Gold. Trump & Jackson. I Prefer Specie To Currency. The "Specie Circular" & "Specie Payment Resumption Act". Senate Resolution 62: Contracts Payable In Gold/Parity. "The Great Gold Robbery Of 1933."
Executive Order #6102. Now, Why Would They Do That? We're Still Paying The Price Today." (Follow The Money Series)
****(Please Pay Attention: All Underlined Links Are For Articles. Check Them Out For Context And More Of That Historical Education We All Need)****
History, what a teacher. If only the class would pay attention. To get to the future you have to build a bridge from the past. I keep trying to show you guys how we got here and where we’re going. Here are a few more lessons you may have missed. I won’t lie to you, this is a lot of information to take in. It took me a few days to research and read the info I have included here as well as a ton of other stuff I looked into over time. I’ve condensed it down as much as I can for you. Put on the coffee and get comfortable if you really want to know about “Specie” & “Gold”.
Andrew and Donald. We all owe a great debt to these two Presidents. More on that later.
Hey guys, It’s “Wake-Up Call Anthony” here. How are you? I had a buddy tell me recently “I really like your articles, but what is up with all of this talk about gold?”. After restraining myself mentally, (although I did have to catch my arm going up to slap him into reality) I told him I would put together a little more information to maybe activate that dormant “Gold” brain-cell in his mind. It has to be in our DNA somewhere.
My Dad was a coin collector. I remember holding those beautiful Saint Gaudens Gold $20 Double Eagle Coins. If I remember that far back (over half a century is a long time ago) they were 1908 coins. Here is a tale of woe for you to think about as we start this particular “Journey Of Satori” together. (Click On The Graphic To Enlarge)
Many people believe that almost everything they’ve done with gold has been illegal for over a century (As do I). One of the reasons I have been following the money is not about the money itself but a different “Specie” called “GOLD”.
10 Years ago, Texas gave D.C. a wake up call, or a (Screw You) as it were. Hands off our gold. That started a process that we will all be thankful for very soon. Those plans have come to fruition along with a few more pieces.
Here is a lot of history for you about Executive Order 6102 on Wikipedia:
Executive Order 6102.
Here are a few videos and clips as well as the Original “Fireside Chat” from 1933 on the banking crisis with President Roosevelt. Also, here is an excellent article that goes into more detail, that you should read, from the Mises Institute entitled:
“The Great Gold Robbery of 1933.”
Franklin Roosevelt - Fireside Chat #1, On the Banking Crisis (1933)
They manipulate currency. They manipulate laws. They manipulate everything in our world that we think isn’t manipulated. Why would gold be any different?
We know the precious metals markets have always been manipulated. Many times by our old buddy Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan Chase. You remember Jamie, he’s the one that supposedly stole that 3 trillion dollars with Obama, (I had to to put that word in, but you and I both know he did it. It just hasn’t been proven in court yet) that I wrote about in my article “Hey Obama, Where’s That 3 Trillion Dollars?”. One of the reasons I believe what I wrote in that article is because we do have plenty of proof of Mr. Dimon’s other illicit activities. What’s an almost billion dollar fine to one of the biggest thieves in history? It’s not even his money and he didn’t go to jail. Does any of us really believe that as long as this manipulation was going on, there’s wasn’t some Federal Reserve/U.S. Treasury collusion at some level that was not only allowed, but was encouraged and facilitated by all parties involved? Just the cost of doing business.
JPMorgan to pay $920 million for manipulating precious metals, treasury markets.
Back in 2021, a brilliant writer named Chris Powell wrote 2 articles for the website. Fantastic writing and research. Please, please, please take the time to read them and understand how we have all been manipulated, along with gold, for thousands of years.
Part #1
Gold market manipulation: Why, how, and how long? (2021 edition - Part 1)
Part #2
Gold market manipulation: Why, how, and how long? (2021 edition - Part 2)
Now, I have a question for all of you. Have you ever heard of a “Gold Clause"?
What Is a Gold Clause?
From the above article:
“A gold clause is a provision within a contract that requires consideration to be paid in gold or another particular type of currency upon request.
A gold clause is a provision within a contract that requires consideration to be paid in gold or another particular type of currency upon request. The creditor can insist on payment either in gold or another type of currency equivalent to gold.
Why Insist On Gold?
Creditors involved in long-term contracts benefit from gold clauses when there are concerns about inflation, changes in government, war, or other events that may change the value of commonly exchanged currency. These clauses were popular in the early 1900s until President Roosevelt issued regulations aimed at helping the country recover from the Great Depression.
In 1913 the Federal Reserve act mandated that all Federal Reserve Notes, also known as “paper money” needed to be backed by the gold that was in the possession of the federal government. Roosevelt believed that issuing more money would help the economy, so he banned the private ownership of gold and required that it be given to the federal government in exchange for paper money. It became illegal to possess more than 5 ounces of gold.
As a result of this regulation, Congress passed a resolution that made it no longer possible to enforce any gold clauses written into contracts. In 1974, President Ford made it legal again to own gold, and therefore made it possible to enforce gold clauses in contracts.
Gold Clauses & Usery Laws:
Gold clauses are rarely included in contracts today because many states have ruled that they violate usury laws. The U.S. government is prohibited from paying out gold coin; people who have U.S. coins and paper money may exchange them only for coins and paper money of equal value. Because it is illegal to demand unreasonable amounts of interest on an obligation, and requiring payment in gold might constitute a violation of that law, the government does not give consent for any of its agencies or employees to enforce gold clauses.
Currency's value no longer rests on the metallic content of the coin. Claims for payment by the U.S. government may not involve any payments of amounts greater than the face value of coins or currency. Even obligations from loan contracts with gold clauses are only subject to payment in the U.S. currency that is considered legal tender at the time payment is rendered.
Why Gold Clause Contracts Are Beneficial:
In the 1930s, both federal and state governments were in chaos due to the struggle to maintain economic stability and liberty. A Supreme Court ruling in 1934 in Homebuilding and Loan Association v. Blaisdell determined that it was legal for states to change contract terms when needed, due to difficult economic conditions.
When President Roosevelt signed the order to confiscate privately owned gold, four cases referred to as the Gold Clause Cases were ruled on by the Supreme Court:
Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
United States v. Bankers Trust Co.
Nortz v. United States
Perry v. United States
The point of these cases was to make gold clauses invalid and unenforceable. The result of the Supreme Court's decision was that the concept of “sanctity of contracts” was not a reality, but just empty words. Based on this decision, if the government did not approve of the terms of a contract, it might not be enforced in a court of law. Therefore, the contract itself would be invalid.
Although there have been court cases ruling that states did not have the power to make contracts invalid, the result of these four “gold clause” contracts was that Congress had the power to regulate money, and gold clause contracts fell into this category. The ruling stated that gold clauses affected Congress' ability to control the monetary system.
States, however, can take steps to protect gold clause contracts and their enforcement. In two recent cases, Bronson v. Rodeo and Butler v. Horowitz, the court's decision stated that contract clauses were allowed to name specific types of payment and to not accept any substitutes. Payment requirements can be specific, such as mandating gold or silver coin, even as much as a specific type of coin or a specific country's currency. This type of guarantee is the most important, central factor in gold clause contracts' usefulness and reliability.”
That brings me to the next piece of this puzzle. A very interesting 14 page read about Gold, Currency & Parity from the 1st session of the 73rd Congress in 1933 entitled:
”Senate Resolution 62: Contracts Payable In Gold.”
Here is brief excerpt from the article above.
“A parity law therefore is a necessary complement to the currency laws.
The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law, and subordinate to the necessities of the State. The fact that citizens, at a given time, may prefer specie to currency, or vice versa, can not prevent Congress from enacting those laws which it deems necessary to the maintenance of a proper monetary system. If the law makes specie and currency equivalent for purposes of payment, a failure to pay a given sum in specie, according to contract, cannot possibly beget an obligation to pay a greater sum in legal-tender notes, whatever premium men may choose to five for gold, when forced to obtain it for a specific purpose, or when impelled by a spirit of speculation, or by a distrust of Government. (Brown v. Welch, supra.)”
Let’s go a little further back in history to a few pivotal events that brought us here.
Now we come to what I believe is probably the most important part of this article. When we get into terminology and legalese, that’s where everyone gets confused. It is no coincidence that the Deep State/Banksters try to confuse things for their benefit. They buy off Congress to write laws with thousands of pages of (what If this and if that happens, and in case of and all other kinds of) confusing language. Funds, Money, Currency, Cash, Credit and something called “Specie” have all been used to facilitate their financial shenanigans for centuries. Your average person doesn’t know the difference in money and currency or any of these other words. All of these financial terms have different Monetary meanings, Legal ramifications, Tax implications and so much more. Here are two very import pieces of financial history that you would do well to educate yourself about.
First a question. Among the many things they share in common, what is probably the most important similarity between President Andrew Jackson And President Donald Trump? Answer: The takedown of the Central Banks. We have Andrew Jackson to thank, after the “Bank War”, for the “Veto” of the extension to the “Charter For The Second Bank Of The United Sates”.
President Jackson Killed The Rothschild Bank And The United States Flourished. President Jackson Also Survived An Assassination Attempt By The London Banking Mafia.
We also have President Jackson to thank for The “Specie Circular”, which is a United States presidential executive order issued by President Andrew Jackson in 1836 pursuant to the Coinage Act of 1834. It required payment for government land to be in gold and silver. It is one of the very important tools he used to get rid of the Bank. Please read below.
“The Specie Circular”
Fast Forward to 1875 and another very important piece of legislation was drafted called “The Specie Payment Resumption Act” of January 14, 1875. It was a law in the United States that restored the nation to the gold standard through the redemption of previously-unbacked United States Notes and reversed inflationary government policies promoted directly after the American Civil War. The decision further contracted the nation's money supply and was seen by critics as an exacerbating factor of the so-called Long Depression, which struck in 1873. Please read below.
“The Specie Payment Resumption Act”
The public even knew this was so important that there was a song written about it in 1870 by George Cooper & Harry Miller called “Specie Payment”.
When Trump moved into the White House on 20 January 2017, he immediately hung a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office. The current U.S. President has made no secret of the fact that the seventh U.S. President is both his role model and his idol. Trump’s chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, has repeatedly compared Trump to Jackson.
Trump and Jackson both knew that the country could never truly be free if we answered to a Central Bank for our money. Jackson did his part and for decades, the country was freed from the puppet masters. In many of my previous articles, I bring you up through the decades and centuries with all of the machinations involving gold and the banking systems worldwide. Kennedy, Reagan and others have tried to free us from the Central Banks for decades. Fast forward to 2016 when DJT was elected. The Deep State and the Banksters were terrified, and for good reason. I’m pretty sure they knew their days were numbered at that point. Here is the link for the 5 “Q” drops referencing Central Banks. “Q”-Central Banks. When the key domino falls, they all go down.
Let’s pay particular attention to drop #2807:
President Trump is going to finish his part of the Jackson/Trump dual plan of taking down the Central Bank, not just here, but worldwide. I personally believe this insane, Twilight Zone reality we are currently experiencing is all because of that one goal and the necessary steps to expose, weaken and destroy the current Global Deep State Banking Cabal. As I have referenced in many of my articles, President Trump has gotten control of the “Gold” and other “Specie” of this planet during his “Trip Around The World”, as well as control of the Federal Reserve by absorbing it into the U.S. Treasury, thus gaining control of the World’s reserve currency and all of the power that entails.
Don’t you find it funny that the Government has always known how worthless Central Bank currency was? The Government always wanted to be paid back in valuable “Specie” but they always want us to take worthless FIAT money.
I’ll leave you with a couple of thoughts from “Q” drop #2807 above and Sun Tzu/The Art Of War: We are at a very special place and time in the history of Humanity.
Yes, it is taking time. Much more time than any of us thinks it should. We are focused on the battle we see before us on a daily basis, while President Trump and his allies are focused on winning the War to free the world from the evil Central Banks. In this instance, the river of time and all of the corruption, pain, deceit, manipulation and control that have been used against humanity will bring us our prize if we are patient and trust “The Plan”.
I’ve said it before, and I will keep referencing the many articles I have written about finance. These are all very important puzzle pieces in this tapestry of history that I am trying to weave for all of you.
“The New IMS/International Monetary System”
“What Was Supposed To Happen In 2012”
“Swissindo World Trust International”
The “QFS”/Quantum Computing And The Financial System
“The Committee Of 300/The Company You Keep”
“The Inner Sanctum/Serco-The Queen & Her Evil Empire”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#1”
“For Those Who Don’t Believe Pt.#2/The Gold”
“JFK:The Green Hilton Agreement”
“The Royal Kingdom Of Maharlika”
“Not That 13, The Real 13/The Black Nobillity”
Never forget “The Truth Doesn’t Come Looking For You In A Forest Of Lies, You Must Seek It Out To Ever Find It”.
As always,
Until Next time, when we will delve into …….
If you feel my ramblings have merit, please support my work by subscribing, sharing and/or commenting below. The truth will remain secret unless we tear down the walls to the hidden chambers of history and reclaim our humanity for ourselves and future generations. Peace.
After reading this, depending on your opinions of my blatherings, those wishing to contribute to my ongoing coffee addiction, the “Delusional Therapy Bills” fund for my medical treatments, or if you are not yet comfortable with a paid subscription but you enjoy my work and would like to read more, then please make a one-time donation and buy me a coffee. Your support means so much and will allow me to devote more time to research as we continue on with our journey of enlightenment.
Thank you again for your kind comments. Perhaps they will. I can only pull back the curtain and show them what lies beyond. The rest of the journey is on them. Peace.
I can tell by your comment that your are well read. It is truly amazing what things we can learn and discern from paying attention to history. The Baron Trump novels as well as "The Last President" have lessons to teach us all. I commend you and I thank you for your comment. If we have learned nothing else, we should "Q"uestion everything.