What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012 With World Finance And Banks? Nobody Trusted The Fed. From Alpha to Omega to Wanta. Benghazi. "Follow The Money Series"
A Few Puzzle Pieces To Consider. State & Local Currencies You Never Heard About.
OK Guys, I’m absolving myself of the guilt for taking a couple of weeks off. LOL (I really did need to recharge). This will be the third of 3 very detailed articles in a week to make up for my incommunicado status.
Human beings are funny creatures. It’s like we have a “Doom & Gloom” gene in our body that is always the first thing that activates the second bad news in announced. Remember all the hoopla a few years ago over the Mayan calendar and 2012. As with many pieces of information, it was misinterpreted and blown completely out of proportion. They never stated it was the end of the world, just the end of one time cycle and the start of another. More important than that sensationalized event, was all of the real life stuff happening to the planet involving money, freedom and hope. I’ve mentioned some of this in a few articles but let’s tie some puzzle pieces together for you. In no particular order, but the information should form a cohesive picture of events that transpired. After that we can speculate on the why, but let’s just consider this information for now.
Let’s start off with a statement. For this article, I’m filtering everything through the lens of world politics and finance. The power struggle between the Globalists and their puppets like Obama, The Clintons, Bush, Soros, Schwab and others was reaching a fever pitch after the financial crisis of 2008 had a few years to fester. The world was in serious trouble without some massive changes, especially on the financial front. Obama had already served one term to start the destruction of the country and was just starting his second. You remember part 1 of the 2 part 16 Year Plan To Destroy America with Killary. They had gotten away with 4 years of lies already and they thought they were invincible and above the law. Here’s where I will re-introduce you to some information from my previous articles and than add some more pieces you may not have thought about. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to take these links I include for deeper context. These articles I bring to the table are loaded with details. Remember, everything underlined is a link to more info.
So, we have the Queen and her evil henchmen coming to grips with these financial issues and auditing all of the gold under her control. This article is from December 14, 2012.
Queen gives Bank chiefs a ticking orf over the crash as she visits vaults.
Then there was the Office Of Inspector General/OIG U.S. Gold Audit of 2012.
Audit Of United States Gold Reserves Held By Federal Reserve Banks as of September 30th, 2012.
Then there was the most important information about the previously mentioned ASBLP IBS/Infinite Bank Statements from 2012 showing what I believe was the final audit of those accounts before a major banking transition that was supposed to take place. For those who haven’t digested that information yet, that is all of the accounts where the Borrowed/Leased/Stolen Marharlika/Philippines gold is stored in vaults all over the world for use under the original “Bilateral Minesfield Agreement” to stabilize the world’s economies.
“The Infinite Bank Statements For The ASBLP Accounts”
This is where you need to pay attention and understand how this system was set-up. It gives them (Them being the Queen/The Federal Reserve Banking SWIFT System worldwide/The Bank Of England/The IMF/The World Bank/The Committee of 300 and all of these layers of global control and influence) the control mechanisms to obfuscate, control, manipulate and use any and all banking protocols on the planet to their benefit and to the detriment of the rest of us. They let us think we get a say, but we really don’t. It’s kind of like the United Nations, the U.S. has a majority vote and the whole world can get together and vote against us and we still do what we want because we have the controlling percentages. Back to one of my favorite points I bring up in my articles. They give us “The Illusion Of Choice”, but it’s always what they want to happen because they have confiscated and held on to all of that gold and other assets.
In my “For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt. #2” article I’ve demonstrated that they have lied about the gold to make us think there is not enough to produce abundance for the planet, so we have to live with scarcity, which is a lie. I don’t think you realize exactly how big that lie is. Much of the information that I present to you is actually taken directly from the person who is in control of all of the gold in the Philippines. I have found literally thousands of pages of documents from his blogs, websites, historical archives from government websites and more. I have no reason to doubt the validity of that information as it is from the original source. I have enough info to write a hundred more articles and never duplicate the documentation. Here is a quote from this previous article.
“A final recap: almost 90 years ago, before Bretton Woods, the Vatican and the major governments of the world knew of the Maharlikan Gold. They borrowed it, stole some of it, used it to amass more wealth, used it to enslave humanity and so much more. And today, every financial number out there, when it comes to the supposed amount of gold that has ever been mined on this planet, is only a small portion of the gold we knew that is documented and existed just in the Philippines over 100 years ago. That 720,000 tonnes is not even half of the 1.6 million tonnes I also have documentation for, and there may be even more that I’m still trying to verify. (But that is another article, for another day.) Gold is still mined everyday, and how much more has been added to the tally in the last 100 years?”
I reiterated that information to bring you to a couple of other pieces of this puzzle. From my “Operation Stillpoint” article, there is a link to another article by that same name that gives you some historically accurate intel about events leading up to 2012 and why the world should have seen this massive banking change. It involved a ton of financial shenanigans from The Queen, Presidents Obama and both Bush’s, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Israel & Netanyahu, The Bank Accounts of the Ameritrust Group, Leo Wanta and more. That “Operation” and all of it’s ramifications started a chain of events that are still playing out to this day. If you have not yet read this "Operation Stillpoint” article from the Bibliotecapleyades.net website, please do.
“Operation Stillpoint”…To take Down The United States.
What many of you may not know is that on August 11th, 2010 the agreement to use all of that gold to finance the world’s economy had expired and the Central Banks and countries were scrambling to figure out what to do. This is where you need to realize that the owner of all of that gold was tired of all the treachery and lies from The Queen, Obama and these global organizations like the BIS & the World Bank. Ask yourself why he waited until 2017 when President Trump was in office to renew that agreement. Here is a quote from that previously mentioned letter to the Queen in 2018.
That also started the ball rolling for the Acceleration of BRICS and the world starting to move away from the Federal Reserve Notes as the World’s Reserve Currency. This next graphic from 2015, also from the owner of the gold, lets us know that they were being courted and leaning toward letting China take the lead in securing this gold for the world over the previously mentioned BIS/World Bank/Federal Reserve Banking system that stretches all the way back to Bretton Woods. They would still administer these funds for the world for now, but the majority was going to be stored in China. Notice it says “Will Soon Be”. I believe that did not happen until 2017 with President Trump for the above stated reasons. Having said that, I do believe from all of the documentation I have read that after the 2008 financial crisis and around 2012 much of these gold reserves started making their way to China for safekeeping. Remember I said there was more gold than you could imagine? Well, this isn’t all of it, but it’s almost triple what I told you about in previous articles. This tells you of 2.4 million metric tons. Tell me again, why it is we don’t have enough money for everyone on the planet to have a higher standard of living?
Note, that not just on an international level, but also here in this country, back in 2012 and even before, many states realized the Federal Reserve was in deep trouble. From CNN February 3, 2012: “Worried that the Federal Reserve and the U.S. dollar are on the brink of collapse, more than a dozen states have proposed using their own alternative currencies of silver and gold:” Boy, has that expanded into a financial alliance of states that continues to grow with over half of the states already signing on.
States seek currencies made of silver and gold.
Here is a list of State & Local currencies that have been used and some are still being used for decades. As you can see by the current B.S. the Federal Government is trying to foist on all of the States with mandates, taxes and laws, there are many States who realize that they have so much more power than the Federal Government to control their respective destinies.
Wikipedia/List of community currencies in the United States.
I had mentioned this in a previous article. “This” was involving the Wanta Funds.
Approximately 3 weeks later, on November 21st, another report was written by Mr. Heneghan. Please, keep in mind the context of time and the fact that this article is 11 years old as we put these pieces together. This new article not only discusses the Wanta Funds and that corruption, but also the Alpha/Omega funds as well. None of the power players wanted to release these funds for their intended purposes.
I’m now going to present with some information that was written by international correspondent Tom Heneghan about certain events that happened that play into this 2012 timeline I’m writing about. Bear in mind, these are his opinions of events, many of which I have verified and know to be true. He makes some pretty damning accusations that I personally believe are real. Benghazi will forever be a stain on Hillary Clinton’s evil legacy (perhaps that blood-red legacy is all stains) even though we have yet to see it fully play out in the judicial system. While there are geopolitical events described here, I am more wanting you to get the gist of the financial implications. I will also say one more thing before presenting you with this article. To believe that there have not been elections in the past that were fraudulent, would be foolish. Especially with the events we are all living through and the mountains of evidence (yet to be proven in a court of law) of the fraud that was perpetrated in the 2020 election. Mr Heneghan also believes that and is not shy in his beliefs. Here is the link to the article, but I will provide the full text and some of the graphics below.
IMF Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols/Implementation Continues Relentlessly.
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Wednesday November 21, 2012
IMF Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols/Implementation Continues Relentlessly.
UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that despite the Gaza-Gate compromised U.S. media diversion, the IMF, along with the Central Bank of Austria and the U.S. Provost Marshal, continue full speed with total Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols implementation.
IMF President Christine Lagarde has rejected any Timothy Geithner U.S. Treasury delay, along with any European Central Bank (ECB) co-mingling of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds, which would be designed to bail out the derivative holdings of Goldman Sachs, which controls the National Bank of Greece.
P.S. History lesson 1993: It is important to remember that the kidnapping of Ambassador Leo Wanta, when he was illegally placed in a Swiss dungeon, was directly ordered by both Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush and then Israeli Cabinet official Benjamin Netanyahu, in an attempt to raid and loot the U.S.-Israeli national security AmeriTrust account, which was designed to proceed with funding of Palestinian resettlement.
It is important to remember that it was then Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected, natural born President Albert Gore Jr. and then French President Francois Mitterrand that issued both U.S. arrest warrants and European INTERPOL Red Notices against Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge Marc Rich, who had been allowed by then First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to raid the AmeriTrust account on behalf of neocon elements in the State of Israel.
Note: Then White House Counsel Vince Foster had been working with then FBI Director William Sessions to finger what was a criminal conspiracy to stop Protocol implementation and deny the sovereign treasuries of various nations their proper credits and accruals that had been ordered and directed by Executive Orders of U.S. President Ronald Wilson Reagan and then French President Francois Mitterrand.
P.P.S. What followed was the assassination of Vince Foster ordered by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bush Crime Family Syndicate asset and Israeli Mossad agent Loraine Fine.
Then President William Jefferson Clinton illegally fired then FBI Director and American Patriot William Sessions and replaced him with Bush-Clinton Crime Family stooge Louis Freeh. This evidence is now clear cut and the extortion friendly U.S. media continues to cover this up.
P.P.P.S. At this hour, criminal brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, along with Marc Rich’s Swiss-based Glencore Commodities, continue to manipulate crude oil and natural gas prices using co-mingled Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds.
They are using cross-collateralized derivatives tied to undermargined U.S. dollar and Japanese yen cross rate manipulated valuation. In closing, folks, the problem still remains in the United States: a cancerous virus called the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate aka Bush and Bitch that control the U.S. media with their illegal use of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds.
The U.S. military needs to pivot, and PIVOT NOW !
One last note: It is important to remember that it was then Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., and then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin that helped to release Ambassador Wanta from his illegal imprisonment in a Swiss dungeon. Netanyahu then conspired to have then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated before Rabin could have the Israeli Supreme Court indict Netanyahu for money laundry and enabling the illegal conversion of funds.
Israeli patriot and war hero Yitzhak Rabin would eventually be assassinated on Israeli soil with a plot to kill him directed by none other than the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and then treasonous Israeli Cabinet official Benjamin Netanyahu.
(I will inject a thought of mine here. Could these events and how they transpired be part of the impetus for “Q” post 916 regarding “We Are Saving Israel For Last” While not the specific answer to the question posted by the Anon, I do believe it does play into matters discussed here.)
UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that White House and intelligence agency officials have admitted that the U.S. State Department facility was not a registered U.S. State Department Consulate but an unregistered diplomatic post, that was involved in arms dealing, drug trafficking and also operated a JP Morgan-Goldman Sachs trading platform linked to the Alpha/Omega Fund.
Note: The GREEN RESISTANCE attack in Benghazi, Libya took place one day after IMF President Christine Lagarde had notified U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that the unregistered diplomatic post in Benghazi was engaged in the illegal use and money laundry of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds. Christopher Stevens, and U.S. CIA Director General David Petraeus had been conducting a sting operation on behalf of the U.S. Provost Marshal against certain compromised NSA and FBI officials who were using the diplomatic post in Benghazi to engage in the aforementioned criminal activities including the actual funding of Al Qaeda terrorist groups (hello JP Morgan).
Item: As we have reported in our previous intelligence briefings, the night that the GREEN RESISTANCE attack took place in Benghazi unprecedented, massive volatility took place in gold, silver and energy futures. This was clearly Alpha/Omega Fund activity.
P.S. We can report that the current conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas is a scripted event with two goals in mind:
Take Benghazi-Gate off the radar screen
The financial goal of boasting the price of crude oil futures aka benefiting the Saudi royal family’s Citibank derivative holdings.
P.P.S. We can also divulge that Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan continue illegal manipulation of energy futures aka oil and natural gas.
Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase, as well as Marc Rich’s Swiss-based Glencore Commodities, continue to write illegal, undermargined cross-collateralized derivatives (there is no real cash involved) on the rogue London LIFFE Exchange.
Question: Are the aforementioned parties trying to pay the SEC fine leveled against British Petroleum (BP)?
Item: There is an over abundance of worldwide oil and natural gas supplies. Natural gas supplies and inventories, in fact, are at a ten-year record high.
P.P.P.S. At this hour, IMF worldwide implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols continue at full speed with the final approval of the bilateral tax agreement between the Austrian banks and the U.S. Treasury is imminent.
President Barack Obama, who is on an overseas trip, will be meeting soon with Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin concerning the $30 billion of Protocol funds owed the Russian Federation. Accordingly, massive redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets aka precious and industrial metals, as well as oil and natural gas holdings, continue with eyes over the Philippines and UBS Switzerland.
IMF President Christine Lagarde’s latest statement about giving Greece a 2- year extension on euro payments confirms that Protocol implementation involving the sovereign treasuries of European Union nations is the final and only real solution to the euro crisis. The ECB remains irrelevant.
Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will include an update on how alleged financial regulators do the bidding of financial giants like Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase at the expense of the investments of average middle class Americans.
Remember the massive cover up continues involving the illegal rigging of the LIBOR rate and the massive money laundry tied to the terrorist nation of Iran involving the aforementioned financial giants.
We will also have an update on the continued illegal NSA spying against the American People, including phone tapping and illegal monitoring of individual’s emails enabled by Microsoft.
One of the many reasons I give this article credibility, is all of the things we have seen play out since it was written. The LIBOR fraud has been terminated and replaced by SOFR. Many of the legal, political and financial events described here have been exposed and circumstances have now changed. Some for the better and some for the worse.
For decades, every time these plans to benefit humanity were supposed to happen, one of these power players like the Queen, Presidents, Treasury Secretaries, The Pope, The Committee of 300, other Foreign Leaders, Hillary and more always created chaos to derail the implementation, even though they had all signed off on their completion. This evil cabal of people and the Central Banking systems world wide held sway over anyone and everyone who had the power to release these funds. I believe that time has finally come to an end.
Many of the world’s major countries have announced that their currency is now gold/asset backed. Why has the U.S. not done that? I have a theory. For the U.S. to make that asset backed announcement it would have to acknowledge a couple of things we don’t want known just yet. #1 If the Treasury announced that it had gold/asset backed currency now, what would that do to the world and every country who holds worthless FIAT Federal Reserve Notes? The lack of faith would immediately crash the whole economy. Even if it was announced there would be a limited time to exchange them 1 for 1, everyone would rush to liquidate those Federal Reserve notes. #2 I also believe by the Treasury issuing those asset backed notes, they would be issuing them for the new “Republic Of The United States” and placing them into the new “QFS” system and removing all of that liquidity from the current SWIFT/Federal Reserve Banking system. Once again, the illusion of the Corporation vs The Republic would crash the world’s economy. There has to be another solution that is playing out behind the scenes as we speak. Some kind of timely, partial integration, and the new protocols that will allow the world to be free from the Globalist/Central Banking system using all of the gold and assets that the “Exchequer” has procured for humanity.
I need for you to think about all of the things that President Trump did to fix this 2012 debacle as soon as he got into office. I have written about all of it in my articles. His communication with Wanta. His signing of the New Bilateral/Trilateral agreement to secure the Alpha/Omega gold. His absorbing the Fed under the Treasury to get control of the infrastructure to control these assets. Then, he took that trip around the world and served notice to the Globalists they were finished and got control of the rest of the stolen assets for the occupants of this little rock we all call home. Can you say “Exchequer”? As painful as it is, there have been many benefits to allowing this Washington D.C. shitshow to continue this long. President Trump, for whatever reasons, has decided to wait out the demise of a few of the power players so the enemy would be weakened. Maybe this timeline of events was completely known from “Project Looking Glass”. The Queen has been removed from the Board, Soros has passed the torch and essentially neutered, the exposure of the stolen election and all of the ongoing corruption in American and World Politics, giving BRICS time to grow stronger and form new alliances, more time for the QFS to get up and running and work out all of the bugs, time for the remaining Deep State/Power Players to show their true colors and their allegiances from Covid to their CBDC control agenda being exposed. Most importantly, time to wind down the affairs of the U.S. Corporate entity without destroying the country. He can truly see the gameboard in a different light now with all of the corruption that has been brought forth. And, like the master chess player we all know him to be, he has finalized his moves for the endgame, which he has told us is coming. The total and irrevocable destruction of the Deep State. It has all been about shutting down the Central Bank control structure that has decimated humanity. He knows.
Some say it is a parable, others a curse. Either way, it is our reality so we should embrace it. Interesting times indeed.
All of the things that didn’t happen in 2012 were the necessary pieces to force the events that are happening now. Back to the Mayan Calendar and all of the misguided “End Of The World” stuff. 2012 was the end of the old cycle and the start of a new cycle of enlightenment for the world. Many cultures speak of the ebb and flow through the cycles of time. Empires rise and fall. Civilizations come and go. Many are lost to the sands of time. As painful as it has been thus far, we may survive our little trial by fire and come out on the other side in our “Brave New World” of NESARA/GESARA and be the better for this bonfire of the “Great Awakening” we have all lived through.
Hopefully this helps to paint a better picture for you of these historical events and timelines and their continued effects on our current reality. This series of events, global contracts, treaties, agreements all had deadlines and renewals. I believe, that after their meeting, Putin knew Obama could never be trusted. That proved to be very true. I also believe that one of the reasons that the trust and cooperation with Putin, Xi & Trump is because President Trump has kept his word to “Drain The Swamp”, even though it is taking time. Have you noticed how Trump left Russia and China alone to fulfill their part of the plan. Sure, there has been the usual political diatribe, but not on the financial front. This information also shows that the Alpha Omega/Wanta funds were being used and leveraged for nefarious purposes, instead of their original intent.
I purposely saved this thought for last. One of my previous articles talks about a new world with a new banking system that the owner of all of that gold has tried to create for all of us. Parts of NESARA/GESARA, a lifetime income, humanitarian projects to free the world from the globalists and so much more. It has been tried multiple times to be brought to fruition including 2012 when that final audit of those ASBLP accounts happened. I believe they have put in place many of the mechanisms to make that a reality as is discussed in the “Swissindo World Trust International” article I wrote, that is the first one listed below. Please read it if you have not. Many great men have tried to bring similar plans to fruition as that graphic will attest. President Trump re-signing the “Bilateral/Trilateral” agreement tells me that he will be able to accomplish a version of all of these plans. Kennedy, Soakarno, King Tiburcio Villamor Marcos Tallano Tagean IV, Trump, Putin, Xi and many other great men and women should forever be remembered for their parts in bringing us out of the shadow of the evil Central Banks and their centuries of global dominance.
Once again, a few of my previous articles, some referenced here, to give you more of that historical context that brought us to this place in time.
“Swissindo World Trust International”
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
It truly is amazing what you can find out when you “Follow The Money”.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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