RWA/Real World Assets. Tokens, Tokens Everywhere, No One Believes And Yet They're There. Currencies, Crypto, CBDCs, ABDCs, NFTs And A Whole Lot Of Digital Everything. The Evil CIA &"The Great Taking".
Think of this as a kind of end of year, connect the dots, article with a ton of new information you need to know.
Hey guys. I wasn’t going to write an article today, but this one is kind of going to write itself. There is so much information coming out on a daily basis it is unbelievable. I’m going to tie a bunch of stuff together for you and show you how fast your world is changing right under your noses and most of us are all blissfully unaware. There are quite literally hundreds of articles I could have chosen to show you all of these changes. Here are a few that should help acquaint you with more about these subjects.
The corporate and banking worlds are on a mission to tokenize the world ASAP as I mentioned in my previous articles “GL1-Global Layer One Asset Tokenization”, “New IMS/International Monetary System” & “Gold:ABDCS Not CBDCs”. Everything is picking up momentum for this transition with “Basel III”, “ISO20022” and other banking requirements all being implemented and enforced at an increasingly urgent rate of completion. All of these divergent pieces of the overall “QFS” puzzle are coming into the station for a rendezvous with destiny that is imminent and 2024 looks to play a major part in that transition. This process will be ongoing for years, even decades, but the usage, once a certain critical mass has been reached, is arriving quickly.
Here are a lot of things I bet most of you do not know:
Gold, Silver & other Precious Metals, Currencies, Bonds, Contracts, Futures, Inventory and so many Assets are swiftly being assayed, analyzed, valued and quantified to plug into the new financial system. Governments, Companies and Banks worldwide are scrambling for liquidity. One of the ways they will get access to more liquidity is through the “Tokenization Of Assets”.
Societe Generale Issues First Digital Green Bond as Security Token on Ethereum Blockchain.
The Future of Real-World Asset Tokenization Explained.
Real World Assets: How Tokenization is Reshaping The Future of Asset Ownership.
From the article below:
7 Key Impacts Of Tokenization: The Foundation Of Digital Financial Markets.
The U.S. economy could face ‘a perfect storm’ if Basel III Endgame goes into effect. Here’s why.
The part Crypto integration will play within the tokenization process is also an ongoing issue.
World’s First Bitcoin Bonds Receive Regulatory Approval in El Salvador.
I’m also betting that most of you are not aware of a recent Bill passed by Congress called “Deploying American Blockchains Act of 2023’’ and the planned tokenization of assets with the use of DLT/Digital Ledger Technology. Here is the 13 page Bill. as well as an article from entitled: “United States Congress Committee passes pro-blockchain bill”.
“Deploying American Blockchains Act of 2023’’.
The game is changing all around us at lightning speeds.
Have you heard of a company called R3/With their CORDA platform? They are one of the major players in the new field of “Asset Tokenization” They already have a major foothold in the markets and are working with Banking & Finance worldwide and major industry sectors involved in your world. They are just one of the many players in this new world that will integrate the old world with the new on a global scale. Integrating crypto, legacy financial systems, stocks, bonds and all of the new tokenized assets in multiple countries and across multiple platforms.
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, XRP, Stellar and many of the Crypto blockchains that are already in place will be part of the backbone for the integration into the QFS along with these these newer Global Financial blockchains.
Many of these systems need to be integrated to have the cross-border, cross platform interoperability that is needed between businesses, countries and the disparate banking systems. The need for technologies bridging blockchain-to-blockchain is ongoing. Just like R3 built Corda, another company like Stellar developed Starbridge for their integration.
The financial services sector and the customer experience are also going through some major changes and integration Here is a recent article from Fintech Magazine entitled:
What will digital transformation look like in 2024?
Countries and Governments, the IMF, BIS, World Bank, Businesses, Regulators, Politicians, Corporations and a multitude of other entities worldwide are all in a massive struggle with competing technologies and visions for the future of our world. Some of these technologies give more freedom to humanity and some enslave us. Some are centralized and some are decentralized. Some are regulated and some are still unregulated. That is where a lot of the struggles and confusion lie at this moment. We know every government wants control of their finances and their population with regulation and currencies. They need tax revenue and other income streams to justify their existence to the people by facilitating the economy. IMHO 99% of all government regulation is unnecessary if the businesses involved have a set of common guidelines in place to operate on a global level like the previously mentioned UCC/Uniform Commercial Code in my two articles: The UCC is now being corrupted to the benefit of the Globalists, but it will be easier to fix than every government and financial law in every country. IMHO.
The Uniform Commercial Code. The UCC Connection.
For Those Who Don't Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3. Remember The UCC?
I personally believe one of the reasons that “Tokens” are being used is that they are quite literally a new asset class that doesn’t quite fit into the official Central Bank/Deep State control paradigm that is already in place. Businesses and Government worldwide want desperately to get out from under the thumb of the many Globalist control mechanisms like the BIS, World Bank, IMF, The U.N. as well as the USD/World’s Reserve Currency. It is absolutely ridiculous that this charade has gone on this long. Countries are sovereign entities and shouldn’t be treated like children as long as they act respectfully to their neighbors and the world. The Globalist megalomaniacs like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Christine LaGarde, George Soros and all of the other power players should not have this level of control over anything.
Banks worldwide have started including certain Cryptocurrencies in the portfolios. They whine and complain about Cryptos all the time and yet they are embracing them because they know they are inevitable. Wrapped Tokens, Stablecoins, Bitcoin, NFTs, Tokens of all kinds and other digital assets are all becoming a big part of global Savings, Finance and Investment, both for value and stability. We should all start paying more attention as many of these new asset classes have a much lower entry point and fewer oversights than traditional investing and you don’t need to ask “Big Brother’s” permission in many cases.
As of the writing of this article, the Crypto Market is back up to almost 1.6 Trillion ( ) and that worthless Bitcoin that Jamie Dimon hates, and has, is back over $41,000. How much will all of these new “Tokenized Assets” be worth in the future? I’m betting they will be worth a lot, or else why would the Governments, Banks and Regulators be so interested in controlling and taxing that wealth? You decide.
The Donald knows and he’s at it again. Go Donald. LOL
*****Pay Attention"*****
Recently, I’ve been made aware of a phenomenal book and documentary from David Rogers Webb entitled “The Great Taking”. It literally discusses everything I have been trying to get people reading about in my articles. Debt, Derivatives, Central Banks, The Global Debt Facility, World Assets, Real Estate, Liquidity, Gold, The Importance Of The UCC To Each Of Us and so much more. It’s some of the best education you can give yourself. Understand when you watch this, it will piss you off, and it should. You should never look at the traitors in Congress and certain past Presidents the same way ever again, as they are the ones who allowed these laws to be passed. You would also do well to think of the words of our old nemesis Klaus Schwab as you hear what they have had planned for us.
I appreciate the differences in the Book and the Video. Try to get around to both of them if you get time. You won’t regret it. I like the fact that David is also a fan of Sun Tsu and this quote should make you all think of what President Trump has done to the Deep State. While there have been many traps set by the Deep State/Banking Cabal that have caused major damage to the U.S. and the world over the last few decades, I believe they are also realizing that they too have walked into a few traps left for them by “Q”, Trump and the Alliance.
You will also learn about just how evil the big banks and people like Jamie Dimon truly are. You and your family are nothing to these people. You’re not even an afterthought. If they crash your world and steal your life’s work, they don’t care. They just turn on the next banking scheme too keep going and steal another round of wealth. This has been going on for decades and the plans stretch far into the future. I honestly believe this is part of what President Trump knew was happening in the background, and it’s one of the reasons he got control of the Fed, spoke with Larry Fink at Blackrock and made that trip around the world to get control of these assets that were being leveraged against humanity. It is imperative that you consume and digest this information with an open mind and understand the depths of what we are all facing. As you watch this documentary, understand that you and I are definitely not part of “The Protected Class” of people and businesses on this planet.
Here is a copy of his book for you to read or download and the documentary. You can also get a copy of the book through the link he tells you about in the documentary.
David Rogers Webb-The Great Taking PDF
For the last few years people everywhere all keep asking the same question. I hear it on TV, social media, at the local gas station, talking to friends, in financial circles and just about everywhere. “When is everything going back to normal”? It’s never going back to “Normal”. What most people have been, and continue to call normal, is the illusion we have all been living under. They give you this life that, for the most part, is ordered and structured and you feel somewhat safe and secure with your little portion of whatever pie they decide to let you have. 40 hours a week, beer on the weekend with your buddies, a few hours spent with the family. That’s the lie they sold you while they take the wealth of the planet, write laws to steal every last ounce of freedom you have as a human being, they poison your food and water, they sell you the dream of what they want you to have and force feed it to all of us as “The Good Life”. These people are monsters, not the TV kind, real monsters. They will kill you, destroy everything in your life and not blink an eye as they abuse every single person on this planet that is not part of their little “club of evil”. We’ve all been complacent and settled for their version of “Normal”. No more. We all deserve, and should want, more than this mere existence they have foisted on each of us. I for one, don’t want their normal anymore. I want the life of freedom and real prosperity that each and every human being deserves. We are going through a period of darkness to clean up some of this evil. It’s already been a very long and arduous journey. People and sacrifices have been made in this war we are all engaged in. There is more darkness to come, but it’s all being exposed and it will get better. This global enslavement machine that has been running the world is running out of oil and gas. You can feel and hear the engine seizing up as liquidity is drained from their Deep State/Banking System of control. Patience is a virtue and it’s also necessary to rectify centuries of global propaganda and control. I’ve told you about some of it in my articles. You are seeing a lot of it everyday. What is about to happen in the coming months will be more than you can possibly imagine. Hold tight. The ride is not over, but the destination is getting nearer and clearer.
I’m not sure how many more, if any, new articles will emerge from my little noggin between now and the end of the year. It’s the Holidays for much of the world and we do have that New Year fast approaching. Enjoy your Friends and Families and all of those Celebrations of Humanity that you will take part in. Wherever you are on this planet and in your personal journey of Satori, I wish you well. May Peace & Prosperity be on the horizon for all of us.
I have been working on a very snarky, sarcastic piece about the current “Looney Tunes” we are all experiencing. I will try to finish that thought as a little “Holiday Humor” for you if time permits. Which politicians would you associate to these characters?
I’ve said it before, and I will keep referencing the many articles I have written about finance and these historical events. These are all very important puzzle pieces in this tapestry of history that I am trying to weave for all of you.
“For Those Who Don’t Believe, Here Are The Documents Part #3.”
“The Uniform Commercial Code/The UCC Connection.”
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
GL-1/Global Layer One Asset Tokenization.
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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