Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep. These People Control Your World. But For How Much Longer? "The Evil That Men Do."
Conspiracy Theory, Secret Society, Conspiracy Fact, Not So Secret Anymore.
This will undoubtedly be one of my longest articles. It is not a subject matter that should be skirted over lightly. I believe you will feel it was worth your time. For all my subscribers, keep an eye on your email. There will be some bonus material that I will send shortly after this article goes live on Substack.
Yes, there is a list below of who those 300 are so that you may know the enemy.
Let’s start this off with a little humor. I’ve mentioned Wikipedia articles in many of my writings. Some articles on their website are a great collection of historical information, well researched and for the most part, updated. Then you get into the real stuff that the Deep State/Globalists don’t want out there and everything is labeled a “Conspiracy Theory”. That's when you know everything they are saying is complete and utter B.S. and you need to dig deeper elsewhere. Here is the completely pathetic Wikipedia page on the “Committee Of 300”. So we know where their affiliations lie. LOL.
This one has taken a long time to write. I bet I started and stopped a dozen times in the last few weeks. Information overload and pure disgust at the subject matter. It gets very depressing doing research into evil. You feel the pain that has been inflicted on humanity for centuries. Your blood boils, anger rises and you get that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach as you piece together this puzzle of domination that has befallen the human race. All that being said, let’s delve into “The Committee Of 300” and a few thoughts about this conglomerate of control.
For any meaningful discussion about this subject to take place, you have to start with the former British MI6 intelligence agent Dr. John Coleman and his unbelievably well researched book “Conspirators’ Hierarchy:The Story Of The Committee Of 300”. Notice that link to the complete book is hosted on the CIA.Gov website. That should open your eyes. I believe Dr. Coleman pulled back the curtain for the general public to have a look they never should have had. He wrote over a dozen books starting back in the 1960s delving into the “New World Order” movement and their goal of world domination. This would have to be his “coups de grâce” to the Globalists. Here is an excerpt from that book and a brief insight into his thought process. I refreshed many of the links and corrected a few dead ones to the underlined information in this excerpt. I think you will find that this is the ongoing playbook for the enslavement of humanity. I’m quite certain Klaus Schwab and many of the Committee mentioned here sleep with it under their pillows as these “Delusions Of Grandeur” populate their dreams.
Extracted from "Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" by John Coleman
1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.
3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.
4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski’s Red Terror look like children at play.
5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society". Excepted are the computer- and service industries. US industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. As we saw in 1993, this has become a fact through the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA. Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction, will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the "excess population" process we know of today as Global 2000 Report.
6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an "art-form", which will be widely accepted and, eventually, become quite commonplace.
7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot’s genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome’s research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.
8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments currently being scorned and ridiculed by the Illuminati and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Illuminati’s conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch, properly used, could create unlimited and as yet untapped natural resources, even from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion, and would benefit mankind in a manner which, as yet, is not even remotely comprehended by the public.
9. To cause. by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters". The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050.
10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy".
11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the US, an agency for Crisis Management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first enclosed in 1980.
12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters such as the Rolling Stones (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility), and all of the Tavistock-created rock groups which began with the Beatles.
13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company’s servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God’s chosen people", and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.
14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of Sam" type. It is worth noting that the late Khomeini was a creation of British Military Intelligence Div. 6, MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US Government implemented to put Khomeini in power.
15. To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion. This began with the "Jesuit Liberation Theology", that brought an end to the Somoza Family rule in Nicaragua, and which today is destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war". Costa Rica and Honduras are also embroiled in revolutionary activities, instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology, is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll’s so-called nuns in El Salvador a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the Government of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government, which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and placed a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South Africa.
16. To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos.
17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.
18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.
19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.
20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi, who persuaded the Italian and US Governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnappers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he ever break that silence, he will no doubt be mad "a horrible example of", in the manner in which Henry Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.
21. To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach "Outcome Based Education" (OBE).
Now, let’s take a little trip through history to trace this “Cabal Of Evil” through to modern times: Did you ever wonder where the phrase “The Sun Never Set On The British Empire” came from?
“The saying “The Empire on which the sun never sets” has been used to explain the vastness of the British Empire. Between the 18th and 20th century, the British Empire acquired more territories making it the largest empire in history. The Empire had establishments in Africa, Asia, Europe, America, and numerous Islands across the globe. Historians established that roughly 25% of the earth landmass was in control of the British. The region was so extensive that at any one time there was daylight in one of the territories.
The phrase was first made by Fray Francisco de Ugalde, Spanish, to King Charles 1. The phrase was later used when Britain acquired other territories. In 1852, Alexander Campbell used the phrase to express the dominion of Britain and America.
The foundation to conquer the world was laid between 1497 and 1583. In 1496, the king of England Henry VII commissioned the first explorers. Led by John Cabot, the explorers began the journey in 1497 with the mandate to discover a shorter route to Asia through the North Atlantic Ocean. Queen Elizabeth 1 encouraged exploration leading to conquering more lands and acquiring treasures from the new world.
Though Spain and Portugal were the first to conduct global explorations through voyages, Great Britain overtook them as buccaneers and forcefully proceeded from the established overseas posts. The British soldiers were more organized and attacked trade forts and posts of the other Europeans.
The notable conquers occurred between 1583 and 1783. This was during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and the heir James VI when Britain took over North America and some Caribbean islands. In 1651, the parliament passed a law that stated that only English ships would be allowed to trade in the English colonies. The decree ensured that trade routes were under their control.
The empire experienced rapid expansion between 1815 and 1915. More than 10 million square miles and about 400 million people were added. This period also saw the conquering of Napoleon who was the main challenger. Britain was also unrivaled in the sea and became the first nation to experience industrial revolution hence dominated world trade. The steamship as well as the telegraph technology made Britain to become a world-leading superpower.
The constant war in the sea and on land as well as a rivalry with Spain, Portugal, Russia and French weakened the empire. Towards the 20th century, the United States which had now achieved independence from the British began challenging Britain’s economic power. The tension between Britain, Germany, and France led to the First World War in 1914. Despite Britain achieving more territories from the first and Second World War, the financial, military, and manpower was greatly strained. Some countries had started gaining independence making the empire lose on valuable resources. The Cold War in later years weakened Britain.”
Just so you know, the “Committee Of 300” grew out of the British East India Company's history. The drug trade started with the British East India Company and was closely followed by the Dutch East India Company. Both were controlled by the "Council of 300."
Let’s go back to the beginning with the “History of the East India Company” The East India Company was formed in 1600 and dissolved in 1874. 275 years of brutal terror inflicted upon the entire world.
The East India Company was chartered by the British Royal Family and became the largest company in the world on the backs of the international slave trade and the sale of drugs and opium. As part of that “Empire” that the sun never set upon, it needed money. The East India Company made a lot of it for that “Global Empire” expansion and their “conquer and enslave” philosophy. The EIC has got to be one of the most wicked, evil companies to have ever existed. The human suffering inflicted on countless millions is unimaginable. For those of you so predisposed to continuing the education started in this article, I highly recommend the extremely dark and brutal BBC series “Taboo” which I personally believe is a quite accurate portrayal of this era and atrocities committed by the East India Company on many people throughout history. You will no doubt notice the EIC banner hanging there for all to see. (As I’m writing this, it occurs to me that someone in the Committee of 300 is making money off of the sale of their brutal history with the world as entertainment. On that front I have to apologize, for I am guilty of “Feeding The Beast.”)
The East India Company murdered, raped, pillaged and plundered its way across the globe back in the day at the behest of the "Council of 300” and their British Royalty overlords. Why would we think the current version with the “Committee Of 300” would be any less cruel with its actions or intent?
Now, on to the modern day version of this evil group of 300:
I found a few articles with this same list along with various other information on multiple websites. Everything that I have seen corroborates that this was an accurate membership list at the time. I like the format from the website best. No fluff or side ads just the real info. Why are Religious leaders, former Presidents, Kings, Queens and other World leaders, political appointees like Treasury secretaries and Military generals, captains of industry and Globalists like Bill Gates, George Soros and all of these other people a part of this group? They are the wealthy elite that control the majority of the world’s politics, population, businesses and wealth. Being as The Queen was the “Chairman” of the Committee Of 300, Did that make these people her lapdogs? They definitely served at her pleasure.
So here’s a hypothetical for you. The Queen, moving her chess pieces around on the global chess board, was unhappy with one of her Colonies and the current leader wasn’t doing everything she wanted. All she has to do is contact the committee members and have them ruin that leader, crash the economy or whatever she wanted and institute change. Do these 300 collaborate to control markets, countries and every aspect of the world? Most certainly. By hook or by crook. I would have to say by crook because most of the participants are crooks for certain. Criminals one and all. Why else would they be a part of this little committee of chaos and carnage?
Here is that article from 2015. I do believe that list was current sometime between 2010-2015. We know the Queen has passed away and I’m certain there are a few others that are no longer there as well. I’m also quite certain you will see many names you know. Remember I have shown you the financial documents that show this group has signed off on NESARA/GESARA and the GCR/Global Currency Reset but they have blocked them from ever coming to fruition. I do believe that is about to change. Know these people for what they are. They are your oppressors. They are an assembly of the influential and wealthy of society, religion, government and industry brought together as an evil cabal to enslave humanity.
Please take this link and see who your real enemies are:
The Committee Of 300. Who Are They?
Remember that power pyramid from my “Not That 13/The Black Nobility” article? They have their place in the pecking order right above all of those “Think Tanks” that I will delve deeper into in an upcoming article. With their exalted positions in life they should be the guardians and protectors of the planet, instead they are the gatekeepers to this prison world they have created. No morals, no humanity, it’s all about the power and money. Just like the original “Council Of 300” from the East India Company, they have been put in place to control and manipulate the world’s resources through stock markets, global shipping, trade, the pharmaceutical industry, media companies and many others. They have one goal and one goal only. Subjugate, Manipulate, control, enslave, bilk or exterminate every single person on this planet. If they can’t control us, use us, or steal our wealth, they figure out a way to kill us all one way or another. It is undeniable, and yet here we are.
All of the conquered British satellites worldwide are ready to throw off the centuries of oppression and reclaim their heritage that was taken by the Evil Empire. Since the Queen is no longer in charge, I believe you will see more and more countries repudiate any connection to any British heritage or authority.
“Bharat” is an ancient Sanskrit word that many historians believe dates back to early Hindu texts. The word is also used as a Hindi option for India. Officials of Modi’s right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) back the change in nomenclature. They argue that the name “India” was introduced by British colonials and is a “symbol of slavery”. The British ruled India for about 200 years until the country gained independence in 1947.
The government replaces India with a Sanskrit word in dinner invitations sent to guests attending this week’s summit, causing an uproar.
Over the last few years many of these countries have cut all ties, both formally and informally, with the Monarchy.
Barbados to remove Queen Elizabeth as head of state.
We know that President Kennedy was very aware of the Deep State/Nazi influence in his government. He knew of these committees of evil that were working against him and the U.S.
President Kennedy’s speech to the America Newspaper Publisher’s Association regarding “Secrecy & Secret Societies”.
If you would like to read JFK full text of that speech from the JFK Library.
The President and the Press: Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961.
I have purposely saved this piece for last. I wanted to give you some background and context to let you see who these people are. Here is the 1994 seminar from Dr. John Coleman himself talking about the “Club Of Rome” & “The Committee Of 300”. I think you will find this to be one of the most informative seminars you have ever seen. I can only applaud Dr. Coleman for his research and bravery.
Just more proof of the power and control that was held over the burgeoning Republic during the American Revolution. The British knew the power of symbolism. They used it against us and everyone else.
For those of you who may not have read my previous articles related to these subjects, here is some reference material with links. Dr. Coleman goes into great detail about the control mechanisms like “The Tavistock Institute”, The CIA, United Nations, The Queen & Serco and many of the subjects I have written about. It’s all about the money and resources and maintaining that “Illusion Of Freedom” we have all come to believe is real. It is not. We are manipulated and controlled from the cradle to the grave by pure evil. I do believe that “The Great Awakening” will expose and correct that situation as it continues to unfold.
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“Allen Dulles/The Devil’s Chessboard”
“Before There Was “Q”/Tavistock & Your Mind”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
A few final thoughts on this subject:
Since the Queen’s death, is this committee still an active group? If so, who is the new chairman? Will the power vacuum created by her death create division or consolidation among these members? With this many egos, I’m quite certain there will be a power struggle. The power and reach of the Queen with all her resources and intimidation was enough to keep all these power players in check. Will their greed and lust for more power be their undoing? How much of this control was ceded to President Trump on that trip around the world? Please, if you get the time, read “The Conspirators’ Hierarchy/The Committee of 300” and/or watch the seminar above from Dr. Coleman. It is fascinating research and information. As time passes we will all have our chapter in history, be it great or small. I believe these people and many of the other evil power players on this planet will not be remembered favorably for the company they have kept. I may be foolish to believe that someday soon we will all live in a better world. (I have been a fool more than once in my life). Maybe I am just naive.
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
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