purpose of freeing humanity, they pull some chaos out of their “collective asses” and delay things. But to quote our old buddy “Q”, “NCSWIC/Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming” but they have been able to delay it somewhat. That is where all of the frustrations come into play and people lose focus. I am going to show you some information, websites and documentation that backs up the fact that these plans were supposed to happen over the last few years. Like I keep saying, those delays have been the reasons for BRICS and for President Trump and that trip around the world to gain control of these assets. Let’s get into the minutiae and see what I mean.
Countries, Governments, Organizations, Businesses and people worldwide have implemented plans over the last few years in anticipation of these events happening. People don’t just waste money on expensive projects for nothing. They have reasons. Reasons to believe the funding for these events will soon be in place. First case in point Vietnam. Vietnam’s currency is supposed to adjust and increase the wealth of that nation based on updated economic factors. They have plans to jump into the new digital economy that is unfolding all around us in a big way. That implementation and the funding countries will receive once the GCR & NESARA/GESARA are fully implemented led to this website being created. (IMHO) Pay attention and filter what you will see through my previous statements. Please click the image below for a link to their website and see all of the phenomenal plans they have waiting in the wings for their country. As you go through the website pay attention. Notice this website was created in 2022. It mentions a new Digital Token, the GCR, The QFS and “Digital Gold”. Just a few of the many things I have written about trying to tie these all together for you. After seeing the detail and the countless hours that went into the creation of this website, do you really believe this is some joke or something that was done on a whim? I think not. It was done in anticipation of making this all happen with information they had been given about upcoming events that would allow the completion of these dreams. Timely events that have not yet come to pass.
Second case in point is the Maharlika Coin (The Philippines). In doing all of this research, I came across a lot of information that I did not know about. I copied links and downloaded as many files as I could for future reference. (If you guys could see how many files I have on my multiple computers it would blow your minds) I found this website about 6 months ago. Since then, it has been updated with a 2024 date. I can’t say for sure, but I believe the date on this website when it was created was 2019. Please click the image below for a link to their website for the token and the link to the “MHLK Foundation” website, and see all of the phenomenal plans they have waiting in the wings for their country as well as the people of the world. This token was originally planned to be on the Ethereum blockchain. This token set up all major social media accounts with links on their website. When I originally found this website, there were pictures of offices and a file to click for an application. It appears in the last couple of months they have updated the date to 2024 and removed those buttons until they can make that a reality.
As I’ve mentioned in many articles, organization and contingencies had to be in place long before “The Plan” began implementation. There are dozens of mentions of “The Plan” in the “Q” drops. Years, even decades, of planning went into preparations before President Trump was selected and elected to play his part. One of the many reasons I know this is by some of the financial preparations that were put in place before his election and immediately after his 1st term started. “The Plan”, as “Q” has reminded us numerous times, is a global endeavor. Yes, the United States plays a very important role because of the President and his worldwide influence, The Federal Reserve/World’s Reserve Currency and the gold reserves that the U.S. has control of. That being said, this is a global effort that involves more than just the “Alliance” countries I always mention with Putin, Xi and the other BRICS nations. How much actual contact was happening on a military and state level before President Trump came into the picture will probably never be known. Having said that, I have mentioned a few pieces that I will reiterate here and build on that base to show you my conclusions. Then you get to decide if I’ve lost it or maybe I found it.
I’ve showed you this document from 2015 mentioning the privilege of using these assets which they have abused for decades. It mentions the massive mounts of Gold that was being stored and used by China, the Rockefellers, JP Morgan Chase and the Rothschilds. I personally believe that this is one of the power plays that brought about the BRICS ascendancy. Trump announced he was running for President on June 15th, 2015. The plan was already in place when this notice was issued. The King was wanting to implement the ECOSOC directives that had been stifled for years.
I need for you guys to step into my shoes for a moment. When I tell you I’m reading through thousands of pages of documentation that is a true statement. Remembering key phrases, timelines and important pieces that I think may play into a future article is not an easy task. Sometimes I have to read these things a few times to have it stick. Information overload in a short time. Something else I bet most of you missed, I missed it too until I put this article together. This document above lists some things that were changed by the time they came to pass. That is why it is imperative that you keep in mind that we are still in a very fluid situation in the global war between good and evil. When the King sent this out in November of 2015 he was planning on renewing the new “Bilateral/Trilateral” agreement for 30 years. For whatever reason, by the time that document was signed by President Trump in 2017 that timeline was for 20 years from 2017-2037. Why the change? I don’t know. Possibly a shorter time span because that was all that was needed to complete this banking transition. I honestly can’t say. What I do know is that we are already 7 years into that agreement. I try not to speculate without a few facts that I can back up. Once again, here is a part of that letter I mention below that was sent to the Queen hitting home the point about that document being signed by President Trump for 20 years, not 30 years.
These notices were being sent around the world because there was finally going to be a President in place that had the moxy and the Presidential power and influence to make this happen. Knowing that military, law enforcement and political cooperation would be needed worldwide to see this plan to fruition, the King put out an offer to assist the loyal military commanders, soldiers and police that were working with the “Alliance” to complete the plan and usher in NESARA/GESARA and the ECOSOC stimulus for the citizens of the world and the global economy. Let’s speculate a little here about timing. On November 2nd, 2016, 2 days before the anticipated election of Donald Trump, the militaries and police were offered backing in terms of debt forgiveness/ liberation on a worldwide level for their participation in defending their respective countries. As near as I can figure with the exchange rates back then this was good for about $25,000-$30,000 per person. Don’t you think it’s very interesting timing?
That brings me to this next snippet of a document that starts the ball rolling about serving notice to the Globalist/Deep State Banksters and other players that have sidelined these plans for decades. Before I show these next few documents I need for you to get your head around a series of events that happened within a few months of each other in 2017 and 2018. I don’t have exact dates on some of this information, but I do know it all happened during this time frame. Some of these documents do have dates that coincide with this timeline. Remember that trip around the world that was described in detail in the brilliant video “The Great Awaking from Bonfire Guy?” That trip was to serve notice about the horrific crimes they had all committed and it was also to seize assets and power from multiple entities that capitulated to President Trump. Knowing President Trump was now on his side, the King Of Maharlika started sending out notices to the Global Elite and the Deep State/Banksters that the “Jig Was Up” and they would play ball or suffer the consequences. That trip was those consequences. Also, President Trump signing the new “Bilateral/Trilateral Agreement” gave him the power to seize those assets that had been held hostage in vaults all over the world. One week after President Trump took office this notice was sent from the King.
Later in 2017 this letter was sent out to Central Banks in all countries all over the world as well as to private banks like JP Morgan, Barclays, UBS in Switzerland and many others who had accounts holding this gold.
And the hits just keep on coming. A few months later, in the first half of 2018 starting in April, a series of letters were sent to the Kings and Queens of multiple countries, President Trump, President Xi and executives at major banking institutions worldwide. These letters were marked “Urgent”. If you remember in my article “Not that 13, The Real 13. "The Black Nobility." Know Your Enemy. The 13 Papal Bloodlines Of The Illuminati”, I showed those 13 families and the ties to the White Pope, the Gray Pope & the Black Pope of the Vatican power structure. We know the White Pope capitulated from the video and information in “The Great Awakening” video mentioned above. The Black Pope was one of the many people served notice by the King among these documents. Here are just a few of the header notices on those documents to show you what I mean. There were many more of these letters sent out.
These notices all pretty much said the same things. They list the bank accounts holding this gold in each of the respective countries and banks and how the King wanted the global ECOSOC plans initiated ASAP.
This Global Directive and ECOSOC was part of the overall plan to implement NESARA/GESARA along with their part in the QFS and many other global initiatives to finally free the planet. These plans are still in the works and are being brought to fruition in the background. You will hear about them in coming months as more and more pieces of this puzzle are revealed to the general public.
I recently located another stash of a few hundred more of these documents. I have managed to read a few of them and boy do I have more to show you. I’m currently working on a couple of more articles in the “For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents” series with all kinds of photos, receipts and financial info tracing this gold, other precious metals, diamonds and jewels in sizes and amounts that will blow your mind. I have also found a document that might possibly be the most important financial document in the history of the world. I don’t make that statement lightly and I would hate to have to eat those words. Once you see it, I’m quite certain that will be unnecessary. It’s unbelievable.
I guess the final takeaway I am wanting all of you to get from this article is that there have been, and still are, plans in place to bring about these global financial changes for the benefit of humanity. I know it’s hard living through these very tumultuous times. Many of us have struggles that test us on a daily basis. Be steadfast in your beliefs it will get better. There is so much happening behind the curtain. I am trying to do my part and show what a certain group of individuals are working on for the entire planet. The entrenched evil we are fighting is very powerful. But so are the warriors that are fighting for you. I was recently sent a very powerful meme from the brilliant Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn. It reminded me what I am trying to convey to all of you. I stopped believing the lies years ago and started on my own search for truth. That search eventually led me to this Substack and my ongoing dialogues with you. I am doing all I can to turn over every rock and hiding place on the internet in that quest. I hope you feel our time together is informative as we search for that truth together. Please subscribe, share and support my work in any way you can and take the time to catch up on some of my earlier articles so that you can put these puzzle pieces together in your own minds as well.
I have written many financial and other articles, some of which I referenced here. I am including these links because along with that money comes the power to make these changes on a worldwide basis, and I believe they are all pieces of a global puzzle of control that is needed to free the planet.
“The Exchequer.” The Hierarchy Of Money On Planet Earth
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #6”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #5”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #4.”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
If you feel my ramblings have merit, please support my work by subscribing, sharing and/or commenting below. The truth will remain secret unless we tear down the walls to the hidden chambers of history and reclaim our humanity for ourselves and future generations. Peace.
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Thank you Mica. It's a very deep rabbit hole to navigate and try to find real information. I think you and everyone else will be surprised with my next few articles. Every time I think I've found the motherload, I find something even more insightful. Peace.
We greatly appreciate your terrific research!
I have been aware and watching all of this for most of my life. You , have do a magnificent job compiling all of the data, WOWOWOW